I'll Wait Forever

By twisted_transistor

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Frank has always been an outcast. At school, at home, even just walking down the street. He's a nobody- and h... More

Chapter one...
Chapter two...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapta 9 y'all.
Chapter 10. Ily all.
Chapter 11...
-21 guns/pilots-


599 43 50
By twisted_transistor

Alternatively titled "I get my shit together and actually write a fucking chapter"


"Frank! Get your ass outta bed, we've gotta go. Gerard's already here!" I heard Emma yell to me through my door. Ugh, school actually wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn every day.

"Hnnghhh... I'm comin'!" I called back before peeling myself from my bed. It is physically painful to have to do that every morning. I wiped the sleep from my eyes before digging through the pile of black shirts on my floor in an attempt to find a clean-ish smelling one.

I pulled out what I thought to be a Judas Priest shirt and threw it on before sprinting to the bathroom to grab my toothbrush. I tossed my toothbrush aside before running a hand through my hair and grabbing my backpack and heading outside to meet Emma and Gerard.

"Nice shirt, Frank." Emma stifled a giggle as I climbed into the backseat.

"Wha-?" I glanced down. My shirt was not, in fact, Judas Priest as I had thought, but Shania Twain. "Fuck!" I sighed.

"Why do you even own that?!" Emma asked, clutching her stomach from laughter.

"Look, she's- Shania is fucking fabulous so shut up. I also haven't grown since I was eleven and went to her concert, where I got this shirt. I didn't even know I still had it!" I exclaimed.

"Uh huh. Sure. Well, have fun explaining this to all your little friends." Emma chuckled, getting out of the car and sprinting towards her group of friends.

"We're the same age!" I called after her, but she didn't hear. "Fuck, oh well. I'll see you later, Gerard." I smiled and quickly pecked his lips before hopping out of the car and off to the hell hole they call school.


"Good morning, class!" A woman who I had never met stood at the front of the classroom. She looked over at us, expecting some response to her warm welcome and beaming smile. She got neither of which, so she continued to speak, "As you can see, Mrs. Begnaud isn't here today. Yesterday, after getting home, she 'slipped and fell' from the second floor of her home and broke her foot. In the hospital, after muttering 'I'm not okay' for a good few hours, she stated that it was a sign to end her teaching career. Now, here we are. I am your new teacher Miss Jackson."

After a few moments of silence, the class muttered a few 'hello's before returning to their previous conversations. I sent her a warm smile before pulling out a book and beginning to read, seeing as she hadn't had anything planned for us to do today.

Not even ten minutes had gone by before a loud shrinking bell rang throughout the school. It was the fire alarm. Kids groaned, thinking it was another drill before getting up and heading towards the door and out the building. I sighed, getting up and following the group outside to wait for the signal that we could reenter the building.

I was looking at my phone when I heard someone come up next to me, "Hey, fag. Long time no see."

Bert. I froze. He wouldn't do anything now, would he? Not while there were so many people and teachers around... "W-what do you want, Bert?" I asked, without turning to face him.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you," he snarled. "Now, come with me. We're gonna go on a little walk." I tried to protest, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me away towards the woods. "Now, I'm gonna talk, and you're gonna listen." Some of his friends had decided to join us and made a small circle around me. "You're gonna tell that psycho that beat us up that we stopped bothering you, or you're gonna die. You're also gonna stop talking to Emma and putting ideas in her head, or you're gonna die. We're also gonna beat the shit out of you, and you're not gonna tell anyone, or you're gonna die. Are we clear?" He asked.

I gulped. I was terrified. There was nothing I could do except just nod and hope it wouldn't be worse than if I called for help. I cringed and fell back as the first blow was delivered right to my jaw I could taste blood instantly. There was no way Gerard wasn't going to get involved in this. "P-please stop..." I tried.

"Aww, the little faggot is scared. To fucking bad." And with that, an elbow was sent straight towards my nose.

"Who said I was scared?" I stood and wiped some of the blood from my face, "I just thought I'd try a new approach..." I trailed off and stepped forwards. That earned me a knee to the gut. "Fuck!" I cursed under my breath.

"Stop fucking talking, you worthless sack of shit!" Bert came closer, shoving me to the ground before nailing a kick to the back of my head. Soon, his buddies joined in and crowded around me, I couldn't stop them.

I wailed in pain, but they kept going. "I-I bet yo-you're doin-ng this bec-cause you think I-I'm hot!" I laughed, doing my best to disgust them enough to just walk away. Bert let out a scoffing sound before he spat on me and began walking away, his buddies in toe. Thank geesus that worked.

I groaned, unable to move. I forced my eyes closed and then reopened them. Maybe, just maybe, I could make it to the nurses office. I just had to get out of the woods.

