The Drama Queen 2[On Hold]

By DaRealRuby1

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Last year was a bit much for Brookhaven. With the death of Lorenzo Gavin and chad hiding out the drama begins... More

Phase 1
Welcome back to BrookHaven
Raven Scarlett
Skate Fair
Phase 2
Letter Drama
Letters with Mia (Week one)
Letters with Raven (Week One)
Burnt Pages
Phase 3
Quality Time
luncheon of hell
Just chill
Walk in the park
phase 4
Stuck Up
Fall Out
Mad Man
Authors Note
Phase 5
Tune Up
Tony Mac
Phase 6
Party Party Party
October Craze
Fall Homecoming
Phase 7
Authors note
Saving The Friendship
On You
Giving Thanks
Second Halve
Phase 8
Bad Nerves
To Much Chat
Phase 9
Return Of Nina
The Meet Up
The Test
Phase 10
Finals Week

Getting The Facts

250 7 1
By DaRealRuby1


My mind was doing numbers as i stood in the bathroom butt naked. I had been crying and overthinking a lot. I wonted no parts of this.

My only concern was manny honestly i can careless about some last years drama. I mean damn i don't have time.

If its nina they wont then fine with me. Hell i dont know her no way and im not trying to get friendly anymore with anyone.

When my life in danger that becomes a problem to me. No one i mean no one on this earth will drag me along like some damn puppet.

I had to find raven and get a hold to nina because shit was getting to real for me. I have more important things to deal with.

Taking my shower i then laid down and tried to get some sleep.
Which i couldnt i tossed and turned.

The next day i found raven. Never in a million years i thought ill be here confining in her for anything.

"Hey so look afterschool lets do something." She agreed as the day went on. Afterschool we meet up as planned.

Outside we sat and had smoothies. She looked at me seriously. "Look i know this sounds crazy but you have got to tell me everything you know. About nina about everything." I said.

"Okay if i keep it real with you. You got to keep it real with me." Raven said. Shrugging my shoulders i was ready to let it rip.

"Okay so you know ashley?"She was like my girlfriend but she ditched me for this carlos dude. So after that i start dating tony."

"Tony was all sweet and nice then he changed. Okay so one day he was acting all weird. He confessed to me that he sent one of his family members to kill carlos."

"Then skipped town. So on in i wasnt speaking to him. Manny was pissed and trying to find him. I didn't wont to be involved."

"Out of nowhere ashley came to me for help. Asking me to get in touch with her. Its about this neek guy. So thats all i know."

I looked at her with my mouth dropped.

"Now its adding up. Me and manny was at the condo when tony sent whoever to kill carlos."

"Im sure carlos told manny it was tony's doing because he have eyes watching this neighborhood."

"So after he found out tony was gone we just still laid low he was still freaked out. So a couple days later we went to this cookout."

"It was in the park. Some dude name neek was threatening us. Then told some boys to solider up. Of course i didn't know what he meant."

"Then all of sudden manny just up and left. Not to mention i was being followed by some guy."

"Right after i was being followed i got this creepy letter."

I threw the letter to raven who read it.

"So here i am asking you to help me to. This nina girl has got to go bye bye. I dont know her and for all i care manny is like gone."

"Calm down. Look we got to figure out a little bit more before we go jumping all over the place." Raven said.

'Okay fine but i still say some aint right." I said. "Well have manny told you anything that can help?" She asked.

"Hell no he been sneaky really sneaky about shit lately and thats the problem." I said.

"Its more to this so listen theses are the facts. You might wont to write this down. What we know can clear us from any unnecessary drama."

"Okay raven im listening put it together because im still like lost here." I said seriously.

The Facts Sheet


•Tony: sent someone to kill carlos.{But why?}

•Nina:Has some doing of what happened last year with the return of Neek.{Most Wanted}

Neek: Is the cause of people disappearance.

Looking at the sheet stupidity it still wasnt enough. We both agreed that it was time to find nina. Raven told me where she stayed.

Going into carlos apartments my mind started to race. What were we doing here?

Raven knocked on the door as some big light skin guy answered. "Hello is nina here?" I asked. The guy smirked and looked at us both.

No lie i was scared as hell standing there. "Come wait for her." He said. "Its like late so you can tell her we stopped by." I said.

Me and raven sprinted to the car. Once i got home my head hurted so bad. I washed up and ate. It was going on eleven o clock and i needed some rest.

Cutting off my light and laying down my computer lite up. Looking up i jumped up and sat at my desk.

Turning on my lamp i looked at my computer screen. It was a message from manny.

I thought i was dreaming so i slapped myself hard as shit. Damn it was real. Clicking on it i read.

Manny:Hey mia. I miss you but its some stuff i got to tell you. I hope you dont get mad. Are you up?

Mia: Im up but how i know its you?

Manny: You have a birth mark on your left butt cheek shaped like a heart.

Mia: Okay it is you. So where are you?

Manny: In this camp thingy. Listen to me mia. Im so sorry you have to just listen to me.

Mia: So talk im listening. Are you being timed?

Manny: Yes i am i dont have long. I need a favor.

Mia: Why am i not surprised. How about you come home.

Manny: Its not that simple. I need you to find Nina. Okay find her its important that you do. Dont let her leave town. If she do im a dead man!

Mia: Why whats going on? Be straight up and tell me everything.

Mia: Manny are you still there?

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