Living on the Island of Vaas...

By pink-cloudss

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When Myra's rich and outgoing parents decide to send her to Bankok for a week for her twentyth birthday, she... More

Chapter 1: Greetings from Hell
Chapter 2: Boat ride to Neverland
Chapter 3: Down the Tunnel
Chapter 4: King
Chapter 5: The Dog
Chapter 7: Attack
Chapter 8: Mermaid
Chapter 9: Hero
Chapter 10: Temporarily Sane
Chapter 11: Citra
Chapter 12: What Makes a Mouse Strong
Chapter 13: It Doesn't Matter Anymore
Chapter 14: Lucy and the Lamb
Chapter 15: Bad Town
Chapter 16: Dance
Chapter 17: Crisis
Chapter 18: Toppled Over
Chapter 19: Bella
Chapter 20: Can You See the Dark?
Chapter 21: To No Place in Particular
Chapter 22: Jungle Fever
Chapter 23: Let it eat you up Alive
Chapter 24: Yes Man
Chapter 25: Swim With Me Little Fish
Chapter 26: My Addiction
Chapter 27: Cook Me an Escape
Chapter 28: Limpy McCripple Pants
Chapter 29: The Games
Chapter 30: Hide and Seek You Say?
Chapter 31: Please Don't Go
Chapter 32: Legacy
chapter 33: A small part

Chapter 6: Used To

2.2K 48 5
By pink-cloudss

I'm becoming this,

All I want to do is be more like me

And be less like you.

Chapter 6: Used To

Myra continued to stare at Jake while Vaas ranted on and on, getting out his anger. "Do you know what the problem is, hermana?" he roared. "I can't even fucking take you because I didn't pay for you! That makes it even more fucking tempting!" Myra ignored him, literally. She stared, with wide eyes at the hanging body that she knew. Jake was caked in blood from head to toe, even Myra didn't know how she recognized him beneath all of it. 

His eyes were closed and the blood seemed to come from a wound around his gut, gushing crimson downward. His neck had so much blood that, when it had started to dry, it had dried all around it, making it look like he had a red scarf. His shirt was gone (Myra didn't like to see his sketchy abs because they looked too perfect) and a rough cut lounged across his stomach. Vaas had gutted him. The thought wasn't repellent, it was rather interesting. Vaas had hung him up like a pig and opened him, not totally gutted him though. Myra could almost imagine the grin on Vaas' face as he gutting Jake. Then, the anger came, finally.

Vaas had taken her friend and strung him up like shit. He'd hurt him, drawn his blood, and left him there like a sack of garbage. When Myra thought of how badly Jake must have screamed, first there was a rush, then there was a mental battle between what she should feel. Repulsion? Grievance(no he wasn't dead yet), or should she get up and throw a tantrum? Myra decided on neither as she got up, eyes still stuck on Jake's about-to-be-dead body, and dusted herself off. Vaas looked at her, eyes going between Jake and Myra, and then finally he realized. "Oh, fuck, yeah!" he chuckled, waving his gun that he'd taken in his hands. "He was a great screamer, have to tell you that." Myra looked at him, feeling... nothing. How could she feel such a way? She didn't know, she'd been that way since she birth. She remembered feeling nothing, not even a pang of guilt or sadness, when Jane told her parents she found Smarties dead. 

Although, Myra sometimes felt things, so she asked that question inside her head. Who am I? She kept repeating it to herself, pondering over the answer, but never came up with one. One time she'd actually feel and the other, nothing. It was always a mental battle for her, ever since the rabbit. 

"What's the matter, pera?" Vaas asked, tugging her away from her reminiscing. She snapped her head back at him, blue eyes meeting his colorful ones. "Can't handle knowing he's gonna fucking die!" He was yelling now. His anger was rising again (and who's surprised!?). He walked towards her, gun in hand. She felt the fear inside her knot at her stomach as she watched him approach. He shoved his face in front of hers, grabbed her arm in a very painful manner, and stared straight into her eyes. 

The green was splashing around with the hazel brown and sky grey. The green was dominant, taking over the center of his iris, spreading outward until it collided with the light brown until, at the very border, it became grey. Myra frowned. His eyes... they were something special. "If you don't stop fucking with me, I will fucking buy you and make sure you end up like your fucking little boyfriend over there!" he yelled in her face. Myra looked down, trying to make the fact that Jake was going to die soon, sink in. But of course it didn't. Vaas tugged at her arm, pushing her into him even more. His proximity was giving Myra dizziness as she tried to focus on his eyes. His nose was touching hers and she could feel his hot breath fanning her mouth. "The price tag is still tied to your fucking neck," he strongly said. "I don't want to be the one to have to pay, because if I do, pera, it won't be a nice fucking trip on your part."

He released her and she stumbled back, her heart beating surprisingly fast against her chest. She put a hand up and pressed it against the spot where she thought her heart beat. She could feel it thumping rapidly on her hand, and almost smiled. "Now, that thing I wanted to show you," he snapped, bringing her out of her mad daze. Myra looked up at the pirate lord, frowning. She had totally forgotten about that!

