The Queen (Harry Styles)

By amandaJtommo

1.6M 72.2K 17K

Book #2 in The Kingdom of Ula Series King Harry and Princess Emerald's love story continues as they begin the... More

Before You Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 36

25.8K 1.1K 156
By amandaJtommo

Leave a comment somewhere! Inline or at the end! Favorite line? Favorite part? What is your favorite Hemerald memory?


I woke up after Harry did, my body exhausted. I didn't sleep that well last night, I was up tossing and turning just thinking about our life. I couldn't stop thinking about the life we would share some day in the near future. The one thing we would both have in common.

Phoenix was laying on the floor in the hallway outside the bedroom. When she saw me getting up, she got up and licked my hand excitedly.

"Good morning you gorgeous girl," I grinned to her, scratching her ears, her head moving away from my reach as she leaned into my hand. I laughed as I slid off the bed. I let out a loud yawn as I walked down the hall to the bathroom.

When I went downstairs, there was a note stuck to the refrigerator with Harry's handwriting on it.

In my office all day. Hearing back from the guards about the Horans today. Love you lots, Em. ~H.

I smiled as I opened the fridge gathering some things I would need to make myself some breakfast. Deciding on making a ham and cheese omelet, I gathered the necessary items setting them on the counter. I left the eggs in the fridge until I was ready for them. As I pulled the cutting board out from beside the oven, the doorbell noise sounded. Harry told me there was a doorbell for the apartments, but I've never heard it until now so it scared me.

I opened the first door and then went to the second door, unlocking it and opening it to see my Mum on the other side, a bright smile on her face. I smiled widely at her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Mum! So good to see you!" I said into her shoulder. "I'm not dressed!" I realized.

"It's alright my dear," she smiled. "I changed your nappies when you were a baby. Did you just wake up?" she asked, following me into the house.

"Yes," I said. "I'm making myself some breakfast. Harry's in his office all day," I said.

"Well, I am glad to see you at least," she smiled. "Have you been busy?" she asked, sitting down at one of the stools, her eyes wandering around the kitchen.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm not planning the next ball because Anne and Gemma took charge of that since it's for my birthday. If Harry and I give Anne something to do, she'll stop bothering us," I laughed.

"Still bothering you about having a baby?" Mum asked. "Oh! You should see how big Callie is. Six months now!"

"Wow!" I said. "If I'm not mistaken, since I'm queen now, you guys are automatically in line for the throne. At least that's what I heard from Harry while he was blabbing to me one night," I said. "So my niece or nephew is in line for the throne."

"It's a boy," Mum smiled. "Oh! It was so sweet how those two told me. They gave me a cupcake that had a blue heart on the inside of it. It was precious!" she said, folding her hands together. "Have you talked with Lucas?"

"No," I shook my head, cutting apart the bell pepper. "Why?"

"Apparently Penny is pregnant," she smiled. I nearly cut off my finger tip. "Careful!"

"What?" I gasped. "Already?" I asked. "They got married after Harry and I!"

"Well, they wanted a baby right away," she smiled. "And they have a wedding night baby. She's due in late March, early April," she smiled. "Please tell me I've got another grandbaby on the way!"

"Not right now, Mum," I giggled, shaking my head. "I had to settle in being your queen first. I'm still learning, too. I think this afternoon I'm in charge of the throne room if I'm not mistaken," I said walking over to the fridge. "Yeah, at three I have to go to the throne room. Harry's in busy meetings all day, so it's just me. Anne will be there as some sort of regent or something," I shrugged.

"I have no idea what that means, dear," Mum laughed. "It's so weird seeing you on money now. I get the twenties and I'm always so surprised when I see your face on it. I'm always like 'That's my baby girl!' Of course, the shops always give me a confused look and then I explain how I'm your mother. Then they curtsy to me, weirdest thing ever," Mum laughed. "Makes me feel like a royal myself."

"You practically are," I smiled. "You're my mother."

"Well, I don't live in a fancy castle or anything," Mum said, waving her hand around. "Nor do I deal with the military. How is the whole invasion thing?" she asked.

"We have our suspicions, and the advisers trust that our suspicions are correct," I smiled to her. "We're tracking our suspects right now, and trying to question others around them. It's hard, but that's the way it has to be."

"So who is it?"

"I can't tell you, Mum," I said sadly. "Just because we don't want word to get around. I would, but I can't."

"That's fine," Mum smiled. "Bobby stopped by last week! Poor man looked so sad and upset." she smiled, shaking her head.

