You get too close (Dean)

By bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 8

6K 156 111
By bilboaaa

// Sadie //

Four hours. It had been four hours since we'd started driving and I was going crazy. Dean has not said a word to me. Not.A.Word. At first,I was enjoying the peace and quiet. Usually he's yelling at me or insulting me in some way but this time he's being quiet which I thought was good. But after only two hours I was starting to get worried.

All the worst case scenarios pop into my head. What if he literally can't talk because he's got some type of cold? What if it gets worse and he can't wrestle? What if he really,Really hates me now? What if he's plotting revenge against me even though I haven't done anything to him?

The silence is deafening. Silence makes me a little nervous and it makes me overthink. I tried turning the radio on earlier but he just turned it right back off and glared at me,As if he wanted me to try to turn it on again so he could punch me in the face.

I really wanna ask him what's going on between us,If anything at all,What he's thinking about, And most importantly if he's okay. But I'm too scared to even open my mouth. Since we're getting low on gas again,I decide that this is my chance to get away from him for five minutes. So I pull into a gas station and get out quickly to go pay.

I use the bathroom,Pay for the gas and then grab a couple of snacks before walking outside again. To my surprise,Dean is leaned up against the car,Pumping gas. I smile slightly as I notice he put his beanie on. He looks adorable in it.

I take out my phone to check the time and the weather. It's only 40 degrees out right now. I should probably put a jacket on before I catch a cold. I'm not easily cold though. Winter doesn't bother me because I rarely ever get cold.

"You didn't have to do that." I smile walking up towards Dean. He looks at me for a moment before shrugging. "I needed to stretch anyways." I nod and look around slightly. Since it's five there's still light out,But the street lights are on.

I wonder where we are?

I suck at keeping up with what city we're in. I've literally been driving this whole time without knowing where I was going. I mean I have a gps of coarse,And I'm sure it's said the name of where we currently are plenty of times but I've just not listened.

"Ugh...Where the heck are we?" I ask looking around.

"...Hell if I know. All I know is,In three hours we'll be in Dallas Texas." He shrugs.

"Yeah...Why didn't we just catch a plane?" I ask.

"Hell if I know." He chuckles. "Guess they just wanted us to drive. I think Trips is playing it smart. Usually Vince wants to keep us on our toes,Wrestling as many shows on as many days as possible. So we usually catch a plane to get there quicker. But this time I guess Triple H has us driving so that we can get tomorrow off. Plus,I'm pretty sure he just wants the day off as well." He shrugs.

I nod silently before looking towards the gas station again. I wonder why he's talking to me all of a sudden. He hasn't said a word the whole drive and now he's being a normal human being?

One things for sure. He's a weird guy. Hard to figure out.

I groan as my phone rings. I really hate phone calls. I prefer texts.


"Hey Sadie!" I hear Aymie yell. I cringe and pull the phone away from my ear. "Are you drunk again?" I ask. "No." She giggles. "Just wanted to call my favorite sis if that's okay."

"I'm your only sis." I roll my eyes. "What do you need?" I ask.

"I just wanted to see if you asked your bosses if I could come visit yet?" She asks excitedly.

"Ugh,Sorry I forgot. Next time I see or talk to Hunter or Steph I'll be sure to ask...Plus I share a car with someone and since you'd have to ride with us I feel I should ask him..." I say turning towards Dean again. He raises his brows at me before closing the gas tank. I try to get back into the car but he silently pushes me softly and points to the other side. I shrug before walking around to the passengers side.

"He...You're sharing a car with a guy. Do you have any idea what you can do in a car?" She asks.

"Ugh you can drive it,Ride in it-"

"I mean what you can do in a car with a guy. Same thing though. You can ride it,Drive it,Put it in reverse for him-" "Aymie you are so nasty!" I laugh. "Look,Why don't you be a nice little girl and ask him. I'll put you on speaker." I smile looking towards him. He smirks and shakes his head at me before putting his seat belt on.

