BSM One Direction


785K 10K 1.3K

Bsm preferences from tumblr Credits given Mer

#1 He finds out your boyfriend is abusive
#2 You have depression
#3 You have a nightmare
#4 You fall asleep on him
#5 He won't leave your room
#6 Your little and just want to be held/cuddled
#7 He sees your scars (part 1)
#8 He sees your scars (part 2)
#9 Your tired (His pov)
#10 Your little and he gives you a bath
#11 Bedtime
#12 You have to move in with him
#13 Your attractive and it makes him over protective
#14 You run away from home and he looks for you
#15 You have an eating disorder
#16 How he deals with your depression whilst on tour
#17 Growing up
#18 The boys find out about your depression/anxiety (part 1)
#19 The boys find out about your depression/anxiety (part 2)
#20 Sick at school
#21 Dont leave me
#22 Prom dress shoping
#23 Long nights
#24 You just got dumped
#25 He hurts you
#26 He likes your twin more (part 1)
#27 He likes your twin more (part 2)
#28 Another member catches you sneaking into a 5sos members hotel room
#29 You Fall Asleep On a 5sos Member
#30 You fall
#31 Your in a car crash with another member
#32 You donate an organ to save him
#33 You Move out and he gets emotional
#34 Your adopted and shy when you meet him
#35 Your 6 months old and sick
#36 Being with him on tour
#37 You fall asleep on another member
#38 He doesn't approve of your outfit
#39 You live with him
#40 Another boy saves you
#41 You have a celebrity crush
#42 You have a brain damage and have the mind of a 2-year old (Age 4-6)
#43 You're clumsy so he starts babying you
#44 You fight and he makes you cry
#45 Spy mission
#46 He punishes you like a child
#47 Its your birthday and your on tour with him
#48 A fan is being mean to you (Age 4-8)
#49 They tease you about your crush
#50 Your scared/home alone and hes on tour
#51 Your first haircut
#52 Tour cuddles (Age 8-10)
#53 You surprise/visit him on tour
#54 Your parents fight
#55 You get hurt (Age 2)
#56 He babies you in public
#57 Thunderstorms
#58 Never to old
#59 He finds you doing something bad
#60 He finds out you smoke
#61 You get into trouble at school
#62 You run onstage
#63 You two have a cute moment
#64 The boys help you get over a breakup
#65 You feel unwanted/worthless
#66 You have an accident
#67 Little things
#68 You cuddle whilst your upset
#69 Hotels
#70 Beach
#71 You miss your mom
#72 Family vacation
#73 You and his girlfriend hate each other
#74 You ask another boy to get you pads
#75 He defends you
#76 Playfighting
#77 Something in Disneyland scares you
#78 You fall into a swimming pool and cant get back up
#79 Cute moments with another member
#80 Twit cam (Age 16)
#81 Your dating another member
#82 You have a bad day and you wont leave your room
#83 His name
#84 Part 1
#85 Part 2
#86 Part 3
#88 You start pulling away (part 2)
#89 Your at a family dinner and you have an attitude (Age 13-18)
#90 You're famous he isn't
#91 He sees you perform for the first time
#92 First day of high school
#93 You fall asleep in the car
#94 One of the boys find you alone and he looks after you
#95 Your brother is being mean to you and the boys make him apologize
#96 You like a member of 5sos and he feels the same
#97 He comes back from tour and sees your boyfriend for the first time
#98 You get a piercing behind his back
#99 He surprises you at a interview
#100 Your boyfriend kicks you out so you go live with him
#101 You dance at one of their concerts
#102 You swear in front of him
#103 You need him
#104 You have a cast on your leg so he has to help you
#105 You start to wear makeup
#106 He gives you away at your wedding and you have an emotional moment
#107 You're insecure

#87 You start pulling away (Part 1)

8.3K 105 2


Your door was always shut now and that was how you liked it. So that when you wanted to cry, you could do it in peace without anyone from your family butting in. Whenever someone opened it, you would get pissed off, and just stare at them till they left and closed it again. You were staring at the razor on your desk, silent tears dripping down your face as your door slowly opened. You quickly threw the razor into a drawer and Liam stepped in, "Hey love-hey, hey, what's wrong?" "Get out," you said, not even looking at him. "Huh?" "Get out please," you said again. "What's wrong?" "Liam! Leave my room!" you shouted, standing and pushing him out, locking the door.


"Mum! I'm going to Ari's!" you shouted, pulling on your snapback and leather jacket. Niall, who had been sitting in the kitchen with Greg, swallowed the last of his water and walked over as you were tying up your Converse, "Wanna ride?" "Oh, uh, no thanks," you said quickly, smiling up at him and looking back down. He looked down at you confused; you used to jump at the chance to be with him, he was used to bringing you places and he missed it when he was on tour. "Ari's is sort of a long walk isn't it?" Niall asked with a raised eyebrow. "And it looks like it's going to storm. You sure you don't want a ride?" "I'm sure Niall," you said firmly, brushing past him and walking out the front door, leaving him looking hurt in the doorway.


"I'd rather go alone," you said quietly, pulling away from your brother and avoiding his hurt look. What? Why? We used to shop all the time together?" he asked sadly. "I know, but I'm going with some friends instead." "Oh...who?" "Oh uh, you don't know them, I've never talked about them," you shrugged, grabbing your house key and wallet. "You never talk about anyone or anything to me anymore," Zayn said, causing you to stop walking for a second and lower your head. "Look at me," he said softly. You turned around and glanced up at his face as he came closer to you, "What did I do? I don't even know anything about you anymore." "I guess we're both just too busy for each other," you said simply, ignoring his answer and walking out.


"You really don't have to come to my game," you said moodily, watching Louis pull on his jacket. "I've missed loads of them!" Louis said, tying his shoes. "I don't want to miss another! Especially if I'm here!" Your mum was listening to the kitchen, waiting to see if you would reject Louis like you had with the rest of the family. You bit your lip and watched him smile excitedly at you and tossed your football in the air. When you didn't move to go out to the car, he looked at you expectantly, "Well, aren't we going?" "Uh, well..." "What is it?" he asked quietly, looking at you. "I don't really want you to come Louis," you said softly, avoiding his eye contact. "What? Why...?" "I would rather be alone," you said, gently taking the ball from his grip and going outside to walk to the field.


"Sooo," Harry said in a playful voice, crashing on the couch next to you, not noticing you move away a bit. "Who's the boy in your Facebook post?" "Oh, he's no one," you said, slamming your laptop shut as Harry looked over and standing up. "Where you going?" he asked in a hurt voice. "I just sat down." "I've been sitting for hours, I'm just gonna go on a walk." Harry watched you leave the room with his eyebrows furrowed. As you were pulling on your sneakers, you noticed Harry standing in the doorway, "What's going on?" "What are you talking about?" you sighed. "You've basically ignored me while I was gone, never answering my calls or texts and now I get home and you're leaving the house? We were close. What happened?" "Harry, I've just got to go, you wouldn't understand," you sighed, opening the front door and stepping out.

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These are preferences about One Direction :) Enjoy reading!
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Enjoy some imagines and preference!