Fame || LRH

By sighbcboys

161K 4K 354

"But then she came along and absolutely demolished me in the best way possible." More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Fourty-Four

2K 63 2
By sighbcboys

Luke's P.O.V.

I watched as the woman in the front row cheered, everything around me out of focus except for her. It was just her back, I needed to her to turn around to make sure.

"Bro, are you gonna move or what?" I heard Michael question feeling a slight nudge from beside me making me remember that I was with other people right now

"I- uh what?" I stammered shaking my head out of its daze as all four of them stared at me confused

"Get up so we can go to the party already," Calum urged me

"Shit- sorry," I spoke forcing myself to stand from my seat and walk out of the aisle. I looked up to see her, but I couldn't find her anymore. Fuck. Maybe I'm just confusing her with someone else, it couldn't be her.

Once we got to the house where the party was, the mansion towered over everything, it was just two stories but it was humongous which was fitting for the amount of people that Alex said he invited tonight. Opening the door, we just saw crowds of people everywhere in separate groups, some dancing to the beat of the music, some just talking amongst one another, others hovering over the catering tables to grab a plate to eat.

It was packed from the inside, but the outside was a completely different story. Looking through the glass door that faced the backyard, I saw a small stage set up with a microphone and speakers in the center below a tarp that was assumably placed there to protect it from the rain that was supposed to fall tonight. The clouds were beginning to form in the sky and the weather reports today claimed that the storm was going to hit Baltimore hard. But it was already 7 pm and not one single droplet had fallen down, however, the slight chance of rain kept everyone else from going outside.

"They know how to throw a party," Julia applauded Alex and Lisa's efforts as Calum agreed with her

"Rian said the bar would be on the second floor," Michael commented as we all looked to Ashton

Since we were in America, he was the only one who the bartender would legally serve drinks to, so we usually put it up to him to get us drinks.

"Alright alright, I know the drill," he let out a sigh

"Julia, will you come help me with the drinks?" He added on as I looked at her for her response

"I- why me? Michael can go with you," she suggested making Michael let out a groan

"What? No I can't," Michael said

"Juls, just come with me," Ashton pleaded before she unwillingly gave in

Josie's P.O.V.

There was a line to congratulate the newly married couple after the ceremony, so I thought it would be the easiest to talk to the both of them at the wedding party to give them some space to breath. The location for the party wasn't too far, just down the road at a house that Alex had rented out. It was rather extravagant if you'd ask me but it would fit the big party they were throwing for all their friends and family. It was a two story mansion with a pool in the back. Alex had told me all about his plans for the place, the bottom floor held the huge dining room where the catering staff would be to hand out food, music would be blasting, and the top floor was where the bedrooms were located, but was the main spot for the open bar.

Arriving at the house was hectic since there were cars already filling up the drive way even though we had left the wedding venue right after the ceremony. The sun was completely covered by grey clouds letting the dark night come in and emphasize the illumination of the lights in the house. The music was blasting loud enough for me to feel the bass underneath my feet and I could tell that Lily was excited by the way she was rushing ahead of me to get inside. She was grabbing a hold of my wrist and dragging me inside to hurry me up, but I was fully satisfied with taking in the entire night at my own pace.

"We're in already slow the fuck down!" I said having to yell over the noise of the music and other people talking around us

"Relax Jojo, what do you say? We hit the open bar first or the dinner table?" She questioned

"Let's take a look around first," I suggested

"Oh you wanna scope out the boys?" She nudged me as I let out a laugh

"Of all people, you should know that I'm not going to be looking for new guys anytime soon," I shook my head

"Not all guys are like Andy," she reasoned knowing exactly what I was talking about

"I know that, but after last night, I just want to be with you and all our friends,"

"What happened last night? You never told me," she asked as we walked out into the backyard still on our little exploration of the place, although the inside of the mansion was filled with people, the outside seemed to be completely deserted. It was a lovely sight outside with the view of the pool and a small stage set up in front of it since no one would be using it at this type of weather condition.

"You'll find out eventually, without me having to tell you," I groaned thinking about the reaction that people will get after he releases that photo

"You need to talk about it?, Jo," she questioned

"Let's just have fun tonight," I let out a smile as she nodded eventually spotting some familiar faces starting to follow our lead and enter the once empty backyard with us

I was handed a drink from one of our friends and shot it down within a second. It has been so long since alcohol was in my system it almost felt unnatural to feel the singe in my throat again, but almost relaxing at the same time. I loved the effect it gave me when I was tipsy, but I knew that too much of it would be horrible, so I limited myself. Although I wasn't 21, I've still had my fair share of alcoholic beverages, I knew how to handle myself with the amounts of liquid in my glass to the point where I'd feel the buzz but not enough to make me numb. That feeling was only for the rare occasions where I needed it, and I used to need it a lot more than I do now.

"C'mon, I've seen you drink loads more Jo, have some fun," Lily elbowed me noticing me taking dainty little sips of my beer at a time

"I am having fun, this is me having fun," I spoke up half trying to convince her but mostly trying to convince myself

"Jack!" She called him over as he walked towards us

"Hey," he greeted us, but Lily did not give him any time to add on

"I bet you $50 that Josie won't take more than 3 shots tonight," she smirked knowing how much I hated when she did this type of thing, she did it on purpose because she knew that I'd want to prove her wrong.

