The Billionaire's New Assista...

By BlackFlamboyant

1.3M 40.4K 3K

Jessica is- well used to be a model when she got fired. Then her best friend apply a job for her a Adam Moon'... More



62.5K 1.8K 194
By BlackFlamboyant

Adam stops his car in front of a very fancy building called Geoffrey's. By the look of the restaurant it looks like a 5-star restaurant. Adam gets out of his side of his car. The valet in front of the restaurant door was about to open my door when Adam give him the death glare. He immediately stops and looks down. I chuckled and roll my eyes. Adam walks to my door, bow and opened it. I laugh and said a 'thank you'. He gave the valet his car keys so he could go park it, then he links his arms with mine and we walk inside.

The inside of the building/restaurant is very classy and deluxe. A woman, maybe in her late forties, dress in white walk toward us with a smile on her face.

"Hello. My name is Miss Antoinette and may I ask what name is your reservation under?" she greets us.

"Moon." Adam said simply.

The woman looks at the notebook on her hands. "Moon Family. Yep. Follow me." We follow and then a few seconds later she stops in front of a table. There are two people seating on a table which I'm guessing they're Adam's mother and brother.

Adam's mom is a beautiful lady. She has mid back length blonde hair, she is wearing very expensive jewelry and her outfit is very sophisticated. And there is Adam's brother. He has jet black hair, light blue eyes and is wearing suits just like every man I see in the restaurant and he's very attractive.

"Good afternoon mother." Adam greets his mother as he kisses her cheek. Then he nods toward his brother. He nods back at him. "Mother, Aaron. I want you guys to meet my beautiful and amazing girlfriend Jessica." Adam introduces me as he wraps his arm around my back.

Aaron looks at me up and down as if he was undressing me with his eyes. I quickly look away from him and look at his mother. She looks at me up and down too then rolls her eyes. Okay, I'm guessing she doesn't like me already.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Moon and Aaron." I greeted them.

Aaron stands up and takes my hand and kiss the top of it. "Good after noon Jessica." He said kinda seductively. I felt Adam tense next to me. I look at him confused. He rolls his eyes at Aaron and look at his mother.

"Mother, Jessica said 'good afternoon' to you and you didn't reply back."

"That's because I don't like her already." She said

She is really straight forward. I like that about her.


"Why?" Aaron and Adam said at the same time. We all look at Aaron. "What? She said she doesn't like you. I mean seriously mother are you nuts? Who wouldn't like a fine woman like her? I mean look at that body it's amazing. She has curves and I think she will be amazing in be-"

"I swear Aaron if you finish that sentence I will fucking beat the shit out of you." Adam said though gritted teeth in an angry voice.

Wow. He's a really good actor. I almost believed that he actually cared.

"Okay why you two don't sit down." Adam's mom said to Adam and I. Adam pull my chair for me then he sits down on his own chair.

"Okay mother. I'm gonna ask you a question. Why. Don't. You. Like. Jessica?" Adam asks his mother slowly.

She look at me and then look at his son, "Because she looks fake and she look like someone I see on TV and magazines. Maybe a model."

I decided to speak, "Well that's because I'm a model. Well used to be one."

Aaron gasps, "You're a model?" I nod "I think I'm in love with you"

"Aaron." Adam warns.

"Sorry little bro. But she's hot." Aaron said.

"She's not hot, well she is, but she is also beautiful, talented, and a handworker" Adam said. Awe that is so cute! He thinks I'm beautiful.

"Anyway" Adam's mom said- and may I add loudly- "How about we order then we can get to know her" When she said 'her' she said it in a disgusted tone.

"Mom!" Both Aaron and Adam scold at their mother.

This is gonna be a long night.


After dinner Gabrielle, Aaron, and Adam and I went home. When we were eating I catch Mrs. Moon giving me the death glare. I would ignore her. Adam would hold my hands. I would feel better whenever he did.

Aaron on the other hand would look at me with lust in his eyes. I would shift uncomfortably in my chair. Adam caught him once and he kicked him hard on the shin. He yelped and screamed. Adam and I were trying not to laugh.

Right now were in Adam's car. By we I mean Adam and I. He was going to drop me home. When we arrived at my house he parks the car in front of it and turn off the engine.

