Stuck With Them Pokemon Peeps

By PersonSayinStuff

40K 2.3K 5K

Welcome to do the crazy universe known as the Elemenoverse. Join Milani and the Pokémon Peeps in their crazy... More

The Intro
Out of Ideas
About the bet..
Eh em febeles
Milani goes on a date???
I woke up and...
Tomodachi Life
Tomodachi Life pt. 2
Tomodachi Life pt.3
Budew Wonder Trade Part 1
Tomodachi Life pt.4
The Pokeathlon! Human version. The Intro
Pokeathlon Human: The Final Pairings
Budew Wonder Trade Part 2
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1
Pokeathlon Human: Event 1 result and start of Event 2
Shipping Names...
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 2. Start of Event 3.
Stuff About Nameshipping
Tomodachi Life pt.5
Drew and Gary Play the Crazy Pokemon Character Quiz
Ash and Paul join the fun (CPCQ)
Someone took the game a bit too seriously
Pokeathlon Human: Event 3 result. Start of Event 4.
More CPCQ Fun with the Boys!
Tomodachi Life pt.6
Pokeathlon Human: Result of Event 4 + Start of Event 5
Tomodachi Life pt.7
Jace plays the rest of the game (CPCQ)
Pokeathlon Human: Finale
Gary's Petition
Response to Gary's Petition
Not So Exciting Round...(CPCQ)
Boys Play Would You Rather II (CPCQ)
Girls Try the 5SOP Horoscope
Budew Wonder Trade pt. 3
Guys Play Alone (CPCQ)
Pokemon Peeps Awards: NOMINEES
10 Questions
By the Power of Shuffle
Budew Wonder Trade Part 4
Tomodachi Life pt.8
Tomodachi Life pt.9
Tomodachi Life pt.9.5
Tomodachi Life pt.10
Touchy Feely things...
Tomodachi Life pt.11
Pokemon Peeps Awards: EVEN MORE NOMINEES
Tomodachi Life pt.12
Guys play as Wedding Planners (CPCQ)
Truth or Dare
Tomodachi Life pt.13
ARTWORK?!?! Eh...not really.
Some Get Extra Crazy (CPCQ)
Completing Sentences (CPCQ)
Pokemon Journey Challenge
Kanto Grand Festival
Completing Sentences: Song Edition (CPCQ)
Shipping Games (CPCQ)
Random Questions with the Pokemon Peeps
A Wild Betch Appeared!
Power Outage
Enemies (CPCQ)
Let It Go
A Messed Up Thing
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Emerald
Ash and Gary play Pokemon Gold
Fall (CPCQ)
Switchin' (CPCQ)
Milani has a Wattpad account?!
More Would You Rather (CPCQ)
LeafGreenShipping Day?!?!?!
Doing Requests (CPCQ)
Tomodachi Life pt. 14
Mafia: Yandere Edition
Tomodachi Life pt. 15
More Messed Up Things (CPCQ)
Mafia: Yandere Edition PART DOS
But It's Pokeshipping Day (CPCQ)
It's someone's birthday...
Uno Frozen Edition
More Requestos (CPCQ)
Mad Libs Part 1
Mad Libs Part 2
Two lies and a truth
The Derision Album
MASH with the guys
They were gonna play Pokemon Emerald but...
Hotline Bling (CPCQ)
Q&A once again
Palletshipping Musical??? (CPCQ)
Answering your questions!
Sea Looks So Perfect
Pokemon Horoscopes
Guys play Cards Against Humanity
Top 8 ships?
She's Kinda Cold
Introduction (Elemeno Winter Games)
Mario Kart Time! (EWG)
Some darn luck based card game (EWG)
Some Very Good Cooking! (EWG)
Fanfiction-ception (CPCQ)
Mario Party + Super Battles! (EWG)
EWG Finale Part 1
EWG Finale Part 2
Mad Libs part 3
Pokemon Dating Quiz
About time we did these dares....
Date, Marry, Kill (CPCQ)
Welcome back, Elemeno.
Please help
MASH with the girls! on 4/20
CPCQ Finale???
Matchmaking Weirdness
Matchmaking and some UNO Stacko
The Bet - 2016 Edition
Switch it up Switch it up!
Why not? (PACITS)
Q&A thingy
More Q&A
The Finals Bet Results! + Last of the Q&A
Gary Asks
Contestshipping Day!
Return of the Tomodachi
Tomodachi Life part Ruby Pendant
Really Romantic Mad Libs
Pokemon Peeps Preach and Rap
Bonus Chapter :]
Arceus' Turnwheel

