My Bully (Mj fantasy) bad era

By blossom100

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My Bully
My Bully Ch.1
My Bully Ch.2
My Bully ch.3
My Bully ch.4
My bully ch.5
My Bully ch.6
My Bully Ch.7
My Bully Ch.8
My Bully ch.9
My Bully Ch.10
My Bully Ch. 11
My Bully Ch.12
My Bully Ch.13
My Bully Ch.14
My Bully Ch. 15
My Bully Ch.16
My Bully Ch.17
My Bully Ch.18
My Bully Ch.19
My Bully Ch. 21
Please read

My Bully Ch.20

4.6K 177 257
By blossom100

You guys...can you believe this the 20th chapter? I can honestly tell that this book is not even near close to being done tbh and I know you guys dont want it to be done either. I wish I could update sooner for you guys but....yeah lets get started.

Instagram: Officialmjjkingdom


Chapter 20

Once we made it to our first period, after all the fucking staring and all the fucking mean words and all the fucking negative vibes we finally we made it safely in our first class.

When I walked in I'm usually the first person there..ya know to avoid everyone but to my surprise......Sidney is sitting right next to my desk...again...for the second time. I looked around to see if someone is sitting in her seat...and there were no one.

To remind you no one ever sits by why is she sitting by me again? She sat by me last time...

Suddenly I feel a gentle tap on my should.
"Hey, you alright" I hear Michael whisper in my ear. I nodded my head.
"Why w-wouldn't I b-be?" I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? Oh maybe because a person that might hate me is sitting next to my desk? What if she heard the rumors that I'm Michaels slut? Yes rumors spread that fast especially about their King, Michael.

"Because you're frozen in place" Michael said behind me. Dammit why do I keep forgetting that he's there. I didn't even notice I was still standing in the door frame. I shook my head and took a step forward.
"Hurry up bitch!!!" I hear a girl scream behind Michael and that suddenly made me quicken my steps but I didn't hear no one else come in, I glanced behind me and I see Michael still standing at the same spot. His face..there's no expression but his fist are balled up tightly. That took me by surprise so I turned around in complete 360 looking at him with wide eyes. He turned around towards the girl and got real close to her face, by this point there were more people trying to get in the classroom but of coarse Michael is standing in the way. He's about to make a scene....oh god.
"You should never talk to your queen that way, peasant"
He said then smirked while backing up and walking away. I stood there confused as ever, queen? She should never talk to her queen like that? what queen? Did he just ........omg.....because everyone basically bows down to him and he's like their king......and he said queen. Shit.

You're the queen

My inner girl said.


That mean I'm his queen too.



Michael winked at me while passing me by while walking to his desk. I'm blushing so hard right now if my skin was light enough I'll be a tomato....thank god for my brown skin.

I quickly sat in my desk forgetting that Sidney is still sitting right next to me. Oh how can I forget that already? Michael can literally take my mind off of anything. Fact.

I softy cleared my throat and tucked my hair behind my ear and glance at Sidney and she was sitting there texting on her phone. Why is she sitting by me again? Does she not like her regular seat? I don't wanna sound rude but doesn't she rather sit by her friends? Well obviously not since their sitting in the back and she's sitting right here. Maybe they gotten into an argument or something.....I don't know..its confusing this is the second time.

The bell finally rang and everyone is putting up there cellphones and iPads and whatever else they have with them. I make sure the only thing I'll bring with me to this prison ward is my cellphone if I brought my iPad or my laptop it will be broken. These are a bunch of fucking savages...believe me.

I took out my note book and my pen getting ready to write down whatever the teacher want us to right down.
"Hey...Nevaeh?" I hear Sidney call my name. Umm um... wtf. it took me a minute to look at her but I did.
"Can I barrow a sheet of paper please" she asked sweetly while smiling. She being nice...again.
"S-sure" I said so softly it was barely audible. I handed her a sheet of paper and she took it smiling sweetly at me. she sick or something? She being nice like I'm really confused..maybe I'm being set up. Michael been trying to convince me that he's a changed guy and Sidney is being nice to me...hmm what if they're in this together and by the end of the year they both would try something so bad that it would..that it would umm...well my life cant get no worse then this...unless they both plan to kidnap me and hold me hostage and try to feed me cat food. Dramatic? No, coming from Michael that's believable. Real talk.

