You get too close (Dean)

By bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 18

5.2K 152 88
By bilboaaa

A/N: GUYS! Please comment below to answer this question because it's important. Would you guys like to see Aymie's P.O.V next chapter? Or should I just stick to Dean and Sadie's P.O.V's? PLEAAAAAASEEEEE TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS.

// Sadie //

Today is Wednesday,Which means that I have an off day. I also have tomorrow off,So I decided I'd rest up in my hotel room. Somehow,When I plan to do that,It never happens. It became clear to me that this would be yet another failed attempt at rest when someone began banging at my door.

I groan before yelling 'It's Open!' As loud as I possibly can.

A few seconds later,Naomi's friendly face pops up and I smile at her. "Hey girly." She says.

"Hey,What's up?" I ask curiously.

"Oh you know,Nothing much. I just came to check up on you because I know our recent workouts have been a little hard on you." She says. Hm. Something is definitely off. "Thanks." I smile.

"Yeah no problem..." She says. "So..."

"Is there something else?" I giggle.

"Well...Maybe." She grins. "You like wearing dresses right?"

"Um...Well I don't exactly love wearing dresses but the right one,Yeah." I shrug.

"Right...Right." She nods. "Okay,Let me just be straight forward with you. Me and the Bellas are going dress shopping in a few minutes and we want you to tag along because we know you'd be a big help. I mean,Fashion is obviously one of your strong suits and we could use a few opinions...And a mannequin." She explains.

"A...Mannequin?" I ask.

"Well,We shop weirdly. See,We want you to come with us because we'll need your opinion,But we also want you to come with us because we want you to try the dresses on so we can see if it'd look good on us." She says.

"Right...Do you always shop like that?" I ask with a nervous laugh. I'm not sure about this. I like hanging out with Naomi but I've never really spent that much time with the Bellas and I'm not sure if they'll like being around me. Besides,If we're trying on dresses then I know they'll be tight dresses and unfortunately,I'm not entirely sure I have the body for that. I'll look like a bag of potato chips next to three gorgeous women.

"Well...No only for special occasions." She smiles.

"Oh,What's the special occasion?"

"Um,There's this WWE event thing and-Look it's a long story. Will you please just come with us? Please please please?" She asks,Pouting slightly. I laugh before shrugging and standing up to stretch. "Sure,What the heck. I wasn't doing anything anyways."

"Great! Thanks so much Sadie!"


"So red is a good color on us and blue is an extremely great color on Naomi." Nikki smiles. I nod,Taking another dress into my arms. We've been in this store for close to an hour and they've still not found a dress they like. I'm starting to think I'm just a bad model,Though they've said otherwise. Brie and Nikki are much nicer than I ever could've imagined. They play their heel characters damn good on TV but in real life,I couldn't find anyone sweeter if I tried.

"Okay,So why don't you go try some of these on and then we'll see. Hopefully we'll find the one in this stack because we know you're probably getting tired of trying stuff on." Brie laughs. I shake my head. "No it's fine,Really. I'm just enjoying being out." I laugh. "Well thanks for doing this. Me and Nicole didn't know you were so nice,We would've invited you out with us a long time ago!" She smiles.

I just grin at her before walking towards the dressing room again. I really am having fun. Trying clothes on can be pretty tiring,Especially when it's dresses. Them son of a bitches take forever to zip up. But at the same time,It's nice to see yourself in brand new clothes.

"How about this one?" I ask after slipping on a long blue dress. "No. I'm sure I won't look all that flattering in it." Naomi laughs. "You on the other hand looks great." Nikki compliments. "Thanks." I smile.

After trying on four more dresses,I finally come out in the second to last one. It's black and has lace at the top of it. They all gasp before nodding their heads. "We'll get it for Nikki." Brie says. I nod.

"Now we've got to find you guys a dress." I say,Looking between Brie and Naomi.

"Actually,We ended up liking some we saw earlier. But we'll come back for them later because we've gotta go." Naomi says,Looking at her phone. I shrug before nodding.