"Hello mystery man whom my sister is sharing a car with. May I ask your name?" She asks sweetly.


"DEAN FUCKING AMBROSE ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? SADIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE SHARING A CAR WITH THAT HOT PIECE OF ASS?!" She yells cutting him off. While he breaks into a laughing fit I put my head in my hands. This is why I don't introduce people to her.


"Nah it's cool. Don't tell me about the most exciting thing to ever happen to you in your life. You better be glad it ain't Seth. You know I got a thing for that sellout. The shit I would do to him-"

"Girl you are nineteen sit your little behind down somewhere." I huff. "And I'm giving you four seconds to ask what you need to ask before I hang up on you!" I warn. "Alright,Alright. Dean, Titty master,Whatever you prefer to go by. May I please come visit my dearest,Loveliest sister ever? I'd have to ride with you guys which is why I'm asking. Of coarse,You'd be lucky to be graced with the presence of me but my sister insists I ask-"

"Feel free to say she can't join us." I whisper.

"I heard that bitch. If you wanna fight tell me where and when." She laughs. I roll my eyes and grin a little. One thing I've always loved about my sister is her outgoing personality and her ability to always stick up for herself and speak her mind. Sometimes she's a little too much for me,But I love her anyways and I wouldn't change her for the world.

"Anyways,I was speaking to the important one. Dean. May I please come so I can beat my sister's ass?"

"Sure it's fine with me. I'd love to meet you." He chuckles,Obviously amused. I sigh as she squeals loudly. "Yay! Okay,I promise I won't be a problem. I won't speak,I won't be wore-some I won't even twerk. It'll be just like I'm not there." She says.

"Ok...Sounds like bull to me but ok." I smirk. "Now I'm gonna hang up. Bye." I say before hanging up. I look towards Dean and see him still chuckling as he starts the car up. "Your sister is funny. You two don't seem to be very much alike." He states. I frown.

"I mean-I didn't mean that in a bad way. It's just she's loud and you're not." He mumbles. I nod. "Yeah we're polar opposites but we're also just like each other." I shrug. "Hey,Thanks for driving by the way."

"No problem. I always make you drive and I know it's tiring." He shrugs. "Ugh,And I'm sorry. About everything. Like,For ignoring you and everything." He says. "It's okay...You're not mad at me or anything right?" I ask.

"Nope. I'm not. Ugh,About our kiss-"

"The one last night?" I smirk a little as I see his face flush. He obviously didn't know I knew.

"Oh okay,Yeah we'll talk about that one." He mutters before cursing under his breath. "I-Well I didn't know you'd remember. Anyways,I'm sorry about it." "Why? It's not like I didn't...Enjoy it." I mumble. I sigh as I feel my face heat up slightly.

"Yeah I enjoyed it too I guess. I'm sorry it happened though." He mutters. I furrow my brow.


"This can't happen alright,Sadie? I'll admit that I can enjoy your company. Okay? There you go. Me and you-We can try to be friends. We can try to get along. We can be professional. I'm not saying that I'm gonna stop insulting you because I'm not. I want you to get pissed at me,I want you to cuss me out and throw some glass at my head or some shit. Not just because I'm trying to distance myself from you anymore,But because it's fucking infuriating to me and all the other superstars that you don't have a damn temper." He grumbles.

"Anyways,We can be somewhat normal or somewhat nice to each other. But we cannot and will not be in a relationship. I'm not going through that shit again. And I'm not saying that either of us wanted a relationship with one another,I'm just letting you know ahead of time. I refuse to be in another relationship. There will be no hugging,Kissing,Deep talking,None of that. When we see each other we see each other,When we don't we don't."

"Are you giving me rules on how to act with you?" I ask.

"I'm sorry if that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable,Or if you think it's unnecessary but the only way I'm gonna be able to be normal around you is if I know that you know that we're nothing. Those kisses meant nothing and they'll never happen again. I just need you to know that."

