I Don't Wanna Calm Down I Jus...

Da megantwfan

7.3K 137 30

*Sequel to They Said This Day Wouldn't Come* Five years... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 8

280 6 2
Da megantwfan

*Alfie's P.O.V*

"Megs wake up." I said and shock her shoulder gently."Megs it's audition day today, you need to get up." I said a bit louder than last time.

"Five more minutes." Megs mumbled and snuggled her head into my chest.

"Megs it's 9:30, we need to be at the auditions in 30 minutes." I said.

"What!? We've only got half an hour, were gonna be late!"Megs shouted and jumped off the sofa and ran into her room. Megs then ran from her room and into the bathroom, carrying her clothes in one hand and her hairbrush in the other hand.

Okay well maybe we had an hour left not half an hour but then we'll actually have time to get ready and Megs won't be running around, panicking because we're going to be late.

"I'm going back to mine, I'll see you back here in a bit." I shouted.

"Okay bye Alfie, don't be late!" Megs shouted back.

When I got back to my flat Marcus was still asleep on the sofa, where we left him last night but he had rolled over and was now hanging off the sofa. He looked funny so I took a picture and tweeted it.

"@ItsAlfie @Marcusss well that's one way to sleep..." after a few minutes my phone buzzed and I had a reply to my tweet from Tom.

"@ItsAlfie @Marcusss hahaha he looks like Jay when he's had too much to drink! No offence ;)" Marcus hadn't had anything to drink as well, he's just sleeps in uncomfortable looking positions.

I quickly had a shower and got ready, then went round to Megs' flat and let myself in. When I opened the door she was sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed and her bag sitting by her feet.

"Your rushed me for nothing." she said bluntly.

"Well then you could be ready in time and not have to worry about being late!" I said, trying to defend myself.

"I wouldn't have worried about being late." Megs replied.

"We both know you would of, now are we going or not?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go!" Megs said excitedly, picked up her bag and car keys and ran out of her flat, throwing the door keys at me so I could lock the door.

When I walked into the car park Megs was trying to shove her bag into the little boot of her baby blue Fiat 500. Megs keeps a lot of stuff in the boot of her car because when she goes back to see her dad and step-mum she forgets to take it out of the boot.

"You really need to empty the boot more often." I said as I helped Megs to shove her bag into any available space in the boot of her car.

"I know but I really can't be bothered most of the time." she replied. Megs then slammed the boot shut and got into the car, pressing the button so that the soft top roof went down, might as well make the most of the nice weather as we don't get much of it in the UK.

Whilst we were driving to the audition, we had Capital fm playing and were singing along to every song that came on. "I got that power!" Me and Megs sung as loud as we could, then I did some weird dance moves, trying to be like will.i.am but probably failing. A few minutes later we arrived at the auditions and Megs froze as she took the keys out of the ignition.

"I can't do this." she said and put her head in her hands.

"Yes you can! You'll be amazing and they will love you! The next thing you know you'll be getting a call saying that you've got the female lead!" I said, trying to encourage Megs to still do the audition, she would regret it for a long time if she back out now.

"They're bound to find someone better than me, there's no point even auditioning." Megs replied.

"Yes there is Megs! Imagine what Jay would be doing now if he had said that when auditioning for The Wanted! You would have never met Tom or Siva or Max or Nathan, think about how many great people you could meet being in a West End show!" I said enthusiastically

"Okay, I'll do it." Megs said and got out of the car.

"You ready?" I asked as we stood in front of the audition venue doors.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Megs replied and took my hand.

*End of Alfie's P.O.V*

*Jay's P.O.V*

I feel really good today and I'm not quite sure why. I just feel really really happy. Maybe it's because I spent the whole night with Ruth (not like that) last night. We just talked for hours, in between kissing. Ruth doesn't just feel like my girlfriend she feels like my best friend too. We can talk about anything and everything. It's just perfect.

I was interrupted mid thought by someone tapping me on the shoulder. "Morning." I said, even though I had not paid the slightest bit of attention to who it was.

"Are you okay Jay, you look like you're thinking." A deep gloucestershire voice said.

"Yeah I was thinking, is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Depends what you were thinking about." Nath replied cheekily.

"I was just thinking about last night, that's all." I replied.

"What about Ruth staying over?" Nath asked.

" Yeah but now thinking about last night I have something to ask you." I replied.

"Ask away." Nath said, taking a sip of his tea.

"What did you say to Megs last night?" I asked.

"Not much, why?" Nath replied.

"Because it looked like she couldn't get away from you quick enough yesterday." I said.

"What do you mean?" Nath asked, acting like he didn't know what I was talking about.

"I mean why was Megs in such a hurry to get away from you yesterday." I replied.

" I didn't say anything to hurt her!" Nath said defensively.

"Then what did you do?" I asked.

"Nothing." Nath replied.

"I don't believe you, just be honest with me!" I said.

"Okay, I might have done something that took her by surprise." Nath said quietly.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"I kissed her." Nath admitted.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"It just felt like the right thing to do at the time, I just couldn't help myself. We were just sitting quietly and I had to kiss her, I've waited five years to kiss her again and I could not wait any longer." Nath replied.

