The Hellhound, Lincoln Loud (...

By Ant1z0Ne

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This is a Loud House x Helluva Boss fanfiction Lincoln wakes up in Hell after an incident. Now, he must learn... More

Author Notes
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Party & Aftermath
Chapter 3: Explanation
Author Notes
Chapter 4: True Form
Chapter 5: Reveal
Chapter 6: Client
Chapter 7: Radio Demon
Chapter 8: New Power
Chapter 9: Confession
Chapter 10: Primordial Demon
Chapter 12: Annihilation
Chapter 13: Honest Feeling
Chapter 14: Turf War
Chapter 15: Princess of Hell
Chapter 16: Commitment
Chapter 17: New Employee
Chapter 18: Bodyguard
Chapter 19: Feeling
Chapter 20: Visit
Chapter 21: Gift [Part 1]
Chapter 22: Gift [Part 2]
Chapter 23: Stellar Magic
Chapter 24: Idol
Chapter 25: Challenge
Chapter 26: Plan
Chapter 27: I.M.P vs Succubus
Extra: Lincoln's Status
Chapter 28: Demon vs Angel
Chapter 29: Victory

Chapter 11: Revenge

328 6 2
By Ant1z0Ne

Previously on Chapter 10: Primordial Demon,  Lincoln has fully recovered from his injury and ready to continue to work but the first thing he did is told the other I.M.P employee the truth about what happened to him and who is the Primordial Demon. Meanwhile, Aurora, who watched this from somewhere else, is intrigued about Lincoln's conversation and kept a secret from him as well.

No One POV

It's been a few weeks ever since Lincoln told them the truth about the Primordial Demon to his co-workers and how he become the Ignis's apostle and the new holder of his ring as a proof. Right now, he's on the rooftop practicing with his new ability which basically Lightning Manipulation but instead of normal lightning, Lincoln instead trains with Demonic Lightning. You might be asking what's the difference between normal thunder and demonic thunder?

Normal lightning are giant sparks of high-voltage electrical discharges caused by imbalance charges in the atmosphere between storm clouds, the air, the ground or within the clouds themselves.In the early stages of development, the air acts as an insulator between the positive and negative charges in the cloud and between the cloud and the ground while Demonic Lightning derived from the deepest pits of Hell which has the capability to destroy nearly anything it strikes with absolute malevolent intent. In addition, demonic lightning is capable of inflicting excruciating pain both physically and spiritually tormenting the victim. It also has the potential to corrupt one's soul and very effective against the holiest of supernatural such as angels.

Lincoln: Damn... this ability is quite convenient if you ask me. If I can't hurt them physically, I can hurt them spiritually instead. I mean we're talking about the power that Master Ignis got from a freaking tribulation. Those lightning must be 10x times more powerful than I have right now. For now, I have learn about 4 moves which is:

- Electric Shock: It allows me to generate a small electricity from my paws and electrocute them both physically and spiritually. I can also increase the voltage whenever I want but the more I increase it, the more painful the damage I receive.

- Electro Ball: It allows me to create a spinning palm made of lightning in the palm of my paw which can spin rapidly in multiple directions in order to contain the lightning into a spherical shape. This moves requires a great deal of lightning control to perform making it incredibly difficult to learn.

- Lightning Bolt: It allows me to summon lightning bolts from the sky and strike everything within its area. This moves requires controling a certain amount of electricity or it will destroys everything including the user as well.

- Lightning Teleportation: It allows me to teleport via lightning or merging into lightning and appearing anywhere else thanks to Emperor Ignis's ring. This moves is a coordinate-based so in order to use it, I need to know the exact location where I'm supposed to teleport.

Lincoln: I think this 4 moves is good for now. When I fully learned this ability, I can easily control this lightning with ease and without any drawback. For now, I should continue with my usual training. 

Lincoln walk to his katana into his paw and grab it before he pull it out from its sheath to see its blade. (look at the picture below)

Lincoln take off his clothes and ties leaving his pants only. He brought multiple wooden dummy that he found on the bault and brought it to the rooftop for training. Lincoln has multiple katana workout training in his arsenal but the workout he practice with are Shadow Warrior, Ninja Hunter and 4 Assassins. Since he's an assassin, he choose Ninja Hunter and 4 Assassins for sneak footwork and quick attack while Shadow Warrior assist him with ferocity and wrists.

Lincoln: *inhale* Deep breath and calm your mind.

Lincoln release a deep breath and close his eyes feeling the vibration around him. He slowly open his eyes, crouch his body a bit and dash towards the dummies. First, he raise his katana to cut one dummy in half before he switch to another dummy and slice the head. Then, he change his grip before he jump towards another dummy, penetrate its chest and pull it out. Lastly, he change his grip again and finish it with a tornado slash towards the last 3 dummy at the same time. Lincoln do a Chiburi move on the blade, twirl it around a bit and placing back the katana back to its sheath.