"Horan?" I asked, shocked. "How come?"

"He was blabbering something about how he is so disappointed in his son. Never said which one," she shook her head. "Do you know something I don't?"

"I called him to the palace to talk about the situations," I said, trailing off.

"You think its one of his boys?" she asked, shocked. "I didn't see that coming."

"I didn't either, but when we were in Northern Gaelic Kingdom—"

"When did you go there?" Mum asked, baffled. "I didn't even know my own daughter left the country."

"A few weeks ago, just before we moved into the apartment," I said as I slid the colored peppers into a dish. I took hold of the onion and sliced it in half, my eyes already watering from the produce.

"You need to inform me of these things," Mum said. "I worry enough about you living in the palace and all. And this is not an apartment, this is a house inside a castle."

"It pretty much is," I laughed. "It even has a back garden through that door. It's enclosed by some castle walls, but a garden nonetheless. You still get sunlight and can plant things."

"That's nice," Mum smiled. "At least you two have some place to call home, not just a room to call home. This is much more you anyways," she smiled.

"I'll eventually make it a little more homier, probably exchange some of the super expensive decorations with photos or something," I shrugged.

"Well, when you two have some kiddos, you'll need the photo frames. Durable decorations, not glass or porcelain," Mum said. I nodded, smiling at the thought of children. "Have you two been thinking about trying?"

"It's been mentioned," I said, glancing up at her. "Did you want one?" I asked.

"Only if you're okay with making it," Mum said. I nodded, smiling at her. "So you've been talking about it then? After the argument you two had?"

"Yes," I nodded, smiling. "We've talked about it a few times."

I almost wanted to tell my mum everything right now just because I've always done that, but I knew I shouldn't. I don't want her to get her hopes up, especially since Lucas and Joseph expecting kids. I still couldn't believe Lucas was having a baby. My favorite brother, my best friend, and he didn't even tell me. I sometimes feel I live two lives; one as the queen and a wife and the other as the normal country girl. It was weird to think that I barely know what's happening in my family's lives.

"That's good," she smiled. "Does he at least listen now?"

"He does," I smiled. "Once he finally listened to me, everything has gotten better."

"Wonderful," she grinned. I put her omelet on a plate and handed it to her. "Is it weird cooking for yourself?"

"A little bit, but I almost prefer it," I said. "I think H does as well. I go to the library and grab cookbooks all the time and see what I could make. We've liked everything so far," I smiled. "I made a pasta yesterday and we both really liked it, I have some leftovers if you want to take some home."

"I wouldn't be able to eat it! Michael would eat it before I even got the chance to," she smiled. "You will have to invite me over to share food," she smiled.

"Maybe in a few weeks, after my birthday next week!" I smiled.

"That sounds like a great idea," she smiled. "We'll plan for it. Is your ball on your birthday?"

"Yes, it's on a weekend," I smiled. "Since it's the queen's birthday anyways, it's bank holiday on Monday. It' always been that way," I explained.

"That's why everything is going to be closed," Mum laughed. "I'm so happy you fit in so well here," Mum said as I finished my omelet and turned off the stove and set my plate next to her at the breakfast bar. I went to the fridge and grabbed some orange juice and poured it in a glass before sitting down next to her.

"Me too," I said. "I honestly don't know what my life would be like if I married Niall."

"Your father would still be alive," she noted.

"Most likely," I chuckled. "And I would most likely be out for jail."

"Why?" Mum asked, worry in her eyes. Just as I was about to answer, Harry walked in the kitchen with his arms filled with papers.

"Dorothy!" he smiled. "Good to see you!" he grinned, walking over to us, placing a kiss to Mum's cheek. He leaned over to me, kissing my lips gently.

"Good to see you too, Harry," she smiled.

"Any news?" I asked.

"I've got to go through it, but I think we have a good guess as to who it is," he said.

"One of Bobby's boys," Mum clarified. Harry shot me a look.

"He visited her after he was here," I explained.

"What did he say?" Harry asked, setting his papers down and grabbing a pen from the cup holder.

"Just said he was disappointed in his son," she shrugged.

"I knew I should have interviewed him with you, Em," Harry said, shaking his head. "I'll have some guards do it tomorrow. The evidence is clear for Greg from the looks of it, but I fear that Niall's is altered from Bobby. I'm having the postmen go through and track his ingoing and outgoing mail as well. Guards are also watching all three Horans now," Harry explained, walking over to me and picking up my fork and taking a forkful of my breakfast.

"Hey!" I said elbowing him in the stomach. "Not nice!"

