Stuck With Them Pokemon Peeps

By PersonSayinStuff

39.9K 2.3K 5K

Welcome to do the crazy universe known as the Elemenoverse. Join Milani and the Pokémon Peeps in their crazy... More

The Intro
Out of Ideas
About the bet..
Eh em febeles
Milani goes on a date???
I woke up and...
Tomodachi Life
Tomodachi Life pt. 2
Tomodachi Life pt.3
Budew Wonder Trade Part 1
Tomodachi Life pt.4
The Pokeathlon! Human version. The Intro
Pokeathlon Human: The Final Pairings
Budew Wonder Trade Part 2
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1 result and start of Event 2
Shipping Names...
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 2. Start of Event 3.
Stuff About Nameshipping
Tomodachi Life pt.5
Drew and Gary Play the Crazy Pokemon Character Quiz
Ash and Paul join the fun (CPCQ)
Someone took the game a bit too seriously
Pokeathlon Human: Event 3 result. Start of Event 4.
More CPCQ Fun with the Boys!
Tomodachi Life pt.6
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 4 + Start of Event 5
Tomodachi Life pt.7
Boys play Would You Rather? (CPCQ)
Jace plays the rest of the game (CPCQ)
Pokeathlon Human: Finale
Gary's Petition
Response to Gary's Petition
Not So Exciting Round...(CPCQ)
Boys Play Would You Rather II (CPCQ)
Girls Try the 5SOP Horoscope
Budew Wonder Trade pt. 3
Guys Play Alone (CPCQ)
Pokemon Peeps Awards: NOMINEES
10 Questions
By the Power of Shuffle
Budew Wonder Trade Part 4
Tomodachi Life pt.8
Tomodachi Life pt.9
Tomodachi Life pt.9.5
Tomodachi Life pt.10
Touchy Feely things...
Tomodachi Life pt.11
Pokemon Peeps Awards: EVEN MORE NOMINEES
Tomodachi Life pt.12
Guys play as Wedding Planners (CPCQ)
Truth or Dare
Tomodachi Life pt.13
ARTWORK?!?! Eh...not really.
Some Get Extra Crazy (CPCQ)
Completing Sentences (CPCQ)
Pokemon Journey Challenge
Kanto Grand Festival
Completing Sentences: Song Edition (CPCQ)
Shipping Games (CPCQ)
A Wild Betch Appeared!
Power Outage
Enemies (CPCQ)
Let It Go
A Messed Up Thing
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Emerald
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Gold
Fall (CPCQ)
Switchin' (CPCQ)
Milani has a Wattpad account?!
More Would You Rather (CPCQ)
LeafGreenShipping Day?!?!?!
Doing Requests (CPCQ)
Tomodachi Life pt. 14
Mafia: Yandere Edition
Tomodachi Life pt. 15
More Messed Up Things (CPCQ)
Mafia: Yandere Edition PART DOS
But It's Pokeshipping Day (CPCQ)
It's someone's birthday...
Uno Frozen Edition
More Requestos (CPCQ)
Mad Libs Part 1
Mad Libs Part 2
Two lies and a truth
The Derision Album
MASH with the guys
They were gonna play Pokemon Emerald but...
Hotline Bling (CPCQ)
Q&A once again
Palletshipping Musical??? (CPCQ)
Answering your questions!
Sea Looks So Perfect
Pokemon Horoscopes
Guys play Cards Against Humanity
Top 8 ships?
She's Kinda Cold
Introduction (Elemeno Winter Games)
Mario Kart Time! (EWG)
Some darn luck based card game (EWG)
Some Very Good Cooking! (EWG)
Fanfiction-ception (CPCQ)
Mario Party + Super Battles! (EWG)
EWG Finale Part 1
EWG Finale Part 2
Mad Libs part 3
Pokemon Dating Quiz
About time we did these dares....
Date, Marry, Kill (CPCQ)
Welcome back, Elemeno.
Please help
MASH with the girls! on 4/20
CPCQ Finale???
Matchmaking Weirdness
Matchmaking and some UNO Stacko
The Bet - 2016 Edition
Switch it up Switch it up!
Why not? (PACITS)
Q&A thingy
More Q&A
The Finals Bet Results! + Last of the Q&A
Gary Asks
Contestshipping Day!
Return of the Tomodachi
Tomodachi Life part Ruby Pendant
Really Romantic Mad Libs
Pokemon Peeps Preach and Rap
Bonus Chapter :]
Arceus' Turnwheel

Random Questions with the Pokemon Peeps

236 14 82
By PersonSayinStuff

Elemeno: Hello everybody! I have a book called 'Hey...' It is a rant book.

