My German Footballer// An Eri...

By ForeverAlone013

4.8K 84 34

Eliza Belkin is your average 21 year old. She's clumsy, clueless, and carefree. The three C's she uses to des... More

Part title
Happy Birthday, Erik!!
Author's Note
Another Author's Note :)


285 3 0
By ForeverAlone013

It was game day. I was nervous as hell. I'm usually never nervous for games, but this game was going to be special. Eliza was going to be at my game. That's something that Claire never did.

Speaking of Claire, she refused to leave this morning. Despite our managers calling us and telling us that our deal is over, she wouldn't move. She begged me to let her stay. She told me that we could work something out, that she loved me all this time. I almost gave in, almost. The only thing keeping me back was Eliza. Her beautiful smile. Her eyes. The way she laughed when I would say something stupid.

Eliza's the only thing that held me back. I think I have a shot with Eliza, and I don't want to screw it up just because of Claire.

"Hey, man." I turn around and see Marco coming towards me.

I nod my head, "Hey."

He sets his bag down and opens in locker. "How's Claire?" He asks.

Nobody on the team really liked Claire, but they were nice towards her because they knew that I liked her. And Marco was the only one that knew about the deal.

"Uh, we actually broke up." I say. I don't mention that the deal is over because our other teammates are in the locker room with us.

Marco knew what I mean and gives me a nod. "Seriously? You guys looked so happy together." He says, playing along.

I shrug. "Yeah, well, something's aren't meant to be. And I guess me and Claire weren't."

Mats Hummels walks in and says, "You and Claire broke up?" He was clearly surprised.

I nod, "Yeah."

"But w-why? How? You two were the perfect couple!" He says. Other teammates nod in agreement with Hummels.

"Apparently not. She was only with me for more fame and money." I say.

"Do you want me to beat her up?" Aubameyang asked.

I laugh but shake my head. "You can't beat up a girl, Auba. But it's fine. We both agreed on the break up and it's all good."

"How are you fine? You spent 6 months with that girl! You loved her, Erik." Hummels says.

I nod. "True. I did love her. But I realized that she didn't love me in return. And why would I keep loving someone that didn't love me back? I might've hurt her with the break up, but she hurt me when I found out about her cheating."

"Listen, man, we're all so sorry. We're here for you, if you need us, you know that Erik." Auba speaks for the whole team. The rest of the boys nod in agreement with him.

"I know. Thanks guys." I smile.

They all come around me and give me a group hug.

"Ready, guys?" Marco asks.

The guys all nod. I'm confused and just look at Marco.

"1...2...3!" Marco yells.

"We love you, Erik!" The team shouts.

I laugh. "You guys are idiots. But I love you guys too."

They let go of me and we continue getting ready for the match.


I grab my phone and text Eliza before we have to head out.

Hey. Are you here yet? I text.

Eliza: Hey. Yeah I'm at the section where you told me to be at :)

Me: Ok. I'll be out soon :)

Eliza: Good luck!

I smile and put my phone in my bag. Marco sits down next to me.

"Who were you texting?" He says smirking.

I shake my head. "Uh. Someone."

"Obviously. But who?"

"Eliza." I say looking off into the distance.

"You know you can't date her yet, right? You just 'broke up' with Claire. It'll look bad."

"I know. I'm not gonna date her yet. I'll just show her around Dortmund, and whatever happens happens."

"You like her don't you?" Marco asks.

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" I smile. "But to answer your question, yes, I do like her. She's different, you know?"

He nods. "She's American, not German, of course she's different."

"I didn't mean that. I mean that she can make me smile at everything she does. When I'm with her, I feel like I can actually be myself. Unlike when I was with Claire. Eliza's actually here, and I want to make her proud."

He nods. "Selene is here too, actually."

"Speaking of Selene. How are you guys doing?"

He smiles at her name. "We're doing good. We want to take things slow, you know. I know I'm going to miss her when she returns to America, but we don't want to think about that right now."

America. Great. What am I gonna do when Eliza leaves? I know I'll miss her. I'll miss her so much. I wish she could stay here with me in Germany, but I know she has her mom over there, and she starts her first year of college in September.

"Don't worry, mate. You and Eliza will be just fine. You guys will find a way, don't worry." Marco says, as if he read my mind.

I nod. "I hope."

He pats my back. "You will. Now, let's go. We have a game to win, and you have a girl to impress."

I smile and shake my head. I get up and walk towards the tunnel with Marco and the rest of the team.

We line up in the tunnel and the kids come. I grab the little girls hand and smile at her. She smiles back. She has crystal blue eyes and her blonde hair is tied back. I immediately feel protective towards her. I don't know why, but every time I hold a little girls hand, I feel protective over her. I just hope that if I ever have a daughter, that I'll be a great dad.

We begin to walk out and I feel the little girls hand tighten around mine.

I lean down and whisper, "Wie heißt du , Schatz?" (what's your name, sweetheart.)

"Kathrin." She says.

"Hast du Angst, Kathrin?" (are you scared, Kathrin?)

She nods.

I smile at her. "Seien Sie nicht . Ich werde Sie schützen, ok?" (don't be. I'll protect you, ok?)

She smiles and nods. "My mum and dad left me." She whispers in English.

I look ahead and continue walking. "What?"