He turns to face, "I'm sorry about my mom Jess. I told you she can be annoying"

I laugh then I wrap both of my hands around one of his big hands. "Its alright. I had fun though."

"Was it because I kicked Aaron?" He teases.

"Yes and because I was with you." I said truthfully.

He smiles. He actually smiles. He smiles a genuine smile. He looks beautiful when he smiles. Is it right or wrong if I say that he's beautiful?

"I can't believe you never told me"

I look up from our hands and ask, "Never told you what?"

"That you were a model"

"Oh that. I don't know." I said. I look out the window to see all of the lights in the neighborhood are off. I'm guessing they're sleeping already. "Well I have to go. Night" I let go of his hand, take my purse. I was about to open the door when a hand stop." What?"

"No kiss?" He said in disbelief.

"I thought were only supposed to do that in front of your mom and brother?"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean we cannot do it here." He said

He has a point but I'm not gonna kiss my boss. Even if I wanted to.

I chuckled, "Night Adam" I open my door and get out. I wave at him and he waves back at me. I walk to my porch and open my clutch for my keys. When I found no keys.

I'm just kidding. Hahaha! I open the door and went in.

Wow! That was a heck of a night.


I was organizing some paper for Adam when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I yell.

The door opens revealing a smiley Adam hiding something behind his back.

"Hello Miss Johnson" He said smiling ear to ear.

I chuckle and said, "Hello Mr. Moon. How may I help you?"

He take his hands behind his back revealing Adolphe Rousseau flowers. They are large, cardinal red petals with a sanity texture. My eyes widen. These are my favorite flowers. How did he know?

"How did you know they're my favorite flower?" I ask

He hand them to me and I take them and smell them. He chuckles, "Well" He said dragging the 'e' in well. "I did some research about you on the internet last night and I found out that you LOVE pickles, you like to read, you were a 'nerd' when you were in school, you love cloud watching. There's more. Do you want me to say them?" I shake my head no. He nod

I put the bouquet of flower on my desk and ask, "Why did buy me these?"

"Well I wanted to ask you out to lunch when you're on your break." He said looking at the floor. Awe! Then it hit me. I can't go with him. I have a lunch date with Derek.

"I can't" I said to him quietly afraid of his reaction. He quickly looks up.

"Why not?"

"I have a lunch date with Derek" I mumbled quietly. But he heard me


That's what I was afraid of. "Did he force you to go to lunch with him?" he asks

"No he didn't. He called me last night."

"How the hell did he get your number?" He asks as he put his hands on his hips. Damn he looks so hot when he does that. Stop it Jessica! Now's not the time.

"Well I was having lunch with Keyla a few days ago when I saw him and he apologized for what he did and I forgave him and he said that he wants to make it up to me by taking me out on a date. I told him I'll think about it. And to answer your question I don't know how he got my number because I didn't give it to him." I said in one breath.


He was pacing while I was talking. He stop, he run his hands to his face then said, "You're not going to lunch with him"

What the hell! He can't me what to do. He's not the boss of me. Well, technically he is my boss but-

"No. Derek asked me to go eat lunch with him and I'm gonna go whether you like it or not." I said sternly.

"I said you're not going and that's final."

"You can't tell me what to do you ugly prick."

He gasped. "You did not just call me ugly."

"Oh yes I did." I sassed.

"You take it back right now Jessica." He said angrily.

I stuck my tongue out. "Boo-fucking-hoo!"

I took my stuff and out then in my purse.

"You're not going. He's my worst enemy!"

I ask him a question that has been bothering me for a while. "Why do you care so much huh? Why do you care that I go out with Derek or any guy?" I yell

"I care because you're mine and I don't like people touching what's mine" He said loudly. I slap him. I slap him so hard that I could see my finger prints on his face.

"I'm not yours and I will never be yours. You wanna know why? Because you're selfish, self centered, arrogant and so much more. I would say them but I have date to go to." I take my jacket and purse then get out of my office.

When I got out I see everybody was looking at my office. I guess we were pretty loud.

Stupid bastard.


I'm very proud of this chapter lol. Pictures of Adam's mom and brother on the media bar.

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