Beneath and Beyond

By romanceloverleonie

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Kiedi had never fit in well with others and she thought she liked it that way. That was until she moved to a... More

Chapter 1- The closing of one door
Chapter 2- New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

133 9 0
By romanceloverleonie

Monday morning Kiedi was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee with Kelly while they waited on their dad to come drive them to school when there was a familiar honk in the driveway.

"Wow, what did you do to that guy?" Kelly teased from the window. Kiedi hadn't needed to go to the window; she would know Luke's van horn anywhere. Kiedi went to the front door to see what Luke was doing there.

He was leaning against the van with a smile on his face; he could pass as the poster boy for hotness. His smile turned into a grin when he saw her and he didn't wait for her to reach the van before he stepped forward and hugged and kissed her.

When he pulled back Kiedi felt her face go brick red because she remembered that Kelly was still at the window watching and who knew if her father was watching as well from upstairs.

"What are you doing here?" Kiedi asked with a smile.

"I couldn't wait until school to see you so I figured I'd save your dad the journey and take you and Kelly to school," He replied with a smug smile.

"But now you've gone out of your way to come all the way here."

"I honestly don't mind," his eyes were practically glowing with mirth so Kiedi figured if coming for her would make her happy then she wouldn't stop him.

"Okay just let me get my bag then," she smiled.

When they got to school the others were already waiting on them in the parking lot. Kelly climbed out after Kiedi and walked off with Carl into the school building. Luke came around the van and swung a possessive arm over her shoulders as they walked into school together. Kiedi tried to suppress the urge to run and hide as half the school population stared at them including Alicea.

When Kiedi saw the anger on Alicea's face she literally giggled and put her hand in Luke's back pocket in her own possessive way to make Alicea burn. Luke looked down at her and grinned with affection burning in his dark blues.

The weeks that followed were the best of Kiedi's life and she really felt like a normal teenager, a demon loving teenager. She got really close to all the guys and she and Jasmine were practically best friends, especially since Kiedi was the first and only girl to know their secret so they could talk freely together; that made Kie wonder about Kathrine and Erica's role in this whole thing but she didn't ask too much about it.

Kiedi and Luke were inseparable. Luke came for her every morning after that first day and throughout the day they were only apart during different classes and in the evenings Luke would wait only until her dad left for work before he'd come over and spend the night with her.

Luke was amazing, and had great self-control for a guy. He never went further than kissing and gentle petting with her, no matter how much he wanted to, and Kiedi always wondered why; at first she thought it was her then it became clear that it wasn't, because he was obviously attracted to her, he just never tried.

"So my family was thinking of going on a road trip for the Easter holiday, I would love if you could come with us?" Luke asked one night in Kiedi's room.

"I'd love to but I have to ask my dad first,"

"Ok but just stress the fact that it's your birthday weekend so he'll say yes," Luke smiled.

"Okay, I'll remember that," Kiedi kissed his nose.

"So are you going to come over tomorrow?" Luke asked as he got off the bed; her dad was going to be home soon and while he knew they were dating he had no clue of Luke's extra visits.

"I can't," Kiedi bit her lip, "I promised Kelly and Jasmine we could have a girl's day out."


"Yeah I've been spending a lot of time with you lately and Kelly feels a bit left out, so Jazz thought it would be fun if we just had a day for ourselves," Kiedi rambled on.

"It's okay Kie," Luke kissed her forehead, "Enjoy your girl's day out."

"Okay," Kiedi smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips, "I love you," she whispered against his lips.

"I love you too."

The next morning Kiedi woke up from the sunlight streaming through her window on her bed. She got up and straightened her room then went to the bathroom and washed up then changed into a marina and sweats and caught her hair in a ponytail. She went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Kelly came down shortly after and decided to help her cook. By the time their dad came down the pancakes and eggs were already on the table.

"Good morning girls," He yawned.

"Morning dad," they responded in unison.