Drew: You already promoted that.

Paul: Shameless self-promotion.

Elemeno: So...why did you guys call for me?

Gary: It's our turn to have fun with you!

Elemeno: What?

Gary: It's a little game we would like to call...Random Questions with the Pokémon Peeps. Here, we ask YOU the questions!

Elemeno: Fun.

Ash: For extra fun, the readers can also answer the questions! You guys can answer through the comments OR they can even make it a part in one of their books! Just copy the questions, but make sure to give Elemeno the credit!

Gary: And me.

Misty: It would be a lot more fun if you answered along!

May: Besides, we won't ask personal questions like 'What's your name?' 'Where are you from?' 'How old are you?' 'What college degree do you plan to take/are you taking/did you take?'

Dawn: Even Elemeno won't answer those questions for us!

Drew: College degree?

May: What? Some people might be curious on what you want to do in the future.

Drew: Oh okay.

Ash: Let's get started!


QUIZ STARTS HERE...I hope you studied.


Just kidding. This is opinion-based. If you're gonna answer the questions too, just answer the ones in bold.


Gary: Why did you decide to create a Wattpad account? What is your first book all about?

Elemeno: That's two questions...but never mind. I decided to create a Wattpad to post online 'Hobo, Jobo and LaFer'. That's a book I made for my best friends five years ago. They liked it because it was like a fanfiction about us. I thought maybe it would be awesome to post it online, but to make sure I protect our identity, I changed our names. I just felt like posting it online. Wattpad seems like the simplest method of posting stories, so yeah. Although I did this two years after I did the story. So yeah...the plot of the story is about a loser hobo guy cursed by poop and a fly. I honestly don't remember anymore. The fly speaks French, but I think it was horrible French because I don't speak it. I wanna learn though.

Drew: come you don't recommend your readers to read it?

Elemeno: Only my best friends and I will understand that. Three years in Wattpad, and it only has 60 something views.

Drew: Who is your Pokémon crush?

Elemeno: You said nothing personal.

Drew: that...we meant not personal information that you need to put whenever you're ask to fill out a form.

Elemeno: Ugh. Fine. My Pokémon crush...hmm...I honestly don't know. I think Lance is really cool.

Drew: Really? Would you ship Lance and Elemeno?

Elemeno: No.

Drew: Think of someone we can ship with you!

Elemeno: I don't want you guys shipping me with anyone!

Drew: Fine.

Ash: If you were tasked to write the 7th Gen series of the Pokémon Anime, what would it be about? Who will be the main characters? Who will be the rivals?

Elemeno: Honestly...I'm cool with new Pokémon, but I think it would be a lot more awesome if the older characters returned. The plot of the 7th gen series would still star you, Ash. No Pokepun intended. It will still be the usual routine. As for main characters, I want May to come back! I want contests in the anime. In my newest daydreams, Jace becomes a main character as well! Ooh! But...for the beginning, I want something crazy to someone getting hypnotized by the evil team and Ash and Co save the day!

Ash: That's so cool!, May and Jace will be the crew?

Elemeno: Yep!

Ash: How about rivals?

Elemeno: Your rival will be Milani. She will be traveling with Drew. They'll appear in a lot of episodes. Oh! And my plan there is that Nameshipping will be least in Jace's part. Hehe. I want Barry to return, though. Maybe even Paul or Bianca or Stephan.

Paul: If Pokémon Training was a college degree, would you take it?

Elemeno: Hell yes.

Leaf: If you lived in the Pokémon World, what city would you be from?

Elemeno: Uh...I guess I'd be from...Pallet Town? No...Petalburg City!

May: Cool! Um...why Petalburg?

Elemeno: I just feel like it.

May: Would you rather be 10 years older or 10 years younger?

Elemeno: Definitely ten years YOUNGER.

Misty: Enumerate 5 YouTubers you're subscribed to.

Elemeno: MunchingOrange, NateWantsToBattle, nigahiga, Smosh, Pewdiepie.

Dawn: What's your favorite episode from the Diamond and Pearl series of the Pokémon anime?

Elemeno: Honestly...I don't know. My favorite part is the whole Ash and Paul battle in the Sinnoh League.

May: Wait! What about the Advanced series?

Elemeno: Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?

May: Uh...okay.

Clemont: Is science amazing?

