The Vampire Diaries (A Salvat...

By calmthestorm

2.1M 30.4K 6.1K

Alexandria Salvatore. Damon and Stefan's Little Sister. She's 15, she's beautiful, and she's of course a Salv... More

Chapter 1: Bad Memories
Chapter 2: Dead
Chapter 3: Her Grave
Chapter 4: The Truth
Chapter 5: Reunion
Chapter 6: New Girl...
Chapter 7: Tonight's Plans
Chapter 8: Movie Night
Chapter 9: Klaus' Minions
Chapter 10: Hunting for...Him
Chapter 11: Fooling Eyes...?
Chapter 12: The Real Truth
Chapter 13: Explanations
Chapter 14: Together (At Last)
Chapter 15: Stefan's Girl(s)
Chapter 16: Indiana Alex
Chapter 17: Gregory Wade Ford
Chapter 18: First Date
Chapter 19: Surprises
Chapter 20: Alex's Room!
Chapter 22: Disappeared
Chapter 23: I've Had Enough...
Chapter 24: A Gift
Chapter 25: Peacemaker
Chapter 26: PARTAY>
Chapter 27: A Double Kiss .. And Drunk Damon
Chapter 28: Back Again
Chapter 29: Ripping Some Heads
Chapter 30: The Pain
Chapter 31: Drunk Chick, M & M's, Pole Dancing and a Roller Coaster
Chapter 32: Bye, Bye .. Vegas
Chapter 34: Let's Fast Forward
Chapter 35: Boy, We're Dangerous
Chapter 36: Moment of Peace? Nah..
HI! Update on the story and it's position!
Chapter 37: Venice

Chapter 21: Birthday Weekend

43.8K 538 107
By calmthestorm

Alexandria's P.O.V. 

It was already May 15th. One more day til my birthday! Stefan had planned everything out and we were going to California! Can you believe it, California?! Four of us were going, Elena, Stefan, Damon and me. I actually was looking forward having Elena come, she's the best. 

Stefan didn't tell me anything on what we were doing. Not even a hint! He wanted everything to be perfect. I thought it was sweet. It showed how much he cared and missed me...

I was in my (amazing) room packing my clothes for the weekend. I choose out four of my best outfits. "Knock, knock." A voice came from the door. I turned to see Elena. 

"Hey." I said.

"Hey! You excited?" she said.

"Crazy, they didn't even tell me what we're doing..." I said.

She laughed. "Trust me it will be a great surprise. You packed yet?"

"Yeah, I have a little left. What about you?" 

"Done. Everything's waiting downstairs. Stefan told me to get ready as early as possible."

I laughed. "Oh, Stefan." 

She smiled. "Okay, i'll see you in a bit. I gotta go check on Jer. "

I said goodbye and she left. I went to the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, straightener, comb, and hair dryer. Wow, I had a lot of things. I was surprised it even fit into my 2 bags. I had clothes in one bag and a bunch of other things in the other. 

After about 15 minutes of fidgeting around, Stefan came upstairs. 

"You ready to go?" he asked. 

I took both of my bags in each hand. "Yep, let's go." I said smiling. He walked over to me. 

"Let me take these for you." he said smiling. 
I gave him a warm smile. Only Stefan would do this. "If you insist."

 We walked downstairs and Damon and Elena were waiting on the couch. 

"Let's go!" I said happily. 

We all piled into the car and drove off to the airport. All the customs went by quick and we got on the plane at the right time. Ugh, I hate planes though. But, I was glad it was at night time and plus it was only 3 hours. Damon and I sat together while Elena and Stefan sat across the isle which was about 2 feet away. Stefan and I took the outer seats so we could talk to each other but i knew he'd end up snuggling with Elena. ;D

At about 10:00 P.M. the plane finally started...Hate this part so much. 

"Welcome to Air Virginia. We hope you have a safe flight to California. Please buckle up your seat belts." The lady was on the microphone was explaining all the procedures. I was falling asleep but I tried to stay awake. 

When the plane finally took off, I relaxed. 

"Lex, why don't you go to sleep. You look very...tired." Damon said next to me. I looked at him with sleepy eyes. 

"That's a good idea." I said half asleep. I took Damon's arm and put my head on his shoulder. He put a blanket around with me with his free arm and I dozed off to sleep. 

Stefan's P.O.V.

I took a look at Alexia and saw she was asleep. She looked so tired. Maybe it was the blood, she actually didn't drink today. The last time you drunk was yesterday in the afternoon. 

"He really cares about her, doesn't he?" Elena said. I saw Damon moving a piece of her hair away from her face. 

"Yeah, she means a lot to him...and me" I said. 

She smiled. " I know, your an amazing brother. She's so excited. "

I looked at her. She kissed me and the microphone went off. 

"I'm sorry to inform you but there is a chance of a 2 hour delay due to weather conditions." 

Ugh. Why does this have to happen.. I looked at Elena. "Of course."

She gave me a little smile. "Don't worry, the concert's tomorrow, not today." She said. 
I nodded my head. I hope everything went well... She kissed me again and we continued talking about the plans. 


Alexandria's P.O.V.

Voice stop talking and let me sleep.

"Lex...Alex...wake up..." said a voice. I groaned a little. 

"Lexi, come on baby girl...We're almost there." It said again. 

I opened my eyes a little and saw a fuzzy Damon looking at me. I put my head back on his shoulder. 

"Let me sleep, Damon." I said in a tired voice. 

He chuckled. "We're almost there though." 

I opened my eyes again and lifted my head up. "What time is it?" I asked.

"2:30. Our flight got delayed by 2 hours so we're going to land at around 3." he said. 

I groaned. Great. He looked at me. "Hey, think of the amazing time we're going to have."

I nodded my head and took the blanket off of me. "I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said. 

