TMNT he's your father scenari...

By tmnt_ships2

147K 2.7K 1K

This is my first time writing one of this. The fathers will be. Shredder, Splinter, Leo, Raph, donnie and Mik... More

He finds you
Meeting your new family.
Leos daughter
Raphs daughter
Donnies daughter
Mikeys daughter
Splinters daughter
Shredders daughter
Your father protects you
You get hurt
Bad things happen
They find you!
Someone gets hurt
Will he make it?
Authers note
Father help!
Time for revenge
When he/she gets hurt
What will hapen to you and your family member(s) with you?
Will you make it out alive?
Will your father wake up?
The flood
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ᴄʀᴜsʜ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ dad
Rollin {changed}
Scarlet primes first love

What happened to your father?

3K 65 13
By tmnt_ships2

Shredders daughter is singing in the video.


Leo's daughter.


You were knocked out along with your daddy and taken to a prison of some sort. Your father was chained to a wall in the same cell you were in but you could roam the cell freely for you weren't chained up.

Once you wake up you look around. You see your dad bleeding and he was chained still. You run to him. "D-daddy wake up" you hug his unconscious body and you cry softly.

He wakes up slowly and kisses your forehead "I'm ok (Y/N) don't cry" he says calmly. He always tried to stay calm for you. He'd do anything for his baby girl. You knew he wasn't your biological father but you didn't care. The thing that was most important was that you both love each other and that you'd both protect each other like family should. You wipe tears out of your eyes.

"D-daddy, i-I'm~" you start but get interrupted

"Your what?" Says a deep dark voice from be hind you. You turn and see shredder. You let out a fearful yelp and hug your daddy with pure fear.

Leo glares at shredder with anger. "Let my daughter go!" Your daddy growls at shredder. "I'll~" he takes a quick glance at you then he sighs softly. "I'll do anything" he looks at shredder. He only wanted you safe. That was his only wish. He wanted you to have a happy life and that makes him think he was the reason your life isn't happy. You hold on to leo.

"No daddy, I'm not leaving you!" You cried and hug him tightly.

"Please, I don't want you hurt" Leo says softly.

"A-and I want you home safe daddy" you cry

Shredder smirks and walks into the cell. Tiger claw follows and grabs you. You struggle and scream at shredder. Nobody hurts your daddy or there dead to you. Leo glares at the shredder and the shredder stabs leo in the leg. Leo winces but tries not to show any fear for your sake.

You struggle and cry for your daddy. Shredder stabs leo in the chest making him wince and scream in pain.

You start to yell and cuss at the shredder. "HOW DARE YOU FUCKUN HURT MY DADDY!!" YOU FUCKUN BASTERD!" Leo was shocked at the words you used. 'Raph must have taught her those words' he thought and your only thoughts were 'Will my daddy and I make it out of here alive?'

*To be continued*


Raph's daughter.


You were scared of what could happen to your father. You didn't care what happens to yourself. You just wanted your dad to be safe. You wake up and stumble to a wall where your dad was chained and you whisper to him. "Dad, I won't let them hurt you" you hug him and he slowly wakes up. "(Y-Y/N)?" He stammers.

"Dad, I'm right here" you say and hug him gently.

"Everything will be ok" he whispers and kisses the top of your head.

You held in your tears and say. "I'll protect you dad. I won't let them hurt you"

"That's my brave little ninja" he says and smiles a little.

You then quickly turn around when you near noises outside your cell. You stand protectively in front of your father. Four Krang droids appear and walk into the cell. They glare at you and you glare back. You raise your fists and gets in a fighting stance.

One question remains will make it out of the fight alive and will you and your father leave this place alive?

*To be continued*


Donnie's daughter


Your daddy was chained to a wall in a PD hide out while you are next to him on the ground. When you wake up you see your father. You stand up and hug him. "D-daddy?" You cry softly and when he doesn't wake up you start to freak out. You grab a bobby pin out of your hair and pick the locks on Donnie's chained. "Daddy wake up" you say as you catch him and gently lay him on the ground. He was heavy for you yet you still were gently. You quickly grab your phone and text your uncle leo to tell him what happened and that your daddy was hurt.

He texts back saying that he will find both you and your daddy. Tears fell down your cheeks as you text your uncle saying thank you. You look at your daddy and hug him. He opened his eyes and hugs you gently. You could tell he was weak from what ever the PD did to him. You cry into the crook of his neck.

"Shh, it's ok sweet heart" he says softly.

"Daddy, I texted uncle Leo and he's going to find us" you say softly.

Will you and your daddy make it out alive? Will your uncles find you and your daddy in time before the PD's master plan takes place?

*To be continued*


Mikey's daughter


You wake up on the floor your hands handcuffed behind you. You stand up next to a lab table and on the table was your father chained up. "D-daddy!" You cry and lay your head on his chest gently.

"(Y-Y/N)? My baby girl" he says softly as he woke up. He looks at you and you cry into his shoulder. "I'm ok and we'll get out of her soon" once he says that 10 Kranng droids appear. You look at them with fear.

Will your uncles and grandpa find you and your father or will you two be stuck there?

*to be continued*


Splinter's daughter.


You and your father were locked in a cell. You wake up and run to your father. He has shackles around his ankles keeping him close to the wall. He was on the ground still passed out "father, please wake up" you say as tears fell from your eyes. You hated seeing your father like this.

You pull him into a soft gentle hug. You had always been the most gentle child in your family just like you father.

"(Y-Y/N)??" He stammers. You still held him in a gently hug

"I'm here father" you say softly before your father blacked out again 'father must be severely hurt" you thought as you gently lower him back onto the ground then you stand up. You here voices getting closer so you stand protectively in front of your hurt father.

Shredder and Karai enter the cell. They both smirk. You glare at them. 'I'll protect you always father" you thought

*To he continued*


Shredders daughter


You and your father are snuck into the lair. You couldn't see, hear of smell anything. They chain you and your father up in a secret room. Hidden outside the lair. They had taken your blind fold off and you look at shredder "father?" You ask your father softly as he woke up.

"I'm ok my child" he says softly and looks over at you. The turtles and splinter had taken his helmet off so you could see his scarred face it didn't scare you tho.

"Father, will the foot find us?" You ask.

"I'm sure they will (Y/N) or we may be able to escape by ourselves." He says and you nod. You and your father were chained at opposite sides of the room. You held in tears. You've never been forced to stay away from your adopted father before and that hurts your heart.

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