Boys play Would You Rather? (CPCQ)

409 18 102
By PersonSayinStuff

Gary: New update!

Ash: There's only one update.

Paul: That's good.

Drew: But it's called, 'Would You Rather?' I think our insanity will be in a whole new level.

Jace: Good luck!


Gary: Make a list! Make a list!

Jace: Fine! But I'll only use it on this 'Would You Rather?'

Gary: COOL!

Ash: Okay. But I know you'll be tempted to use it for future updates.

Jace: We'll see.

*Jace makes his list*

Gary: Alright! Let's get started bros!

Ash: This is scary.

Drew: Remember that this is only a game.

Gary: Ok. Number one. Switch lives with May for twenty days or be stuck in a small and empty room with Ritchie for a month. Hmm...I don't think I want to switch lives with May.

Ash: Yeah. That would be weird. What if Drew confesses to you? HAHAHAHA!

Drew: Uh...I think what the question meant is to switch lives, not bodies. Gary will still be Gary, but he'll be a coordinator.

Gary: Hmm...I think it would be fun trying being a coordinator, so I pick switching lives with May for 20 days!

Jace: That was...still sane.

Paul: This is only a warmup.

Drew: Ok...for me...switch lives with Cilan for twenty days or be stuck in a small and empty room with Misty for a month. I don't want to be stuck in a small and empty room with a girl with anger issues, so I pick switching lives with Cilan.

Ash: Misty doesn't have anger issues.

Gary: Dude...the mallet!


Misty: I don't know why but I feel like hitting the guys with my mallet today.

(back to the boys)

Ash: Ok. Switch lives with Dawn for 20 days or be stuck in a small and empty room with Bonnie for a month. Well...being with Bonnie is not that bad, but I don't like doing nothing! I'll go for switching lives with Dawn.

Paul: Ok. Just try not to wear her clothes.

Gary: Yeah. Paul might fall in love with you! *laughs hysterically*

Drew and Jace: *chuckles*

Paul: No. He'll look weird wearing a short dress.

Ash: I won't wear her clothes. I'll just be Ash, Top Coordinator in the making!

Drew: Wait...I think switching lives will involve switching clothes.

Ash: Oh snap.

Paul: Whatever. My turn. Switch lives with Bonnie for 20 days or be stuck in a small and empty room with Zoey for a month. I think I'll just be stuck in a room with Zoey for a month.

Gary: Why?

Paul: She'll mind her own business and I'll mind my own.

Ash: I'm sure you guys will develop a friendship soon.

Paul: You're always about making friends, Ash.

Drew: True. But why don't you want to switch lives with Bonnie?

Paul: Because she's not a trainer yet. It's like being stuck in an empty room.

Ash: Ok. Jace! It's your turn!

Drew: I can't wait.

Jace: Switch lives with Leaf for twenty days or be stuck in an empty room with James for a month. I choose switching lives with Leaf.


Jace: *smirks* I knew you'd react that way, Gary. Just kidding. I'd rather be stuck with James. He won't do any harm if it's an empty room.

Paul: That was...logical.

Gary: F**k logic.

Jace: Maybe I should have chosen switch lives.

Gary: No!

Ash: Let's just move on.

Gary: Number two. Eat red chili peppers forever or be married to Giovanni.

Ash: *laughs hysterically*

Drew, Jace, Paul: *tries not to laugh*

Gary: I'd rather eat red chili peppers for the rest of my life!