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I looked around at all the faces on the plane. They look so .. human. Almost everybody knows there is no such things as supernatural or paranormal. But, they don't know the half of it. 

I made my way back to my seat after a quick break. Damon was reading a magazine and Stefan and Elena were talking and laughing.

"Hey," I said. "Are we almost there?" 

"Yeah, like 5 more minutes til we land." Damon said.

Thank god. Planes frustrate me so much. ~~

We got off the plane and it was the start to my birthday weekend. I was so tired that I literally had to to hold Damon the whole way. I held his hand so I wouldn't fall.

"A couple more minutes until we get into the car. Kay?" he whispered. 
I nodded my head.

We got our luggage and headed out the airport. There was a huge black limousine waiting for us. There was a driver holding a sign that read "Salvatore's." Even though I looked half dead, I was super excited. 

"Yo-ou got a limo?!" I said. 

Stefan smiled. "I thought it would be nice...Better than a taxi." He shrugged his shoulders.

We got into the limo and it was...amazing. 

I sat across from Elena and Stefan who looked like they just woke up from an amazing deep sleep.

I don't know how they do it but I knew I was gone. I feel asleep in the car and didn't remember a thing since. 

Damon's P.O.V. 

Alexandria was about to collapse in the airport. She looked so... tired. In the limo, she feel asleep which was good even if it was a 40 minute ride to our hotel. 

Once we arrived, we got all the luggage out and put it into our Villa. I carried Alexia into her room and let her sleep. The real fun begins tomorrow. 


Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up in a huge bed. It could fit like 6 of me...legit. My room was beautiful though. There were flower vases and exotic paintings everywhere. Stefan really went out this time....

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom. I took a look at my bed head in the mirror while I brushed my teeth. Wow, it was my birthday. Happy 162nd Birthday to Alexandria Salvatore!

I did not look like a 162 year old. I chuckled slightly to the thought. 

I got ready and came out to see everyone dressed as well. Stefan was the first to come up.

"Happy Birthday Lex!" he said cheerfully. He gave me a huge bear hug that almost knocked me over. Damon came up afterwards. 

"Happy Birthday, Lex." he said smirking. He gave a huge hug as well. Advantages of having older brothers = their hugs. 

Elena came up afterwards. "Happy Birthday Alex!" she said smiling.

I smiled. "Thank you." She gave me a normal hug that atleast didn't squeeze me to death. I looked around at the kitchen and noticed the huge table.

There was assortments of different types of food all over the dining table. 

"Wow." I said. 

Stefan smiled. "A little substitution instead of blood."

I sat down and ate along with everyone else.

We had a lot of fun actually throughout the day. First, we went shopping and Stefan and Damon bought Elena and me a whole bunch of cool things. I think I bought atleast 5 purses...just a guess. I also got a bunch of jewelry and clothes that were absolutely beautiful. I felt so guilty spending money, but they insisted. I couldn't even argue with them. 

We went to lunch at a little bistro that had great Italian food. It definitely had the taste of Italy. 

We went back to our Villa and relaxed for about an hour until it was time to eat dinner.  Dinner was amazing as well. The food was almost as good as my regular diet. But, I tried staying away from blood this weekend. It was going good too. After dinner, came the real surprise. In the car I kept complaining. 

"Can you guys please tell me where we're going because I know it's not our hotel." I said.

Damon smirked. "This is the best part of your weekend though!"

I rolled my eyes. "You'll see it's a surprise." Stefan said. 

Ugh, I hate surprises sometimes, they kill me. After about 30 minutes of driving we finally stopped.

I got out the car and there was a huge marquee hanging high. "OneRepublic Concert One Day ONLY!" it said.

I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say. 

I turned around and cheered. I couldn't believe we were at a OneRepublic concert! 

"You guys are the best! You know that?!" I said cheerfully. I couldn't even explain my thoughts right now to them. I hugged them all again and we went inside. 

Hundreds and hundreds of people were screaming and talking. The stadium was huge and so was the crowd. We were all eagerly waiting for the show to begin. 

"LOS ANGELES ARE YOU READY!" spoke Tedder. The crowd went wild to his voice and they began to sing. They started out with Secrets, going on to Marching On and Apologize. I didn't want tonight to end. Everything was perfect...I was here with my favorite people listening to my favorite band. Nothing could get better until...Tedder came to the mike again. 

"Alright, this next song has a special dedication to someone." he said. I looked up. "The next song we're playing is All This Time for Alexandria Salvatore. Happy birthday from..." he looked at his card. What was going on..."From GF." he said. He looked confused. 

The crowd ohhhed and whistled but I didn't pay any attention to that. GF...? Only one person knows how special that song is and that's Gregg...I looked around to see if I recognized anyone. 

"Alex, what was that?" Stefan said.

"I-I don't know Stefan...But, it has to be Gregg it can't be anyone else! It's him!" I said.

"Lex, we don't know that for sure." Damon said.  

"I have to find him!" I said through the crowd's voice. 

I ran through the crowd trying to get through.

"Alex, Alex wait!" Stefan said trying to catch up. I ran through searching everywhere and that's when I saw a ghostly figure go outside. I quickly catched up and knocked the door open. I stood outside in the dark in the middle of the street. 

I heard whooshing everywhere and I knew that someone was here. It had to be Gregg... no one else. 

"Gregg! Is that you?!" I said. 
No response. After a couple seconds I called again.

"Gregg!" I said. 

Then, I finally felt someone in the back of me.
"Hi Alex." a male voice said.

I turned around to see who it was and...everything went black after that. 


Who do you thing it is? :) 

Vote, Comment, Fan :D 

Mwahahaa suspense!

Maybe if I get a little encouragement I might write but I have to get off noww ;p

love youu x

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