The Forgotten Tards

By shaytards_love

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(Copyright Shaytards_Love) Jamie, a blond hair blue-eyed little girl was abandoned by her family at an orphan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 98
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
Special Thanks

Ch. 33

352 23 2
By shaytards_love

Sky's P.O.V:

I watched as Mason and Riley walked away with the teacher to go to the principles. It was my fault, the Jamie got in trouble. I don't care if Riley did, because she is really rude and disrespectful.

"I can't believe Jamie cursed." Mason said. We were sitting on the side of the schoolyard. Jodie was on my left, and Mason was on my right.

"I know, she's never done anything like this before!" I said to him. Mom and Dad had set a no cursing rule for the house, and Jamie broke it. I wouldn't be surprised. She is a rebel. But it was the first time she cursed.

"Has she ever said those words before?" Jodie asked. Mason and I shook our heads no. Jodie made a 'o' face. She was going to be in deep trouble.


Jamie's P.O.V:

"I will have to take away your Halloween dance privileges, both of you! Now Jamie, why did you punch Riley?" The principle asked me. He looked so calm, it made my angry. Riley's face was bruised up. She deserved it.

"Because she was bullying Sky, my sister! She deserved that punch!" I spat to the principle. He looked surprised that I said that. Riley put on her innocent face.

"I did not! I was only trying to talk to her!" She said, battling her eyelashes, trying to be innocent. I got even more angry, I just wanted to punch her.

"No you weren't! You little liar!" I said as I crossed my arms in frustration. She was not getting away with that, not on my watch.

"Jamie! No name calling in this room!" He said. I sat down and rolled my eyes. From the corner of my eye, I was that brat smirk at me.

"Jamie, Riley says she didn't do anything!" The principle said to me.

"She didn't do anything, she didn't do anything!? Yes she did! She freaking bullied my sister, bothered her, and her friend! SHE TRIED TO PUNCH ME! SHE CAME AT ME FIRST! YOU BELIEVE HER BECAUSE SHES HAS BEEN HERE LONGER THAN US! DO YOU KNOW WHAT, SHE IS THE BIGGEST BULLY IN THE GRADE, SHE DESERVED THAT PUNCH!" I screamed at him. Anyone who messes with my family, has to see me first.

"Riley, say your-"

"No, hell no! I'm not apologizing to her! After what she did to my sister, she is a brat! She acts all innocent, but you teachers are too stupid to see it!" I said, my face turning red from how much anger I have been holding in.

"Don't speak to me, or anyone like that!" The principle said, getting even madder than before. I scoffed at him, as I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"You don't know me. You know my name, but not my story. You don't know what I have to overcome, or what I have been through, because chances are, YOU NEVER HAD TO! So back off!" I said looking at him right in the eye. He was speechless. I continued.

"You can take away my Halloween privileges, or my dance privileges, you can call my parents, or suspend me, but you know what, I don't care. Sure, I may be wanting to go to the dance, and hang out with my friends, but I don't care. Because the only that I do care about, is my siblings. So you can do whatever, but I will not stop standing up for them. And even if it means giving her a knuckle sandwich, then so be it." I said as I walked out of the room. I was done with her.

Colette's P.O.V:

"Hello?" I said, as I picked up the phone, while holding Daxton.

"Hi, is this Mrs. Butler?" Someone asked. I am probably guessing it is the kids school.

"Yes this is, why?" I asked, as I put Daxton down into his high chair. I put out his bowl of small cut of food for him, since he couldn't eat harden foods yet.

"This is the principle for Pocatello Elementary school. Jamie has been in some trouble. We need you to come right away." The voice said. What could Jamie have done this time?

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" I said as I hung up. I got Daxton ready, as I grabbed my purse, and the camera, and my phone. I grabbed the keys as I picked up Daxton, and walked out of the house.

Time to see what happened.

Sky's P.O.V:

"So, has Riley been bullying you?" He asked me. Riley gave me a 'don't tell look, or I will get you'. I decided to finally speak up.

"Yes, she has." I said, as he asked me more question. Then, he gave me a piece of paper, and a pen, to write up what happened. I wrote up everything, and what I saw and stuff.

I gave it to the principle, and he let me leave.

Jamie's P.O.V:

"Jamie, we talked about this. We had a no cursing rule in the house." Mom said to me. Mom had picked up all of us early. Here we were, in my room, mom giving me a lecture.

"But mom! I stood up for Sky! That's good!" I exclaimed, as I sighed. Why didn't mom understand? Mom sighed as she looked at me.

"I know you did honey, and that's good. But you could do it in a less violent, more polite manner, sweetie. Violence isn't always the answer." Mom said, as she looked at me.

"Yeah but mom, if I told someone, or did it in a nice way, she wouldn't of stopped bullying Sky!" I exclaimed. The stupid, tell a grown up method, tell them to stop in a nice way, never worked. It was so annoying.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll stop cursing. But I can't promise anything about the standing up for my siblings." I said. Mom sighed, probably knowing I would stand up for them if I needed too.

"Fine, but try to avoid it, the physical stuff, as much as possible." She said. I nodded.

"Okay, but does this mean I am banned from going Trick-or-Treating, I already got banned from going to the dance." I said, with a sigh, as mom sat down next to me on my bed.

"You can go trick-or-treating, but just, don't do that again, even though that girl deserved it." Mom said. I smiled as we both laughed, mom was letting me off the hook.

"But, you will be punished, just when your father comes back." Mom said. I nodded, that was good by me.

"Okay, thanks mom!" I said as I hugged her. She returned the hug, as she kissed me on my head, or should I say, my blond hair.

"No let's go get ready, you may not be going to the dance, but you will be going trick-or treating." Mom said, as she left my room. I changed into my costume, Halloween here we come!

Hey guys! So in the next chapter, I might, or might not, bring back Masons pranking ability, and yes, the pranks will get more intense! I am kinda excited! So yeah, I decided to update. Also, who is finally happy that Jamie stood up for Sky. And that she roasted the principle! Lol, anyways thanks for reading. Please vote, it would warm my little llama heart! Bye guys!👀👃👅

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