Mated To My Brother ✔

By StarfireStone

613K 16.4K 964

3rd and 1st Person Point Of View (POV) Book - Semi-Cliché - NOT incest ------------------------------ The hun... More

Important Message
Chapter 1 ✔
Chapter 2 ✔
Chapter 3 ✔
Chapter 4 ✔
Chapter 5 ✔
Chapter 6 ✔
Chapter 8 ✔
Chapter 9 ✔
Chapter 10 ✔
Chapter 11 ✔
Chapter 12 ✔
Chapter 13 ✔
Chapter 14 ✔
Chapter 15 ✔
Chapter 16 ✔
Chapter 17 ✔
Chapter 18 ✔
Chapter 19 ✔
Chapter 20 ✔
Chapter 21 ✔
Chapter 22 ✔
Chapter 23 ✔
Chapter 24 ✔
Chapter 25 ✔
Chapter 26 ✔
Chapter 27 ✔
Chapter 28 ✔
Author's Note - Background -
Chapter 29 ✔
Chapter 30 ✔
Chapter 31 ✔
Chapter 32 ✔
Chapter 33 ✔
Chapter 34 ✔
Chapter 35 ✔
Chapter 36 ✔
Chapter 37 ✔
Chapter 38 ✔

Chapter 7 ✔

22.7K 594 31
By StarfireStone

Scarlets bare breast brushed against his chest, she chuckled softly to herself. "You're beautiful" he whispered pushing her brown locks back "even with bed head" Scarlet blushed a deep red and hid her face between his neck. "Don't say that" she scolded, his laughter vibrated her skin moving her body along with his.

"But you are" he objected softly, pulling Scarlet away Samuel let his eyes run over her bare chest and pantie covered sex. She was beautiful in his mind, flawless skin with ample breast, big and round for him to clench and suck on. She truly was beautiful. "You know we should me getting dressed, I need to head back to the pack and search for those people" Samuel sighed dramatically "can't we stay in bed for a little while longer?" Scarlet shook her head.

Samuel bent down, his lips brushing against hers. His breath fanning her face "please" he whispered in her ear, biting it softly. Scarlet moaned. "No" she stated firmly, Samuel bit her ear again "please" he whispered again, still Scarlet shook her head. Moving his lips to her neck Samuel kissed the sensitive flesh between her neck, the place he's mark her within the month.

He let his teeth graze the skin, "please" was his last beg, Scarlet gave in, letting her body lean against his naked one.

Samuel's hand found their way to her panties and stroked her sex from the outside, he pulled them off her and lefted her legs to wrap around his. He entered her slowly, letting himself fill her to the brim. Scarlet panted "samuel" she moaned "samuel please" Samuel smiled to himself, he had Scarlet under his control, her mate wouldn't be able to take her from him. He'd make sure of it. All he had to do was mark her and get her pregnant, the second half would be harder to do but with the amount of unprotected sex they had each week he was sure she'd bare his child in no time.

Samuel thrust in and out of her, pouring his feeling into his kisses. Scarlet was now eighteen and could find her mate at anytime, he wanted her to know how much he loved her. No matter what happened.

*              *                 *

"Axel Marley"


"I'd like to talk to you about May 13th eighteen years ago and what you saw the night a baby girl was delivered to the pack houses steps" he groaned rubbing his temples "I thought they closed that investigation years ago! I told your friends everything I know about that night, why are you back?"

"My friends?"

"Yes those two groups that kept coming back for more information. One of them being a part of the pack and the other, much persistent for there own good" Scarlet looked to Samuel.

"Do you remember what that group looked like?" Samuel stepped forward, Axel shook his head. "All I can remember is them dressed in black with a badge made of gold and silver. It wasn't the cops or the government, I knew it because of the way they walked and talked" Scarlet looked past Axel's shoulder, she tried to get a good peak of his house but could only see a couple of windows, kitchen island and a table.

"I'm sorry for bothering you but there is no record of you talking to anyone. We know nothing of the second group and the first dissapeared, all I'd like is for you to re-tale that night. That's all we need" Scarlet lied. Axel glanced between the two, his eyes zoning in on Scarlet then Samuel. "Your the Alpha daughter" Scarlet nodded.

"I don't know what your doing here but fine, come in and sit"

*              *              *

"I don't honestly know what I saw April 13th but if you really want to here the story. . ." Axel trailed off.

"On April 13th around nine p.m at night I was walking my daughters dog. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except the scent, the woods smelt sweeter than usual and the owls hooted louder too"

"I thought nothing of it and pulled out a smoke, that's when I saw her. A women standing at around 5'6 maybe 5'7 with a long black cloak over her, the hood was pulled up and covered her face. I didn't catch much except the crying baby in the basket she carried, the women seemed in a rush but ended up stopping to cradle the baby and get it to quiet down. When the child fell asleep she murmured something to the child before standing up and heading to the pack house."

"The lights were on in the pack house but instead of knocking she sat down with the child, it was the lights that illuminated part of her face. The small glimpse I caught were her aqua blue eyed and dark brown hair, her face looked slightly flush" Scarlet closed her eyes, hoping that pictures from her past would come back like they did yesterday. They didn't.

"I also saw the dress she wore and her violet pendent that dangled around her neck, I even draw some pictures of what I could remember" Axel stood up, walking over to the fireplace. A small box sat on top.

"This is all of the pictures I drew" he handed Scarlet the box. "The rest of the story was much less eventful, she dropped the child off, ran into the woods and I never saw her again but if you'd like to speak to someone who saw her in the woods I know a guy" Scarlet perked up "a guy?" She questioned. Axel nodded watching her take the box.

"Yep, my friend Peter. He was on a hunt during that time of night, supposedly caught a whiff of her scent and followed it. I never told anyone that, mostly because he asked me to keep it a secret but Peters been having health problems lately, I'd like at least one person to know what he saw"

Scarlet got Peters address and phone number, Samuel on the other hand took the box to their car. "Is there anything else you can tell us?" Axel shook his head "no, I'm sorry, I know she might have been your mother. I hope you find her"

*               *               *

"Shes beautiful" murmured Samuel, "she looks just like you" Scarlet turned the picture closer to her direction. "She is indeed beautiful" Scarlet agreed "do you think she really is my mother?" Samuel turned to Scarlet, his lips set into a hard line.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my whole life. Scarlet, she has to be your mother."

*               *                *

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