Saved By One Direction

By tabithalb98

8.1K 153 56

Rosetta is and 18-year-old girl who has brown hair and blue eyes. She lives with an abusive boyfriend Lake. O... More

Saved By One Direction
Truth or Dare / 7 Minutes in Heaven
Liams Girl
She Can Sing?
Angel and Travis
Angel and Rosetta Time
Kaylyn's Back
The Date
Kissing The Right One
True Colors
Harry and I
He's Back for Me
The bad day begins
Louis is weired
Getting ready for the date (first i love you)
Fantastic date with harry
The big surprise
Daddy directions freak out
Just when i thought things were good
Shoping trip with the girls
getting free

From bad to worse

194 7 3
By tabithalb98

I need to get help but how? "Please lake." I whined. I tried to wiggle out of his grip but he just hit me. "WHY WON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP AND STOP STRUGGLING." He stopped when we heard a knock at the door. "Did you tell anyone about me?" He yield. "No I swear I didn't." I managed to say through my sobs. "Hey lake it's Derrick open the god dam door." Lake got off me and opened the door, a man walked in he had brown hair and green eyes. "Oh hey Derrick what's up." "Oh not much just was in town and I thought I would stop in and see how things were going with you moving here and all." Thank you god he must be looked out for me, I am so great full that Derrick had came in at the time he did. "So who is this pretty little thing you have her." He walked over to me and grabbed my chine examining my face. "Her name is Rosetta." Wow, that's all he said, her name is Rosetta. "She sure is a beauty ant she?" His hand went from my chine to my neck and pulled my head closer to his. "Yeah, you can do what you want to her I have to use the bathroom so knock your self out." With that lake left leaving just me and Derrick.

"You have to help me he is going to rape me please help." I was practically begging Derrick, hopping he wasn't like lake. "Shut up I know what he was doing I am his best friend and I taught him every thing he knows." He slapped he then grabbed my head smashing his lips to mine. Oh my god now I seriously need help. "Ok fun time is over Rosetta go in the kitchen get two beers and start making dinner." I was relived when he told me to leave get them beer and make dinner. "Yes." I said really quiet. "Will be able to continue this fun later." Derrick said with a wink I think I am going to be sick. I ran to the kitchen and got them there beers Derrick grabbed my @ss as I was giving them the beer, I seriously want to leave and go back to harry.

I went to the kitchen to start making then food but also was listening to there conversation. "So what are you going to do with her?" I heard Derrick ask. "We'll when you came over I was trying to rape her." Lake responded. "Why not just do it tonight?" Derrick responded. "We'll I can't because se has to go back to her little boyfriend and friends." I felt relived when he said I was going home and I was so happy I wasn't going to loss my virginity yet, and so glade it wasn't going to be to him. I finished with there dinner and took it out to them.

When I gave them there food lake pulled my waist so that I was now sitting between him and Derrick. I looked at the time it read 9:00. "What time am I going to be able to leave?" I asked in a shy and very quiet voice. "About the time i want to take you home." lake yeld at me. "hey dude dont you think i should take her home becuse they know you and they dont know me?" Derrick sated more like a question. "yeah that would be good i dont think they would like it to much if i brought her home." They both started laughing really hard and i sate there akwardly.

time skip

Derrick finally drove me home at 11:30. He pulled over on the side of the road. "Whats going on?" I asked a little confused. "Lake said i could have my fun so get in the back of the car now." I obeyed not sure what i or he was going to do. I got in the back of the car soon followed by Derrick. he reached over to me and cuppd my face with one hand and placed the other around my waist pulling my close to him. He pressed his lips to mine forcefully. He continued to kiss me tell his phone went off. "oh hey travis." Oh my god Travis, he is friends with Travis. As i was prossesing all of this Derrick got back in the driver seat and drove me back to the boys house. "yeah the plane worked out perfectly lake now knows were she lives so alls good with him. oh and thanks for helpen out i dont think we could have done it with out you." my mouth fell open. so it was all just a game with Travis right frome the start he never did care not one bit.



Ohhhh so it was jut a game with Travis. Hu stupid jerk. The picker on the side is a pic of lake yerp. So what did you think new character Derrick just like lake should be fun hu. So y'all should read my cousins story it's called "my love for carrot boys." It's actually pretty good. So comment vote tell me you'll love me I mean my book and anythings else. Love you my pretties. Oh and I can't spell so just ignore the spelling please.

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