Drew: My turn. Eat chili peppers for the rest of my life or be married to Shana. I choose chili peppers too. I can't marry Shana.

Jace: Yeah. We don't want Jonny broken hearted. Who knows where he'll go?

Gary: I don't know. Maybe to Milani. *laughs*

Jace: *glares at Gary*

Ash: My turn! Eat red chili peppers for the rest of my life or be married to Drew.

Gary: *laughs hysterically* Drew Hayden, do you accept Ash Ketchum to be your loving husband?

Drew: WTF, Gary? Heck no.

Ash: I choose red chili peppers!

Paul: My turn. Eat red chili peppers for the rest of my life or be married to Barry. Red chili peppers obviously.

Gary: Imagine if you were married to Barry.

Drew: It's like you're fined for the rest of your life.

Ash: I'd rather pay a fine than marry him.

Jace: It's my turn. Eat red chili peppers for the rest of my life or be married to Kenny. Obviously the red chili peppers. My tongue would adapt to the spiciness and I'll be used to it.

Gary: F**k logic!

Drew: one.

Gary: Number three. Have spitballs thrown at you every 15 minutes for ten years or be stuck on a deserted island with James for 10 weeks. Deserted island with James. I think that's more tolerable.

Drew: Hmm...have spitballs thrown at me or be stuck with Ash...I'd rather be stuck with Ash on a deserted island.

Ash: Yay!

Gary: Aww...Drewbae and Ashy-boy fighting for survival. Be careful, Drew. Ash can bite your head off.

Ash: Whatever...oh! This is good. Spitballs or be stuck with Gary on a deserted island. I'll fight for survival with Gary.

Drew: Ash will bite your head off.

Gary: HEY!

Paul: Since when did Ash become cannibalistic?

Ash: that a new Pokémon?

Jace, Paul and Drew: *facepalm*

Gary: You're a new Pokémon, Ash.

Paul: My turn. Spitballs or be stuck with CIlan on a deserted island. I'll handle being with Cilan on a deserted island. He knows what to do.

Jace: Spitballs or be stuck with Bonnie on a deserted island. I'd rather be stuck with Bonnie. If people threw spitballs at me for 10 years every 15 minutes, I'll forever use Milani's mallet.

Gary: Actually...that's a way we can get rid of Milani's mallet!

Jace: I don't think I can get it anyway.

Drew: Just borrow it.

Jace: Yeah...just like how you 'borrow' my bass.

Gary and Ash: Oooh.

Drew: Can we move on?

Gary: Number four. Run 10 kilometers in your underwear or have Jessie do whatever she wants to do to me for ten minutes. Ok...gross! I'd rather run in my underwear! #StreakBoy

Ash: Yeah. You've done that when your pants got stolen, remember?

Paul: *tries not to laugh*

Gary: Ugh...don't remind me.

Drew: 10 kilometers in my underwear or have Milani do whatever she wants to do to me. Hmm...I don't know.

Gary: Join #StreakBoy

Drew: Nah. I'll pass on the running in my underwear thing. I trust Milani. She can doodle on me all she wants. It's better than streaking.

Jace: She could take a picture of the embarrassing thing you did and show it to everyone.

Drew: At least I won't be in my underwear!

Ash: Run 10 kilometers in my underwear or have Clemont do whatever he wants to do to me. I think Clemont won't do anything to me, so I'll go for that!

Gary: BOOO!!!!

Paul: Run 10 kilometers in my underwear or have Misty do whatever she wants to do to me. Yikes.

Gary: OOOHHH!! You better join #StreakBoy

Paul: There is no way I'll run in my underwear. I'd rather take hits from Misty.

Gary: You sure, Paulie?

Paul: Jace, your turn.

Jace: Run 10 kilometers in my underwear or have Bianca do whatever she wants to do to me. Hmm...I think Bianca won't do anything except be clumsy and I choose that.

