Unexpectedly Meeting you

By ayatcharis

74.2K 1.5K 163

William Fox now moving on from a heartache went out of town for a little thinking and time for himself. He we... More

Unexpectedly Meeting you
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15 :)
chapter 17 all about that dangerous thing :)
chapter 18- follow your heart :)
chapter 19 - mermaid of mine :)
chapter 20- come back to me :((
chapter 21(pre-FINALE)
chapter 22 (FINALE)

chapter 16 :)

2.3K 52 4
By ayatcharis

Chapter 16

*William Fox*

Ever since Neola can speak, she’s talking to them for like hours; she doesn’t even have any time for me anymore. I’m pissed but… I don’t have the right; I mean she’s not my girlfriend or anything.

It has been two days since Art and filled up the pool and we are getting half way there… I think. Leory is so harsh today is the third day and the only rest that we can have is lunch and dinner and straight to bed.

When the night came, I thought I would have a chance to be with Neola but when she started to walk my way, Leroy grab her and talked to her  about something. That old geezer is getting into my nerves.

“Poor guy.” I heard Art said when he sat beside me.


“All you want to do is to have some alone time with your beloved mermaid, but an old man who is super rich and time is not going with you.” He said.

I shot him a what-the-#$%& glare. “Who’s side are you?”

“Of course I’m solid on your side. Don’t worry, I will make a way for the both of you to hook up.” He said.

“I didn’t say that I want to do that to her.” I said.

“Yeah right, I know, I’m just messing up with you.” He said and chuckled. He went to the kitchen and started his act.

He is good. I strongly suggest that he should be an actor. He would get an Oscar award with his talent. Leroy seems to believe him.

“Hey.” I said to Neola when Leroy is out of sight.

“I miss you!” She said and jumped into me.

“Wow.” I said. I didn’t expect her to do that. I mean yeah I miss her too, but I can’t say it out loud.

“I’m sorry that I haven’t massage your back today.”  She said but hasn’t released me from her arms around me.

“N-no, it’s fine.” I said and now I wrap my hands on her waist. She smiled and her eyes went to pink. “You missed me that much that you jump right into me huh.” I chuckled.

“mmm.” She nodded enthusiastically and rested her head on my chest. “I wish we could have more time like this.” She said.

“Yeah.” I said and kissed her soft and silky hair.

“Hey, when this is all finish, do you want to go to our kingdom?” She said as we sat on the couch, no one is around.

“Yeah sure that would be great.”

“I’m sure you will love it, you love the sea right?” she said.

“I do, by the way, where in the pacific ocean… does your kingdom is located?” I asked.

“For us we call it the pearl of the east.”

“Cool. So what do humans call that place?” I said.

“The Islands of the Philippines. It has so many Islands and the ocean is great.” She said. she looked so happy when talks about her home.

“Where is that?” I don’t know what that place is.

“It’s a country Will. It’s in Asia. I can’t believe you don’t know that.”

“Sorry? I’ve never been to that part of Asia.”

She pouted. “Well, at least now you know.

We talked about the ‘Pearl of the East’, and I must admit that it sounds beautiful. We are having our own time when the door slammed open. We jerked our head to the door. Leroy and Art came out too with Larissa. Steve and Greg had their heads out from the kitchen. We are all now looking at…

“A kid?” Art said.

He looked like a seven, eight year old kid… Wait a minute… he’s not just a kid. He’s eyes.

“Chanter!” Neola and Larissa both exclaimed and ran towards him.

“Neola! Larissa!.” The kid named Chanter said and gave them a hug.

“Why are you here?” Leroy said.

“Nice to see you again too, Leroy.” This kid has some attitude problem. “My father sent me here.” He said with his head held high.

“You ran away from home again aren’t you?” Leroy said and I think it’s true because the kid was taken aback.

“Whatever.” He said and looked at me. “Is he your protector?” He asked Neola. She nodded with a smile.

I stood up, it seems like this kid is something important to them. “Hi my name is William.” I introduced myself politely.

He ignored me…. He… ignored me and went into the center of the living room. “And you must be Larissa’s?” he said to Art. He didn’t answer him and instead he just looked pissed at the kid.

“Let me introduce myself then. I’m Chanter, the prince of our kingdom.”

“Prince?” I said looking at Leroy, he shook his head.

“Yeah, I’m their brother.”

My eyebrow raised and I heard Art hissed.

“Aren’t you going to take a bow that a royalty is in your midst?” the kid said that made my mouth open slightly.

“Chanter” Neola said trying to stop this little monster here, well she’s late because he already acted arrogantly.

“Well, Prince Chanter, why don’t you take your leave now and go back home?” Leroy said it seems like he doesn’t like this kid either.


“I will call your father.” Leroy threatened him.

“Can I at least be here for a couple of days?” Now he’s begging. “Can I please? Neola?”

Neola seems to fall from his brother’s act. “Can we just have him? For a couple of days?” Neola asked Leroy.

He thought about it. “Fine, but only a couple of days, I’m going to talk to your father now to inform him that you’re here.” He said and left.

“YES!” The kid jumped for joy.

I have a feeling that this kid is something. I was right. During dinner he clings into Neola and Larissa all the time. I can see that I’m not the only one pissed at this kid. Art seems to be struggling with his patience.

