Peter Pan || Larry Stylinson...

By femkekockelkorn

5K 151 56

In a little house in the big city London, Lives a boy named Harry. Harry lives a tough life, no friends, gets... More

1. Life isn't a fairytale
2. Return
3. In love?
4. Off to neverland
5. A new start
7. Mermaid lagoon
8. Clouds
9. Sword fighting
10. Dark Pan
11. Treasure
12. Off to a new adventure
13. Indian camp
14. Pixie perfect date
15. Mine
16. Louis
17. Don't let me go
18. Captain George
19. Hook's ship
20. Frozen heart
21. Neversnow
22. Who is the monster?
23. To rough?
24. Betrayal
25. Who would have known
26. The neverprince
27. Battlescar
28. The flying demon

6. The lost boys

229 9 0
By femkekockelkorn

Harry's POV

I turn around under my warm blanket. Wanting to go back to sleep, I hug my pillow. That was the most beautiful dream I've ever had. I don't want to open my eyes, not wanting to see my little room in London. Back in the city that hates me so much, I want to be with Peter. Ow, how I wish that dream was real.

"Is that the boy? Is that him?" I hear someone whisper. A strange voice that I have never heard before. A stranger in my room?! I quickly open my eyes to see not one, but a group of maybe ten boys from about my age standing around the bed I was laying in. This isn't my bed! And I have never seen these boys before, what are they doing here?! What am I doing here?! I scream and sit straight up in the bed. All the boys take a step back in shock. 

I didn't even notice there is a boy laying next to me until he flies up in shock and grabs a dagger from his nightstand in just a second. I look at him with my eyes wide open. But.. that's the boy I dreamed about last night, Peter. I rub my eyes and blink a few times, am I still dreaming? I pinch myself really hard, alright that really did hurt. I look from Peter to the boys and back to Peter, wile everything is slowly sinking in. I didn't just dream it, it was all real!

A blonde boy starts laughing, clearly finding this funny. I am almost hyperventilating from shock as I look at every single person in the room. There outfits are all very poor, clearly hand made. some are wearing very old clothes with holes in it. I look at Peter who calmed down already and he puts his dagger away again while landing on his feet. He chuckles, "Calm down curly, they're not here to kill you."

I open my mouth to say something but I can't manage any words to come out. A boy with black hair in a quiff and with big chocolate brown eyes steps forward. "Who is this Peter? Is this him?" he asks.

Peter walks to my side of the bed while smiling wide and helping me out of bed. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and looks at me for a second before looking back at the boys. "Boys, this is Harry, the curly haired singing boy from London. And now.." He says while looking proudly at me. " of us." When he says that I get a warm feeling and can't fight back a smile. "Harry, these are the lost boys, your new family." I blush and look down with a smile. Family? But will they even like me?

Suddenly the Blond haired boy runs to me and embrace me in a tight hug. Who knew a sudden tight hug from a stranger could be so relieving. Does this mean he likes me? But he doesn't even know me. The blond boy pulls back and looks at me with pure joy on his face. "Hi Harry, welcome to your new home. I'm Niall. Peter has told us so much about you. I play guitar as well, I don't sing very much though. When are you going to sing for us? I really want to hear if Peter is right about your magical voice. Of course he is, he is Peter Pan. How are you by the way? I'm perfectly fine. How is it in London by the way, I'd really like to know about the.." "Niall, please, shut up." two boys with there brown hair flipped to each an other side, say at the same time while rolling there eyes. The boys are identical. I giggle, Niall is really adorable and funny, like a positive hyperactive little sunburst.

Peter giggles as well and starts talking again, "Well, so that was Niall. And that is Zayn.." He points at the boy with the black hair and brown eyes. "That is Jimmy" Jimmy has a deep scar over his left cheek, almost reaching his left eye. He is a handsome boy though, tall and messy hair. "These lads are Josh and Tony, twins as you can see. That is Oliver, but we call him Olly." Olly is a rather chubby boy, not older than 14 years old I would say. "And that's Ed, And that is Henry.." He points to a boy with red hair and a boy with long dark brown hair. "Natan, The youngest of us all. Maximus.." "It's Max, just Max." "So, Maximus, and here we have fox." He says and I look confused at him. Who calls his child Fox. "He never knew his real name, so we call him Fox because he is very cunning and the best thief there is." Peter says as if he could read my mind. "And last but not least, Liam. My faithful right hand and first lostboy ever." He points at a boy with short brown hair and brown puppy eyes.

