The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

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"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... Daha Fazla



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"Would you like more Miss Abbott?"

"No thank you Clara." I smile, running some warm water in the sink to clean my bowl.

"I can take care of that, it is what I'm paid for after all."

"I've already got it." I hold up the now clean dish, grabbing a towel to dry it. "You go on home."

"You're a sweet girl." Clara squeezes my arm lightly, giving me a warm smile before she exits the kitchen.

I put away the clean bowl and drop myself down onto a kitchen stool. Resting my elbows on the counter, I lean my forehead against the cold counter top and close my eyes.

Last night had completely worn me out. I feel entirely drained.

"Did it work?"

I raise my head up at the soft sound of Margo's voice.

"Yes." I sigh. "Margo, thank you so much.. Really."

"No need. I'm just glad they finally agreed to let us use them." She sits down next to me so we can keep our voices lowered.

"No need? If I hadn't of had that.."

"I know." She rests a hand on top of mine. "So it didn't leave a mark?"

"Not that I could see."

"And he was fine this morning?"

"Yes. Expect for a slight headache and having no recollection of last night of course." We share a grin at Margo's plan having been a success.

"So what did he say? Anything?"

"Just that his head hurt and he must of drank to much champagne before bed. He didn't admit to not remembering last night, but when I mentioned how much I enjoyed it, he acted as if he had too."

"Thank god the prick's so proud." Margo snorts. "I'm so relieved it worked."

"Me too. I couldn't of done it." I shake my head. "There's no way I could of slept with him after what he did."

"Of course not. But we can't do this every time he wants to have s.ex with you, we need another plan."

"I know... But what?"

"We'll think of something." Margo purses her lips in thought.

Sounds coming from down the hallway cause us to sit up straight, our bodies going tense. We each grab a magazine off the counter to appear occupied as Carter steps into the room, Chloe following close behind.

"I'll switch that meeting to next Friday." She nods, writing away in her planner.

"Very good." A smile spreads across Carter's face when his eyes meet mine.

"You ladies having a good time?" He steps up behind me, kissing the back of my head.

"Looking for gowns for the MET ball." Margo speaks up, turning pages in her magazine.

"Ah." He glances over my shoulder, his hands resting on my hips. "Shall I have Chloe make you all an appointment with René?"

"That would be lovely." I force a smile on my face as he pecks my cheek. "Maybe sometime next week?"

"Chloe?" He steps away from me.

"Sure." She answers, her tone clipped.

"Attitude Grayson." Carter snaps, causing me to jump slightly in my seat.

"I'm sorry. I'll make the appointment right away sir."

"Very good." He dismisses her as he places a hand on my shoulder, my skin going cold from his touch. "I've a meeting to get to. Walk me out?"

I nod, spinning myself around on the stool before sliding off it and onto my feet.

A hand is placed on the small of my back as I'm steered out of the room.

He stops us at the front door, turning towards me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I'm pulled towards him suddenly, his lips pressing against mine harshly. Barely able to keep myself from gagging as his tongue invades my mouth without permission, I place my hands on his chest.

"I missed you." He mumbles against my lips before leaning away and looking into my eyes.

"I've always been right here." I smile.

"So you have." He nods thoughtfully. "I know that now. Meet me for dinner tonight? I have something important I want to discuss with you."

"Of course. Just text me where and when."

Carter smiles, looking over my face. "You truly are a vision Everly. Simply breathtaking. I'll see you this evening."

After one more quick kiss, he opens the door and descends the front steps, getting into the back of his town car. Chloe blesses me her usual scowl before sliding in right after him.

I close the door after I give him a small wave goodbye, finding Margo with a large grin taking up her entire face.

"You're in again."

"Seems that way." I nod. "He thinks we had s.ex and suddenly he trusts me again.. the a.sshole."

Margo laughs, "My thoughts exactly. So what do you think he's going to talk to you about tonight?"

"I don't know, he said it was important.. Maybe he's actually going to let me in on his whole plan."

"Let's hope." Margo nods. "Just make sure to record him."

"I always do."

"We're getting close Everly, I can feel it."

"I hope you're right. I don't know how much more I can take. I can't believe he had Jackson attack me."

"That reminds me." Margo pulls a piece of paper out of her back pocket and hands it to me. "I got it."

"The instructions?" I question, unfolding it.

"Yeah, I made a copy when I broke into the gym last night."

I scan over it quickly, shaking my head as I read over Carter's instructions to Jackson.

"If it's any consolation, Carter did tell Jackson he wasn't supposed to actually really do anything to you. Just enough to make Harry think he was." Margo explains. "He actually threatened him that if he didn't touch you he'd.."

"Kill him." I finish her sentence as I read the words on the page. "I wouldn't call it consolation though."

"Yeah, probably not." Margo frowns.

"Did you make more than one copy of this?"

"Yes, that ones for you."

"What about the little box I told you about? The one that was in the envelope?"

"It wasn't in his locker." She shakes her head. "You have any idea what it could of been?"

"No." I sigh, frustrated.

"We're going to get him Everly. All the pieces are coming together."

"Yeah.. But at what cost?" I look in Margo's eyes, sympathy etched in them.

She knows better than anyone how much I have to lose if this doesn't go our way. The risk only increasing everyday.

"Go home.. Get some rest." She gives me a quick hug. "Text me if you need me tonight."

"I will." I nod before jogging upstairs and gathering my things.

The second I'm in my apartment I collapse on my couch. Feeling instantly exhausted once I'm in the comfort of my own home.

I've barely closed my eyes before a loud pounding on my door jolts me awake.

