Because You Live [Jasper Hale...

By agentfriutloop

315K 6.1K 768

Jamie and Jesse Maverick are trouble-making twins in the town of Forks, Washington. When the Cullen's come to... More

Welcome Back
Passing Notes
Conversation and slight persuasion
Morning Disasters
Saving Me - Jasper Hale (Eight)
Girl Fight - Jasper Hale (Nine)
We Don't Wanna Go Home - (Jasper Hale) Ten
Fighter - Jasper Hale (Eleven)
Halo - Jasper Hale (Twelve)
Behind These Hazel Eyes - Jasper Hale (Thirteen)
Heaven Can Wait - Jasper Hale (Fourteen)
Cinderella Man - Jasper Hale (Fifteen)
Remembering Sunday - Jasper Hale (Sixteen)
Viva la Vida - Jasper Hale (Seventeen)
Lighters - Jasper Hale (Eighteen)
Little Lion Man - Jasper Hale (Ninteen)
Fully Alive - Jasper Hale (Twenty)
Your Love - Jasper Hale (Twenty-One)
Life in the Fastlane - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Two)
Whatever It Is - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Three)
Sunshine State of Mind - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Four)
I Roll Up - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Five)
Down to Earth - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Six)
Good Life - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Seven)
The View From Here - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Eight)
Fear - Jasper Hale (Twenty-Nine)
Chasing Pavements - Jasper Hale (Thirty)
Dead or Alive - Jasper Hale (Thirty-One)
Can't Stand It - Jasper Hale (Thirty-Two)
Rythm of Love - Jasper Hale (Thirty-Three)
I Feel Like Dancin' - Jasper Hale (Thirty-Four)
Bad Romance - Jasper Hale (Thirty-Five)
Bleeding Love - Jasper Hale (Thirty-Six)
In the End. (Final)

The Goldfish Thief

12.5K 257 34
By agentfriutloop




I lied. Stitches hurt like a bitch. 

"Just one more, Jamie. Just close your eyes and hold my hand." Jasper's smooth whispers encouraged me to keep calm and focus on nothing but him.  I was currently sitting in a small white room having Carlisle, Jasper's adoptive father, stitch four stitches up on my scalp. My eyes were squeezed shut fiercely, wanting the pain to just be over with already. It felt like an eternity had gone by while I sat in a hospital being sewn up like a rag doll. It was a horrible, piercing pain that made it hurt to think, breathe and even look at Jasper. What a travesty!

I felt the needle go in and come out one last time, indicating the torture was over. "All done, Miss Maverick. Now, in about a week or two I'll need to see you again to remove them." Carlisle informed me as I slowly hoisted myself from the plastic, white chair that had actually began to hurt my butt. I nodded my head to the doctor to let him know that I had heard his diagnosis.

Carlisle Cullen seemed to be in his mid to late thirties, had alabaster skin like Jasper, and light blonde hair that was slicked back in a proffesional style, making him appear to be slightly older. Jasper's freezing hand found my waist as he helped me to stay in place. The electricity soared, and I tried to ignore it for upteenth time. Since I had a headache and my vision was still a tad bit blurred, I needed the guidance. "Thanks." I grinned up at him.

Carlisle turned around and smiled down at me, "It was nice meeting you, Jamie. I hope to see you soon, just not here." He lightly chuckled, his voice was elegant, too. What was with that? And the eyes! I really am going to figure this out- even if it kills me! Not. I don't want to know that bad...

"The pleasure was all mine, Dr. Cullen. Especially not for these loathesome stitches!" I whimpered teasingly. Jasper just chuckled and thanked his adoptive father for his services before slowly guiding me through the many floors and hallways of the hospital. We finally made it outside and back into the oh-so shiny Volvo. 

For the first time in about three hours, I turned my phone back on and looked at my messages. I had one from my mother reminding me to go to Sam's, like 20 from Jesse wondering where the hell I went and ten from Adam, trying to apologize. I groaned, not exactly what I wanted to deal with. I only replied to Jesse's, as you should have guessed.

"I'm assuming Jesse's worried?" Jasper asked, breaking the comfy silence between us.

I nodded, locking the phone again. "Yeah, knowing him, he probably thinks some bear mauled the both of us at lunch." I laughed, imagining the expression on Jess's face when he puts the worst scenarios in his head. "I'm supposed to be going to the rez, so could you drop me off at First Beach?" I questioned, hoping I wouldn't have to go back home only to leave immediately after.

"Sure, you promise you'll tell me if anything happens with Adam?" He replied. The last part was a bit odd, but not unnecessary. I understand where he's coming from with his concern.

"Definitely. He won't try anything, though. I've taken care of it for now." I reassured him. Honestly, I knew he would say something else, I just didn't want to anger or worry him any further. I'd had enough dramatics for one day.

"Whatever you say, Jamie. But, just know you're never going to have to face home alone." Jasper promised with a grin, showing off his perfectly aligned teeth. I smiled back, realizing we were on First Beach already. I felt my mood drop slightly; I was having such a hard time accepting the fact that I'd have to leave Jasper. 

"Bye, Jazz. See ya later."  I inched out of the Volvo, taking my time and relishing in our final moments together. God, I'm such a girl. He sent me one last grin before I made my way to the tree lines to the worn out path I'd made to Sam's place. I walked for a while, just listening to random tunes, when I came across my favorite band, All Time Low. I cranked up 'Too Much,' only to find myself lost in my own thoughts once again.