Gary: So no one will join me streaking?

Ash, Paul, Drew and Jace: Yup.

Gary: Dang. Number five. Would I rather marry Bianca or have Drew and Serena married?

Ash: Yikes. This is gonna be interesting.

Paul: This will be the ultimate losing of sanity.

Jace: Brace yourselves.

Gary: No way I'm marrying Bianca. I'd rather have Romanticshipping canon!


Gary: Well too bad! It's either that or I marry Bianca!


Gary: I don't want to! I have the option to say no to that. I love Leaf!

Drew: Well, I love May!

Ash: Wow. Drew just said that.

Jace: Did someone record that?

Paul: Can we just move on?

Drew: Ok. Drew, it's only a game. Anyway...would I rather marry Barry or have Max and Shana married. I go for Max and Shana married.

Ash: Shana is going to be your in-law.

Drew: Yeah.

Gary: Wait! How about Jonny?

Jace: Let's not involve people who don't need to be involved.

Gary: But Jonny is Shana's boyfriend!

Jace: I meant in the question! For the game!

Gary: Fine.

Ash: Would I rather marry Milani or have Serena and May married...


Drew: I'm glad that's not my list.

Ash: Can I pass?

Gary: No way! If you pass, you're such a loser.

Ash: This is so hard. I don't want anyone to get mad at me.

Jace: Just choose, Ash.

Gary: Yeah choose and you'll deal with him later. Ok...either him or Drew.

Ash: Sorry, Drew. I'd go with Serena and May married.


Paul: for Gary, Drew and Serena get married. For Ash, May and Serena get married.

Gary: WHOA.

Drew: To my dear Contestshippers, please do not be mad at Serena. You can be mad at Ash and Gary, but not Serena. This is only a game.

Paul: Let's move on. Would I rather marry Serena or have Silver and Milani married...

Ash: I feel bad for Serena. She's always involved.

Gary: This is gonna be interesting. Milani is involved again. *looks at Jace*

Jace: *waits for Paul's answer*

Paul: I'd rather have Silver and Milani married.

Gary: OOOH. What shipping name should we give them?

Ash: I don't know.

Drew: I don't think this was the best time to have Jace around, but too late.

Jace: *stays quiet*

Ash: Hey, alright?

Jace: Yeah...I'm fine. It is just a game...right? But just in case...I'll look for Lyra so we can plot things.

Gary: What kind of things?

Jace: Things, Gary. Things.

Paul: Jace, it's your turn.

Jace: Would I rather marry Paul or have Red and Brock married? Seriously?

Paul: Yours is easy. No one will plan to kill you.

Jace: What? I wasn't planning on killing you, Paul.

Paul: I didn't specifically say me.

Gary and Ash: OOH! He does like Milani!!!

Jace: I'd rather have Red and Brock married. Okay? Okay. Number six, Gary.

Gary: Uh. Number six. Share the same body with Ash for the rest of my life or switch bodies with Max for the rest of my life.

Drew: Nice.

Gary: Not nice. I'd rather switch bodies with Max!

Ash: Hey! How come you don't want to share bodies with me?

Gary: I don't want your loseritis to affect me!

Ash: You're the one with loseritis!

Jace: Wow. They're fighting just like the old times.

Drew: Anyway...share the same body with Harley or switch bodies with Iris.

Gary: *laughs* GOOD LUCK!

Drew: I'll switch bodies with Iris.

Gary: I thought you love May! You can't be with her if you're Iris!

Drew: I still can...I think. It's better than me and Harley in one body. Oh. And I thought f**k logic?

Gary: Right...

Ash: Ok. Share the same body with Trevor or switch bodies with Jace. Hmm...

Gary: Hey, Ash! If you do end up switching bodies with Jace, you can marry Milani!

Ash: Why would I want to marry her?

Gary: Because you would be Jace!

Jace: Can you let Ash answer?!

Ash: I choose...sharing the same body with Trevor. I don't want to make Jace angry.