"Have a seat we made your favourite; blueberry pancakes."

"Wonderful, it's so nice to see my two girls together."

They all sat down to a nice family breakfast where there dad made bad jokes that had them all cracking up.

When they were finished washing dishes they went into the family room and started watching reruns of 'I love Jeanie'. It was about noon when the doorbell rang; it was Jazz.

Kiedi led her into the living room where she promptly hugged her father; jazz and her dad had really hit it off in the last couple of weeks.

"Hi Jasmine, I didn't know you would be stopping by today," dad smiled.

"Yep, the girls and I want a girl's day out before I leave for a family trip to Huntsville," Jazz explained.

"Oh that's nice," Kiedi's father smiled.

"Speaking of which, since its Kiedi's birthday weekend my parents thought it would be cool if Kiedi came with us," Jazz jumped right in on the question Kiedi was dreading.

Her dad looked back and forth between jazz and herself; a million of thoughts flying through his mind. Kiedi watched as his jaw ticked and he visibly tensed before he glanced down at Kelly, who was oblivious -or acting oblivious– to what was going on behind her, then back up at her and let out a sigh and said "sure."

It seemed like a year had passed in the few seconds it took her father to answer and Kiedi let out a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding in.

"Awesome! It's going to be so fun!" Jazz squealed.

"Th... thanks dad," Kiedi said softly. She had half expected her father to say no. Kiedi looked down at Kelly and felt a rush of guilt come over her.

As if sensing Kiedi's despair Kelly looked up at her and smiled sincerely, "I'll be fine. There's going to be this awesome concert in Gulfport that I've been hearing about; it's supposed to be off the hook and I'm dying to go. I already agreed to go with some friends."

"And just when were you going to mention this party to me, Kelly?" Dad asked.

"The night before..." Kelly smiled and jumped up off the floor grabbing their hands and dragging them out of the room before their dad could reply.

They were dragged all the way to Kelly's large peach bedroom. By the time they fell on the bed they were all breathless and laughing despite it.

"So what are we going to do today?" Kiedi asked when they all calmed down.

"Well I was going to suggest we watch girly movies and talk about guys but dad has taken over the television and it's just not as fun if it's not on the big screen," Kelly pouted.

"That's perfect!" Jazz jumped up, "let's go watch a movie."

"That would be fun. Just us girls, looking all fine; we would get all the guys attention," Kelly perked up.

Kiedi and Jazz exchanged glances and then turned to look back at Kelly. Kelly finally realized that they were staring at her.

"We... you two won't flirt with any of course," she smiled ashamedly. She knew Jazz and Kiedi were very happy with their boyfriends. Kelly personally had never seen her big sister so happy in their life; she liked what Luke did for Kiedi and she would never do anything to sabotage it, even if it meant that she wasn't her sister's favourite person anymore.

"But the movies don't open until five, what are we going to do in the meantime?" Jazz asked

"We could go for a swim in the lake," Kiedi suggested.

"Sounds good, but I didn't carry a swimsuit," Jazz said.

"I'm sure that we can find something to fit you."

With that the girls set out on a mission. They found a swimsuit that could fit Jazz from Kiedi's collection and they all changed and put on large t-shirts to cover up along with sunscreen then went to the garage to get the bicycles to ride out to the lake. Jasmine borrowed their father's bike and she handled well seeing that it was a larger bike than Kiedi's or Kelly's and Jasmine was smaller in size than both of them.

They reached the lake in record time and wasted no time in stripping down and racing to the water. They must have spent hours in the water because when they came out they were wrinkled and the sky looked darker. Kiedi looked at her phone and saw the time- after 4- as well as a text from Luke:

I miss you

I miss you too:* Kiedi texted back on a smile

She told the time to the others and they all agreed that it was time to go back if they intended to get good seats at the movies. They didn't rush back to the house, however, they took their time and rode in silence enjoying the serenity of the forest.