He gestured for her to enter the shanty, and she started to, until she noticed her surroundings. More bodies hung upside down on tree, but more interesting things were displayed. A garden of heads lay underneath the hanging bodies, some heads moving about, some long time dead. Myra scrolled her curious eyes to the right side of the shanty. Heads on picks scattered around in a circle, were planted firmly in the ground. At its center was a post, higher than the others, but missing its head. Myra frowned. Vaas must be keeping that post for the head of someone special. She turned around slowly and opened her mouth."Who you keeping that one for?" she asked, pointing up to the higher post. Vaas had been watching her with curious eyes. Most people who saw this freaked, cried, and wanted to leave. He saw this as his own sick type of decoration. A way to expose his art work. He did inflict this on these people, and he was proud, almost too proud if he was hanging them up like photographs. 

"My sister, Citra," he growled back. Myra rose a brow, questioning him with her look. He ignored her, of fucking course, and gestured again for her to move her ass into the shanty. Myra could feel the tension in him, well, no surprise since he just tried to rape her seconds ago and failed. To that thought she almost laughed, but decided against it. 

Myra entered the shanty quietly, listening to her boots softly grazing the wood. She looked around. A bed (well if you could call it a bed) sat on the far wall, a dirty pillow and thin sheets sprawled messily over it. A little nigh table stood beside it, Kleenex (you can guess for what) and empty bottles of liquor on it. Under it was a small chest with a heavy duty lock on it. A desk sat on the front wall, maps, papers and books scattered over it, pens and pencils mingling with them. A small television sat in the middle of the room and Myra looked to her right and saw a shelf with tons of movies in it. She squinted her eyes to see the titles, but the covers were too dirty for her to see. She thought she spotted The Lion King, but Vaas pushed her inside and she snapped back to herself. "I used to put my pets in a cage outside, but you're too fucking special, pera, that I decided to build a small extension to my shanty," he said, sarcastically and waving his hands like he was on a stage in front of an a huge audience. He directed her attention to a door near the only window in the shanty. "There is going to be your new living area, maybe I should add a dog mattress, no, hmm?" he asked, turning his glare on her. "You would like that, right, pera?" she resisted the urge to roll her eyes and bit on her tongue not to say some nasty comment. She knew the consequences of her actions, very well now. 

"But, you didn't buy me," she said, looking around and back at the movie shelf. She wanted to desperately know the titles of the movies this man watched. 

"Tsk tsk, pera, you're here for another week and a half, until your people pay, and if they don't," he imitated a gun with his hand and aimed it at her. "I might shoot you. Or, if you're a good fucking bitch, maybe I'll keep you longer," he admitted. Myra seemed to breathe better now. There was a chance that she'd live longer. 

"Where's Ella?" she asked, turning her back to him and subtly making her way to the movie shelf. 

"Oh, don't you worry about that cunt, she's in good fucking hands," he muttered. Myra nodded. Yeah, good hands my ass, she thought. She continued to walk to the shelf until she got to it. She bent down slightly and squinted her eyes at the titles. Two girls, one guy. She backed away nervously. That title wasn't a movie, but a porno. And, that was the least pornographic title in the bunch. Much more aggressive titles could now be seen and it was not the Lion King she saw, but something totally different. No doubt this guy had porn in his shanty. How could she have thought otherwise? But, there were real movies lower down in the shelf, some were probably appropriate to let young kids watched. This man had an interesting assortment of movies. "Getting some ideas there, pera?" he asked. She turned around nervously, biting the inside of her cheeks.

He was giving her a toothy grin, hands on his hips and was waggling his eyebrows at her suggestively. She cleared her throat awkwardly and looked away from his inviting gaze. "Thought I saw something," she answered. 

"I can show you something," he replied, taking a dangerous stride to her. Myra couldn't look at him. Even though she'd had sex with men before, everything that touched that subject, she was kind of uncomfortable talking about with a stranger. He took another step and another until he stood before her. "Didn't mean to lose my temper out there, pera," he whispered. Now, she rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah, whatever," she said, trying to walk pass him and maybe make a run back to her cage, but he grabbed her arm. 

"You don't want to stay, bella?" he asked, giving her that suggestive grin again. She frowned deeper. "Bet I could give you the ride of your fucking life," he suggested. Myra ignored him and continued to stare away from him. He let go of her arm at once. "Shame," he said. He walked around her, grabbed a rope and took her wrists in his hands. Myra frowned when he tied the roped to her wrists. 

"What are you doing?" she asked, nervousness bubbling up inside her. He looked at her, not at her eyes, but at the bruises on her face, like he was finally realizing they were there. He passed a hand over her cheek and she winced.

"They'll heal," he said, continuing to tie the rope tighter. "Gives you nice fucking colors though," he chuckled and moved her with him. 

"Why did you tie me up?" Myra asked, her voice more stern. For a captive, she had guts. She was ready to accept another yelling tantrum for rising her voice at Vaas but he just chuckled. 

"I'm into the crazy shit, you know," he replied, walking her out of his shanty. She seemed to breathe better once outside. The air in his shanty was way to think and smelly, almost made her suffocate. Not to mention that she wasn't fan of being in the presence of those movies of his. She rose a brow and coughed. "I'm just bringing you back to you're fucking cage," he answered.

And they walked in silence to her cage. His movements had become almost gentle with her, pushing back her hair when she walked into the cage and touching her wrists with ease to take the ropes off. Myra thought he was apologizing for his attempt of rape. Or was it something else?

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