Lucky, I'm good with names. Liam, steps toward us, "Why did you bring him here Peter?" He asks Peter, and than looks at me, "Not that I mind, really nice to meet you Harry." He smiles at me before looking back at Peter, "But what will Tinkerbell say?"

Peter sighs and looks down, "She will definitely kill me. But I had no choice Liam, I just had to or else he wouldn't be happy." I stand there as all the boys start to talk about this Tinkerbell. "Um.. Who is this Tinkerbell?" I ask

Peter looks at me, "Tink is my fairy, my friend. But she gets mad very fast and she didn't want me to bring anyone else to Neverland ever again." Peter says and I feel a bit afraid.

"Is she.. dangerous?" I ask. Niall starts laughing again. "Tink is not dangerous," Niall grabs a hold on me and ruffels my hair. "The only one dangerous here is me." He laughs and lets go of me again. I giggle and try to put my hair back in place. Peter looks somehow irritated and crosses his arms.

"Yeah, a danger to yourself. Especially if you're holding a sword." Peter says.

"Eeeey, that's not true! I'm very handy with a sword!" Niall says and pouts.

With that, Peter flies to the other side of the room and grabs a sword. He flies back and points the sword in Niall's direction. Suddenly everyone is silence. "Let's find out shall we?" Peter smirks. "Alright, in the living room." Niall says.

Peter flies out of the room right away, quickly followed by Niall and the rest of the boys. I walk after them. What is going to happen. I walk into the living room and look around. It was a mess though, just like Peter's room. There was a crown laying on a table, a golden crown. How did they manage to get that? And more golden objects where laying acros the room. I see Niall grabbing a sword from the corner of the room where all wappens lay and hang together.

Everyone steps aside to give Niall and Peter more space while they stand opposite of each other. Wait, they aren't going to do a sword fight, are they? I hear Zayn whisper to Natan, "This won't last long." Natan chuckles.

I push myself through the little crowd and stand a bit closer to the two boys with the swords. "Wait!" I say. I can feel everyone in the room looking at me. "Is this serious? Are you two really going to fight? With swords?! Are you out of your mind? You could get killed!" I look behind me to the lost boys. Hoping someone would help me, but everyone looks at me as if I am the crazy one.

Liam walks to me and grabs my arm, "Come on Harry, they will be fine. But you have to step back." He says while dragging me back. "Continue" Zayn says with a grin.

Peter and Niall look back at each other and stand in start positions. "Stop it, please!" I call out to them. "Okay" Peter answers with a smirk, not even looking at me. Suddenly he steps forwards and slams Niall's sword out of his hands. The Sword hits the ceiling and keeps hanging there. Peter points the sword to Niall's chest and everyone cheers and laughs.

Liam doesn't laugh or cheer and walks towards Niall. "That was not fair." Liam says to Peter.

"Yeah, you could of at least letting me win." Niall sighs.

"What's the fun about that?" Peter chuckles

"It's fun for me." Niall says with a smile

Peter rolles his eyes and looks at Liam, "What's not fair Liam?"

"Harry distracts him. He deserves another chance." Liam says

"Fine by me." Peter says and he flies up to grab Niall's sword. "Please don't do it again." I beg him. "We didn't even had a real fight yet. I won't hurt him Harry, I know what I'm doing."

This is pointless, Peter is so stubborn. Why is this fun? They could accidentally hurt each other, or worse! And the are no hospitals around. Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea? Niall takes his sword and stands ready again while Liam steps back. Before I can try anything else, Niall attaches Peter and takes a step forward. Peter blocks Niall's sword, Their swords cross each other. He keeps it like that for a second while smirking. "Don't think so Nialler." And he starts battling back. Everyone cheers while swords are slamming against each other.

Peter drives Niall backwards and Niall tries hard to block every atack. "Giving up already Nialler?" Peter askes Niall. "never" is the answer. Peter laughs.

Liam is standing next to me and I see him biting his bottom lip. "Come on Niall, show him what you've got." He says to himself.

I nearly got a heart atack right here, right now. Niall was targeting his sword to Peter's head! But gladly he blocked it just intime. Niall's eyes wide, Peter smirks. He pushes Niall back with his sword. Then I see him making a few moves that make my jaw drop. He is so damn good at this. He slams Niall's sword a few more times and Niall falls with one knee on the ground. Peter immediately takes that opportunity to stand behind niall and hold his sword horizontal against Niall's neck. Everyone went silent, some gasps, like me. I cover my mouth with my hands.

"What about now?" Peter says in Niall's ear. "I give up! I give up!" Niall says and drops his sword when holding his hands up. "Toughed so." he smirks and release Niall. Suddenly everyone starts jumping and crowing. What is happening, they look like some groop savages.