When they got back they all went to take a shower, Jazz used one of the guest rooms to get ready. When Kiedi was blow drying her hair she heard her door open shortly and then close again. She stepped out of the bathroom to look who it was but her room was empty; on her bed, however, was an outfit which Kiedi didn't remember picking out.

It was a jeans miniskirt and a dark blue v-neck blouse. Kiedi put on her robe over her underwear and marched to Kelly's room the clothes in her fist. Kelly was in front of her bathroom mirror curling her hair.

"A bit dressy for the movies, don't you think?" Kiedi asked waving the outfit in the air.

"That's 'cause were not just going to the movies," Kelly winked at her through her reflection in the mirror.

"We're not?"

Kelly peeped over her shoulder at the door before answering her, "No we're not. I got a text about a party in town so I thought we might stop by after the movies."

"Even worse, you know I don't do parties Kelly," Kiedi grumbled.

"Please, I don't get to hang out with you anymore," Kelly pouted, "I just want to milk all I can out of this day with you."

Kiedi felt like crap. How could she deny Kelly this when it was all she'd asked of her? She really hadn't been spending much time with her ever since she came to New Orleans.

"Fine we can go to the party; do I really have to wear this skirt though?" Kiedi looked at the skirt as if it had offended her.

Kelly laughed "Yes you do, too much jeans aren't good for the crotch. It needs air too you know," Kiedi blushed and harrumphed out of her room.

Kiedi stopped in on Jazz to tell her about the change of plans but by the way how she was dressed she was way ahead of Kiedi. Jazz looked her usual stunning self in shorts, an elbow length off shoulder blouse and knee high black boots. Her red hair was let down in all its glory to fall around her shoulders.

"I'm guessing you heard that we're going to a party?" Kiedi said.

"Yup, I knew from this morning. That's why I packed this outfit," She smiled in response.

"Perfect, so you two were plotting behind my back," Kiedi pretended to be hurt.

"Oh come on Kie, we all know you hate parties so if we'd told you then you would have bailed out on us."

Jazz had a point, Kiedi noted.

"Will you help me with my makeup?" Kiedi asked.

"Sure I'd love to."

With Jazz's help Kiedi looked just as good as she did. Her dark hair was curled and Jazz expertly applied eyeliner and Mascara and a little lip gloss. Kiedi grudgingly put on the outfit Kelly picked out and Kelly came and gave her a pair of 3 inch dark blue pumps to complete it. Kiedi looked at her reflection n the mirror and once again when they were done with her she didn't recognize herself.

Kelly also looked her usual attractive self in black tattered jeans pants and a tie front turquoise top and matching ankle high heeled boots. Her long blond hair was caught up in a neat ponytail.

"Okay is everyone ready?" Kelly asked.

They all took turns looking in the mirror then took up their bags and marched down the stairs. Kiedi hunted out their dad and after being stared at for a good 3 minutes got the car keys from him.

They all piled into the black Mercedes and headed for the movies. They opted to watch 'no strings attached' an Ashton Kutcher movie. As Kelly had predicted they were watched by all. By the time the doors opened to enter the theatre Kiedi lost count of the amount of guys she'd turned down since she stepped out of the car. Jasmine and Kelly were having similar experiences but Kelly seemed to enjoy it.

They got free movie tickets because Kelly flirted with the guy in the ticket booth but Kiedi put her foot down when she tried to get free popcorn and chocolate. Kelly whined but Kiedi pulled the bigger sister card and after she grumbled that it was only by a year she complied. They sat in the less crowded front row of the theatre but even then they found themselves surrounded by guys who Kiedi can confidently say watched none of the movie.

"That was the longest two hours of my life," Jazz complained when they were back in the car. Kiedi grumbled her agreement and started the car.

"At least the movie was good," Kelly tried to be upbeat.

"So where's this party?" Kiedi asked pulling out of the car park.