I focused all my strength on not crying as I attempted to get my feet underneath me. I failed and collapsed back to the ground as I realized my right leg couldn't handle any weight on it. I tried again, this time using only my left leg to bear my weight. I held on to a small tree as I began to hobble out from the woods.

I made it to where someone walking outside would be within shouting distance before I was unable to go any further. I let myself fall to the earth in hopes that a passerby would be able to get me help. I laid on the ground for what felt like hours before someone finally came out of the building. I called out, with what voice I had left, and luckily they saw me. A sense of relief washed over me as the young girl began calling for help.


"Frank? Frank, wake up." I heard a woman's voice speaking to me in a soft, calming tone. I grunted in response and began to open my eyes, being met with a pair of brown eyes looking at me and white walls everywhere else.

"What's goin' on?" I asked, sleep still evident in my voice.

"You got beat up pretty bad. At first glance it looked like you could've been in a car wreck. Oh, silly me. You're in the hospital, dear." She smiled before walking around the bed and adjusting the IV that was sticking out of my arm.

"Oh..." I mumbled, remembering the events of Bert and his friends. "Do I have any visitors?" I asked.

"I believe so, let me go check." She walked out of the room and I used this time to assess the damage. I reached up to feel my face. I had a large plastic thing across my nose and a large bandage stretching from forehead to my ear, along with a smaller one on my chin. I traced around my mouth and, thankfully, found all of my teeth to still be in place. My neck was sore, but I didn't have a brace. And other than a few bruises the rest of me seemed fine. Except for the cast that stretched from my upper thigh down to my foot. Fuck.

"Sir, I believe there are four people who came to see you. You must be pretty popular!" She laughed, "now, I can only let in one at a time, so you're gonna have to tell me who to let in first. We have an Emma Carlile, Gerard Way, Linda Iero, and a Bert McCracken."

My heart sank at the last two names on the list. Why the fuck would either of them think it's ok to come talk to me? I sighed, "Gerard first, then Emma. Send the others home."

She left the room again and a few minutes later returned with Gerard. "Frank! Oh my god, what happened?!" He rushed over to me, holding my hand in his.

"It's nothing-" I started, but was cut off.

"It's not fucking nothing, Frank! You're in the hospital for Christ's sake! Please, just talk to me about this... Tell me what happened." He met my gaze before quickly turning away, but not before I saw a tear slip down his cheek. "I'm going to fucking kill whoever did this to you-" he stopped suddenly, the realization kicking in, "Bert."

"Gerard, stop. Look, I'm fine. He just..." I trailed off, not knowing if I should tell him the full story. "He got mad that I called him a pussy. It was my fault."

"Goddammit, Frank! All of this over a petty insult? Why couldn't you have kept your mouth shut!" He yelled, making me flinch. "I'm sorry... This isn't your fault, I know this isn't your fault... I just- I can't stand to see you hurt. I just... I'm sorry." He whimpered, before collapsing next to me and pulling me into a tight embrace. "This is my fault. I shouldn't have let this happen. I should've been there to protect-"

"Gerard, you can't always be there to protect me. Don't blame yourself for this. This is Bert's fault, not yours." I tried soothing him, but he simply tensed against me.

"I know... I'm sorry, I'll let Emma come see you now. You're staying at my house tonight, though."

"Alright, alright." I chuckled, flashing him a grin as he exited.

"You fucker. What did you do now?" Emma sighed as she appeared in the doorway.

"Would you believe me if I said bear attack?" I giggled as she shot me a mock death glare.

"You're such an idiot."

"But I don't wanna be an American idiot!" I exclaimed, earning a slap to my my arm.

"Apparently I have to make this quick because there's other people who wanna see you, but I expect the truth later, alright? Deuces!" She called, just as she was exiting the room.

"Sir, I told the others that you weren't really up to see them at this time but they both said they'd wait until you were up for it. Are you sure you don't want to speak with either of them?" The woman who I had previously spoken with appeared again.

"Fine... Send in Bert."

"Alright, one moment." She smiled warmly before heading to fetch the asshole who's fault it is that I'm even in here. Great.

"Hey, Frankie. Long time no see." Bert grinned as he waltzed in and sat on my bed.

"What do you want." I said dryly.

"Just to make sure you remember our little agreement, or next time you visit this place you'll leave in a body bag. Got it?" He smiled sweetly, making me want to vomit. I nodded, simply to get him to leave. He laughed and shot me a devilish grin as he left the room as quickly as he had entered it.

Well, now I guess there's just one person left to talk to. My 'mom'.


*wipes brow* ok so that was kinda shitty but at least it's an update, so yay :D

If you ignored my last A/N, then you probably don't know about my new story, it's called 'Slut.' And you should definitely check it out. The first chapter is already posted and it would be awesome if you could read it and give me some feedback.

Ok well I think that's it...

Merci pour le venin...

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