Gary: If you share a body with Trevor, Misty will have a piece of both of you.

Ash: So? At least I'm still with her. That's what matters.

Drew: Ooh. Logic.

Gary: F**k logic.

Paul: Ok. Share the same body with Jace or switch bodies with Kenny.

Gary: OOOHHHH!!!

Paul: I think I'll just switch bodies with Kenny.

Ash: Really?

Jace: Good.

Drew: But why? You despise him.

Paul: So? People will see Penguinshipping, but if you go deep inside, it is actually Ikarishipping.

Ash, Drew and Jace: *claps*

Gary: That was so deep.

Paul: Thanks.

Drew: That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

Paul: Moving on.

Jace: Share the same body with May or switch bodies with Dawn. Really?

Gary: YIKES! How will Paul's deep message get through this?

Jace: Dang. Why me?

Gary: Oh. And imagine if Jace and May do share the same body. Drew and Milani will be fawning over the same body! HAHAHAHAHA!

Drew: Okay...that was a disturbing thought.

Jace: I'll just switch bodies with Dawn. I'll leave Paul an apology letter. Or I can have surgery to make me a guy, so I can live my normal life.

Paul: It won't be normal. Dawn will still be you.

Jace: She can have surgery. I don't mind. At least we get to live our normal lives.

Gary: Why you gotta be so logical? F**k logic.

Jace: Next please?

Gary: Number seven. Wear Tracey's clothes for six months without washing or wear my cheerleaders' clothes forever but I get to wash them...

Ash: *laughs hysterically*

Gary: I go for Tracey's clothes for six months without washing. I can't be seen in a skirt. I'd rather be in my underwear!

Drew: Be careful what you wish for, Gary.

Paul: I could steal your pants again.

Gary: Next!

Drew: Okay. Wear Serena's clothes for six months without washing them or wear Jonny's clothes forever but I get to wash them. Obviously, I'll wear Jonny's clothes forever. It's cleaner, and he was more than a few clothes. He has more clothes than me. HA! #Loophole

Gary: Lucky.

Ash: My turn! Wear Paul's clothes for six months without washing them or wear Barry's clothes forever but I get to wash them. I go for Barry's clothes!

Paul: Good.

Gary: Lucky.

Paul: Okay. Wear Iris's clothes for 6 months without washing or wear Ash's clothes forever but with washing. Obviously I go for Ash's clothes. You have a good amount of clothes.

Ash: Yeah.

Gary: Lucky.

Jace: Wear Harley's clothes for six months without washing or wear Max's clothes forever but with washing. Obviously I go for Max's clothes.

Gary: Won't they be small?

Jace: F**k logic, Gary.

Ash: BOOM!

Drew: *having disturbing images of Jace in Harley's outfit*

Gary: Okay...number eight. Oooh. Be homeless for ten days or watch Dawn and Bonnie make out.

Paul: What?

Gary: Ok...disturbing. I'll go homeless. Hey! Milani included a hashtag here! #HoboSwag

Drew: My turn. Be homeless for ten days or watch Paul and Solidad make out.

Paul: Seriously?

Drew: Go homeless. #HoboSwag

Paul: Good.

Ash: Next! Be homeless for ten days or watch Ritchie and Max make out. YUCK! #HoboSwag

Paul: WHAT?!

Ash: I didn't say anything wrong.

Paul: No. Not you. My list.

Drew: Uh-oh.

Gary: Just spill, Paulie. You'll join #HoboSwag anyway.

Paul: Fine. Be homeless for ten days or watch *takes a deep breath* Conway and Dawn make out.

Gary: OOOHHH. HeatTagshipping!!!

Paul: SHUT UP GARY! Ok...I'd rather go homeless for the rest of my life!

Gary: #HoboSwag

Paul: #HoboSwag

Jace: Ok...if you think your list betrayed you haven't met mine. This is way too gross.

Gary: SPILL!

Jace: Can't I swap on my list?

Gary: NO! Swapping is cheating! You can change your list, but only for valid reasons.