"They left me when I was three." Kathrin says. "They left me in Germany, and they returned back to Australia." She begins to cry a little.

I let go of her hand and pick her up in my arms. I hear the crowd say "awe."

"Who are you staying with?" I ask.

"I'm staying at a foster home."

I shake my head and I know what I have to do after I finish playing.


The game is over and we won 3-0. I run off the pitch looking for Kathrin. I told her to wait for me in the tunnel.

"Erik!" I hear Eliza say.

I stop and look at Eliza at the bottom of the stairs. I smile.

"Hey." I say.

She smiles. "Hey. You did amazing!"

I smile. "Thanks. Wanna come with me?"


"I have to go find the little girl that I was with before the game started. And I have an interview to give about me and Claire."

She nods. "Sure."

I put my arm around her and we walk to find Kathrin. On the way there I tell Eliza everything that Kathrin told me. Eliza shook her head furiously when I mentioned that her parents left her here and they returned to Australia.

We reach the locker room and I see Kathrin sitting down with a lady to her right. Kathrin sees me and runs to me.

"Erik!" Kathrin yells and runs to me.

I pick her up and hug her.

"Kathrin, this is my friend, Eliza. Eliza, this is Kathrin." I introduce them.

Eliza smiles. "Hi, Kathrin. You're really pretty."

Kathrin smiles and leans her head on my shoulder. "You're very pretty too, Eliza."

Eliza smiles. "Thank you, Kathrin."

The lady that was with Kathrin walks up to us. "I'm Ms. Lynn."

"I'm Erik. Nice to meet you." I say.

She nods and looks at Eliza. Ms. Lynn raises an eyebrow at her.

"I'm Eliza. Nice to meet you, too." She smiles.

"I'm in charge of Kathrin's foster home. And I have to tell you, she's a troubled child." She says with disgust.

I frown. Eliza shakes her head, "Excuse me, but who are you to say that Kathrin is troubled? She's been through a lot! Her parents abandoned her at a young age. I don't think she's troubled, I think she's a very nice girl." Eliza crosses her arms.

Ms. Lynn looks annoyed and says, "Believe me when I say that Kathrin is not nice. She deserved all those beatings she got." She taps her foot impatiently.

Kathrin moves around in my arms and I tighten my grip on her. "You hit Kathrin?" I grit.

She nods. "Many times. She deserved it. She broke my expensive plates."

"She's a child! She's learning. But you should never hit a child." Eliza yells.

Ms. Lynn rolls her eyes. "Give me her. We're leaving."

I shake my head. "Absolutely not. I told Kathrin to wait for me because I want to adopt her."

"You're in no condition to adopt her."

"Why not? I have a house. I have a car. I have a job that gives me plenty of money for the two of us. I don't drink and I've never been arrested. I think I'm in perfect condition."

Ms. Lynn rolls her eyes but nods. "Fine. But you will regret it."

"No I won't."

I hand Kathrin to Eliza. "Follow me. I'll take you to the adoption papers." Ms. Lynn says.

I nod and walk off with her.

Ms. Lynn explains the procedure and I nod. I pay the fee and sign the papers.

"That stupid little girl, Kathrin, is yours now." She says.

"What's her last name?" I ask.

"Smith. But you're more than welcomed to change it."

I nod. "I want to change it to Durm. She'll be Kathrin Durm from now on."

She writes in the paper and hands me it. "You're all set."

I take the paper and thank her walking away.

A few paparazzi stop me to ask questions.

"Who was that girl?" One asked.

"Her name is Kathrin Durm, and I adopted her right now." I say smiling.

"What will Claire think of that?"

"Uh. Claire and I aren't together anymore. So, she shouldn't have a problem with it."

They stop asking me questions and I walk to Eliza and Kathrin.

I see them sitting down. Kathrin is on Eliza's lap, and Eliza is hugging her protectively. I smile and say, "It's all set. Kathrin, you're coming home with me."

Kathrin smiles and jumps off Eliza and hugs me. "Thank you, Erik."

I smile. "You're welcome. You don't have to be scared anymore, Kathrin. I'll always be there to protect you."

Eliza smiles. "You're gonna make a great dad, Erik."

I smile. "I hope so. She's my first daughter, even if I adopted her."

Eliza nods. "If you ever need help, I'll be more than happy to help you, Erik."

"Thank you so much, Eliza. Do you want to join us for dinner?" I ask.

Eliza looks surprised. "Are you sure?"

I nod. "I think Kathrin would like it, too."

Kathrin nods. "Please!"

Eliza laughs. "Alright, I'll come with."

I grab my bag. "Here, I'll take your bag, so you can carry Kathrin."

I nod. "Danke, liebe."

Eliza blushes, but smiles.

We walk out of the stadium, cameras flashing everywhere. I smile. I never thought that I'd be adopting a four year old girl at the age of 23. But Kathrin took my heart and she deserves a home.

Kathrin Durm. That's the name of my daughter. The name of the second girl that I love. Eliza being the first.


So sorry I didn't update sooner!!!!!! I was extremely busy with school almost staring and I didn't know what to write.

WELL CLAIRE AND ERIK ARE DONE!!! How do you feel about that??

Erik also adopted that little girl. How cute was that?!

ERIK IS A DAD!!!! Well, not by blood or anything, but he adopted Kathrin. So yeah!!



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