The Drama Queen 2[On Hold]

By DaRealRuby1

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Last year was a bit much for Brookhaven. With the death of Lorenzo Gavin and chad hiding out the drama begins... More

Phase 1
Welcome back to BrookHaven
Raven Scarlett
Skate Fair
Phase 2
Letter Drama
Letters with Mia (Week one)
Letters with Raven (Week One)
Burnt Pages
Phase 3
Quality Time
luncheon of hell
Just chill
Walk in the park
phase 4
Stuck Up
Fall Out
Mad Man
Authors Note
Phase 5
Tune Up
Tony Mac
Phase 6
Party Party Party
October Craze
Fall Homecoming
Phase 7
Authors note
Saving The Friendship
On You
Giving Thanks
Second Halve
Phase 8
Bad Nerves
To Much Chat
Return Of Nina
The Meet Up
The Test
Getting The Facts
Phase 10
Finals Week

Phase 9

285 7 0
By DaRealRuby1


I was finally back at home and happy. I cannot believe manny. I hope he got the picture this time. Im seriously not getting into that.

Mia was kind of on the same page with me but thats her man so she might ride for him. Me on the other hand hell no.

Inside my room i had cleaned up and showered. Watching tv i laid on the bed in deep thought. Pierre busted in.

Looking up at him he walked to my window and looked both ways. "Who you looking for?" I asked him. He didnt say a word he just stood there looking.

"Yo pierre get out of here. You being weird." I yelled. "Shut up raven. Damn im trying to see something chill out. Im not about to mess with you." He said.

Moments later i heard the front door close and a car sped off. Its not my business i dont care where he running off to. Eating i lounged around the house.

Pierre pov

Trina was acting irritated as i got in the car with her. First of all she already told me she stole it from her crazy ass brother.

She also let me know that he was out of town and i didn't have to worry about him. I wasnt worried about him at all.

My only concern was him doing dirty shit to her. That wasnt cool i got feelings for trina and everybody know that.

The last straw for him was when he put her out of the house. It hurt me because damn i know what it feels like to be left out in the cold.

Shit she a female and anything can happen. Trina kept asking me did i want to go to this kick back at the park. I wasnt to sure but she just keep bugging me about it so i gave in.


Manny was bugging we had crashed at his pops house. Since the little scene back at the loft he has been wanting to be attached to me.

On the real he was not letting me out of his sight. So i remained claim when around him. Deep inside i was thinking about how he did raven.

So glad that i overheard manny say we would be going to some event. I dont care what it is i want to get out.

Once we arrived i saw it was deep. Looking around i saw brook. I didn't see ivy though. Brook waved for me to come over.

I looked at manny he had a blunt up to his mouth. I was so shocked as i grabbed him closer to me. "Babe." I said.

"Whats up boo?" He answered. "Im about to go over to brook real quick. You good?" I asked him.

"Yeah go head baby girl im right here." He said grabbing his strap. I jerked my head back and walked off on him.

Trina pov
My stomach was in knots as i sat down.I already knew why everybody was here. On the real i didnt want pierre to have any parts of this.

Tony was long gone and i was glad of that. I was just so irritated with pierre. His whole attitude made me sick.

Its like he tries to play this hard guy but i know he is not in type of form hard. To tell you the truth i didn't fall for that role.

When i met him he was sweet as can be but now its all changed. The whole ride i was silent as he talked to me.

"So you drug me out the house just to ignore me. Im sitting here asking you questions and nothing!" He screamed.

See thats that shit i dont like. Then be speaking on stuff he could barely speak on. Its just madness.

You would think he know my brother. I say that because he always speak on him. My tolerance is growing thin.


Walking over to brook she hugged me tight. All i know is the park was full and grills were going to. The big ones that could feed a whole neighborhood.

Sitting down finally i looked around. I could see her boo around some other boys to. "Listen mia, your not going to believe this."

Brook was looking at me serious. "Brook what are you talking about?" I asked her. "You want to know why we here?" She asked me.

"Its just a normal event. Look around its pretty normal to me." I said. "Well your wrong mia. This is actually like a mob affiliated event."

My mouth hung wide open. Moments later a couple dudes walked up from the basketball court. Stopping everything on sight.

Brook grabbed my hand as some dude with burnt looking skin and a patch over his eye walked through the other guys.

"My what a show up we have here. I cant say im quite impressed though.What a shitty community it has been.For those who dont know me im neek. Last year i was left for dead but only i survived and ive come in search of some certain people. Why those long faces this would be fun. Me terrorizing your fine neighborhood right? Think about calling the police if you will. Meet deputy James yes a working police officer in the flesh. Now with that being said stick around my children. Watch your backs. Oh and enjoy the bbq i spent a lot on this event. Now if any soilder want to step up and adress anything im here until five.

With that he walks off get a plate and ducked back off. My mouth was wide open as i looked at brook. "See i told you. Look be careful alright."

I looked for manny through the crowd of people. Brook grabbed my arm. "Mia hold up. I know you love manny but watch your back."

Rolling my eyes i was ready to go home but couldnt. This creepy guy seemed serious and i was scared.

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