Jace: This is a valid reason.

Gary: No it's not. Spill. It's only a game.

Drew: What will you swap anyway?

Jace: Me and May.

Drew: I'm kinda scared now.

Gary: SPILL!

Jace: Be homeless for ten days...or watch me and Drew make out.

Drew: Ok. That is gross.

Jace: I guess I'll join #HoboSwag

Gary: can you join #HoboSwag if you're making out with Drew?

Drew and Jace: CAN YOU NOT SAY THAT?!

Gary: Okay...

Jace: Let's move on.

Gary: Number nine. Whose life would I rather live? I can't turn back. My choices are Brock, Jace or Misty. I choose Brock.

Drew: Yeah. Plus you still get to chase girls.


Gary: Shut up, Hayden!

Ash: So why didn't you pick Jace?

Gary: If I go with Jace, I'll have to deal with Milani for the rest of my life.

Jace: Why would you?

Gary: Duh.

Drew: Yeah, Jace. Duh.

Ash: DUH!

Paul: *remains silent*

Gary: Paul, you need to say it too.

Paul: No.

Jace: Next please.

Drew: Ok...whose life would I rather live? My choices are Leaf, Clemont or Gary. Hmm...I go for Leaf.

Gary: WHAT?! NO WAY!!!

Drew: I'll leave you alone, and you'll be forever alone.

Ash: That's harsh.

Gary: Why do you do this to me, Drewbae?

Drew: Because you call me Drewbae.

Paul: Why not Clemont?

Drew: Science isn't really my specialty.

Ash: Why not Gary?

Drew: Because it's Gary.

Gary: Haters gonna hate. Players gonna play. I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake. Shake it off! Shake it off!

Paul: *facepalm*

Ash: My turn! Whose life do I choose do live? own, Tierno or Bianca. Well...duh. I choose to live my own life. YAY!

Gary: Lucky.

Drew: Hmm...but just in case you're not allowed to live your own life again, who will pick?

Ash: Probably Tierno.

Paul: Ok. Whose life would I rather live? Drew, Lyra or Leaf. Hmm...I go for Leaf.

Gary: SERIOUSLY?! I would have chosen Drewbae.

Paul: Well...just like what Drew said, I'll leave you, and you'll be forever alone. Plus, Drew is nicer to me by a little.

Drew: Little things matter.

Ash: *sings* I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth. But if I do, it's you. It's you they add up to.

Gary: Seriously, Ash?

Jace: Ok. My turn. Whose life do I choose to live? Serena, Barry or Ash. Honestly, I pick Ash.

Ash: My life is awesome!

Jace: Yes. Yes it is. But I'd rather live my own life.

Ash: Just like me!

Gary: Shut up, Ash! Number 10. I can only marry the following. Who do I choose? We can't turn down the choices. Hmm...lots of choices. Clemont, myself, Milani, Barry, Mrs. Ketchum, Leaf, Paul or my grampa. Of course I choose Leafy Babe! She's my bae.

Ash: Ooh. Lucky.

Drew: Wow. You decided not to marry yourself.

Gary: That would be weird, Drewbae.

Drew: Ok...who would I marry? Myself, Youngster Joey, Bianca, May, Jace, Brock, Bonnie or Dawn.

Ash: You're also lucky.

Gary: Spill!

Drew: Hmm...I'm still conflicted.

Jace: Seriously?

Drew: Nah. I choose May. Contestshipping is the best.

??? (from outside): CONTESTSHIPPING IS THE BEST!

Drew: Who was that?

Gary: No idea.

Drew: Uh...continue.

Ash: Who would I marry? My choices are Leaf...

Gary: Choose her and I'll kill you, Ketchum!

Ash: Not done yet. Leaf, Trip, Brock, Shauna, Misty, Iris, Tracey or Cilan.

Paul: He's also lucky.

Ash: I choose Misty! Pokeshipping is awesome!

??? (from outside): POKESHIPPING IS THE BEST!