When twenty minutes pasted and it feel like my hand is about to fall off my wrist, I never wrote so many notes in my life. I wrote four in a half pages front and back in twenty fucking minutes, the teacher isn't writing the notes on the board this time so I'm writing down every word she says, everyone gave up after five minutes because she's talking so fast...she's reading from a book it would be much easier if she gave us the same fucking would make my life 0.5% easier as well. Watch how someone snatches my paper outta my hand to copy and pass it around like its a joint or something. They do that when the teacher go's to fast with the notes, they take mines copy it after they're done they rip mines and keep theirs. Good thing I have a good memory and the smartest one in this shit pot. Sometimes I hurry and stuff it in my bag before they destroy it though...that's one of my lucky days.

"You're still writing?" Sydney whispered surprised. I glanced at her and nodded my head. I could've said yes easily but the way my since of speech is set up at this moment..I failed. Trust me its harder then it seems.
"How are you doing that?!?! You're writing every word she's you're reading the book yourself or something!" she gasp in awe. I glanced at her and simply shrugged my shoulders...I mean what was I supposed to say? Thank you? Was that compliment?
"Your brain is like a're really good and your hand writing is beautiful" she said sweetly, I glanced at once more and nodded my head. Am I being rude? I mean I really don't have the guts to even say thank fucking pathetic. This all to much for some reason.

After ten my minutes the teacher ended our notes told us we can do whatever we wanted since that was the only thing we were going to do. Tomorrow we are going to take a test on the notes. Great.



Someone took my notes right outta my hand like I said before...why wasn't I prepared? I don't know.

Suddenly I heard Michael moving around behind me..I didn't bother turning around because if I did people would think something was going on between us. Like why are you checking on Michael for? You don't ever do that. People already think I'm his slut.

All of a sudden my notes were back on my desk, crisp as it was before...ok maybe a little wrinkled but still in good shape. I looked up to see Michael walking back to his seat calm as always. Yes I'm shocked..Michael is doing this in front of everyone, the "old" Michael wouldn't do that especially in front of the whole class...for me anyway. he really proving that he don't care about his reputation and that he wants to be there for me? This looks so freaky.

I could imagine what everyone's faces look like right now..the class is silent. I don't bother looking to see.

After a few minutes everyone is talking amongst themselves except for me. Suddenly I feel Michael tapping on my shoulder the same time Sidney calls my name. Shit...both of them want

I ignored Michael and glanced at Sydney, she smiled sweetly at me.
"I like how you did your winged eyeliner...its perfect...very sharp at the end like a professional did it" she said smiling. She's been smiling at me a lot. I build up the balls that been tuck away somewhere and softy said thank you. Hardest thing I ever had to do...not saying thank you but talking to some that I don't normally talk to.
"Since we both don't have anyone to talk to..we might as well talk to each other" she say pushing her desk closer to mine. What..the fuck? What is she doing?
"So whats up" she asked. Confused is not even the word right now... I'm baffled, she's trying to spark up a this place that's foreign to me.

I didn't say anything. Its been so long since I had a real conversation with someone that I forgot what to do. I know what you're thinking *you had conversations with Michael* um he doesn't count most of that involved tears.

Sydney shook her head and chuckled.
"You can talk to me I wont bite" she said with humor.

I started messing with the ends of my hair and glanced at her..and she was smiling...