"So?" he asked. "Sorry if this intruder talk is boring, Dorothy."

"Bobby and his boys?"

"I don't think Bobby did it," Harry clarified drinking some of my juice. "I think Niall did it. Bobby claims that the sender's name and address were illegible, but I don't think that's really the case at all. Plus, there's hours missing in Niall's schedule."

"Hours missing?"

"In the evening, yes," Harry said. "You're not going to tell him are you, Dorothy?"

"No, I would never," Mum said. "I'm just shocked by this. Little Niall?"

"Yes," Harry confirmed. "The asshole who almost got to marry my wife," he said kissing my cheek. I leaned into his shoulder.

"Mum," I said. "Tell him the news!"

"What news?" Harry asked, his eyes wide.

"Lucas is having a baby!" Mum cheered excitedly. "Oh, and Joseph and Callie are having a boy."

"Wow!" Harry smiled. "That's great news!" he cheered.

"They're in the line of succession, right?" I asked.

"They are!" Harry nodded. "It's me, my sister, Joseph's son, and then Lucas' child. Any kids we have will come after me and Em of course, but yes, any of your grandchildren come after my sister. When my sister has children, that pushes them back. You'll have to let me know when they're born so I can schedule a christening," he smiled. "It would be done in the palace's chapel by Baba."

"How exciting," she smiled. "So the children will have titles?"

"Yes," he smiled. "Your children can have titles as well, but they all refused them since Em wasn't queen when we got married. However, since Em is now queen, the children will automatically be Dukes or Duchess'," Harry explained with a smiled. "Your sons, like I said, opted out of a title. Though, I did tell them if they want to change their minds, they can. If they choose to take a title, their children get an assortment of titles," Harry explained.

"Very," she said. "Do I have a title?"

"Not officially, I can title you," he said. "It would be Marchioness, but you would be Lady Price. Yours sons would automatically become varying titles. Joseph would become your heir, obviously, and be Marquess or Lord Price. Your other sons would be Earls, their eldest children would be Earls or a Countess, then their youngest children would be Viscount or Viscountesses."

"That is so complicated," Mum laughed. "What would come of me having a title?"

"If you have a title, you would automatically be invited to royal gatherings, a portion of the people's taxes would help you out, you would be given land somewhere in the country, and be included in royal details."


"You don't have to live there of course, it would be of a common courtesy," he said. "There are several estates in each region where our titled people are living. You can use it a a second home if you wish. The region where it resides would be changed to Price after your title."

"So it would make it easier to see my daughter?" Mum asked.

"You can see me any time you want now, Mum," I sighed.

"Well I didn't know you left the country did I? I could be hearing about your death by sea in the newspapers and not from my son-in-law!" She said.

"It would make it easier to see Emerald," he affirmed. "You would be welcomed to the palace whenever you please, no advance notice."

"Then I think I should take it," Mum smiled. "Lady Price has quite the ring to it doesn't it?"

"This would put you ahead of your grandchildren for the throne."

"Oh honey, I'll be long dead before they even had the chance, besides, your children are automatically in line. Even if they are nonexistent right now," she sighed.

"We prefer the term hypothetical," Harry said as he scribbled down on a notepad. "So Dorothy is a Marchioness, Richard would be a Marquess, Joseph would be a Marquess, and Lucas, Michael, and Timothy are all Earls. I will have to bring you all into the throne room with Baba in the near future to formally give you your titles. Oh! Calliope would be a Marchioness alongside you and Penny would be a Countess. Forgot about them," he murmured with wide eyes. "For Michael, this will give him more job opportunities and help him venture into the world. I know you want him out of the house."

"Oh good," Mum laughed. "That would have made me change my mind immediately."

"Look at you giving away titles," I giggled.

"As King I'm allowed to do that," he smiled. "But you're happy with this, Dorothy?"

"Of course!" she clapped. "I'll be happier when I have a little prince or princess," she said to us. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "But I have two other grandchildren to meet before you two even get that far."

"Okay Mum," I laughed.

"You're doing it right, aren't you?" she asked.

"I got kicked out of my home for doing what you're asking if I'm doing it right... so I think you know the answer."

"Okay, okay," Mum said. "Your mother, Harry, and I want grandchildren from the both of you," she said pushing hair behind my ear. "It would be nice to have before your anniversary."

"You know, even if we started trying, nothing is for certain," Harry defended. "It took my parents three years to get pregnant for my sister and three years for me."

"Then I suggest drinking lots of water from that fountain," Mum said. "Now."

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