The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



6.9K 288 142
By Posh777


"And now for the red..."

I bring the long stemmed glass to my lips, taking a small drink of the dark liquid. I let it roll around on my tongue a few moments before swallowing.

"The 2011 Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon. You'll notice the pronounced nose of espresso bean, caramel, smoke, chocolate and black plums. It maintains the perfect balance of soft, silky, and elegance that you're looking for."

"What do you think?" Carter looks at me questioningly.

"It's good." I nod, giving him and Monsieur Renald a smile.

"How much?" Carter asks, taking another drink.

"Currently it runs 2,300 US dollars per bottle."

My eyes widen in shock at the ridiculous price, Carter as usual seemingly unfazed by it.

"This isn't good enough. We need something better." Carter narrows his eyes in thought. "The best."

"I think I have just the thing." Monsieur Renald grins, pulling another bottle out of the leather case. "Henri Jayer Vosne-Romanée Premiere Cru Cros Parantoux 2000."

He pours two small glasses, handing them to us eagerly. "My personal favorite. Beautifully rich, elegant and complex, with great depth of fruit, plum, cherry, spice and a hint of chocolate on the palate. Very long and intense, but smooth and elegant."

I take a drink, the liquid velvety smooth as it slides along my tongue.

"The verdict darling?" Carter eyes me as he takes another drink from his own glass.

"It's delicious. Probably the best I've tasted." I respond truthfully.

"Well I think that decides it for us." Carter smiles, "How much?"

"8,300 US dollars per bottle."

I almost choke on my drink, wiping my mouth with a linen napkin. "Carter, surely there's something else.."

"You said it was the best. The best is what I want." Carter places his hand on the small of my back. "We'll take three bottles. Make sure they are delivered by tomorrow at noon. Already properly chilled."

"Of course sir." Monsieur Renald nods his head as he gathers up his things and exits the room.

"To a fantastic dinner tomorrow evening followed by a fantastic fight." Carter raises his glass and I follow suite.

I take a small sip, pursing my lips as I swallow. "So.. Is there a reason we need the best wine for tomorrow evening?"

"We will be having a very important guest." Carter takes a seat behind his desk, focusing on his computer.


"Mr. Kimura."

I suck in a breath as a chill washes over my body. "But... He... He's in the states?"

"He will be as of tomorrow."

"He's making a special trip? Just for dinner and a fight?"

"Yes." Carter glances up at me. "Mr. Kimura wants to see Styles for himself. He thinks of himself as a very good judge of character and insists on making sure we've selected the right boxer. That the plan is well on its way to being completed."

"And if he doesn't think Harry is the right boxer?"

"Does he have a reason not to?" Carter raises an eyebrow at me, frowning.

"No, of course not."

"Well then, there's no reason to worry now is there?" He pushes away from his desk, rolling his chair backward and patting his knee.

I move around his desk, taking a seat on his lap and forcing a soft smile on my face. His right hand rests on my thighs as his left wraps around my back, holding me.

"I have complete confidence in your choice Everly. Please don't doubt yourself. Styles will do exactly what we want, when we want."

"How are you so sure? What you're going to be asking of him is..."

"I won't be asking anything." He cuts me off, "He will do what I tell him to, regardless of the consequences. I'll make sure there's no alternative choice for him to make."

I nod, knowing exactly what his words mean. He'll do exactly to Harry what he did to me.

What he does to everyone.

"Everyone has something they will do anything for.. Or someone."

I flinch, the weight of his words hitting my chest like a sledgehammer. I stand abruptly, suddenly feeling unable to draw a breath as my chest tightens.

Carter watches me carefully as I grip the my wine glass in my hands, drinking the rest down in one gulp.

"I trust I can still count on you to make sure everything goes smoothly." He pauses, looking over my face. "And you'll give me no reason to question the faith I have in you."

"I won't let you down." I steady my voice , hoping to hide the fear laced throughout it.

