Plan B

By Littlepup93

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Ah, yes, the infamous self-insert fic, bane of good literature. Often spawned by immature writers who know no... More

Can't beat the Heat
Torturing isn't for the weiry
'Plan B'
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Plan B -P32- -TAKEDOWN-
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Plan B -P35- -TOED.WY-
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Plan B -P38- -THE GULAG-
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Plan B -P42- -LOOSE ENDS-
PLan B -P43- -EOME-
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Plan B -P45- -JLOT-
Plan B -P46- -ENDGAME-
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A Task Force New Year
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Plan B -P96- -The End-
Plan B -P97- -Epilog-
In the Mist
In the Mist -P2-
In teh Mist -P3-
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In the Mist -P5-
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In teh Mist -P13-
In the Mist -P14-
In the Mist -P15-
Not a true professional
A Task Force Christmas

Plan B -P29-

22 2 0
By Littlepup93

There was a cold silence from there. Nikoli downed his tea and stomped out blowing off steam, in fact if you cracked some eggs on his head then in five minutes you'd have scrambled eggs! I watched him stand outside from the living room window, he crossed his arms and stared out at the horizon.
I came next to him and told him gentally, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I need to stay hiden from a bit. If Shepard finds me alive then I'm toast."
"And what about Soap," Nikoli spat without looking at me. "Isn't he and the other squad members at risk?"
"I don't like this anymore than you do," I told him. "But if that fruitloop knew he didn't kill me then he'll end us."
"Alright," Nikoli sighed but didn't look at me. "So when do you think you should suddenly pop up again?"
"When I know that MacTavish and the others have found out that Shepard is a nutcase," I answered.
Nikoli finally turned to me and grinned slightly. His shook his head and grumbled something in Russian before walking back inside. He might help the Task Force when there are tight snags, but he was still Russian.

Meanwhile (Price)
Scanning around my cell door, I let out a sigh of releif, then returned to making a shank from a peice of wood. It was sharp, and my only means of carving it was with a knife I 'borrowed' from a guard. He wouldn't miss it.
Either I was insane to begin with, or this gulag was making me loss it. 'Oh right, I HAVE a knife!' I thought before shoving the wood in my pocket and grumbled, "Damn it, Price. It's obvious."
Peaking out again I didn't see anyone coming so I started to try picking the lock... with the wood. I heard a snap and pulled out a half broken 'almost' shank and cursed under my breath. Where was Soap when you needed him? 'Maybe dead', I told myself. 'Note to self; Learn how to pick locks.'
But becoming irritated to the point where I'd try to slammyself at the bars wasn't an option. 'I wonder if this knife could be any use to get this open." I curiously pondered and shoved the blade in and turned it about. Just in a matter of minutes I heard a click and I pushed the door open. 'Score one, Price.'
Without hesitation I ran down the hal, passing by many other prisoners locked up. The giant man who fought me the other day stood up, "Prisoner 627 is excaping!:
'I hope I remember to get back at him later,' I thought as alarms sounded. Guards poured in with riot sheilds and gun. 'Second floor, I might make it,' I told myself as I leaped from the side fence. Landing harder than I intended I scurred for the closing excit. So close! Just a little farther, I could even see the sun outside. I bursted through and into the snow, the friged air bit at my skin.
"Get him!" A guard shouted, "Don't shoot, we need him alive!"
'Oh what I worth something now?' I asked myself. 'Wait of course I am! I'm the Captain of the S.A.S. team!'
Then something knocked me over and into the slush, a guard sneered as he brought a needle near me, "Time for a little break old man!"
"Over my dead body!" I argued pushing the needle away.
"Well that's not up to you!" The guard growled as he pushed the needle in my forearm.
"Get away from me," I snapped pushing him off and getting back up. Then i rushed as far as I could before I fell flat in the snow, hearing the crunch under me.
Then a guard sighed, "This one's too much trouble. I'm sure we should rid ourselfs of him."
"No." I different told him fermly. "I've been given some good offers of his return. Let's see how high they'll go to get him."
Then I passed out, only to wake up in a soild room. No bar cage door, just a guard watching me in a chair, with a smug grin on his face. "Welcome to your new room."
'New being a relitive term,' I would have said but didn't as I saw how crumy and deplorible it was.

The next day (Soap)
"Wake up, Roach," I told the bugger as I nudged his shoulder.
"Fine more minutes," He moaned as he turned to a side.
"No time for that," I protested. "We over slept as it is. We need to get to the base."
"Fine," He sighed getting up and packing his stuff up. When he wanted to he could be quick, in this case he took his time.
When we got climbing I couldn't help but notice the gray clouds over head, at least yesterday was clear. Today there was suppost to be a blizzard, great...
Five hours of climbing, five freaking hours of ice climbing. Some of you might be all, 'Oh stop complaining!' But seriously it was a lot of effort, don't say anything until you actually did do it! Roach then called from below me, "Are we going to take a break soon?"
"Sure just give me a minute to find a new perch!" I called back over the wind.
We continued climbing for a few more moments, feeling the bitter wind claw at us. Finally I pulled myself onto a ledge and got Roach on before he collaped. He let out a long sigh, "So how much farther?"
"Not sure," I replied with a shivered breath. "Not much longer, I hope."
I pulled out my cigerette pack and lit one. Roach just kind of clunge to the side as if he were going to fall off if he let go. After a second or two he relax and sat on the balls of his feet. "It's too freaking cold." He complained.
"I told you to dress warmly," I reminded.
"I know that," Roach glanced at me with an irritated look on his face. "I just didn't think it'd be THIS cold."
"It's a mountain in the middle of a blizzard, in Russia, Roach," I somwhat chuckled. "What did you expect? It to be a log cabin in the middle of nowhere?"
"Maybe," Roach grumbled as he looked back down. I swear he was weird sometimes.


A/N: So yah it's close to when the CLiffhanger mission starts! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now to finish it, which I will try to do in the next chapter!

Yah Price made an excape attempt, which is my explaination of why he was transfered. I figured he might try to get out SOME time.
And meanwhile Scarab is still healing. DOn't worry she'll get some action soon!

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