The Girl Next Door(Zayn Malik...

By Desigirlrants

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Aisha is from a rich family in Pakistan.She has come to London on a full scholarship to a designing universit... More

Chapter 1: Zerrie is over and Flashbacks
Chapter 2:Heartbreak and Regrets
Chapter 3: Internship and New Starts
Chapter 4: New Neighbour
Chapter 5: Dinner
Chapter 6: Sleepover!
Chapter 7: Complications and Feelings
Chapter 8: I know!
Chapter 9:Tears
Chapter 10: Bumped into....
Chapter 11: Plan Elounor!
Chapter 12: Popping the Question
Chapter 13: Family & Escapes
Chapter 14: The First Invitation!
Chapter 15: Plan Elounor Step No.1✔
Chapter 16: Movie Night !
Chapter 17: El is here!
Chapter 18:Blushy Mornings....
Chapter 19: The Boys Are Here
Chapter 20: Oooops!
Chapter 21: He's Here???
Chapter 22: WTH
Chapter 23: Engaged!
Chapter 24: Run For Your Life
Chapter 25: Ring Time
Chapter 26: Typical Aunties!
Chapter 27: Wedding Gear!
Chapter 28: Pranks
Chapter 30: Revenge & 20 Questions
Chapter 31: Tutoring?
Chapter 32: Routines
Chapter 33: Surprise
Chapter 34: Plan
Chapter 35: Teasing!
Chapter 36: Admitting!
Chapter 37: I DO...
Chapter 38: All Yellow!
Chapter 39: Let's get this Mayoun started!
Chapter 40: Couple Dances
Chapter 41: Another Proposal!
Chapter 42: Nikkah
Chapter 43:Dholki
Chapter 44: Seeing her like this!
Chapter 45: Pictures!
Chapter 46:Mehndi :)
Chapter 47: Entrance!
Chapter 48: Baby
Chapter 49: Song Writing Sessions!
Chapter 50: First Proposal!
Chapter 51: Water Works
Chapter 52:Love?
Chapter 53: Rejection!
Chapter 54: Girls Day Out!
Chapter 55: Public
Chapter 56: The Brits
Chapter 57: Secret Plans!
Chapter 58:Packing!
Chapter 59: Sophiam
Chapter 60: Jason!
Chapter 61: Punishment for a Punch!
Chapter 62:Surprises!!
Chapter 63: Wedding Bells & Invitations
Chapter 64: Road Trip to London
Chapter 65: Time To Get Ready!!
Chapter 66: Awards & Awaited Questions
Chapter 67: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 68: Answers, Chessiness & Meeting Little Mix
Chapter 69:Love Story for ZAISHA?
Chapter 70: Zaisha Time!!
Chapter 71: Back to Bradford
Chapter 72:Secret's
Chapter 73: Meeting the Family
Chapter 74: Pakistan!
Chapter 75: Engagement Party
Chapter 76 (Final Chapter): Picnic

Chapter 29: Caught! :/

2.1K 77 0
By Desigirlrants

So I know guys I haven't been updating for quiet a while but I have been really busy for the past few days and it has been raining a lot here so there are some electricity problems in my area too !Enjoy this one.Love you guys


She jumped on me and resulting to that I fell on the ground .She sat on my leg and started punching me which were like a little over hyper kid hitting so in conclusion they weren't painful at all. I was laughing my head off but she kept on hitting me. I was finally able to control my laughs and as Aisha was going to throw another punch at me I held her hands. I sat up a little as Aisha was still sitting on my legs. I looked at her she was breathing hard .I finally noticing what she was wearing but that doesn't matter she looks pretty in whatever she is wearing .I suddenly realized I was staring .