Elemeno: Yes.

Bonnie: Who do you think is the perfect wife for Clemont?

Elemeno: Sereners.

Iris: If you were a gym leader, what type would you specialize on?

Elemeno: FIYAH...or Fairy...or Fighting. FFF! (Fire, Fairy and Fighting gym)

Cilan: What's the story behind your Wattpad username?

Elemeno: It's not a's just that I'm a person who says random things. I say stuff a lot too. So yeah...PersonSayinStuff. I felt like it's a lazy-ish username that wasn't given much thought, but I like it. I could have made it ElemenoRocks, Contestshipping5ever, NameshipQueen or Elemenopee, but I like my username already.

Serena: Why do you ship the ships you ship? (Pokémon only)

Elemeno: Hmm...Contestshipping because I see the chemistry. They care for each other even though May is constantly annoyed with Drew, and Drew always says mean things to May. Also, in the end of the Advanced series, you could see that they're cool with each other, and Drew even cheers up May! For Pokeshipping, nostalgia plays a role here. Also, I feel like Misty had the most special connection with Ash because she hated him so much in the beginning, but they became best friends. No offense there, Serena. For Ikarishipping, fanfiction made me ship this. I used to be a Penguinshipper, but the first Contestshipping fanfics I read also involved Ikarishipping...and I liked the Ikarishipping bits they placed there, so I ended up shipping it. For Leafgreenshipping, also because of fanfiction. For Wishfulshipping, Geekchicshipping, Handymanshipping, Rocketshipping and Hypershipping, I ship these for the sake of shipping someone with someone.

Gary: Okay! That ends the questions...part one!

Elemeno: What?!

Gary: We still have a part two! This time, they're especially for Elemeno!

Elemeno: Uh...okay.

Gary: First, we shall break the fourth wall. Is there any OCs that you made in your daydream fanfics that never made your stories? Would you mind telling us about them?

Elemeno: First one is Jade. She was mentioned in a flashback in my oneshot, 'Looking Back'. I made her originally so that I have someone to ship with Paul. This was when I was still a Penguinshipper. She's supposed to be Ash's rival. Next one is Liam. He was never mentioned in my stories, but he's supposed to serve as a third wheel to Paul and Jade. Liam would have a crush on Jade, but Jade likes Paul. I guess we can ship Liam and Jade now...but in some daydreams, I shipped Kenny and Jade. They're like second chance Ikari edition. Last OC I want to discuss is Heather. She is supposed to be shipped with Gary for the sake of shipping. She is supposed to be Drew's twin sister. Yes...Drew's twin sister. In the end, I cancelled that twin idea. I also become a Leafgreenshipper, so Heather became non-OC in a way. Instead of Heather being totally different person, I made Leaf's name 'Heather Leaf Green'. If you guys read the first chapter of PW: ADH very well, you'd know that. There are probably more OCs to talk about, but I forgot about them already.

Drew: Who is the president of the Nameshipping Guild?

Elemeno: I am. I am the president of the Nameshipping Guild, Contestshipping Guild and the Ikarishipping Guild.

Drew: I'm the president of the ISG!

Milani: And I'm the president of the CSG!

Elemeno: You two are just representatives.

Ash: If Milani became a real character in Pokémon, would you allow writers to make changes to her character?

Elemeno: I want her to be the awesome person that she is. She still has to be Drew's cousin. She should still be an experienced trainer. Nameshipping should still be involved. Other than those, they can change whatever they want.

Drew: We had more questions...but we forgot.

Gary: We should write them down next time.

Ash: Thank you, Elemeno!

May: Happy birthday!

Elemeno: My birthday was two months ago, May.

May: I know!

Gary: Elemeno-pee!

Elemeno: What?

Gary: Keep on keeping on.

Ash: Don't give up until it's over!

May: Don't stop doing what you're doing!

Drew: Stay awesome.

Dawn: We love you, Elemeno!

Elemeno: Aww...thanks guys.


Le announcements: Updates will be done less often. My stories (PIA: QFL, PW: TJJ) will be updated maybe during the weekend...hopefully. Don't expect much from me, okay? Oneshots: IDK. I do have one in mind though. Please guys...don't demand updates from me all the time (sorry if you're affected, but I don't mean to be offensive...I'm just saying). I'll still be active. I'll try to be as active as I can be but not in an addicted level anymore. So please...I'll only write stuff when I have free time. Like now. Free time.


Why did I say these things here? I have 'Hey...' for that. NVM.

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