I'm a loaded gun (Sequel to A...

By CaseyLangeveldt

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It's the sequel to Andy Biersack's long lost cousin. More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
CC's plan
You saved me
Caught out
Hey there Black Veil Brides
Goodbye twins
Black Veil Brides
Are you okay?

Chapter 3

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By CaseyLangeveldt

Andy P.O.V.


A- Andy J- Juliet

J- Hey I won't be able to make our date. I'm sorry.

A- It's fine. Another time then. Love you

*Juliet hangs up*

Why did she hang up like that? Did I say something wrong? We have been dating for a while now and she usually says 'love you too' but now she hangs up, why?, "I need to clear my head. I'll go buy some groceries. We're almost out of food" I grab my car keys, "Jake I'm going to buy groceries, pick Casey and James up if I'm not back in time please."

"Sure" I walked to my car and drove off.

*time lapse*

I pushed a shopping cart filled with food and toiletries when I saw something I didn't expect, "J-Juliet?" She was kissing another guy!, "It isn't what it looks like Andy." She spoke fast, "Now what's it supposed to look like? Because to me it looks like you called off our date just so that you could cheat on me" I mutter. My words colder than her soul, "We're over Juliet, don't talk to me or try and contact me through the boys or my cousin." I walk away.

I drove home almost crashing 3 times. As soon as I had arrived at home I unpacked everything and drove off. Tears were streaming from my eyes. The bitch cheated on me! I thought she was fucking different! I was wrong... as always. It wasn't long until my vision became blurry from my tears and the last thing I remember was the car swerving into something. I let the darkness devour me whole.

Jake P.O.V.
The drive up to the hospital was silent with a slight sob here and there coming from Casey. We finally arrived Ashley was waiting at ground floor for us, "Hey" she simply said before collapsing, "Oh shit!" We say in unison before almost immediately rushing to her aid. Ashley picked her up bridal style and I retrieved her phone and earphones that fell on the floor with her.

We went up to the third floor, "What happened to her?" Jinxx started to worry, "She just greeted Ashley and... fainted" Ashley passed her not yet lifeless body to Jinxx. He looked like a truck ran over him, "You'll be okay. Andy's gonna be okay. You're both gonna be okay" he cradled her.

After an hour a doctor came out. Ashley shot up, "Is he going to be fine?" He asked, "He's going to recover although during the accident he broke his arm and both of his legs. The impact was great. He's lucky to have survived" "Thank you" The doctor nodded and then left, "Thank god... he's... okay" I heard a faint whisper. Casey woke up, "Baby you're awake." Jinxx hugged her tightly, "I always... was" she spoke slowly and her words were faint yet soft.

"Oh Casey, James called, he wanted to know why we weren't at home. I told him we had to go somewhere urgently."CC said, She nodded, "It's okay. I told him not to worry about me and that I will explain things to him later" she began to wake up. Jinxx had a big goofy smile filled with sorrow and happiness. Sorrow towards Andy and happiness for the woman he loves.

The same doctor from earlier walked up to us, "Mr. Biersack shouldn't be waking up until tomorrow to u can come back then." We nodded and walked off, "Thanks a lot doc" Ashley said before catching up to us.

Casey P.O.V.
I've already lost my mother and best friend. I can't afford to lose another person close to me. I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I lay in my bed and stare out at the night sky. The stars shine brighter than a candles light. It was really cold though. I decided to check my messages and see what I've missed out.

There were messages from all of the boys like, 'Where are you?' Or 'are you okay?' Or 'did something happen? James said you're not at home! What happened?' or 'You better be fine' I was about to reply when using heard a knock on my door, "Enter" I say quietly. I look up to see Jinxx, "Hey" he says walking up to me, "He's gonna wake up tomorrow and you'll see he's gonna be okay. He's strong, just like you" he kissed my cheek, "I know" he gets up and walks to the door, "I love you" "love you too" he smiled at me then left. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

*next day*

I got ready for school when I was stopped by CC, "Not today Biersack" he pulled me back by the hood of my jacket, "But what about James? He goes with me to school" "Ashley took him up. When he comes back we're going to see Andy" my expression turns to nothing, "He's not dead and he is not going to die. Alright?" He asks me, "Alright" There was a car hoot coming from outside, "Ash is here let's go" Jake walked to the door, CC following and finally Jinxx and I.

"Lets not keep this maudlin vibe" Jinxx said smiling, "Fancy words Jeremy" I smile, "You know what it means?" Ashley asks me, "Of course I do. He means we all appear depressed, we're all quiet and not saying much" Jinxx chuckled, "You're definitely Andy's family" Jake chuckles.

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