Man..she smiles a lot. I guess its her way of pretending to be nice...but it doesn't look so fake to me. She's good. We both were quiet for a few seconds until she spoke again.
"Are you mixed?" she asked bluntly, that took me by surprise..why would she think I'm mixed?
"I'm sorry...its just you have really long hair" she said trying to sound nice. I shook my head no...that was ignorant. She never seen a black girl with long hair before without being mixed? They exist.
But then I don't expect much from a white girl..most of them tend to think black people don't have hair.
"Um I don't mean to sound rude are really skinny....I mean you have the tiniest waist ever but then you have really nice hips and a nice're body looks like a hour glass" she said bluntly. I blushed so face feel like a torch. Was that a compliment? If it was then why did she say she doesn't want to sound rude? I hear Michael chuckling...was he listening this whole time? Wtf why am I asking myself so many questions. "Its called having a shape" Michael said laughing like she said something stupid.
"But its clear you don't know anything about that" Michael said and laughed again. That was fucked up.

Sydney glared at Michael.

"Anyway..I wish I had a waist like you" she said sweetly.

Oh really now? You wanna know the secret..its called not eating. Don't try it.

"Do you workout?" She asked. I shook my head no. For some reason my waist is small but my hips never went anywhere..I got my hips and ass from my mom..don't ask.

"So your just naturally like that?!" She asked surprised. I nodded my head and saying a faint yes. Its all the perks of being black. Hash tag curvy. Minus no eating..My stomach was always flat my waist was always small...its just extra small right now.
"You're one lucky girl" she said then sigh.

Luck? I wouldn't call it luck...more like genes.

"I don't know how people can call you fat you're far from that...the only thing fat on you is your ass..which is a great thing" Sidney said giggling. My god she's blunt. She's gonna make my face melt.


Finally its lunch time I can finally go to the library and be by myself.

You know how there's this one weird kid that always run full speed to the lunch room whenever the bell rung? Yeah that's how I was running to the library.

Once I made it to the library I went straight towards to back and to my surprise Michael was already sitting at my table. How the fuck did he get here so fast I left before him!!!

I walked to him looking confused as ever.
"Wh-how?" I asked. He looked at me and laughed a little.
"You can't run faster them me" he said. I looked at him imaging him running down the hall pushing people out the way just so he can get here first. I wanted to laugh, that's the funniest thing ever.
I shook my head and sat across from him.
"So...Sidney huh?" He asked. I shook my head.
"I know right" I said.
"Very interesting" he also said. I nodded agreeing. It was very interesting...almost scary even.
I looked at him for a second.
"Why do you think she was talking to me?" I asked suspicious. Michael shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't was very last time." He said. I nodded.
"She was being really nice to me" I said sounding like I was talking to myself.
"Yeah....I don't know whats her intentions are but I'll have to keep an eye on her" he said rubbing his jaw. I looked at him for a second.
"Do you think she's up to something?" I asked. I wouldn't be surprised if she was.
"I'm not sure..but I'll make sure nothing happens to you" he said looking into my eyes. I blushed. Thank god for brown skin.
"I wouldn't be surprised if she is...I don't trust a soul in this Satan's castle" I said. Michael chuckled.
"Or maybe she was actually trying to be nice to you just because" Michael suggested. I raised an eyebrow.
"I doubt it" I said rolling my eyes.
"Why" he asked. I shook my head.
"No one never been that nice to has to be a catch" I said.

"Or she just trying to do what I'm trying to there for you" he said then winked.


Thank you guys for waiting so patiently I hope I still have my readers. There's no way I can explain why I haven't been active, it is my private life I cant tell you guys but I hope you understand that updating is not the easiest thing for me.

I only do this for guys are making it seem like its my job. I mean I love doing this for you guys I love the feedback from all of you but you have to be grateful because I really don't have to continue at all but I do it for you because I know you guys love the story and it wouldn't be fair if I just stop it like that. I do it because I love you guys but you have to stop being rude whenever I take to long it doesn't make me feel good. :(

Okay I hope you enjoyed that.

Question: How do you feel about Sidney????

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(Ignore the mistakes plz)

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