"Everly Abbott, open up this door right now!!" Harper yells loudly.

I groan, pulling myself up off the couch and padding over to my front door. I unlock it, swinging it open to find a red faced Harper.

She barges past me, stomping several feet into the room before turning on her heel. "Anything you'd like to tell me?"

"What?" I close the door, turning the lock.

"Anything you'd like to share with... Oh I don't know, say.. your best friend?"


"Have to say I was fairly shocked when I received a phone call from a certain curly haired Brit that we all know and would love to get naked with..."

"Harry called you?" I swallow.

"Yup. Asked me to check in on you after what happened last night." Harper narrows her eyes at me. "Except I didn't know what happened last night because my best friend failed to tell me some f.ucking a.sshole tried to f.ucking r.ape her!!!"

"He didn't.."

"Didn't what?!" She cuts me off. "Harry said he had you up against the lockers, one hand around your throat and the other groping you."

"He did, but.."

"What the h.ell were you doing meeting that son of a b.itch alone?! You know his reputation with women!!"

"I was just dropping something off to him."

"Oh I know." She scoffs. "Something from your f.ucktard of a boyfriend! Thank god Harry was there, if he hadn't been.."

"He wasn't going to r.ape me."

"Of course he was!"

"No, he wasn't!" I raise my voice. "Now can you please stop yelling at me?!"

"No! Everly, I cannot believe you didn't tell me!" She fumes, "He better be glad Harry got to him before me, I'd do more then break his f.ucking nose. I... Wait." She suddenly lowers her voice to a normal level. "How are you so sure he wasn't going to r.ape you?"

"I'm not." I shake my head quickly.

"You are."


"Yes you are. Tell me why."

"I'm not sure I just.."

"Everly so help me God if you don't tell me right now I'm going to hunt Carter down and tell him exactly what.."

"Okay okay!" I throw my hands up in defeat. "He told Jackson to do it."

"Explain please. Who is he and what is it?"

"Carter... He told Jackson to attack me. To make it seem like he was going to.."

"He what?!?!?" Harper's mouth falls open in shock.

"He wanted Harry to see it."

"Why the h.ell would he want Harry to see that?"

"Because he wants Harry to hate Jackson."


"I can't tell you that." I groan, running my hands through my hair as I sit down on my couch.

"What the f.uck is this all about?"

"I can't tell you that. You know that."

Harper sighs, sitting down across from me. "Look, I know you have your reasons for being with Carter, but he's taken it to far. You can't be with someone like that."

"I don't have any other choice right now."

"So what, you're just going to keep f.ucking that monster?!"

"I'm not f.ucking him! Jesus Harper, enough!"

"Please." She scoffs, folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm not." I sigh, dropping my head into my hands. "I haven't been for awhile. And I definitely couldn't, not after that."

"You stayed at his place last night."


"So men like Carter expect a certain kind of relationship."

"There's ways around it."

"Such as?"

"Harper.." I look up, shaking my head.

"I'm fairly sure the answer to that won't be giving away any of your precious confidential secrets."

I exhale slowly, leaning back against the couch and resting my head against the cushions.

Harper raises her eyebrows at me, her lips pulled into a tight line.

"You already know about the other girls.." I start and she nods. "But I.. I also drug him."

"You what?!" A half gasp, half laugh escapes her lips.

"Last night was the first time I did it actually."

"You drugged him? But how?"

"I injected him with something."


"I poked him with a syringe."

"Oh my god Everly!" She laughs. "Where?"

"The back of his left shoulder."

"And he didn't realize it?"

"No, it works so quickly... He practically just collapsed on top of me." I explain. "Knocked him out for the rest of the night. He didn't remember a thing. So I just told him we did it and he believed me."

"He didn't question his sudden memory loss?"

"I made sure he drank a lot right before. He just thinks he drank to much to remember."

"Well f.uck me." She shakes her head in disbelief. "Did Margo give it to you?"


"Wow.. just wow. You're a real you know that!?" She grins.

"Please, I was scared out of my mind."

"You're a!" She laughs.

"And you're in a better mood, thank god." I chuckle along with her.

"Oh, I'm still p.issed at you."

"Well at least you've stopped yelling."

"I may start up again. Just let me catch my second wind." She jokes.

"Please don't. And here I was so worried he'd told you we'd kissed." I blurt out, clapping a hand over my mouth the second the words leave it.

"You what?!" She sits up, eyes widened. "You kissed Harry?!"

"He kissed me."

"Like you didn't kiss him back." She snorts. "I can't believe you didn't tell me!"

"I didn't tell you cause it didn't mean anything and I knew you'd make a big deal about it."

"Didn't mean anything my!" She rolls her eyes, "The sexual tension between you two is... I need to fan myself just thinking about it."


"I can't believe he kissed you! How was he? Were his lips soft?... Please tell me they were soft and tasted like everything good and right in the world." She sighs.

"You're ridiculous." I laugh.

"He has to be f.ucking amazing at it. It would be an injustice if he wasn't."

"An injustice?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Yes! God knows if he makes them that pretty we've got to touch them. It would be unfair to the woman race if he was bad at it. And by it I mean.."

"I know what you mean. He was good alright?"

"Good? Just good?"

"Fine.." I groan. "He was amazing at it. I can't stop thinking about it amazing. His lips were perfect and just.. like... so perfect. It was incredible. You happy now?"

"Very." She slaps a satisfied grin on her face.

"Will you leave me alone about it now?"

"Not a chance in h.ell." She smiles. "Not even a little one."

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