Half an hour later Kiedi was searching for a parking space in an uptown neighbourhood and teenagers were coming in by the bucket load to a huge three story house that was bursting at the seams with drunken kids.

"Whose house is this?" Kiedi asked as the climbed out of the car.

"Who cares? It's free beer, hot guys and loud music," Kelly shouted over the thumping bass.

"But you don't drink Kell's," Kiedi pointed out.

Kelly shrugged, "there's still cute guys and music."

Jasmine linked her arm through hers as they fought their way through the crowd at the gate. It was only nine o'clock but already the yard was littered with trash and empty beer cans; the pungent scent of smoke and weed filled the air and there were already drunk teens dry humping each other in a corner.

Kelly was soon dragged off by some of her friends so Kiedi was glad Jazz was with her; so much for wanting to spend some sister time, Kiedi thought sarcastically.

Jazz and Kiedi pushed their way through to the back porch that led to the spacious backyard that even had a pool. The music was more muffled out here so Kiedi could hear herself think again. Jazz tugged on her arm to get her attention.

"I'm going to get a beer, do you want one?"

"No, I'll be driving so only water for me." She denied. Jazz nodded and walked off.

Kiedi turned back to lean on the balcony, her eyes scanning the backyard; for what exactly she didn't know yet. She started when she felt a hand run up her bare thigh. Then an arm came and slid its way across her shoulders.

"You got real nice legs girl," a familiar male voice whispered in her ear.

Kiedi turned around and shoved Kyle away from her forcefully. "Kyle!" she yelled at his drunken form.

"What'd I do?" he asked feigning innocence.

"You're such a pig sometimes," she grumbled pushing away his hand again.

"No actually I'm a cheetah, but keep that between us," he whispered. Kiedi scrunched up her face; he stunk of beer.

"Why am I not surprised?" Kiedi quipped but it just bounced right off him. "Why do you insist on flirting with me now? You never had any interest before."

"I don't know, there's something about a taken woman that attracts me," he winked playfully rubbing his shoulder against her.

Kiedi laughed at him and pushed him away, "what are you doing here?"

Kyle seemed to sober up to answer the question, irritation becoming evident on his face. "The guys kept moping about the place, and by guys I mean Cooger and Luke, because you wanted to have a girl's day out. So I decide to have a boys night out," He finished the last part looking very proud of himself.

"So in other words you heard about a party and you just dragged the guys along so someone could drive your drunken ass home."

"Oh, that too," Kyle said with a smile and Kiedi had to laugh at him.

"So where's Luke?" Kiedi asked turning to scan the general area before he even answered.

"He's over by the pool," Kyle said before he sauntered off.

"Be careful!" Kiedi shouted at him before he disappeared into the crowd.

Kiedi spotted all the guys- except Kyle and Cooger- over by some trees and started to make her way down to them. As she approached she noticed that she'd missed the swarm of girls that surrounded them. She paused for a minute and watched as a blonde in what could only be classified as underwear rub her acrylic nails over Luke's chest, leaning in ever so closely to whisper something in his ear while tugging on the strands of hair that were sticking out of his grey tam.

His back was to her so Kiedi couldn't see his face but she could see the face of the blonde and it only caused Kiedi to get more upset. She wanted to go over there and snatch the blonde by her ponytail and make her watch while Kiedi popped off each of her acrylic nails and shoved it up her....

Kiedi stopped short and tried to calm her temper using the breathing technique she taught herself when she was a kid. She was calming down but then the girl did a little shimmy of her breasts for Lukas to get a good view and Kiedi felt her skin prickle. A gust of wind blew past her and cooled her down enough to gather her bearings to walk away because if Luke wasn't going to push her away then Kiedi didn't see the point in going over there to start a fight.

Before she'd completed her turn she saw Luke's head pop up and turn around in her direction as if sensing that she was there; he was smiling. Kiedi ducked into the crowd and made a hasty retreat into the house; the last thing she wanted was for Luke to catch her spying on him while he was flirting or being flirted with, whichever one. She wanted to leave the party right that moment but she couldn't see Kelly or Jasmine and she doubted they would hear their phones over this racket.

