Mated To My Brother ✔

By StarfireStone

620K 16.5K 964

3rd and 1st Person Point Of View (POV) Book - Semi-Cliché - NOT incest ------------------------------ The hun... More

Important Message
Chapter 1 ✔
Chapter 3 ✔
Chapter 4 ✔
Chapter 5 ✔
Chapter 6 ✔
Chapter 7 ✔
Chapter 8 ✔
Chapter 9 ✔
Chapter 10 ✔
Chapter 11 ✔
Chapter 12 ✔
Chapter 13 ✔
Chapter 14 ✔
Chapter 15 ✔
Chapter 16 ✔
Chapter 17 ✔
Chapter 18 ✔
Chapter 19 ✔
Chapter 20 ✔
Chapter 21 ✔
Chapter 22 ✔
Chapter 23 ✔
Chapter 24 ✔
Chapter 25 ✔
Chapter 26 ✔
Chapter 27 ✔
Chapter 28 ✔
Author's Note - Background -
Chapter 29 ✔
Chapter 30 ✔
Chapter 31 ✔
Chapter 32 ✔
Chapter 33 ✔
Chapter 34 ✔
Chapter 35 ✔
Chapter 36 ✔
Chapter 37 ✔
Chapter 38 ✔

Chapter 2 ✔

34.8K 869 45
By StarfireStone

The day past by in a blur. Me, Liam, Jenna, Samuel, Asia, Marcus and Russell continued to repeat our plans for The Hunt. Only me, samuel, Jenna, Liam and Russell will be going. Asia and Marcus decided to stay behind, each of them plan on finding their mates within the time we take during the following weeks.

The first week of The Hunt, is introduction and classification. Each team will be assigned a color, number and symbol in case of an emergency like if anyone were to go off trail or accidently went into another supernaturals territory. Most of the supernatural beings know of The Hunt, by now and would lead the lost back to the field grounds. But others who aren't as friendly end up killing our kind. It's happened before. Many times to be exact.

"Scarlet!" Liam snapped his fingers in front of my face, breaking me from my thoughts and back to reality. "Your fathers making the annocements" he took my hand, worry clear on his face. Today was annocements and rules day, father would welcome us and explain what will happen. The rules and the game plan, but their wasn't much rules. It say it in the same, The Hunt, is ment for you to hunt and not be hunted. You survive anyway you can and your team gets you to the finish line safe and sound.

The finish line was miles upon miles from here, taking days maybe even weeks to get their. In that time you face off with other teams to get vaccines and medicine, food and water supply and sometimes you'll even run into a rogue or two. . .or five. It was our worst problem, rogues, they killed without remorse and took what they wanted. They were more animal then human and used it to their advantage.

"Welcome 2017 participants and watchers, today I'll go over the necessary rules and regulations. Tomorrow morning your teams will head to the field and get signed in, the first one there is the first to pick their color, name and symbol. If you are last and no color or symbol is left, you will be forced to go unidentified. . ." Again, I zoned out of my fathers speach. I've heard it for years now ad new each and every rule, don't die and do what you have to to survive. It was easy, for those who trained.

Weaving through the crowd I made it to the edge of the woods. My wolf took a whiff of the air, loving the freshness that oozed off of the trees. "Beautiful" I mumbled to myself, the scent was intoxicating. Taking a step closer I inhaled another whiff, then another before my feet led me through the thick density of trees and to a small over-grown tree stomp. I sat down.

"My birthday" I whispered to myself, my feet kicked out from underneath me. As short as I was, I was indeed, fast. I could move along the wind and no one would spot me, except him of course. My brother, my best friend. He seemed to know every little thing I've done since I could remember his name and pronounce it correctly. He was always there when I needed him, always around when I was sad. He was my hero of some sorts.

"Always the day of survival and never about me" I admitted, I never told people of how I really felt about my birthday. It was always the day of The Hunt and never about me, shouldn't it be about me? Of course people go to my party but only because I'm the Alpha daughter and not a true born, it was like my party was the feast before the celebration for The Hunt not for me, never me.

My wolf perked up.

My back straightened, my eyes flashed a deeper shade of blue, a navy. "Who's there?" I called out, the sound of branches crunching under weight had me sniffing the air again but the scent was blocked with a mint-earth one. "Show yourself" I stood up, my claws seeping through the then layer of skin on the pads of my fingers.

He finally made himself known.

"I've been waiting twelve years for this Scarlet" I took a step forward, the name familiar again my ears. "X-Xavier?" I mumbled to myself.

"Ever since I turned sixteen I knew you were her, my mate, but I couldn't claim you as mine. Instead I had to bear the years of pain, watching you touch other men, kiss them and hold them like they were your mate. You were so clueless" my feet edged backwards. My wolf fully aware of this situation "w-what are you talking about?" Xavier took a step into the moonlight, finally showing me the brother I hadn't seen in three years. The brother that left our pack for reasons unknown.

Father told me he got back nine months ago but every time I went to see him he wouldn't answer and so I waited. I waited for him to visit me and he never did.

"Xavier what happened to you? Why are you saying this? Why do you smell so. . ." My wolf purred, the sound vibrating my chest, I blushed in embarrassement "intoxicating?" He finished the sentence. "My dear Scarlet, my mate who loves another" Xavier held out his hand.

"Come to me" and I did.

My feet willed me to follow his ever command but my brain on the other hand wanted me to run away. This Xavier wasn't the one I grew up with, he could be a hard ass, I know but he never seemed this distant. This. . .cold?

"You do want to feel it?" He asked my softly, my eyes didn't waver from his face, slowly he grabbed my hand and ran it along the side of his face. A small gasp left my lips "what happened Xavier?" I whispered to him, Xavier did not answer my question. He did, however, kiss my hand. "Can you not feel it? The sparks, the electronity running through us?" I didn't say a thing.

"I have a chosen" I finally spoke. "How can you be my mate? You are my brother!" Pulling my hand free of his grip I turned my eyes to the ground. Even know I was still effected by him, weak when he was near, suffocating in his scent, submissive to him.

Xavier grabbed my hand and held it against his crotch, he moaned softly to himself. "Is this not enough? Does this not tell you how much you effect me Scarlet! You were adopted!" I took a step back, my hands leaving his erection and back into my pockets. "Don't you think I know that already" I mumbled to myself "I know! I've known for years, I can see the way people look at me differently, like I don't belong. I know Xavier, you don't have to tell me"

Author's Note:

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