"No, you won't. I'm glad you understand how much is at stake here Everly. And that if I lose this merger you will lose something as well."

I clench my jaw, my hands curling into fists at my sides at his clear and obvious threat.

"Do cheer up darling, you look quite unattractive when you're scowling." He stands up, making his way over to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. "Remember, as long as Styles does what we need, everyone will get exactly what they want."

"Except Harry." I dare to say quietly.

"So concerned about him aren't you?" His grip on my arms tightens.

"Why would I care what happens to him?"

"My thoughts exactly." His hands move up, cupping my cheeks as he looks in my eyes. "You have a far to tender heart my love. Do remember what I told you."

His thumb runs along my throat, subtly reminding me of the threat I'll never be able to forget. The threat he made the night I met Harry.

I pull away from his grip, not being able to stand his touch one second longer. He doesn't follow me as I hurry out of his office, slamming the door behind me.

Right now I can't pretend to be the perfect girlfriend. Happy and content and in love with a man that's nothing but a monster.

I practically run down the stairs and towards the front door, a hand reaching out and stopping me when I'm only a few feet away from it.

Margo pulls me into the library, closing the wooden doors behind us.

"Everly what's wro..."

"I can't do this!" I shake my head, trying to catch my breath, "I can't."

"You can." She puts a hand on my arm, "I know you can."

"He threatened me! Twice now. He told me he'd slit my throat! Is that not enough for you?"

"No." She sighs. "A threat isn't enough."

"He's going to kill Harry! Even if he does what he wants, he'll kill him."

"We'll make sure that doesn't happen."

I scoff, "Like you did with Meredith?!"

"We tried Everly, you know we did. There wasn't enough evidence. That's why this is all so important. We have to see this through to get what we need."

"No matter how many people die right?" I pull myself away from her grasp.

"We're all risking our lives here."

"Well some of us are risking a lot more."

"I know." She frowns, her voice taking on an even more serious tone, "I know you have a lot to lose in all this. But you won't. We can do this. With you help, we can stop all this once and for all."

"Can we? I don't even know anymore."

"Yes." Margo pulls me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. "Now go, get out of there. Try to get your mind off things, even if just for awhile."

"Yeah." I nod, "Alright."

As soon as I'm out of the confines of Carter's townhouse my step feels just a little lighter. As if the pull of gravity isn't as strong, weighing me down so much I can barely breathe.

I walk around Manhattan for hours, watching the city as it settles in for the night. Walking past so many people that seem relatively carefree. Every step making me feel even more alone then I did before.

I somehow find myself walking across the Manhattan bridge, stopping to look at the years of graffiti painted across its surface.

Trying to see for myself what could be viewed as beautiful. Trying to see it as Harry does.

But I can't.

To me it is still something that was once beautiful, but is now tainted by abuse. Covered in something that doesn't belong, something that has ruined it completely. And it will never be able to go back to the way it was. What it has had to endure has ruined it forever.

I still see it as me.

It's nearly one a.m. when I take a seat on the wooden picnic table I sat on only weeks ago. In the small park overlooking the bridge that Harry brought me too.

And for some reason it feels like a lifetime has went by since then. A lifetime that's left me nothing but tired, unsure if I can go on.

I stare out across the river, at the bridge that looks so different from far away; wondering if anything, anyone can truly be wiped clean.

Or is what we are now what we will always be. Our mistakes. Our wrong decisions. Our secrets. Our betrayals.

Our lies.

"Penny for your thoughts."

I smile, not being able to stop the soft curve of my lips at the deep voice speaking up from behind me.

"I doubt they're worth paying for." I look at Harry as he steps in front of the picnic table, hands stuffed into the pockets of his skinny jeans.

"Afraid I'd have to disagree." He smiles, almost nervously as he peers into my eyes. "Knew you'd fancy it here."

"It's quiet."

"That it is. May I sit?"

I nod, sliding over so he can sit next to me. "Bit late for you to be out here by yourself I reckon."

"Is it?" I look at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Not the safest neighborhood. Never know what sort is mucking about."