"Nath kissed Megs?" Tom asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah." Nath replied.

"Nice one mate, what did she do?" Tom asked.

"She went home." Nath replied.

"Oh, looks like you lost her then." Tom said.

"Yup, but they say third time lucky so maybe next time she won't leave." Nath said hopefully.

"How would next time be third time lucky?" Tom asked.

"Because I lost her five years ago, then I lost her again yesterday,so I reckon next time I'll get her back." Nath replied.

"Well that's wishful thinking." I said. "Why?" Nath asked.

"We'll she's not going to just take you back because its the third time, she'll have a reason why she takes you back. You'll need to show her why she should take you back." I replied.

"What should I do?" Nath asked.

" I'm sure you'll think of something." I replied and walked back to my room with a cup of tea for Ruth.

*End of Jay's P.O.V*

* 2 hours later*

*Megs' P.O.V*

"Come on Alfie, just get in the car!" I shouted as Alfie stood outside the car talking to someone else who had auditioned. A few minutes later Alfie finished talking and got in the car. "You made a new friend?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's really nice." Alfie replied.

"She was flirting with you so bad." I said.

"How was she?" Alfie asked.

"She was playing with her hair, fluttering her eyelashes and laughing at everything you said." I replied, stating the obvious.

"Was she?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah it was pretty obvious." I replied.

"Oh, so how do you think the audition went?" Alfie asked.

"It went okay but there was some incredible people there, they'd beat my audition easily. You audition was incredible, you're decently going to get a part." I replied.

"It wasn't that good and yours was incredible too, believe me your audition was better than all of the others." Alfie said.

"I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see. Do you want to stop and get a drink?" I asked.

"Yeah that would be good." Alfie replied. So we parked up at Starbucks and sat down with our drinks.

"Are you addicted to tea or something, you have it everywhere you go!" Alfie laughed.

"I'm not addicted to it, I just like the flavour." I replied.

"Right, so what do you want to do today?" Alfie asked.

"Well I want to get changed first because its hot and I'm still wearing my audition clothes." I replied.

"Okay and after that..." Alfie said.

" I don't know, you decide." I replied.

"We could go out somewhere." Alfie said.

"Where could we go?" I asked.

"We could go to the park or do some sightseeing or go shopping or go to a museum or art gallery, there's loads of things to do in London." Alfie said.

"I think the park would be nice." I replied, putting down my empty tea cup.

"Let's go then." Alfie replied and we went back to my car and drove back to our flats.

*End of Megs' P.O.V*

*Nathan's P.O.V*

"I'm bored." Tom said.

"Me too." I replied.

"Me three." Siva added.

"Me four." Max said. We're just sitting on the sofa watching all the rubbish daytime tv programmes whilst Ruth and Jay are in there own little bubble, completely oblivious to what is going on around them.

"Why don't we go out then." Tom said.

" Yeah we're in London, there must me loads I'd things to do." I replied.

"What should we do then?" Siva asked.

"Why don't we go to that huge park?" Max suggested.

"Hyde park?" I asked.

"Yeah that's the one!" Max replied.

"Sounds like a good idea." Tom said.

" Let's go then!" I said, jumping off the sofa.

Wow I never realised that Hyde park was this big. It's huge! Just grass as far as the eye can see and people walking round together.

"Max look!" Tom shouted and pointed to a plant that was dying from the heat. Max then started to do his impression of a dying plant, which got him many weird looks from passers by.

Then after about an hour of wandering around the park, out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple. The girl was on her boyfriends back and he was running round, her blonde dip-dyed hair flying in the breeze. Wait a minute, blonde dip-dyed hair, tall boy with short, black hair. Is that Megs and Alfie?

"Tom is that Megs?" I asked, pointing to the girl with dip-dyed hair on the boys back.

"Yeah I think it is, and that's Alfie. " Tom replied.

"Boys look, there's Megs and Alfie!" Tom said and we all ran towards them but stopped when we got closer.

Megs jumped off Alfie's back and stood in front of him. Alfie then moved closer to Megs, so that their foreheads were touching. "Oh Alfie's getting in there." Tom said.

"Yeah he is." I said bluntly.

" Aww is baby Nath getting jealous?" Tom teased. I didn't reply because he already new the answer, I was jealous.

I turned by attention back to Megs and Alfie but I really wish I hadn't. When I turned back their lips were touching and showing no signs of pulling away anytime soon. What's he got that I haven't? I was just thinking about why Alfie got Megs and I didn't when I heard a camera shutter. Please don't say the press have taken a picture of Megs, she won't like it. I looked round to see Tom with a proud smile on his face.

"Tom what are you doing?" I asked suspiciously. "Tweeting." He replied. I then checked Tom's twitter to see what he tweeted.

"@TomTheWanted @ItsAlfie @MegsMcGuiness And they all lived happily ever after" attached to the tweet was a picture of Megs and Alfie kissing.