Drew: Seriously? Who was that?

Paul: Someone better check the door.

Ash: *opens door* I see no one here. Must be a ninja.

Jace: Let's just finish this. This is the last one, right?

Gary: Yup.

Paul: Ok. Who would I marry? Myself, May, Max, Shiela, Clemont, Brock and Bianca.

Ash: Dawn in the choices.

Gary: Yeah. That's because she was making out with Conway.

Paul: *hits Gary with his hand and brute force*

Gary: *unconscious*

Ash: Uh...but we're not done with our game yet.

Paul: This is the last question and he's done giving his answer.

Drew: Ok. So...what's your answer, Paul?

Paul: I'd marry myself. Don't even ask me who I'd choose if I'm not on the choices. I don't care if its weird. I don't want to carry the troubles of others.

Drew: Unless it's for his troublesome girl.

Ash: Aw.

Paul: Yes.

Drew: Okay, Jace. For the final answer for today.

Jace: Who would I marry? Lyra, Misty, Conway, Clemont, Jessie...uh...

Drew: Anything the matter?

Jace: Nothing. Um...Milani, Silver or Gary.

Ash: *gasps* DON'T CHOOSE MISTY!

Drew: Seriously, Ash?

Paul: Too bad Gary is missing this.

Gary: *still unconscious*

Drew: Spill, Jace!

Ash: Please not Misty!

Jace: Uh...

Paul: Just admit it, Jace.

Drew: I'm not gonna tell her.

Ash: And Gary is unconscious anyway.

Drew: And it is a game...but of course...

Jace: Fine. I choose Milani. Happy? *huge blush forms on his face*

Ash and Drew: *high five*

Drew: I KNEW IT!

Paul: Duh.

Jace: That doesn't mean that I like her like that. She was in my choices.

Paul: No point in denying. Your face is showing otherwise.

Jace: *feels his face heating up* Oh snap.

Drew: It's okay, Jace. It's just us guys here.

Ash: I'm kinda curious with the response of others.

Drew: Let's check it out!

Ash: Wow. Milani would rather marry Max than eat red chili peppers forever.

Paul: Yikes.

Drew: Milani and I will become cousins and in-laws.

Jace: You're so decided on marrying May, aren't you?

Drew: Eh.

Ash: Hey! Milani also said she would rather switch bodies with Leaf than sharing bodies with Harley.

Drew: I would choose the same thing.

Ash: And here reason is to mess with Gary.

Paul: Poor Gary.

Drew: Oh. And Cookie said that she would switch bodies with Professor Oak just to mess with Gary.

Jace: Yikes.

Ash: Dude...look at Ketchup's answer for the #HoboSwag.

Drew: Gary and Cilan? That's disturbing! Wait...look at Catz's response!

Ash: Whoa! That sucks. She's not joining #HoboSwag. She got Mils and Jacey-Wacey to make out.

Drew: Oh. That. Is. Good. If that was my list, I won't join the #HoboSwag.

Jace: *jaw drops*

Paul: come the Wattpadders can change their list? That's not fair.

Ash: Nah. Let them.

Drew: Wait...among the given choices for Milani, she chooses to marry Ash.

Ash: What?

Jace: Huh?

Drew: She doesn't have Jace on her list, so it's fine. She didn't include herself either.

Paul: We shouldn't have included ourselves on the list.

Jace: Yup.

Ash: Yeah. Hey look. Cookie said she chooses to marry Gary among her choices.

Drew: Yeah...but just for inheritance.

Ash: #AllForTheInheritance

Paul: Yeah. Anyway...let's go.

Ash: I want ice cream!

Drew: I'm in the mood for ramen.

Jace: Really, Drew? I want cake. As in real cake...not the cake Milani was talking about before.

Drew: Oh. The Calum-Luke thing?

Jace: Yeah.

Paul: I'll just eat whatever.

Drew, Jace, Ash and Paul: *leaves room*

Gary: *still unconscious*

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