Niall stands up and smile, how can he smile? He almost died! "But I almost had ya!" Niall laughs. Peter lays his hand on Niall's shoulder and looks at him, "Yeaaa.. no" he Laughs.

Everyone Laughs, But suddenly I hear a tinkling sound and the laughing slowly stops and everyone looks at Peter. His eyes are wide. "What's going on here?" I here a high pitched voice say. A girl?

Liam quickly stands in frond of me and sighs to the others to do the same. Why are they doing this? Ow wait, maybe this person is Tinkerbell? What if she'll hurt me? Or sents me back to London?? I don't want to go back!

"Niall tried to beat Peter with sword fighting." Natan laughs.

I can see a little light flying as I look past the boys. "Again? Niall just accept that you're not as good as Peter." I can hear her say. "Never!" Niall response. The light turns to us and now I can see it's a teeny girl with wings! A fairy! "And what are you guys up to?" She askes suspicious.

"Um.. Just watching Niall fail, that's all" Ed says nervously. "I'll win some day!"

Ed laughed, "Of course Nialler, That will be the day that Peter grows up."

The fairy laughs, it sounds adorable, a sweet tinkle sound mixed with giggle. She looks at the groop of boys in frond of me again who are laughing nervously. She stops laughing and frowns. "Okay, what is going on? Why are you all acting so.." She says but stops in the middle of her sentence when she stares right into my eyes. I can't move, what now? Suddenly she turns bright red and turns to Peter who is standing there awkwardly with his hands behind his back. Like a little kid who disobeys his parents.

The coller of the fairy turs back to normal when she flies in frond of Peter. "Peter, who is that?" she askes with a sweet voice.

With an innocent look on his face, Peter looks up at the fairy and looks down again. "Who is who?.."

The fairy, Tinkerbell I guess, grabs a lock of Peter's hair and leads him to the group boys. She points her tiny finger at me. "That" "um.. you mean Olly?" He says while rubbing the sore spot on his head. I see her lighting red again when she flies in frond of Olly who is standing in frond of me, along with Liam and Zayn. Olly's eyes widen and he steps aside very quick as if his life depends on it. Zayn and Liam follow and my cover is away. My cheeks burn bright red as I stand there awkwardly, I don't dare to look at the bright red light in frond of me.

"I had to bring him Tink. He was hurt and will be hurt if he would stay there." Although I'm scared and absolutely uncomfterble, a little smile appears on my face. No one ever cared about me like Peter does. "I thought I told you not to go back to London, to that boy?" Tinkerbell says angry.

"I couldn't get him out of my head, I had to go back. And I was right to do so!" 

"um.. boys.. I think it's time for us to leave." Zayn says and starts walking out. The others run past Zayn, and Peter rolled his eyes. I am still standing there, not knowing what to do.

"You told me you wouldn't bring another boy to Neverland!" Tinkerbell yells at Peter.

"But Tink, you have to understand.." "You should just have listened to me!" "I don't have to listen to anyone!" Peter yells back. I back off a little, Yelling scares me, I hate yelling. Peter notice I look scared, he takes a deep breath and looks back at Tink.

"But maybe you should , there are already to many lost boys here." She says, crossing her arms.

"This was the last one Tink, I promise. Besides, Harry is special, he isn't just another lost boy."

"He is Peter. He's just a boy, a lost boy. Just like hundreds of other kids in London. But that dosn't mean you have to bring all of them to Neverland. So bring him back!" She says. I can't say she isn't right though.. But.. I don't want to go home. If I go back now.. my dad will kill me. And I am finally starting the feel.. less useless, here with Peter.

"Peter?.. Does this mean I have to go back to London?" I ask, my voice trembling. Peter Looks at me as soon as I say that. "No Harry, you're not going anywhere!" He turns back to Tinkerbell who still looks angry. "He is not just a boy, Harry is special! I know that since the first time I heard him sing and saw him sitting in that little room with his guitar. But back than, there was no sign of even the smallest smile. Now he is in Neverland he finally shows his beautiful smile. He deserves to show it every second of the day. Besides, you cant tell me what to do! He is not going anywhere as long as I live." Peter says.

I'm stunned. I can't believe that just happened, someone standing up for me like that.. I feel tears of joy burning in my eyes, stange tickles in my belly and my dimples showing of like never before. This boy.. what does he do with me.

Peter walks to me and before I can do anything he drags me out of the trie. "You can't always walk away from your problems Peter!" Tink yells after us. That must have made him angry or something, I can see it on his face as Tinkerbel says that. Or maybe it's not anger? It looks more like.. sadness?

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