Lincoln: That's a great workout. Since we don't have any client for now, maybe a little routine could not disturb any demon.

Lincoln then put down his katana to the side before he begin to stretch his body for his usual routine.

Few Minutes Later

Lincoln finally ended his usual routine before he grab his katana and clothes and head downstairs for a morning shower. He enter the bathroom and begin to take his morning bath. After Lincoln done taking his morning shower, he wears his business outift and ready to begin the day until he hears a voice at the hallway. Lincoln look at the one who makes the sound and he see a demoness smoking a cigarette.

She is roughly the size of Blitzo with  light violet skin, her hair is messy and is colored in a light gray, her eyes sport red sclera and slit yellow pupils, her ears are larger and pointier, and her lips are black with sharp yellow teeth inside. She has a tail that closely resembles that of an imp's tail and has goat-like features such as horns and lavender-colored hooves. 

For clothing, she wears a cat-eyed glasses, diamond-shaped earrings and a yellow-tipped tear drop-shaped pin - all colored in salmon-pink. She wears a dark mauve-pink turtleneck with torn edges and salmon-pink stitching alongside a high-waisted black maxi skirt that is torn at the hem and it also features both salmon threaded seams and two salmon buttons. She also holds a cigarette in her hand.

(This demoness is none other than Mrs. Mayberry. For those who have watch Helluva Boss Season 1 Episode 1: Murder Family, do not give a spoiler and enjoy it but for those who doesn't, spoiler alert incoming)

Mayberry: *whisper* Why does that bitch survives while I'm stuck in this fucking place? What did I do to deserves this?

Lincoln: I don't know if she's lost or she have a business in here? Maybe I should ask her. Hello there.

Mayberry: *turn around* Fuck! *realizes* Oh hello there.

Lincoln: Forgive me for doing that but are you lost or something?

Mayberry: Umm... not really actually. I'm here looking for the I.M.P. Do you know where can I find them?

Lincoln: *smiles* Lucky for you. I'm one of the employee. Where's my manner? I'm the head strategist of I.M.P Headquarters but you may refer me with my codename, Shadow. Follow me so we can talk about business.

Lincoln and Mrs. Mayberry walks to the meeting room which Lincoln told her to take a seat while he makes a beverage for her. Few minutes later, Lincoln enter the meeting room with 2 cup of tea in his paws. He take a seat on Moxxie's spot while Mrs. Mayberry sit on his spot.

Lincoln: *offer the cup* For you. I hope you don't mind drinking tea.

Mayberry: *smiles* Tea is fine. Thank you.

Lincoln: I must say you have a lovely smile.

Mayberry: *snicker* Please. That line is not gonna impressed me.

Lincoln: But I'm serious actually. You really do have a lovely smile.

Mayberry: *small smile* Why thank you, Mr. Shadow. This tea is delicious. Did you make it yourself?

Lincoln: *nod* Yes, I did. I want to make sure all of our client feeling comfortable with our business so I decide to make my own tea for the client.

Mayberry: *realizes* We're been talking but I never mention my name. My name is-

Lincoln: No worries. *pull out a file* I got your file in here. *open the file* Mrs. Eleanor Mayberry (fake first name), age 27 and a teacher at Puppies Junior School. Married to Jarold Mayberry, age 30, died from a gun shot from a shotgun by you. 

Mayberry: *surprised* How did you...

Lincoln: *smile* When you're in this kind of job, information is everything in this establishment. *continue to read the file* It stated here based on the testimony, you want to surprise your husband but found out your husband is cheating on you with another woman which you respond by immediately leave the school and head towards your house before begin to shoot the woman who cheats on you and your husband. Is that correct?

Lincoln look up and can see the hostility screaming from her face destroying the cup she's holding at the same time. Lincoln put down the file and walk behind her before he put his paws on her shoulder. Mrs. Mayberry at first surprised by Lincoln's action until Lincoln begin to massage her shoulder to calm her nerves which she let out a moan in pleasure from Lincoln's touch.

Lincoln: I know that you're upset and I know you're very angry on whatever happens to your life. If you read the description, our main job is assassination. So, tell me your story and we would do it for you.

Mayberry: *relief groan* Alright then.

Mrs. Mayberry begin to tell the story on how a positive and kind-hearted elementary school teacher having a normal life before she being labelled as a murderer. 

Mayberry: You do everything right in life, play by all the rules... and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world! After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. *sniff* What did I do to deserve this!

Lincoln take out a napkin from his pocket and wipe away her tears with it which she surprised by Lincoln's action. She looks at Lincoln's face and notices he's not look at her in annoyance but in a remorse expression.

Lincoln: *sad tone* Sometimes... life is fair and sometimes it's not. Only we decides how to live with that life.

