Peter Pan || Larry Stylinson...

By femkekockelkorn

5K 151 56

In a little house in the big city London, Lives a boy named Harry. Harry lives a tough life, no friends, gets... More

1. Life isn't a fairytale
2. Return
3. In love?
4. Off to neverland
6. The lost boys
7. Mermaid lagoon
8. Clouds
9. Sword fighting
10. Dark Pan
11. Treasure
12. Off to a new adventure
13. Indian camp
14. Pixie perfect date
15. Mine
16. Louis
17. Don't let me go
18. Captain George
19. Hook's ship
20. Frozen heart
21. Neversnow
22. Who is the monster?
23. To rough?
24. Betrayal
25. Who would have known
26. The neverprince
27. Battlescar
28. The flying demon

5. A new start

222 11 0
By femkekockelkorn

Louis' POV

I smile wide while flying over London, but this time, I am not flying alone. And I am not flying with Tink either. But I'm flying with this special, beautiful, curly haired singing boy named Harry. I can't be any happier. Harry is going to stay with me forever, and forever is an awful long time. I'm sure everyone is going to be just as happy as I am to meet Harry. I have told them stories about Harry every day. Everyone loves to listen while I talk about him, everyone is interested in Harry and his music, even now they haven't even heard him yet. Niall might be a little jealous of this other boy playing guitar but I can see he is happy and curious aswell.

We have lots of music in Neverland though. When we go to the indians we have music and fairies make the most beautiful music. Some of the boys play instruments aswell. We lerned drums from the indians, ofcourse I play on my panflute and Niall plays guitar as well, the only thing he sings though are traditional Irish songs.

Harry, in a matter of fact, can play guitar and sing. Not just sing, His voice sounds like one of a mermaid. well.. merman, I actually never heard a merman neither have I ever seen one but let's just say Harry's voice is unique. I look at Harry and I see him smiling just as wide as I am. I find myself staring at him, I have never seen him smile. He should smile more often, it suits him beautifully. The moonlight is shining bright, lighting up his slightly bruised face. It will never be bruised again. Suddenly he turns his head to face me completely and he looks me right in the eyes, his eyes twinkling like stars. I've never seen so much beauty and I start to feel like there are fairies dancing around in my belly again. I don't think much of it really and just keep staring at him. He blushes but keeps staring back. This feeling, I've never felt it before.

"Beautiful" Harry suddenly says

I smile at him and look down at the city, breaking our eye contact. "Yeah, I know right.", I giggle.

A blush appears on his cheeks again, "ow.. yeah.." he looks down as well. "..right" he says while laughing nervously.

I laugh, he is a very nice boy, but still a bit strange. We fly in silence for a little before Harry speaks up again.


I look at him

"Why me? Why take someone like me with you?" He says it like he is some kinda of useless nothong. His face gets a little bit sad again and I can feel him getting heavier. I grab both his hands and look him in his eyes again.

"To give a special boy like you the fun and family he deserves." I tell him with all honesty. A small smiles finds its way back on the boy's face. 

"There are others where we going? Will they be okay with you bringing me allong?" He looks a bit worries now.

"More than okay, and if they wouldn't I would command them to. But don't worry." I smile and then let go of one of his hands to keep flying forward. "See those two bright stars over there?" I say as I point to the two bright stars.

"Yeah, they are beautiful." He nods

"There are we going. Second star to the right, straight on to the morning." I say and Harry looks confused. As we fly higher and higher, the city London seems to be an globe of light. "Hold on very tight. And whatever happens, don't let go." I tell him and he does as told. This is the fun part! Wind hits our cheeks harder as I start flying faster and faster. The wind seems to burn in harry's eyes as he closes them tight and buries his face into my side.

Suddenly a bright light lights my face, the morning sun. I inhale deeply with a smile. I'm home. "Open your eyes Harry."

As he opens his eyes he immediately gasps and his eyes widen. "Ow.. My.." 

"Welcome to Neverland." I say with a bright smile. I'm so happy, the beautiful singing boy is in Neverland now. 

Harry's face changes from the shocked expresion he had the the biggest smile I have even seen on him. He let's go of my hand and holds his arms appart, flying on his own for the first time. he giggles, the most adorable giggle ever, and with a yell of joy, he shoots up into the sky, spins around and flies back down a little. I laugh, happy to see him like this. I fly next to him again as we fly above the island. The perfect view to see everything that's on the island. "There in the forest is the treehouse, you can't see it from up here, it's hidden. See there? That ship, the pirate ship of Captain George Hook. It's just George though, He hates the name Hook." I chuckle.

"Why is that?"