When I saw the picture I immediately felt even more jealous. I then looked back over to Megs and Alfie an thankfully they had separated their lips. They were both looking down at Megs' phone, probably looking at the tweet Tom sent them. They both laughed then looked around to see if they could spot us.

"Megs is gonna kill you." I said to Tom.

"Oh well, it was fun while it lasted." Tom replied. Megs then looked directly at Tom and Megs and Alfie came walking towards him. "And this is my cue to run." Tom said and ran out of the park as fast as he could. Megs then got on Alfie's back and he ran as fast as he could after Tom.

*End of Nathan's P.O.V*

*Jay's P.O.V*

"Where did the boys go?" I asked, me and Ruth were so deep in conversation that I didn't even realise that they had gone.

"I dunno, I didn't realise they left." Ruth replied.

"I'm sure they're okay, their big enough to look after themselves." I replied.

"If your that interested you could check twitter." Ruth suggested.

"Good idea." I replied and and went to check twitter.

"Wait where's my phone?" I asked.

"Wherever you left it." Ruth replied.

"I don't know where I left it!" I said.

"Well you'll just have to look at my twitter then." Ruth replied and loaded the twitter app on her phone. Ruth scrolled down her timeline and saw that loads of people had been tweeting Tom so Ruth checked Tom's twitter.

He had tweeted a picture and mentioned Megs and Alfie in it, they must have met up with them. Ruth then clicked on the picture. I was not expecting that. I was just about to ask Ruth what was going on between Megs and Alfie when Tom came running through the lift doors.

" Okay I need somewhere to hide and fast!" Tom said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Megs and Alfie are coming to get me!" Tom shouted.

"Haha serves you right, I can't wait to see this!" I replied.

"I can, now tell me somewhere to hide!" Tom shouted.

"Nope, I want to see Megs and Alfie get you!" I replied. The lift doors opened again to reveal Megs and Alfie, they ran out of the lift and towards Tom, hand in hand. Tom then ran round to the other side of the sofa and so did Megs and Alfie.

They kept running round for about five minutes until Alfie and Megs winked at each other ,jumped over the sofa and landed on Tom.

"We are the champions my friend and we'll keep on fighting till the end!" Megs and Alfie sung, then gave each other a high five and got off Tom.

"Ow." Tom said, still lying on the floor. Megs laughed then took a picture and tweeted it. "@MegsMcGuiness @TomTheWanted revenge is sweet #Winning"

I don't think Tom will be tweeting pictures of Megs again any time soon. The rest of the lads then walked into the flat and laughed when they saw Tom still lying on the floor.

"Aww Tom did nasty Megs hurt you." Max cooed and gave Tom a hug.

"Yeah." Tom replied, feeling sorry for himself.

"Having a bit if a Tomax moment there." Megs said, sitting down on the sofa with Alfie, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah we are." Max said messing up Tom's hair.

"Because Max is a good boy." Tom replied, pulling his good boy face.

"Jay have you got enough sun cream for the beach on Saturday?" Megs asked randomly.

"Yeah I think so,why?" I replied.

" Because the last time we went to the beach you came home looking like a lobster because you were so sunburnt." Megs said.

"I burn easily, I can't help it." I said.

" I know you do Jay and how are we getting there? I'm not taking my car because I do not want sand in my car." Megs replied.

"You wouldn't fit everyone on your car anyway, it's only small and I asked Martin to drop us off in the van." I said.

"Okay, well I need to go home now because I've got an essay to write so bye." Megs said, kissed Alfie as walked into the lift.

"How do you do it?" Nath asked Alfie.

"Do what?" Alfie asked, confused by Nath's question.

"Get Megs to fall for you." Nath said.

"I dunno, we just connect, we understand each other and know each other inside out." Alfie replied.

"Literally." Ruth murmured.

"Ruth, that's my sister you're talking about." I cringed.

"Oh yeah, sorry Jay." Ruth replied and kissed my cheek.

"I need to get to know Megs better." Nath said. Everyone looked at Nath, we all knew the he was trying to be like Alfie so he could try and get Megs back.

"Did I just say that out loud?" Nath asked.

"Yeah you did, you basically jut told me that you were going to try and take Megs away from me, well it's not gonna happen because I won't give her up without a fight." Alfie said, standing up to leave.

"Well I'm not gonna let you have her without a fight." Nath replied, walking over to him.

"She doesn't want you, she told me yesterday! You had your chance and you blew it so let me make her happy like I already do and leave her alone!" Alfie shouted and stormed into the lift.

"Nath you need to let her go." I said "You're just gonna get hurt if you keep trying to pull her back."


Hellooooo lovely readers !! Im really really really really really really sorry that I didn't update yesterday but I was really busy! I'm sorry the chapter is awful but the next chapter is gonna be good!

I can't believe the sequel has had over 1200 reads, that is crazy! There's only 8 chapters! Thank you to every single one of oh who read/ vote/ comment/ fan it means so much !!!! Thank you !!!!!

Megan xxxxxxx :)

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