Plan B

By Littlepup93

3.8K 60 3

Ah, yes, the infamous self-insert fic, bane of good literature. Often spawned by immature writers who know no... More

Can't beat the Heat
Torturing isn't for the weiry
'Plan B'
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Plan B -P32- -TAKEDOWN-
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Plan B -P38- -THE GULAG-
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Plan B -P42- -LOOSE ENDS-
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A Task Force New Year
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Plan B -P96- -The End-
Plan B -P97- -Epilog-
In the Mist
In the Mist -P2-
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Not a true professional
A Task Force Christmas

Plan B -P9-

50 2 0
By Littlepup93

Alright now how I pictured the result of the mission, me saving my Captain's ass as I weave from bush to bush in the dark and risk being shot as guards neared. I could see the lights of the compound, and figured he was there. All I hoped was that I was right, so I snuck up to get a better view. I pinned up to a wall and looked at the time, it was nearing midnight, and all I needed was for the sun to poke from nowhere and blow the whole mission.

So there I sat, in a cold cell with my hands bound in front of me. I was trying to pass the time however I could, just waiting for Nikoli to get me out. I fiddled with the chains of the handcuffs that hung tightly on my wirsts, and thought a bit about some Halloween back when I was eight.
I could still remember it very well, my sister had dressed herself up in a pale silky gown and painted her face a sickly green. I had gone as what most boys my age wanted to be, a soldier. And then there was my brother, who had been in his Poilce costume, with the handcuffs and everything. Weird costumes because today my sister was in the hospital, I am in the military, and my brother was a police officer before he was paralized. But my brother made this joke and hand cuffed me to pole in the house and was about to leave, when my dad told him to unlock me I was so happy that I wouldn't miss trick or treating. I was such a littel kid then.
But here I was today, just rattling the chains and hoping Nikoli would hurry up. Finally I heard the door unlock and it swing open. Light flooded in adn it left the person staying in the doorway a siloette. I had to squint so I could see some of the face, and realized it was Nikoli. I told him quietly, "What took you so long?"
"Sorry," He apoligized as he unlocked the handcuffs and let them drop to the floor. "A guard was holding me up because I didn't have a permit to enter, so I gave it to him. Permenatly."
"Does stealth mean anything to you," I sighed as I rubbed my wrists.
"No not really," Nikoli chuckled as he led me out. Next thing was a bunch of guards started to run down the hallway and passed us without a care, "Damn it! They're heading for the hanger!"
"Scarab," I mumbled under my breathe. I looked up at Nikoli and agreed, "You're right. Let's go!"
So we ran down the corridors and soon came up to the hanger, we stood on the cat walk and saw just who I expected. Scarab stood in the middle of a circle of guards all with guns pointed at her. One shouted, "Surrender inturder!"
Nikoli just stared with his jaw slag finally he asked, "I didn't think a person would be able to break in, let alone a woman."
I grinned in amusement of his comment and joked, "Because, Scarab isn't just any everyday woman."
We watched her with her hands held up defencivly, she was planning her next move and I knew it. the Russian barked, "Drop the gun and come quietly! We have you heavily outnumbered." A few ticking seconds pasted with her holding the ACR in a clenched position, finally she placed it on the ground and two of the guards started to push her away. For a moment the move she was playing on them was believable to me, then almost as a second thought she back flipped over a guards shoulder, proving her skills as a former gymnist, and picked her gun up. She let bullets spray the guards in front of her, and the moment they fell to her feet she lowered her gun.
One got up and limped towards her from behind with a knife ready in his bloody hand, I was ready to scream and tell her to look behind her. But at the last moment she grabbed his wrist and twisted it backwards, earning the snap of his bones. I could only watch as a different man got up and gribbed the knife of his fallen friend, he also limped up behind, but much more quietly. I wanted to yell out, 'LOOK OUT!' But nikoli had thrown a hand over my mouth to be sure I didn't blow their position. So I bit his gloved fingers and he released my face and I shouted, "Scarab behind you!"
She turned to look but instead got a knife to the chest, with one last move she made a sloppy round house kick and fell over.
I jumped over the railing and scooped her up in my arms, the wound in her chest was deep and ozing out tons of blood. So I ran with Nikoli to the exit, at the door I told him to plant some C4 while I got Scarab to safety Nikoli simply replied, "Alright my friend, we could take the helicopter I have hidden in the feild."
I nodded and rushed to the feild, he was right, there was a helciopter under some branches that he must have used to conseal it. I took the chance of calm and quiet to patch Scarab up. Reexamining her gash I could have sworn I saw a bone, I shook my head after checking again to only see I was imagining things. With haste I uncovered the helicopter and got Scarab on a bench. After I search the air craft for a first aid kit, the moment I found it and got to work I was being as gentle as I could.
Using the hygrengon peroxcide I carefully doused the wound, maybe I was just recalling off of having to helping my brother when he gashed his arm when he fell off a bike and landed on a tree stomp. The peroxcide amde the wound bubble up with white foam as it always should, meaning it was fighting any bacteria. When the foam disapeared on its own I cleaned it up and wrapped it up with a long strip of bandages. I looked at the passed out Scarab who limply laid on the bench, and I checked vitals. Now remembering what my sister had told me once when we were playing doctor as kids, about how you could always check the heart by the wrists, under the jaw, and chest, and that if you could hear someone breath then they would be fine. I did just that, I pressed a couple of fingers under her jaw and felt it beat lightly as I touched it, almost like it was throbing. So i checked to see if she was breathing, well yes she was, but they were short and struggled. And I sat her up hoping to find a more comfortable postion for her to be in until I heard her breathing normal.
SO I sat there waitingfor Nikoli to come and just out of the corner of my eye I saw a figure running like mad down the hill. I focused my eyes on it and saw it take shape to the point where I knew it was my friend running back from blowing up the base. He jumped into the pilot seat and took off without hesitation, "We have to get out of here before they catch up!"
"Wait what?" I was shocked as I stared at Nikoli who was flipping switches and trying to get the chopper to fly away, "I thought you planted the C4!"
"I did, my friend, but it seems out of the chaos of things I forgot to detinate it," He pulled the remote out and pressed the botton before dropping it to the earth, I watched the building explode with a loud boom. And Nikoli handed me the scematics, "I believe you need these."
I smiled kindly at him and told him where to head off to, "Just get me and Scarab back to the barracks."
"I'm already on it," Nikoli imformed as he worked the helicopter quite flawlessly.


Yes well as you all know, lots of spelling errors. [Picard facepalm]
But anyways more of Soap's past, some of Scarab's will be reveiled soon.
But yah Soap saved Scarab's skin.

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