"He has a hook, instead of a hand. because.. well, let's say because of a little accident. So we call him Captain Hook, just to tease him." I giggle at the thoughts. I keep pointing at spots on the island. "And there is pixie hollow, where the fairies live." another spot on the island you can see the campfire still burning. "And you see there, is indian camp. A friend of mine lives there, her name is tiger lilly, I saved her once from Hook so I am always welcome at the Indian camp because Tiger lilly is the daughter of the chief." Harry listens to me very closely, not wanting to miss one second of what I am saying.

"And there is the mermaid lagoon, they are very nice to me, the mermaids. But don't come to close near them, they are danger. They sing as beautiful as you do, Harry." Harry blushes.

"This all is just so unbelievable." Harry says in amazement while looking around.

"You'll get used to it, curly." I say. With Harry still holding onto my arm, I start flying lower. As we reach the top of the trees, I could already see the tree where I live. The tree where Harry will live as well since today. We reach the ground and we land safely with both our feet on the ground. In frond of us, a big tree with a swing on one of the arms of the tree. What only could be seen from the treehouse from outside are three separate rooms that are connected by rope bridges strewn.

"This is your home now Harry, is that a bit okay for you?" I smile and look at Harry who is staring at the three rooms.

He nods hastily, "Yeah, It's beautiful." He says, still looking at the treehouse from up here. I giggle, "Well, this is not exactly where you are gonna sleep. These rooms you see here are the rooms of Ed, Oliver and the twins Tony and Josh. You can sleep with me for now." I tell him.

"But I only see three rooms?" Harry says confused.

I grin while grab his hand and leading him to the frond of the tree where a big tree root covers over an hole in the tree. "It's a slide, but dont make to much noise, the boys are sleeping." And most important, Tink.

Harry kneels down to get a better view on it. "Where will it.." I don't let him finish his sentence, "Come on." I say and pushing him. Harry gasps and slides down with me following after him.

He landes on his bum while I properly land on my feet. Harry rubs his bum and looks up. The area where we where in was a hollow place right below the big tree. Tree roots where holding up the dirt. At the side of the hollow room stands a wooden ladder, leading to the exit. Opposite us hangs a blanket I got from the Indians.

"You're coming?" I ask him while reaching my hand out to help him up and he gladly takes it.

I walk to the Indian blanket and hold it aside to reveal the next room. He walks in and his jaw drops. We are now in the living room, the ceiling looking the same as in the hollow area. but this room is much bigger with a fireplace still lightly burning. Weapons standing and hanging at the side of the room, a large wooden bench with animal skins on it. The floor also covered with animal skin. A big table with many own made chairs, we've got the same outside. It's kind of a mess in the room though. There are djembe's lying on the floor, and all kind of random stuff. In the corner of the room was a platform where you can climb up with a wooden ladder. At the side of the room is a gap that leads to a hallway. The room is decorated lovely though.

"Let me show you my room." I say. Harry just nods and follows me to the hallway.

It is a long hallway with holes on the side, leading to all different rooms. I can hear snores coming from some of the rooms. I crawl in one of the holes and sign for Harry to follow me.

"What do you think?" I say, proud of my room. I have a large bed from straw with a blanket or two on them and a few pillows. I have a little wooden nightstand with my panflute on it.

He looks around, "I love it." he says while smiling bright. "It's kind of a mess though."

"No grown ups to tell you what to do you know, I don't really care about the mess." I tell him and fall down on my bed. I look up at him, he just keeps standing there. "You're laying down or are you just gonna keep standing there?" I giggle

"ow.. um.. are you sure I could lay um.. next to you?" He hesitantly says

"Yes, of course, where else?"

"I don't know." he says while looking down.

"Well then." I tap the space next to me. He finally lays down next to me. "Let's sleep for a little bit." I say and instantly yawn.

He looks at me, "I actually don't want to sleep." he says and I look at him in confusion.

"Well, what else do you want to do then?" I say while leaning on my elbow and resting my head in my hand.

"I don't know. I just don't want to go to sleep 'cause I will wake up again and this beautiful dream will be over and I will be back to.. yeah.." he looks sad again as he says that.

I cup his cheek with my free hand to make him look at me. "You are not dreaming silly. And you will be here forever, no one can hurt you anymore. I'll protect you." I don't really know where these words come from but I felt like saying that to him. I want him save, I will do anything to keep him save so no one can ever hurt him again.

"I don't know Peter, I.. ouch!" He whine because I pinch his cheek to show him he is awake.

I giggle and he smiles aswell. "Thank you."

"Now go to sleep, I'll show you around the island when we wake up. And I like your smile though, keep it there." I say. Harry smiles wide and pulls his face half into the pillow, trying to hide the blushing. We say or goodnight as we fall asleep.

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