She went straight for the doors that would lead her outside and into fresh smoke free air. She felt hot so she grabbed a cold beer light on her way out. Once outside she glanced back to see if Luke had spotted her and was following but there was no one there. She wasn't sure if she felt relieved or disappointed that he hadn't seen her. She didn't want to think about it so she continued walking to the car hoping that she could just sit and listen to some quiet music on her IPod until Kelly was ready to go.

She'd barely touched her car door when whoosh, Luke was standing in front of her; she couldn't make out the look on his face but it was something near to confusion if she had to put a name to it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Final stop on our girl's day out,"

"So where are you going so fast?" why was he questioning her? She was the one who caught him flirting with another girl.

"Is that how you usually mope around?" she asked dryly

"What?" he asked. Now he really looked confused.

"Kyle said you were moping around so I came to find you," Kiedi felt her anger rising as she thought about it, "but you didn't seem to be moping with that girl rubbing herself all over you, in fact you were smiling!"

"Kyle sent those girls over to us!" he started trying to control his voice. "He dragged us out here and all we were doing was standing in a corner with a beer so he sent them to keep us company." He stepped closer to her and whispered, "and I was smiling because I caught your scent behind me."

"Oh," was all Kiedi could stammer out.

Luke framed her face and stooped so that they were on the same eye level, "Beautiful, I need you to believe me when I say that you're the only girl for me, ok?"

"But you fought against it before so what if you saw someone that you were attracted to...? I know I'm not the best looking girl out there and I'm not sure what to do when I see other girls coming unto you, I'm not use to the whole boyfriend thing and I don't know if you like when girl's are possessive or not.." she was staring at her feet.

"I'm yours Kie, so be as possessive as you want," Luke said pulling her face up with his index finger on her chin. "And just for the record you're the most beautiful girl in the world to me. So next time, please don't run away from me?" he was tilting his head in that way that Kiedi loved so much.

"Okay," she promised.

Luke wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed her up against the car. "I like your outfit," he breathed while he nuzzled her neck.

"Thank you," she gasped as one of his hands left her waist in favour of trailing up her thighs. Her knees felt wobbly when he just brushed over her sensitive flesh.

"I really like this skirt," he said huskily his blue eyes darkened as they usually do when he was turned on and his lips were hanging just above hers. Kiedi ran her hand across his cheek and tugged his hair lightly so he would know that she wanted him to kiss her. He happily obliged her pressing his lips against hers. Her hands went around his neck and slid up under his tam to grip his silky hair a moan escaping her lips when he darted out his tongue to meet hers and rocked his hips against her simultaneously. She couldn't help herself from rocking her hips in return against the erection she could feel forming through his jeans.

When the two of them could stand it no longer Luke pulled away and slowly kissed, licked and suckled his way down to her neck where she could hear his sharp breathes. He was trying to control himself again, she recognized the signs; the sharp breaths, the tensed back and the shaking of his hands. She stood still until he calmed down knowing that he needed a moment.

After awhile he looked up at her with an apologetic smile, she shook her head and kissed his nose, then smiled up at him. He gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Let's go back to the party," Luke suggested. Kiedi had almost forgotten where they were; that often happened when Luke was around.

He swung his arm over her shoulder and tucked her closely into his side before making their way back to the house.

"My dad said I could go on the trip with you guys," Kiedi said; she knew Luke could hear her over the music.

"That's great," He said close to her hear, his smile reaching his ears. "I get you all to myself for a whole weekend."

Kiedi laughed at the twinkle that was in his eyes, it made her happy to see him happy. Instead of going back to the backyard Luke led her to the living room, the centre of all the noise and the most crowded part of the house.

"What are we doing here?" she asked.

"You'll see."