I stepped out of my trance and unfortunately Aisha had noticed that I was staring at her .She was looking at me with a smirk plastered on her face. I tried my best to hide my blush and looked at her back innocently. She finally spoke up "Were you checking me out Malik?" she asked me smirking. I smirked and answered her but still biting the inside of my cheek so I don't blush. "Maybe!" I said shrugging and sitting up so now Aisha was practically in my lap. "OH! Well would you like to tell me why you were doing that?" she asked giggling a bit. "I would love to! I was doing that because you are really pretty!" I said and she looked at me in shock but then she started to blush she looked down with a small smile on her lips with her hair framing her face .Before she could say anything we heard a sound of someone clearing their throat from behind us.

 We both whipped our heads to see Doniya standing there with a smirk. As soon as we saw her Aisha stood up from my lap and went towards the door before mumbling "I am going to the washroom!!!". I stood up and went towards the fridge to avoid the awkwardness "You know I know!" Doniya aid sitting on one of the kitchen stools still smirking. I grabbed an apple from the fridge and sat down in front of her on another kitchen stool facing her. I took a bite from my apple "Know what?" I asked still eating on my apple ignoring Doniya's hard gaze on me.

 Suddenly she said something that made me choke on my apple "Stop acting Zayn! I know you love Aisha!" Once I composed myself I looked up at her to see her smiling down at me. "Am I that invisible?" I spoke up with my eyebrows furrowed. She laughed at my question/response to her statement .Once she calmed down she answered my question. "Not that much maybe a little too much! But I know this because I know you pretty nicely because I am your big sister so it is a plus point!" she said shrugging. I laughed and she joined me. Suddenly she stopped laughing "Zayn do you really love her?" "Ya! I do. I have never felt like this. It may sound weird that it hasn't even been a month since we both met and I already love her. But I do love her maybe even more than Perrie!". "OK Zayn! But don't expect too much that you end up getting hurt maybe more than you were when SHE cheated on you!" with that Doniya stood up and left the kitchen and I could hear her calling for Aisha. I was left there thinking about what Doniya told me. Did she think that Aisha may not like me the way I like her? Maybe she thinks that she is not the right one for me? Maybe Aisha told her something I don't know? Why do things have to be so effing complicated?

I was sitting in the lounge going through tweets. It has been half an hour since mine and Doniya's conversation and the Aisha incident. Since then I haven't seen a glimpse of any one of them. But I did hear laughing and talking from Doniya's room so they must be talking. Suddenly someone covered my eyes from the back of the couch I was sitting in. "Guess Who?" a soft voice spoke lower than a whisper. But I still recognized it I could recognize it anywhere. I removed the two small hands from my eyes and turned around and screamed.

 Aisha took the Hulk mask off her face while laughing her head off. "What the hell Aisha!" I said my eyes wide open and my hand over my heart trying to control my heartbeat. Once she stopped laughing she spoke up a wide grin still spread across her face "What you can scare me and almost kill me and I can't scare you" I scoffed playfully "First of all I don't think a butter knife can kill someone and second of all that wasn't just a scare I could have a heart attack!" she just laughed at my excuse knowing it was silly but it is the best I could come up with in such a short time. She finally stopped laughing and gave me a 'duh' look while stating her point which was the truth "First of all you are too young to have a heart attack and second of all it was just a hulk mask not the real hulk and even if it was you wouldn't have one cause I know you won't leave your family the fans and the boys that easily and also cause your near is not that weak and you arena 22 not 72."

 She said "Wow! There is a lot of logic in that mind of yours!Did not expect that" I stated she gave me a playful glare and then spoke up with a smirk "Malik haven't you heard the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'?" she asked I gave her a confused look and answered her "I have heard it and I obey on it too!" She gives me an 'are-you-kidding-me' look and then spoke up with a serious look on  her face "You are lying you just judged me Mr. Malik you assumed that I was not a smart person you hardly know me!" she said and then turned her face to the other side so her back was facing me. Oh My God!!Zayn you idiot what did you do? You are an absolute and utter idiot? Couldn't you have thought once before opening that big mouth of yours? Now she won't talk to you? What am I going to do?

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