The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



9.9K 359 78
By Posh777


I lead the way down the narrow hallway towards the private rooms at the back of the club, hearing Harry's footsteps behind me.

I almost stop, telling him to go. To get far away while he still can.

But I don't.

I can't.

I give Steven, one of Carter's security, a nod as we step in front of a large wooden door. He looks past me, his eyes glancing over Harry suspiciously before he opens the door and lets us through.

I find exactly what I expect to, Carter sitting at a table with a few businessman, cards in their hands and money spread out between them.

Five card draw.

A game appearing simple enough that everyone thinks they can play. Never realizing that the five cards they hold in their hand don't even matter. It isn't a game of chance where everyone has the same probability of winning.

It's a game of skill.

It's the perfect combination of math, phycology, competition, and money.

Which is exactly why it's Carter's favorite game to play.

He glances up as we move towards him, his eyes narrowing a bit when he sees Harry standing directly behind me.

His hard gaze vanishes as swiftly as it appeared, a confident smile taking over his features.

"Gentlemen." He looks at the two men across from him. "Afraid we'll have to call it a night."

He shakes hands with both of them before they each pick up several bills from the table. The tight line their lips form prove they're leaving with a bit less then they came with.

They should expect no different playing with Carter. He always wins, even when he loses.

I pick a glass of champagne up off a tray, taking a small sip as I sit down next to Carter.

I can't help but feel nervous for Harry as Carter sizes him up. I've been under that harsh gaze myself, and always felt less then adequate after.

"Harry Styles..." Carter finally speaks, causing Harry to stand up just a bit straighter. "Twenty one years old, started boxing professionally at the age of eighteen in London. Moved to New York fourteen months ago to train with the great Lou Gallo. Thirty four career wins, zero losses."

"You've done your homework." Harry states as Carter holds out his hand to him.

"I like to know who I'll be doing business with." Carter shakes his hand, motioning for Harry to sit down. "Aiden Carter."

"I know who you are." Harry sits down, glancing at me before looking back towards Carter. "Though I'm a bit confused as to why you'd want to do business with me."

"Are you a gambling man Styles?"

Harry frowns, shaking his head. "No."

"And why is that?"

"I don't like uncertainty."

"Yet you box for a living." Carter smirks at him, causing Harry's jaw to tense.

"There's no uncertainty in a proper fight."


"No." Harry pauses, "If I box liked I'm trained to, I'll win. If I don't, I'll lose."

"Fifty/fifty chance." Carter nods. "Not very a very safe bet."

"Fighting usually isn't described as safe."

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from smiling. I've never seen someone challenge Carter like Harry.

It's refreshing. And completely foolish.

Carter pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket, lighting one and taking a long drag. His eyes staying trained on Harry the entire time.

I take another drink of my champagne, feeling the awkward silence set in as the two men stare each other down.

"We're very alike, you and I." Carter's voice finally cuts through the tension in the air.

"That so?"

"Yes. You see, I think what we both do is actually very much the same."

"Not sure I see the similarities."

"Boxing, like poker, has an element of risk. And in either case, it shouldn't be avoided, it should be faced. You show any fear, and the other player will take advantage of that. You show any weaknesses and the other player will exploit them. They are both a game of skill and technique. And we..." Carter raises his hand, motioning between Harry and himself. "are the best players in the game."

Harry narrows his eyes, the wheels in his head obviously turning from Carter's words.

It's something else Carter excels at... Convincing you that you have the exact same viewpoint as him. When three seconds ago you most certainly didn't.

"What do you want exactly?" Harry questions.

"Simply put, I want us to help each other succeed."

"And not so simply put?..." Harry raises his eyebrow.

"I get you the fights you really need. In large arenas, against boxers who it means something to beat. The career someone with your talent deserves."

"And what do you want in return?"

"I want you to keep doing precisely what you have been doing."

Harry leans forward, placing his elbows on the table. "You want to bet on my fights?"

"I want to bet on you."

"I won't lose to win you some f.ucking money." Harry spits.

"I don't want you to lose." Carter shakes his head, remaining calm. "I want you to win."

"I always win, no one in their right mind will bet against me."

"But they will bet on how many points you'll win by."

"You want me to fix my own fights?"

"I want you to choose to win by a certain number of points."

Harry scoffs, "No."

Carter purses his lips, snuffing his cigarette out in the metal ashtray on the table. "I'll give you a few days to think about it."

"Don't need to." Harry stands up. "Appreciate the offer, but no. F.uck no."

"So you want to live out your career boxing in amateur leagues? Never winning more then a few hundred dollars a fight?"

"I do fine on my own."

"You do fine... Sad you're content with being fine when you could be the best."

"I will be the best."

"You won't. Not on your own." Carter states confidently. "We both knowing boxing is more then just the fight. You need exposure. And you need to be able to train without the distraction of having to keep a job to pay your rent. Which means you need money."

Harry runs his hand through his hair anxiously, knowing everything Carter is saying couldn't be more true.

"I'll pay you fifty thousand a fight."

Harry's eyes shoot up, widening a bit. "What?"

"Seventy five thousand." Carter ups his offer, "Then you'll have plenty left to send some back home. Family is everything after all."

I can't help but shoot Carter a glare as he smiles. Proud of himself for so easily manipulating Harry to get what he wants.

I really should be mad at myself.

Exposure. No distractions. Money to send to his family.

The three things I found to be most important to Harry in my few days of research. The three things I told Carter would get us what we want.

"I'll give you three fights." Harry's deep voice fills the room.

"Five, then we'll discuss if there will be more."

Harry nods, taking a breath and glancing at me then back at Carter. "Five."

"I look forward to doing business with you." Carter smiles, standing up and shaking Harry's hand.

Sealing their agreement and Harry's fate. He's stuck now, just like the rest of us. The thought I had a hand in it makes me physically sick.

"We'll talk soon Styles."

Harry only nods in response, turning towards me.

"Nice meeting you Everly." He looks deep in my eyes before glancing at Carter. "Mr. Carter."

I shift uncomfortably in my seat as Harry exits the room, Carter watching me intently.

"That went well, don't you think?" I ask, meeting his gaze.

"Yes. It did."

"And I..."

"What happened to Bridgette?" He cuts me off.

"He... thought she was boring."

Carter leans down, pressing a kiss to my temple. "I'll have a talk with her. She'll try again."

"Good." I force a smile.

"Until then, you get to be Styles new best friend."

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why?" Carter raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"Just... Don't think we'd get on well." I lie.

"I've every confidence you'll make sure you do." Carter heads for the door. "I've an early appointment. I'll see you tomorrow for lunch."

My sigh of relief is cut short as his hand grips the door handle and he stops.

"And darling?" He looks over his shoulder at me.


"You f.uck him and I'll slit your throat."

The door slams shut behind him, the same sense of fear I've become accustomed to washing over me.

Making me feel like I'm drowning.

With no one there to save me.

Please vote and let me know your thoughts so far!

Marloes Horst- Everly Abbott

Michael Fassbender- Aiden Carter

Miles Teller- Nathaniel (Nate) West

Alex Pettyfer- Jackson Decker

Mae Whitman- Harper Maddox

Odeya Rush- Maya Cahn

Troian Bellisario - Chloe Grayson

Elizabeth Olson- Bridgette Reilly

Amber Stevens West- Margo Tate

Jonathan Banks- Lou Gallo

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