The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



8K 316 78
By Posh777


I could hear the sound of bone cracking against bone from where I sat.

It was as if the whole room was frozen, waiting for the blow they knew would come. There wasn't any cheering or vulgar comments or yelling like had went on throughout the first few rounds. It was silent.

Silent except for the sound of Harry's fist impacting his opponents face.

It was obvious the fight was already over. Harry was to fast, easily dodging every punch thrown his way. And his technique to good for his less skilled opposition.

He took his time in the first round, learning the other fighters tells. Letting him throw punch after punch, wearing himself out without his gloves ever even touching Harry's skin.

I could tell Harry was holding himself back. He was only supposed to win by three points.


The number that would get him his seventy-five thousand for the night. The number that would move us closer to setting the actual plan into motion.

My attention is pulled away from the ring as Carter's hand grips my thigh, squeezing it firmly.

The next hit would be the final assurance Harry was following through on their agreement. It would be point number three.

And Carter's excitement over the prospect was almost sickening.

He was going to win his bet for the night. Two hundred and fifty thousand that Harry would only win by those three points.

But in reality he didn't care about the hundred and seventy five thousand he would be taking home after giving Harry his cut.

That amount of money meant very little, if nothing at all. At least compared to what was really on the line.


More money then I could even imagine.

It would be the high point of Carter's career, making him not just the richest man in New York, but in the entire country.

But only if the Kimura merger went through.

Which would only happen if Kimura's demands were met. And Carter was intent on making sure they were. Everything depended on it.

His entire empire. His reputation.

And he would do anything to keep those two things intact.

I focus back on the ring just as Harry's right fist hits his opponents jaw, sending the man falling back onto the floor and the crowd up on their feet.

Harry's hand is held in the air, named the victor of the fight by just three points.

I remain seated as Carter stands, clapping his hands with a grin on his face. He's one step closer to getting everything he wants.

He's one step closer to ruining everything Harry is.

Harry sits down on a stool sat in a corner of the ring, his coach throwing a towel over his shoulders and pulling the mouth guard out from between his lips.

His chest is heaving up and down and his skin glistening from the exertion of the fight as his eyes scan the crowd.

When they land on Carter, I don't see the smile I would expect from someone who just made over seventy grand.

I see resentment.

Again Harry Styles is not who I thought he was.

You can see it in his eyes, he just sacrificed something he never thought he would for money. His integrity.

Money doesn't mean the same to him as it does to Carter.

But he was the same as the rest of us. All of us who'd somehow gotten ourselves sucked into Carter's world. Our weakness was the ones we loved desperately needing it.

And if there was one thing Carter was good at, it was exploiting people's weaknesses.

Harry's eyes leave Carter and meet mine, the look in them making me feel exactly what I deserve.

Like the worst person on Earth.

He also seems surprised to find me without a smile on my face. His eyes narrow, trying read my own, but I quickly look away and stand up.

"Bridgette." Carter looks past me to the red head standing to my left. "Think some congratulations are in order."

"Of course." Bridgette smiles, giving Carter a nod. "Third times a charm right?"

She turns away from us and heads in the direction of the locker rooms, determined to try to win Harry over again.

I frown as my stomach involuntarily churns at the thought of exactly what Bridgette has planned to give Harry as congratulations.

Why do I even care?

I don't, I tell myself. I don't care. Why would I?

He's just part of the job. Just a guy.

An incredibly hot and surprisingly charming guy.

I slightly jump as Carter takes my hand, tugging me after him as the other girls follow after us.

I glance behind us as he steers us towards the back door of the venue where his car is waiting,  trying to spot Harry throughout the crowd.

"Don't." Margo places her hand on my back, shaking her head as she whispers to me.

My eyes lock with Chloe's briefly, a sly smile covering her face as she steps up behind Margo.

I quickly look forward, keeping my eyes trained on my and Carter's entwined hands.

The ride to Carter's is filled with Chloe reciting off his schedule for the following day, something she takes far to seriously.

I look across the limo at Margo and Maya, the looks they are sharing at Chloe's expense causing me to laugh out loud.

"There a problem?" Chloe snaps at me.

"Not in the least." I smile at her.

"Well then maybe you could keep your mouth shut for once." Chloe narrows her eyes at me.

"Excuse me?" I sit up straighter as Carter focuses on me.

