How Allegiant Should Have End...

By rachelwritesbooks08

290K 6K 1.8K

To all the fangirls out there: An alternate ending to Allegiant with everything you've ever wanted. Xoxo, Rac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Author's Note + Updates
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 34
Final Author's Note


2.3K 68 38
By rachelwritesbooks08



I frantically drive through the treacherous storm, and barely make it to the hospital before Tris simply cannot bear the pain of contractions. She cries out in agony as I carry her through the automatic doors that lead into the emergency room.

"Someone please help," I call out. "She's going into labor."

A nurse whips her head around and rushes toward me with a clipboard in her hands. "Follow me, sir."

She leads me around the corner into a hallway containing a few members of the medical staff. She wheels out a stretcher backed against the wall and gestures for me to lay Tris on it. I do and before I know it she is out of sight with doctors and nurses all crowded around her, murmuring, questioning, speaking in words I am not familiar with, and I am left stranded in the hallway.

I return to the waiting room, in which we apparently entered, and make myself comfortable in one of the chairs pressed against the wall, knowing that I might be here awhile.


The moment you see your child for the first time is an unexplainable feeling. When you see your own flesh and blood in another human being, your heart seems to duplicate two sizes to make room for another person you automatically love and would do anything for.

I slowly approach the entrance to the hospital room when a nurse informs me that everything went smoothly. Walking through the doorway of her room, I see my beautiful wife on a white hospital bed, holding what I presume to be the newest member of our family.

Tris's eyes flick up to meet mine when I enter, and we share a tender glance that seems to put every emotion into words. We have a child, a beautiful, healthy, perfect child. We can raise this child in a peaceful world without the pain and fighting from when we were young. We have everything we could ever want right now. For once in our lives, the waters are calm and the storm has passed.

"Come here," Tris says, gesturing with her head.

I almost forget how to walk as I stumble on my way to the side of the bed, tears welling up in my eyes. I stare down at the precious human being lying asleep in my wife's arms, and feel an intense sensation of pride and adoration. Pride that I was able to bring life into this world, and adoration because I can't help but fall in love with Tris all over again, seeing the new blessing we brought into this world.

"Isn't he perfect?" Tris asks.

It's a boy. I am the proud father of a little boy.

"He's beyond perfect," I reply.

"Well, he's lucky to have a father like you."

"With a mother like you, there's nothing else he'll ever want."

"Oh just you wait," Tris says. "He'll be wanting the whole world before we know it."

"Soon enough."

I take in his features. The high cheekbones, the rosy red cheeks, the light brown hair. He is the perfect combination of Tris and I. He has my curls and when he opens his eyes, I won't be surprised if he has Tris's light colored eyes.

"What's his name?" I ask.

Tris shifts a little in her bed, to get into a more comfortable position. "I've been playing around with a few names, and I really like Benjamin, or Ben for short, but I don't know if you like it. I mean, it's doesn't have to be Ben, I just thought-"

"Benjamin sounds lovely," I say cutting her off.

She sighs in relief and flashes me a soft smile.

Benjamin Eaton.

I have a son named Benjamin Eaton.

I have a wife named Tris Eaton.

I have a family.

Everything is finally falling into place.

After everything we've been through, all the battles we fought, the people we lost, the people we saved, the choices we made, the chances we took, we've made it. Through losing each other and finding each other again and again, we've made it. Through love and loss and pain and grief, we've made it.

The suffering is finally over. We can finally live in a world where we don't have to worry about someone trying to destroy us. We can relax and live our lives, raise our son, raise more children, raise a family. We can start a future for ourselves. We can do anything.

As I seat myself in the chair across from Tris's bed, I take a minute to appreciate the people in my life, and what an impact they've made on my character.

My son, who has only been in my life for a short amount of time, had already showed me that I don't have to be like my father. I can raise him right, to be a successful adult. He has showed me that there is a future for our family out there, one that we have the power over.

And then my wife, my Tris, my everything. She has showed me that I am capable of love, and maybe forever isn't as impossible as it is said to be. I have lost her over and over again, but she always comes back to me, we always find each other again. I will never lose her. Not even death will separate us.

As the night comes, I lay my head back, close my eyes, and one lingering thought remains in my mind:

We've made it.

The End.

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