"Yeah well...I wasn't expecting to marry you." I mumble. I don't know why but...I feel it. I feel that feeling that you get in your stomach when you get angry. I feel my face warming up and my skin becoming a little itchy because of the warmth. Why the heck does this guy make me so angry?

My anger is totally unnecessary. Why should I be angry? He's telling me what I already know. There will be no more kissing,We won't be more than friends,EVER,and we're not even friends. We're acquaintances if even that. I know all of this stuff,It's all common sense. But for some reason it's making me angry that he's telling me all of this. He makes me angry a lot easier than everyone else and I just cannot understand that. What is it about him that ticks me off so much?

"Sadie? Are we clear?" He asks.

I shrug and face forward. "Yep."

"Are you...Is that-Are you finally angry?!" He asks.

"No Dean,I'm tired." I mutter.

"Can you fucking please get angry for once-"

"We've had this discussion before Dean. Being angry puts me in a bad place. Anger is sadness to me. I'm not willing to go back to that state of mind." I mumble. "I'm sleepy. Wake me up when we get there." I yawn.


"Sadie!" I hear someone yell. I groan. "Sadie get your ass up!"

"Are we there yet?" I mumble opening one eye. "No,I woke you up because I wanted company." I hear Dean say. I sit up and look around a little. We are in fact still driving,Which means he wasn't being sarcastic. He actually did wake me up just for the company.

"Are you serious right now?" I grumble.

"Yes. Are you mad?"

"No,Dean. I'm sleepy. How long was I asleep?" I ask.

"Only an hour." He shrugs. I sigh. Of coarse. Just an hour.

"Hey,I never went to sleep on you when you were driving!" He laughs.

"Oh you're right,You just stayed up and insulted me for hours on end. It was great,Thanks." I smile sarcastically. He raises a brow. "So far I've learned that you are a slightly temperamental drunk,Slightly cranky when hungover,And sarcastic when woken up. This means that if I can get you to get drunk,Then make you fall asleep only to wake you up approximately three hours later, You will be cranky and temperamental and sarcastic which put together equals angry." He says.

I huff and look out the window. "Stop studying me and trying to make me angry. It won't work. And sarcasm isn't anger. It's something that avoids showing anger." I correct him.

"So you admit that mentally you're angry but you just won't show it?" He asks.

"No. I'm saying that sarcasm is not anger and does not equal anger." I mutter through gritted teeth. "Ugh huh. I notice that you have quite the attitude when woken up. I like it. Now,What do I have to say to get you to yell?" He asks.

"AHH!" I yell. "There you go." I look over at him smugly and see him rollings his eyes. "So what makes you tick?" I ask. "What makes Dean Ambrose annoyed,Angry,And frustrated?" I ask curiously.

"Ugh let's see." He huffs. "Men. Women. Children. Dogs,Cats,Animals of all sorts. I really don't like a lot of TV shows or movies,Most of them piss me off. I can't stand most music and the very thought of country music makes me wanna scream. I don't like tea,I don't like a lot of restaurants. Gosh I hate traffic and I don't like-"

"Okay what doesn't make you mad?" I ask.

"Ugh..." He mutters. "Um..."

"While you think of something that doesn't make you mad,I'll get back to my beauty rest." I roll my eyes. "No! Come on,We're only about forty five minutes away from the hotel now. You can last forty five minutes right? Besides,It's only 7:30 right now. You won't have a good night's sleep if you sleep the whole car ride." He whines.

I sigh. "Fine...But I'm hungry."

"Oh take this burger." He shrugs pulling a burger from the backseat.

I raise my brows. "You stopped at a restaurant?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was gonna go in cause the drive thru was packed,But when I was walking in this kid came out and he had the burger in his hands and ready to go." He shrugs. "So I took it. I figured you might be hungry since the snacks didn't last lon-"

"Wait a minute. You took a burger from a child?" I ask.

"Well,I'm not that bad of a person Sadie. I said thank you." He rolls his eyes.

I sigh. I really just wanna lay down in a bed right now. And I'm not eating that sandwich!

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