"I actually don't want to take you up on that bet because at her rate, I don't even think she'll get past 2," Jack contended as I glared at him

"I'm not being a pussy! I just want to have fun without the hangover the next morning," I reasoned as they laughed

"No one thinks about the morning after! They think about the night before and the alcohol will help that night move in a lot wilder than expected," Lily said

"Alright, I'll take the shots, but only after we congratulate the happy couple so we don't forget!" I compromised once I spotted Alex and Lisa coming into the backyard from the house

"Fine," she agreed waving to them to get their attention

"How about a shot for the newly wedded couple?!" Lily exclaimed once the two of them reached us

"Yes! Get me some drinks!" Alex cheered as Jack passed down the glasses for all of us to down

The liquid went smooth down my throat and I could feel it hit me seconds after.

"Congrats on the wedding lovebirds," I smiled feeling myself start to loosen up

"Thanks for coming! And arriving on time, Lily was telling everyone about how she knew you were going to be late today," Lisa said

"No one has faith in me these days, at least I wasn't the one who walked in seconds before you guys started walking down the isle," I commented

"I know, but that was Luke and in his defense you guys are pretty much the same person when it comes to schedules," Alex let out a laugh as I froze for a moment

"Luke?" I questioned feeling Lily place a hand on my arm in case I needed it

"Yeah, Luke Hemmings! You guys are friends aren't you? If you're not then we'll introduce you, he's probably around here somewhere with the rest of the boys," He offered happily

"I-uh," I stammered for a second feeling my hands start to get clammy at his words until Lily broke in

"That's actually alright, they're all well acquainted already," Lily smiled as they both nodded

"That's awesome, but this reminded me that I promised I would sneak them drinks tonight, have you guys seen them?" He questioned

"Nah, not yet sorry!" Lily answered

"I think I saw Michael's head of hair inside when we were walking in," Lisa spoke

"Yeah, they're probably in there. We'll see you inside," Lily said before they walked back in

"Alright what do you need? You need some water? Some food? You want to leave?" She immediately questioned once it was just the two of us as I let out a breath

"I- no, no. It's okay. We're okay. We can stay here, I just need a second," I reassured her feeling my heart beat start to speed up by the second

"I need another drink," was the next sentence that came out of my mouth and the concern on her face only grew more. I didn't know why though because that's what she's been wanting me to do since we got here.

"Al- alright we'll go upstairs to get them," she said

"It's fine, I can do it alone," I told her

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go have fun with them, I'll be back in a few," I waved her off to our bigger group of friends at the party as she hesitantly let me go on my own

I know that she was trying to be a good friend by being at my side, but right now I just need a breath by myself. I needed to take in what I had just heard without an outside voice telling me that everything was going to be okay because I knew it wasn't.

Walking back into the house, I kept my head down the entire time to keep myself from meeting eyes with familiar faces. But it was a lot harder than I thought considering that I was almost stumbling over my feet. When I made it up the stairs, I had to go through a long hallway with multiple doors until I reached the bar, the bartender seemed to recognize me almost immediately and probably knew that I was underage, but he still served me my drinks anyways. I ordered two coronas and four shots of grey goose like I had promised Lily, three shots for me and one for her if she wanted it. The alcohol was handed to me on a tray so I could take it back downstairs with ease, but once I exited the open bar area, I felt the tension start to rise in me again. I'd have to make a second trip down the stairs and through the rooms full of crowded people, the rooms that they could potentially be in.

Out of the five doors lined through the hallway of the second floor, my thinking led me to the one closest to the staircase which opened to a bedroom. Luckily, the room was empty and slightly muffled the noise coming from the party below once I shut the door so I could actually hear myself think.

Shit. Shit. Shit. They're actually here. I started panicking within myself

I knew that I'd cross paths with them eventually, but I didn't expect it to be this quick. Well. This wasn't quick. All of us have had a long time to take in what had happen. It's been months since it ended. And here I am still stressing over the fact that we could eventually see each other again tonight.

Oh god. I wouldn't even know what to say. I know they hate me, by the type of information that he had probably given the rest of the boys, I would hate myself too. I did for a little bit after if I had to be honest. But no one could know about that. That's not what I'm supposed to be known for. I'm Josie Castano, I'm supposed to be that happy successful singer song writer with millions of fans, I'm supposed to be someone that you can look up to, but no ones going to look up to someone who can't handle their own mistakes.

Was he a mistake? No. The mistake was letting the break up even happen. Actually following through with the contract was the biggest mistake of my life because now they all see me as a fame hungry two faced asshole, and I can't even blame them for that. From their perspective it's completely true.

Fuck. Here comes the heavy breathing again.

Pulling the curtain behind at the opposite end of the room, I found myself looking at the balcony that was hidden behind the thick fabric. Once I opened the doors, I could feel myself start to calm down at the sense of fresh air again. I had a view of the backyard and I could see people start to pile up outside but thankfully, no one seemed to notice me all the way up here. In an attempt to further relax myself, I carried my tray of drinks out, and sat down on the chair out on the balcony, closing the doors behind me. It was like I was in my own world up here and right now that was all I needed.

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