"You heard me, you..."

"Enough." Carter cuts Chloe off, glaring at her. "Don't speak to her that way. I won't tell you again."

"Sorry sir. I just know this is all very important to you." Chloe gives Carter a pathetic smile as she holds up her precious planner.

"It is. But not as important as Everly." He presses a kiss to my temple.

Chloe scowls at me as if Carter's words are actually true.

I know they aren't, not really. In the past I've wanted them to be. And if I'm honest with myself, there are still times I do.

Times when I think of how sweet he can be. How thoughtful and how loving he's been with me before.

Then I remember how things actually are, and I know there's no truth to his professions of love at all.

Carter's house is lit up as we pull through the gate, the party already in full swing.

Everyone who's anyone attends Carter's parties. From celebrities to moguls to politicians, they all want a piece of what he has to offer, never taking into account what he expects in return.

I stay at Carter's side as we make our way through the large party rooms in his house. A smile glued to my face as he says hello to the appropriate people, laughing when the occasion calls for it, looking at him adoringly.

Playing my part as only I can.

I can't help my eyes from scanning each room we enter, looking from one person to the next in search of a certain pair of piercing green eyes.

But I don't find them. And for some reason my heart drops with each room we pass through.

It's only when we step out the back of the house, onto the large terrace that I'm not disappointed.

My eyes are once again searching the back garden when I hear Carter speak his name.

"Styles. Job well done." He extends his hand to Harry as he steps up to us.

Harry takes his hand, only nodding in response as he glances at me.

"You been enjoying your party?" Carter asks.

"My party?" Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"Everyone is here because you won tonight."

"Why would they care if I won? They don't even know me."

"They don't. But they will soon. Everyone will. And if they want to know who you are..." Carter looks at the people around us. "Then everyone wants to know who Harry Styles is."


"Exactly. You're a good fighter Styles, but you need more then one card to play a game. And you need the right cards to win." Carter pats Harry on the shoulder. "Now enjoy the party. We'll talk more in a few days."

Harry nods, his gaze moving to me. "Nice seeing you again Everly. Hope you both have a lovely night."

I feel Carter's eyes on me as Harry walks away, so I keep my face emotionless.

"I've some business to take care of. You alright to see yourself home?" He questions me.

"Of course." I smile. 

"Come over for lunch tomorrow and bring a bag, I'd like you to stay tomorrow night."

"I actually have plans, I was going to..."

"I'd like for you to stay."

I nod, knowing better then to fight him about it. "Alright, I'll stay."

"Good girl." He turns me towards him and presses a light kiss to my lips before looking over my face.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow at him as he smiles genuinely at me.

"You look beautiful. Don't think I've told you that tonight."

I remain quiet as he studies me.

"I'm a lucky man." He presses one more kiss to the corner of my mouth. "Goodnight darling."

I stand still as he steps inside the house, shaking hands with a few businessmen before leading the way to his study.

A party is never just a party.

I take a deep breath, looking around me before heading inside.

I should just leave. Head straight for one of the taxis waiting outside the front door, going home without a second thought.

But I don't. Instead I once again find myself searching rooms full of people, looking for one in particular.

When I spot him across the ballroom, he's talking with Bridgette and a few other men. Bridgette is laughing, her head thrown back and her hand resting on Harry's forearm.

The site makes my jaw clench.

Harry seems to somehow sense I'm watching him, his head turning to the right and his eyes locking with mine.

And suddenly I realize how foolish I'm being. So stupid. So so stupid.

I need to just leave.

I turn on my heel, weaving my way through groups of people. Them all watching me as I pass, knowing who I am. Some even trying to stop me, no doubt hoping to get to Carter through me.

But I just smile and push my way through, not being able to leave fast enough. When I notice the crowd only gets thicker as I head towards the front of the house, I make my way towards a side door, planning on just making my escape around the outside of the house.

I don't make it more then five steps into fresh air when a hand grasps ahold of my arm gently.

I stop, turning and finding what I'd spent so much time this evening searching for.

Piercing green eyes.

Please vote!

Marloes Horst- Everly Abbott

Michael Fassbender- Aiden Carter

Odeya Rush- Maya Cahn

Troian Bellisario - Chloe Grayson

Elizabeth Olson- Bridgette Reilly

Amber Stevens West- Margo Tate

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