"So,Why am I putting on makeup?" I ask in confusion.

"Well,I want to see what makeup I should wear with the dress and you have a great skin complexion,Just a little bit darker than mine so..." Nikki drifts off. "You have really great lips."

"Thanks?" I mumble.

"You're welcome. We're almost done. I just have to put one more layer of lip stick...And...We're done!" Nikki squeals before standing back to look at her work. Brie and Naomi come out of the hotel kitchen to take a look as well.

"Oh,You look gorgeous Sadie!" Naomi gushes. "Oh,Try this purse with the outfit Nikki." She says,Handing Nikki a purse. Nikki puts the purse on my shoulders and smiles largely as theres a knock on the door. Brie runs to get it as Nikki grabs my phone off the table.

"You have to instagram this." She giggles. I laugh as we start taking selfies together and she makes me do all kinds of poses,As if I'm in a photo shoot of some sort.

"Well isn't this nice?"

I gasp,Turning quickly to see Dean standing there with his hands in his pockets. "Hi." I squeak out. He chuckles before walking towards me,Looking me indiscreetly up and down. "Hi. You look amazing,Sadie." He smiles.

"T-Thanks." I mumble. I can feel my face flushing. I don't know why. I guess it's because I wasn't expecting him to see me like this. "So what are you doing here?" I ask. "Well Naomi called me and told me I could come now." He laughs.


"We set this whole thing up. Dean asked Naomi yesterday if she would take you out shopping for a dress,But he told her not to tell you that it was for you. And since me and Brie were dying to hang out with the newest and cutest face around here,We asked Naomi if we could tag along." Nikki giggles.

"Plus,Naomi said she'd need help with the makeup and everything." Brie smiles. "Wow. This is super cool. Thanks." I smile. This was kind of sweet of them. "Why do I need a dress though?" I ask curiously. "A I going to the event? Is the event a real thing?" "No. I mean once we do start having major events again,I'm sure you'll come along to them,But there's not one anytime soon." Naomi says.

"Yeah. But you still needed a dress for tonight,Because I'm taking you out on a date. If that's okay with you." Dean smirks. "I mean...I'm a busy woman,I could've had plans." I laugh. "Alright,No I was just gonna watch spongebob. Let's go." I giggle.

After waving goodbye to the girls,Dean pulled me out of the room before intertwining his hand with mine. We walk into the elevator and wait for it to close.

"So where are we going?" I ask softly.

"Don't you know how cliches work?" He asks,Chuckling as he looks towards me. I groan and roll my eyes. "It's a surprise?" I huff. He nods. "Bingo." "Can I try to guess where we're going?" I ask. I don't particularly enjoy surprises. They make me anxious. I'm impatient when it comes to the,.


"Dean." I whine. "Are we going to a lake?"


"A pool?"

"Nope. "

"A river?"


"An ocean?"

"Why do you want to be near water so bad?" He laughs as we walk out of the elevator and out of the lobby doors. "I don't. I'm just starting with the basics." I shrug.

"Hello,Sadie. You look stunning." Seth says. He's standing in front of a nice car,Holding the door handle. I laugh as I notice he's got on a suit and white gloves. He looks very fancy. "Thank you,Seth. You look great too." I smile. "Ahem." Dean coughs. "I'm not paying you to stare at Sadie." He whisper yells to Seth. "You're not paying me at all." Seth growls. "You're lucky that I'm here. I'm only doing this for Sadie."

I giggle as they both put their smiles back on and Seth opens the door,Ushering me in. Once me and Dean are inside the car,Seth closes the door and then gets in the passenger seat. "Oh you look great Sadie." Roman smiles from the driver side. He's wearing a drivers hat that I can't help but laugh at. "Thanks." The ride is quiet and goes by quickly. Seth and Roman chatter quietly in the front and I only look out of the window,Taking in all the beautiful sights and wondering where the heck we're going.

"So uhm,May I ask the driver where we're going?" I ask shyly. "You may not." He laughs. "I'm under strict orders not to tell you. We're almost there though." "Curses." I sigh. Dean laughs from beside me before covering it up with a cough. "Curses." He mutters before laughing again.