The first thing on my mind was Jasper: predictable, yeah; true, yeah; mind-blowing, hell yeah! I had just met him a few hours ago, yet I had a stronger bond with him than I had with Adam, who I had known for countless years. There was no way I could explain the connection in any amount of words. My heart raced when I was near him, longed to be by his side when I wasn't, like right now. It was pure madness. I had just met the guy not long ago and I sounded like I was in love. I wasn't- yet.

There's no such thing as love at first sight, if real love at all. I've only seen heart ache and broken promises, except with Sam and Emily. They were legit! I'd never seen anything like that in my life. 

My thoughts quickly became stalled when I saw the cozy log cabin settled at the end of the familiar dirt road I'd loved for years. Most of my childhood, I was always at this house, with or without Jesse. I would walk home every night with Jesse, not bothering to ask for a ride. I knew the woods like I knew Jesse: inside out, backwards, east, west, norht, south and everything inbetween. You name it, I know it.

I walked up the porch stairs noiselessly, making my entrance unknown as I slipped into the kitchen and raided the cabinet for Goldfish. My search came up empty and I knew there was only one person to blame. "Damnit, Embry!" I griped. He had eaten them, when I clearly had told that Indian not to touch them!

"Why am I on your hit-list, this time, Jay-Bird?" Came the sarcastic voice I'd only recognize as that of Embry Call.

"You know why, you hoe! You took my Goldfish! Not cool, man. Not cool!" I pouted. He burst out in laughter, whilst I glared at him. 

"Where're the others?" I randomly questioned, when he was able to not giggle every five seconds. Jake, Quil, and Sam would usually be here, hoarding endless meals in the pits of their bellies. I bet Emily's at the store or something, so I'm not really wondering about her, just my favorite Native Americans.

"Woods. Hey, why do you smell bad? New shampoo? Garbage liquid..." he trailed off, obviously about to start laughing again. Ugh! That idiot can't be serious about anything! I don't even smell, I just have the scent of public school and trees, not too bad, right? Yeah, maybe in another deminsion!

"Shut up! I'm going to beat the shit out of you if you don't stop," I threatened. He straightened up a little, still looking rather high, though. "Besides, I don't even know what you're talking about." I said, sniffing my hair and pitts for some sort stench. Nope. Only the scent of blood and orange tang.

Embry shrugged and found his way back to the couch in the living room, which was just outside the kitchen. "Well, you smell like death to me. What did you even do today?" he pondered, using a fake thinking face. He looked a lot like Jesse, which was kinda creepy, considering the fact that they were polar opposites visually.

"Nothing different, really." I commented, trying not to draw attention my behavior. He gave me a dejected look that said, 'yeah, right.' Maybe the nervous twitch of my fingers gave it away but I just shrugged him off, hoping he would just leave it. But no, of course he had to pick at the scabs. 

"Then why do you smell like a bloodsuc-" He stopped mid-sentence, catching himself before the last syllables slipped off his tongue. He stared at me to see if I caught what he was going to say.

"You know what? I don't even want to know." I complained, getting tired of our pointless banter. I was here to talk to Sam for whatever reason, not be investigated by La Push's stupidest teenager. I walked out of the living room to the porch all the while saying, "Tell Sam I'm looking for him, will you? I gotta check with Jesse."

Embry seemed to catch the drift on my sudden irritation by screaming, "No, wait! Isn't that him over there?" I squinted to look on the same dirt path I had recently walked, and sure enough, Jesse Maverick's crazy ass was jogging in our direction. 

"Hey, guys." He said, looking mostly at me; cue dramatic sigh.

"Yo." Embry replied, pounding his hand to his chest. Wow, so gangster!

I said nothing. I really don't want him to start asking random questions, like Embry. "As I said, tell Sam we stopped by." I repeated, letting out a small sigh.

I started down the old dirt path without Jesse's compant and eventually found my way home before dark, only because I just pondered a bit at First Beach instead of going directly home. The rocks punctured my feet sharply, but I didn't mind. They felt good and familiar beneath my feet, like the feeling of crisp grass between your toes in the forest. Much to my displeasure, I eventually had to go back home to face Jesse. It's not like my parents were waiting, anyway. I had to get home for Jesse and only Jesse.

When I flipped myself on my bed when I finally did make it in to the house, just about to let sleep cradle my mind for the night, Jesse came barging into the room. "What do you want?" I moaned, putting the pillow back over my head. SO CLOSE!

I heard him laugh, "Just wanted to know why you didn't come back after lunch. Also, why you ignored me at Sam's. And while we're still talking, why Adam's been up my ass about you! And don't give me some stupid answer either. I know when you lie, Jamie." He concluded, sucking in some breath from all the words he said. I didn't think you could say 'and' so many times in one sentence. 

Think fast- "Me and Jasper went to First Beach then he left and I went to Sam's, where Embry stole my Goldfish. I wasn't ignoring you, Call was just annoying the piss out of me. 'Nuff said." I rationalized, praying that for once, he'd buy the lie and let me continue on with my life. But, I could never get so lucky.

"That's a great story, now tell me what really happened."

So, I did.


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This is a Jasper Hale love story. Please enjoy. Vote and comment :)