Goodbye. {Shawn Mendes Fanfic}

By mendes_forever

156K 5.3K 1.7K

Not all love stories end with a happy ending More

Another Day
The phone call
I promise...
The Car Ride Home
Not worth your time
the beach
Born to die
Battle scars
I'm Here
Toys R Us
Bad News
Facetiming Shawn
New School
Living Life
Broken Glass
The note
Who's to blame?
Thinking about her
See You Again

Cuts and Bruises

4.7K 150 36
By mendes_forever

I woke up and checked my phone like always. I had one text from Shawn.

Bae: Good morning beautiful

A smile appeared on my face as I read that but I couldn't help but wonder if we were rushing things.

I decided to get ready for the day by taking another shower. After my shower I changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a plain black V-neck. I put my hair in a high ponytail and applied some makeup. I put on a pair of old black converse and grabbed my bag.

I ran down the stairs to grab a water bottle for the day.

I was already planning on surrendering myself to the guys today, trying to avoid them isn't going to be favoring in my case. I know Shawn told me to stay away but I wanted to get this over with now.


I saw the group of guys in the hallway with Shawn behind them. Shawn shook his head and I walked toward them anyways. I saw him mouth the word fuck before saying something to the guys. They looked a little bummed but they agreed.

"I'm not running away anymore." I say as the group of now 8 guys stand in front of me with most of the school watching. "Are you done being scared?" Aaron asked. "If I wasn't would I be standing here?" I say and Aaron pulls my hair so I'm looking him in the face. "Don't talk back to me." Aaron says and I roll my eyes. "Clearly I'm not scared, especially of you. When you hit me it feels like I'm getting hit by a pillow." I say not knowing where this sudden boost of confidence came from.

Hopefully Shawn will come through before I die.

Aaron punches me in the face and I fall to the ground. One of the guys grabbed onto my hair and basically dragged me down the hallways to the back of the school. Everyone followed and watched as the guys humiliated me in front of everyone.


Where did they take her?

I start to panic when I didn't see the guys in the hallway. I went to get the principal but she was taking her sweet ass time. "Shawn I don't see anyone here." She says stating the obvious. "They were here ten minutes ago." I say thinking about where the could've taken her. "Behind the school." I tell Mrs.Whinehouse.

"Shawn I don't have time for your games." She says walking back to her office. "Fuck." I say pulling on my hair.

I ran to the assistant principals office and told him about what's happening. He actually gave a fuck and rushed to the back of the school. "What is going on?!" Mr. Cliff yelled. "Run!" I heard one if the people there yell and heard many people's footsteps run in the opposite direction with Mr. Cliff running after them. Once I knew everyone was gone I ran out the door to check on Santana. I heard her soft cries but I didn't see her. I looked around the area and still didn't see her.

"Santana?" I asked. "Shawn?" She asked and I saw her stand up from inside the dumpster. "Why are you in there?" I asked and helped her climb out. "Did the guys throw you in there?" I ask and she nods.
I kept trying to get her to lift her head up but she refused. "Santana let me see your face." I say placing my index finger under her chin slowly lifting her head up. She had a black eye and a busted lip. Her nose was bleeding and she was lightly holding her stomach indicating she was hurt there too. "We have to tell your parents." I say looking at how broken she is right now, I don't ever want to see her like this.

"Shawn no." She cried. "Santana look at you. You can't stay at this school anymore." I say with tears filling my eyes. "Shawn I can handle this myself." She said and started to walk away. "No you can't Santana. Let me be the one to help you." I say following right behind her.

I picked her up bridal style being sure not to touch her stomach. "We're going to my house." I tell her and she nods. I carry her to my car and gently place her in the passenger seat.

We soon get to my house, I carry Santana up the stair and hand her a pair of basketball shorts and a plain black shirt to wear for now. "Can I um... take a shower?" She asks nervously and I agree. She went through her bag and pulled out her phone. She went into the bathroom and the shower began to run.


I looked at my face in the mirror and saw how I looked. I started to cry just by looking at myself. I hate the way I look, I hate how I didn't listen to Shawn, I hate how I'm such a screw up and I hate how I'm making Shawn seem like a trader. I know he's the one who got the assistant principal and he didn't have to. I hate how Shawn is protecting me but at the same time he's suppose to hate me.

I took off my shirt and noticed two large bruises forming underneath my rib cage. I slightly touched it and instantly cringed at the pain.

I grabbed the blade I took out of my bag along with my phone and started to cut on my stomach and my thighs so they weren't visible to Shawn. one cut for every reason and name that I've been called today, three long deep cuts on both thighs for how much I hate myself and a long cut underneath my bellybutton for dragging Shawn into all of this. He shouldn't have to betray his friends because I'm his girlfriend, Bros before hoes. I decided to clean up the blood and actually take a shower. The hot water burned against my skin and stung the cuts that we're just made.

After washing I changed into the clothes Shawn gave me. I put the blade inside my phone case and slid my phone into one of the pockets in the shorts Shawn gave me. I walked out the bathroom and Shawn lightly hugged me. I winced in pain at his touch.

"I'm sorry." He says innocently and letting go. "Let me see how bad it is." Shawn says and I shake my head no. "Why?" He asked. "Because it's fine." I say and sit on Shawn's bed, Shawn gave up and took a seat next to me.

"Can we cuddle?" I ask hoping he would say yes. He agreed and we laid down together, he lightly wrapped his arm around my waist. Our legs were tangled together, Shawn took out my ponytail and started to play with my hair. My eyes got heavier and heavier before they finally closed completely.

(sorry for all the POV changes)

Santana fell asleep and I decided to check the bruises on her stomach, it's causing her a lot of pain. I lift up her shirt to see two large bruises and recently made cuts on her stomach. There were old cuts there too but the recent cuts were made today. There was still a little blood from where the cuts were made and it made me tear up. I pulled her shirt back down and kissed her forehead. "Please stay strong chipmunk." I cried as I heard the downstairs door open.

I got out of Santana's lose grip and walked downstairs to see Aaliyah going through the cabinets. "Hey Shawn." She says pulling out a bowl, cereal and milk. "Why are you home early?" I ask leaning against the island. "We had a half of day." She says placing the milk back in the fridge. "Aaliyah can we talk?" I ask unsure. "Yeah. What's up?" She asks jumping on top of the island.

"It's about one of my friends and I kinda need a girls opinion." I say and she places her bowl back on the island. "Is it about Santana, who is actually your girlfriend not friend." She says and I shrug. I didn't want to tell her it was about Santana but she already knows it is. It's like she can read my mind.

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