"M'lady." Seth smiles after opening my door for me. "Actually. MY lady." Dean says coming to stand beside me. "And you were supposed to open my door too you know." "Well unfortunately,I don't give a rat's ass about you and like I said,You're not paying me-" "I'll pay you Seth. I'll pay you in fives." Dean says holding his fist up.

"Ignore them baby girl." Roman sighs,Holding his arm out for me to take. "They're idiots."

"Um excuse you." I hear Dean yell. "This is my date you know. You guys can leave now."

"Um excuse YOU. We ain't going no where. We had to drive you here,So we're going to stay and eat." Seth says.

"Aw how nice. A double date." Dean says sarcastically.

Roman opens the door of the restaurant up for me and lets me walk in first. "Table for Two,Reservation Ambrose." He says. The woman nods before telling me to follow her. I can feel Dean's hand slip around my waist as we walk towards the back of the restaurant. Once we're seated,The lady tells us that our waitress will be over in a few.

"Dean this place looks so expensive." I say,Glancing around.

"Is this okay? Do you like fancy stuff?" He asks nervously.

"This is really cute and really sweet and thanks for the effort. Fancy stuff is cool every once in a while,So I really appreciate this. But for future references,I'm perfectly okay with having a burping contest in our PJs after we eat chipotle." I wink.

"Well that's kind of really nice to know. I've been stressing about this date a lot." He chuckles.

"Well you shouldn't have. I'm grateful for the simplest things really." I smile.

"Hi! I'm Danielle,I'll be your waitress today. Do you guys know what you'll be having tonight?" A young waitress asks. "Oh...Oh crap. I was supposed to say that after giving you the menus. Shit. Oh,Sorry." She blushes. I giggle.

"It's okay sweetheart. You new to the job?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah,I'm saving money for college and this pays good so...Yeah! Uhm-Sorry."

"It's okay. I worked in a restaurant once. I ended up spilling coffee on three customers. They were butt holes...But it was an accident." I giggle.

She smiles softly before handing us our menus and mumbling a thank you before walking off.

"She was so cute." Dean chuckles. "I-I mean,Not-I mean-"

"Calm down." I laugh. "She was cute. You should really relax,Ambrose I won't bite."


"I simply say,baby. Oh baby. My sweet baby.You're the one!" I sing,Throwing my arms around Dean's neck dramatically.

People in the restaurant had been dancing to older songs and me and Dean decided we'd join in. Heck,Even Seth and Roman were dancing. They were doing the running man and hitting the quan though...

"Aren't you a bit young to know about this?" Dean asks as 'Mr. Lonely' Comes on. I giggle before thumping his nose. "Oh hush. This is my jam. This is before your time."

"Whatever you say." He chuckles. "You can have this song but if Britney spears comes on I'm hopping on a table and dancing my butt off."

I giggle. "Same. But I'll do it for Beyonce."

Once the song goes off,Everyone begins to tire and sit down so me and Dean do the same. "I've been having an amazing time tonight,Dean. Thank you for this." I smile.

"You're welcome. I really wanted to make this special because...Well we didn't get off to a great start and we're still on a bumpy,Pothole filled road. I know I'm really hard to deal with and hard to get along with. I know that this whole relationship thing is new to the both of us but I think maybe we could make it work. So...Maybe you could be my girlfriend?" He asks hopefully. I smile.

"Yes I'd love to."

"This is better then the notebook." Seth screeches after running over. He hugs my neck tightly before doing the same to Dean. "Let me take a picture so I can make it my home screen!"

"Seth." Roman yells. "Get your ass back to our table don't you know that's rude?!"

"Um you're yelling across the restaurant you're being rude!" Seth yells back.

"You are so paying for the tab."

"Um no,You're paying for it!" Seth yells.

Me and Dean bow our heads to hold in our laughter as the entire restaurant started to look towards Seth and Roman. I'm glad I'm friends with these crazy people.

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