Everything's gonna work out j...

By Iwroteabook

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Emotions are strange, and growing up doesn't just include that change in one's self, but-much to a certain he... More

Prologue: Fionna cakes are for Fionna only
I hate penguins
Starting to Change
New Emotions, Good and Bad
From dreams to nightmares
From Dreams to Nightmares part 2
Cloud Hunt Go!
The Gang Reunites
Drama Bombs!
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
A Broken Family
Escape Plan
Friends Help Friends Decorate
'Twas the Night Before the Ball
Early Grand Finale
An Epic Battle
Bad Little Girl
Where is Fionna?
Battle of Affections
Decision Train
Thank you
Epilogue: Surprise!

Kidnapped by Cake

852 34 7
By Iwroteabook

Fionna's POV

"Marsh, I think I should be going home now." I said, getting up from the couch.

"Nuh-uh, Fi. It's raining outside." he said, putting his arms behind his head.

"But Cake is gonna get worried." I replied.

Marshall just shrugged. "Better than you walking home with a jacked up leg, in the pouring rain, risking catching a cold, or getting struck by lightning, or being attacked, or--"

"Alright, alright, I get it." I cut him off.
With a sigh, I walked into the kitchen to get a snack.

"Hey, Fi? Be a dear and get me some strawberries, please." he said from the couch.

"Come and get them yourself." I said back to him.

"Oh come on, Fi. You're already in the kitchen."

I sighed, opening the refrigerator. "Fine."

'Let's see now, apples, jello, eggs-- wait, why does he have eggs? Hmm probably for the same reason I own heels (for throwing). Anyway, back to the fridge. Cherries, pie, punch, ahh here we go, strawberries!'

I brought the berries over to the living room and set the bowl full of the plump, red fruit on his lap.

"Thanks, Fio." he said, picking up a berry, draining the color from it, and handing me the gray remains.
When we had finished the strawberries, I had gotten pretty bored.

"Psst, Marsh. I'm bored."

He sat up on the couch. "Hmm.." he said, then snapped his fingers. "Wait right here." he said, before floating up to his room, only to come back down with his bass.

"We can play some music."

I nodded my head, scooting a bit closer to him.

"Cool." he said before strumming a few cords and singing.
I hummed along to the melody he was playing. It was the one from LSP'S party.

"Good little girl,

always picking a fight with me.

You know that I'm bad,

but you're spending the night with me.


do you want

from my world?

You're a good little girl."

I was just about to start singing my part, when a huge boom of thunder and a flash of lightening struck.

I let out a little yelp before covering myself with a blanket on the couch.

Then I heard laughing. Just perfect. Now I'm gonna get made fun of.

I slowly removed the blanket, but only enough to reveal my face.
I looked up and saw a giggling Marshall Lee staring back at me. "I didn't know a bit of thunder and lightening could scare you so easily." he said, still smiling.

"I wasn't scared! I was just caught off guard!" I protested. But it was no use because right after I said that, literally right after, another crack of thunder vibrated through the cave and the small house, causing me to retreat back under the blanket.

I heard Marshall chuckle, but then I heard a sweet melody coming from his bass. It wasn't the one he was playing earlier. This one had a more...protective, yeah that was the word, feeling to it.

He began to sing softly, but strong enough so that I could hear him over the sounds of the rain hitting the cave.

"Don't hide, little bunny,

I'm right here beside you.

Just dry up your tears,

and put all your problems behind you.

I know that sometimes life gets tough,

you get sick and say you've had enough.

But just stay with me and I'll protect you.

I'll hold on and never forget you.

I'll be by your side until the end of the end,
because, Fionna..."

Marshall lifted the blanket that I was still under, looking into my eyes.

"...you're much more than my best friend."

He sat his bass up against the wall beside the couch, never breaking the eye contact. His face inched closer to mine before breaking the space between us, connecting his lips to mine.

I kissed him back, smiling slightly at how soft his lips were.
When he disconnected himself from me, he stared witn a lopsided grin.

"Don't worry, Fi. I won't let the big bad thunder-monster get you." he said with a smile.

"Shut up, dude!" I said, throwing a pillow at his face.
He just started laughing.

There suddenly was a loud pounding at the door.

Marshall Lee's POV

I went to open the front door, but as soon as I reached for the knob the door exploded open and a very angry Cake stepped in.
"What's going on in here!!" she yelled. Her tail was puffed up and furious, and she was 10x larger than normal.

Fionna had steppedup from the couch. "Cake, what the heck?!" Fionna looked steamed.

"What the heck? This is what the heck!" Cake said, holding up her phone, showing the article that LSP wrote. The part about Fionna and I was highlighted.

"Care to explain, Fionna? Since when are you and fang-face in love?!" Cake asked, looking really ticked off.

Fionna kept looking at the phone, obviously reading the whole article instead of just the highlighted part.

Fionna gave a mad look, taking her eyes from the phone's screen and placing them on Cake. She huffed and said, "I'm guessing you didn't bother to read the first part." She sounded so dark.
Cake's features didn't soften. "Don't even try to change the subject, Fionna!!"

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" Fionna screamed back at her.

"UGH, THAT'S IT. I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU!" Cake started stretching her arms towards Fionna.

"We are going home right now whether you want to or not!"
Fionna was struggling to get out of her grasp, but it was no use, Cake had wrapped her with her arms and threw her into a compartment she had just made in her back. She started to turn around to walk off.

I couldn't just stand there. I had to do something.

"Cake!" I shouted. She turned around, disgusted to look at me.
"Cake, I don't understand why you think that Fionna is unsafe with me. You know that I would never do anything that would harm her." I tried explaining but Cake was being too stubborn.

"Back off, paste - face! You aren't allowed anywhere near her!"
"Cake, she's calling out to you! But you never listen!!" I said, anger filling me. 'Could someone seriously be this stubborn?' I thought.
Cake hissed. "Fionna's too young to understand! I was gonna give her the truth when she was old enough to handle it!"
I heard Fionna's muffled voice screaming profanities meant for her sister. Cake ignored her.

"Maybe she would have been ready if she hadn't met you. You're nothing but a bad influence, Marshall Lee." she said in a monotone.

I bared my fangs and hissed. Apparently Cake wasn't as scared of me as she used to be, because she just turned, walking out of the cave and into the rain.

I went back inside. I didn't bother with the door. It was broken with a dent and falling off of the hinges.

All of this happened so fast, it was all like a blur.
I looked around.

'That was the couch that she was sitting on.
These were the strawberries that she was eating.
This was the pillow that she threw at my face.'

I picked up a damp, white piece of fabric off of the floor and nuzzled it closely.

'And this was the hat that she was wearing..'

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