There was some new hip hop song playing over the speakers as Luke sided up next to Leo. Kiedi spotted Jasmine and Cooger in a corner making out and had to laugh to herself. Those two really couldn't keep their hands off each other and Kiedi was beginning to understand, she thought as Luke hugged her from behind and slowly rocked with her.

"Hey Leo," she said to Leo who was nestling a cold beer.

He smiled and nodded at her in greeting. Luke claimed her attention by nibbling on her ear and pointed to the centre of the dance floor. Kiedi stared in shock as she saw Carl dancing with two girls, one to the front and one to the back, it was the first time she'd seen Carl so loose and she had to wonder if he was really that drunk. The guys laughed at her facial expression.

Luke turned her slightly and she spotted her sister and Kyle looking all cosy on the dance floor.

"Figures," Kiedi muttered." Kyle is just the piece of work she usually goes after." She turned and realised that she had said that out loud "No offense."

Leo smiled at her, "No we agree with you."

The guys nearly hit the floor when Kelly dropped it low on Kyle and Kiedi almost had heart failure. Luke felt her tense in his arms and turned her in his arms so she was facing him. He kissed her briefly to settle her then went back to their slow rocking to the music.

Kiedi's head was on his chest so she felt more than heard when he sighed loudly. She rose up to see him looking at something over her shoulder. She turned in his arms to see Alicea approaching staring daggers at Kiedi in his arms.

Kiedi smiled smugly and nestled closer to him. The smug smile disappeared and anger burned inside of her when Alicea stopped directly in front of them and completely ignored her and asked Luke to dance.

Kiedi was sure she was breathing smoke. "No" she answered before Luke could speak.

Alicea looked at her as if it was the first time she was seeing her. "Excuse me?" she asked innocently

"I just answered your question," Kiedi replied just as innocently.

"But I didn't ask you anything now did I?" Alicea scowled at her.

Oh this bitch was asking for it, Kiedi thought, and if Luke wasn't holding her tightly in his arms then Alicea probably would have gotten it.

"Okay Luke forget the dance, can we just go somewhere and talk please?" Alicea reached past her to touch his arm. Luke recoiled and Kiedi saw red.

She broke out of his arms and stepped up into Alicea's face, "NO, he's with me and will remain that way so I suggest you get lost, and if you ever touch him again I'll break your arms," Kiedi hissed loud enough for only Alicea to hear but she knew the guys could hear her.

"Lukas?" Alicea looked nervously at Luke.

"You heard the lady," Luke grinned and pulled Kiedi back into his arms planting a kiss on her forehead. "I like you possessive," Luke whispered in her ear.

"Damn Kie, you've got a bit of a mean streak in you," Leo laughed, "No wonder you're a demon's mate."

"Thanks for following us home," Kiedi said as Luke walked her to the front door.

"No problem Beautiful, I just needed to make sure that you're safe."

"You know I'd come up but it's a bit late and your dads home"

"It's okay Luke, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course," he kissed her briefly then stepped back and watched until she shut the front door before drove off his van surprisingly soundless.

"Night dad," Kiedi shouted to their father in the living room before rushing towards the stairs. Their dad was watching the sports channel so they sneaked past without any trouble. It was a bit late to be coming back from the movies.

Kiedi stopped by Kelly's room to say night before she went to hers.

"I enjoyed our sister's day," Kelly smiled at her as she took off her heels.

"Me too," Kiedi replied with a smile. "I was meaning to ask, do you like Kyle or something cause I thought you liked Carl?"

Kelly laughed first before she answered, "Carl and I are just friends Kie and I'm not sure yet about Kyle, he intrigues me," she said with a secret smile.

Kiedi shook her head in disapproval, "Take my advice sis, and do not go there. He's very different from other guys and you won't be able to change him. Kelly went silent as she thought it over; Kiedi squeezed her shoulder then went to her room.

Thanks for reading ^_^. Please don't forget to vote guys! 

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