"Like you, you mean?"

"Especially me." He grins and I have to force myself to look away from him.

D.amn dimples.

We fall into a silence, the only noise being heard is the lapping of the water on the rocks of the shoreline and sirens in the distance.

I fiddle with my hands in my lap, feeling Harry's eyes on me.

"What're you doing here Everly?" He finally speaks up.

"You said it was a good place to think. Guess I just needed to think maybe."

"Think about what?"

"Nothing... Everything.." I shrug.

"You... Are you alright?" He asks me with such sincerity, so gently, I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Do you ever feel trapped?" My mouth asks without my brains permission.

"No. Like to think I'm fairly free to make my own choices." He replies honestly. "Is that how you feel?"

I bite my lip, looking across the river at the lights of Manhattan. Still shining brightly against the dark sky.

"There's times... I feel like I can't even breathe." I say quietly. "Like everything is just closing in around me and I can't stop it."

Harry doesn't speak from beside me, most likely shocked I'm actually speaking my mind for once.

"I know I won't be able to keep it all from crushing me. It's getting harder and harder and I'm.... so tired."

Harry breathes out slowly, picking his words carefully. "When I was little.. just a lad in primary school.. I got picked on quite a fair bit. Bullied I'd guess you'd call it. Started out calling me names... making fun of me cause my family wasn't well off. Pretty soon turned to nicking my lunch sack every day so I'd have nothing to eat. Then ganging up on me in the loo and leaving me with bruised ribs. Went on for years like this, was right awful, but I never let on to my mum. I just took it as it came.. making up excuses for the random black eyes I'd bring home. My mum though, she knew something wasn't right. So one day she sat in her car, outside the school when it let out, just watching... When I got home that day she set me down, told me she knew. Asked me why I'd never told her. The truth of it was... I was afraid."

I look over at him as he stares ahead, his stature stiff at the memory.

"Because it made you seem weak?" I ask.

"Because I couldn't just handle it on my own." He looks over at me. "When I told her that she just shook her head... 'Knowing you need help doesn't make you weak Harry, it just means you're smart enough to know not every battle has to be fought alone.'."

I tilt my head, looking into the deep green eyes staring back at me. Wishing I knew every thought that goes on behind them, in the mind that has completely captivated me.

"Wise woman, my mum..." He chews on the inside of his cheek as he stands up. "Come on, let me see you home."

I nod, standing up and following him to the curb where an older two door car sits.

"It's Nate's." He informs me as he opens the passenger door for me. "Just so you know that smell isn't from me."

I smile as he closes my door and jogs around the front of the car, sliding behind he wheel.

I keep my eyes trained ahead as he drives into Manhattan and towards my apartment. Only reminding him where to turn before we arrive at the front of my building.

Far more quickly then I wished we would have.

I grip the metal door handle, pausing to gaze over at Harry. He grins lopsidedly at me, causing me to shake my head at how cute he is.

"Ring me next time you're looking for a midnight adventure yeah?"

"Alright. Thanks for the ride."

"Promise me." His grin fades, his demeanor turning serious. "It's not safe for you to be out alone this late."

"I promise." I nod.

His easygoing smile returns as I grab my bag off the floorboard. "Well.. goodnight then."

"Goodnight Everly."

I open the heavy door, stepping out of the car and closing it behind me. I'm halfway up the stairs when I'm stopped by a hand gently grasping my arm.

I turn around, finding Harry standing only a foot away from me.

"I... I'd help you if you'd only let me Everly. Remember that. Won't have you thinking you're alone when you're... most definitely not." He quickly leans forward, pressing a warm kiss to my cheek.

I stand frozen as he jogs back down the stairs to the car, giving me a dimpled smile before he gets in and drives down the road.

I raise my hand to my cheek as I watch his tail lights fade, the skin still tingling where his lips touched me.

Wondering how it would feel to kiss him, really kiss him, just once.

Knowing it could never really be, just once.

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