“Damn!” Art said when we were at our room.

“Easy his just a kid, let’s just let him be for tonight, he misses his sister too.” I said trying to explain to him and to myself about the situation.

“I know, it’s just that… he has some attitude problem. He’s sister are not like that.” He said.

“I think that you are pissed not because of that.” I said smirking; now I can have my revenge on him.

“What do you mean? He asked.

“You’re mad at the kid because he took Larissa away from you tonight, aren’t you?” I said.

“PFT… what? Is that a joke?” he said dryly.

“Aww our little Arthur here is jealous of the little brother.” I teased him. He just looked more pissed. I never thought that teasing him would be worth it. Now he’s taking his own medicine.

“Shut up.”

“You’re just jealous.” I said.

“Look who’s talking, aren’t pissed at him too?” He said.

“Yeah, I was but not anymore, teasing you is way more fun than being pissed with a kid. That would be so immature.” I teased him more.

He threw a pillow on me and I cracked laughing.

“I won!!” I said in a triumphant manner.

“Shut up!” He shouted under the pillow while covering his face.

The night went well… for me though. We woke up early in the morning, and my body is kind of used to it. I noticed that my body is now stronger and has more muscled and I have abs now.

We hurried in filling up the pool it’s almost done, I think we are going to finish this a day advance from our deadline. Chanter is being himself every once in a while that made Art go silent and just go to work; he’s so funny being defeated with a kid. Larissa and Neola sometimes sneak out front the sight of their brother and find ways to be with us. I don’t know anything about the protector and the royalties but I guess that makes us closer or intimate? No not really intimate… intimate? I don’t know now I’m confused.

At last!! We have finished filling this huge damn pool in the middle of the forest!!

“I can’t believe that we are able to finish this job!” Art said dramatically.

“I agree with you this time.”

“You are not finish yet.” Leroy broke the smile on our faces and the triumph that we felt.

“What?” Art and I said.

He clicked his finger and on cue Steve went out from the big garage that we didn’t notice It was there. He’s driving a truck.

“Put it on the pool.” Leroy said.

Steve parked the back of the truck in the pool side and dropped some… ICE?! What is he planning to do?

“This is just the beginning.” He said with an evil smile.

“Wh- what do you mean?” Art said looking at the huge pile of ice on the pool.

“You have lots of huge things hidden in here.” I said.

“Don’t worry boys, you can handle this. Now take up your weapons.” He said.


“Your weapons, I thought you already knew how to make them appear.”

“Oh yeah right.” I said and think about a cool sword and it appeared in my hands. It is big, I lifted it up and it swing through the air flawlessly. “Woah.” I did it without effort. The first time I had it was not that heavy too but I struggled, not this is easy.

“That is the result of your basic training.” Leroy said.

“Cool, I want that too.” Art said and now he’s I-hat-to-admit-cool-boomerang appeared. He threw it the air and manages to cut down big trees in an instant. “That’s what I’m talking about baby!” He exclaimed.

“Don’t be too happy, we’re not finished yet, now get in the water.” Leroy said.

“What?!” Art and I said.

“I said, get in the water.”

“Why? I mean what does it have to do…I mean it’s freezing with ice that you let Steve put in there.” Art said.

“I did that on purpose. You will never know when will the battle occur or where.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I have been to their battles before.” He said and a weapon appeared from his hands, a pair of a dagger-shaped metal truncheon, with two curved prongs projecting from the handle. “My weapon is called sais. Being in the battle is never easy. Sometimes it was on land, but majority of the battles are held under the sea.” He’s talking seriously. “Because you have the ability to breathe under the water you also have the speed both under the water and on land that no humans can achieve.”

“What? We can run fast?” I asked.

“Yeah? You didn’t noticed?” he said. Art and I looked at each other. Thinking, yeah why didn’t I even noticed it that we are running back and forth with such speed.

“Now that you remember, let me tell you that it is not enough. The creatures of the sea are way too fast especially when you’re on the water, and knowing Amasis, he will surely take advantage of it. We have to be prepared.”

“Okay, I understand that we have to train under but what’s with the ice?” Art asked.

“We can never tell the temperature under the ocean, and the cold can make your muscled become more firm and I tell it is not that called, it’s one of the normal temperature of the ocean. Training under the pool can give you a hint on what will actually happen in the real battle.”

“Okaaay.” Art said.

“Now get in.” Leroy said.

We did what he ordered.

“Brrrrrrr.” Art and I said.

“It’s freakin cold!” Art said.

“You’re not going there alone.” Leroy said jumped in.

“You’re going in?” I said.

“Of course you need some sparing buddy.”

We went under and the pool was deep. It was hard to move so Leroy taught us the techniques on walking, swimming and even running under. It was hard that it took us the whole day.

“That’s it for now.” Leroy said, not even showing that he is tired.

“Okay… thanks.” I said panting.

Art and I are catching our breaths on the way inside. Steve and Greg gave us dry towels and prepared a hot bath. We are so tired that we just dropped ourselves in the bed.

‘Good night Neola.’ I thought hoping that she can hear me.

‘Good night William, have a sweet dream.’ I smiled as I heard her sweet voice and I fell asleep.


 I'm having a hard time writing the training stuff. :)

 Don't forget to leave a comment and VOTE!! hahahaha thanks :)

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