Lincoln then touch Mrs. Mayberry's hand which she flinchs a bit before Lincoln take his seat closer to hers.

Lincoln: I'm so sorry to hear that. I pity for someone as beautiful as you are in this horrible place instead of the holy place. You deserve more than spending your life in this hellhole.

Mrs. Mayberry let out a tear from her eyes before she intertwined her finger with Lincoln's and let out all of her sadness onto Lincoln which Lincoln lend her a shoulder to cry on while patting her back for emotional support. After a few minutes of crying, she finally calm down and look at Lincoln in awkwardness knowing she's just literally cry on someone (or demon in this case) else shoulder without his permission.

Mayberry: I'm sorry for wetting your shirt and cry on shoulder without your permission.

Lincoln: *caress her cheek* It's not an issue at all. Everyone need a shoulder to cry on once a while but in your case, you really need to let it all out.

Mayberry: *sad smile* Thank you, Mr. Shadow. I appreciate it.

Lincoln: Call me Lincoln and drop the Mr. as I'm only 19 years old this year.

Mayberry: *shocked* What? You're 19 years old? You look... you look...

Lincoln: More mature than you thought?

Mayberry: *nod her head* How did you end up in here?

Lincoln: That would be a secret but the only thing I can say is... my story is the same as yours. Being cheated by a family that thought they love you no matter what.

This time, it's Mayberry's turn to caress his cheek.

Mayberry: *concern* I'm sorry for bringing up your bad memory. I didn't know.

Lincoln: *sad smile* It's alright. Everyone has a secret of their own.

Both of them stare at each other's eye in silence until Mrs. Mayberry unconsciously makes the first moves by kissing Lincoln on the lips which Lincoln surprised at first but he accepts the action and return the kiss.

Meanwhile, at the receiption room

We can see Moxxie who is holding a black and red crossbow in his hands. In front of him is a picture of a smiling family. A father, a mother, a baby and two children. His arms are shaking as the pointer hovers around the man's crotch area.

Millie: Moxxie, stop shakin'! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound! *points at Loona*

Loona right now is lying on a gray couch and holds up the family picture in one hand and her phone in the other with a tired expression on her face.

Loona: *sarcastic deadpan* Wow. I feel soooo loved here.

Millie: Just take a deep breath, *inhales* and let it out!

Moxxie: But... it's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?

Millie: I mean, if that's what the client wants.

Moxxie: Maybe like a shitty dad. Or a mob family. *speaks in a stereotypical Italian accent* That's understandable. *speaks normally* But to eradicate an entire innocent seemingly, in this instance, upper middle class family bloodline?

Loona, who is annoyed with Moxxie's nonsense talk, looks at the picture as she thinks for a moment.

Loona: Hey! You don't know they're innocent! *points to the boy* This kid probably sets dogs on fire, *points to the girl* maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online, *points to the father* and this guy... This guy definitely watches.

Millie: Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here.

Moxxie: But... what about Lincoln? Are you telling me he's the same as them since he's a Sinners as well?

Millie: *scoff* Lincoln is different than the rest of them. Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox. *cups Moxxie's cheeks* Killin' who we're paid to is our business. Shoot the target. *kisses him*

With Millie's encouragement, Moxxie raise and aims his crossbow towards the picture.

Moxxie: I just think it's a bit excessive, and we could be a bit more selective, is all.


A startled Moxxie accidentally fires his arrow and it ricochets around the room. Millie jumps into Moxxie's arms as the arrow hits a computer. The arrow then flies and creates a hole in the family picture that a stunned Loona is holding. The arrow hits the bottom of a tank with eels and the tank starts to wobble dangerously. Suddenly, something or someone catches the arrow with one hand or in this case paw and it's none other than Lincoln himself.

Lincoln: What's going on in here? Why is there an arrow flying around the room?

Moxxie: Umm... well... We can explain.

Before Moxxie could say anything, Lincoln immediately rush towards the eel tank and stops it from falling down. He carefully look at the table and notices one of the leg a bit crooked so Lincoln turn around and asks them something.

Lincoln: Can I get a glue or something in here before this eel going to burn down this building?

Moxxie immediately search for the glue which he found it and pass it to Lincoln which Lincoln immediately open it and spread it around the crooked part to ensure it would not fall in the near future. Lincoln stand up and look around the room and notices a lot of shot marks from the arrow's richocet.

Lincoln: Make sure to patch them whoever did this.

Moxxie: I'll handle that.

Millie turns her head and notices Mrs. Mayberry standing at the door with a shocked expression on her face.

Millie: *points at Mrs. Mayberry* Who is she? A client or something?

Lincoln: That's correct, Millie. Her name is Mrs. Eleanor Mayberry but you can call her Mrs. Mayberry. I already discuss business with her and she has a target for us. Pack your things and ready to kill some human.

Millie wants to continue with the topic until she notices a lipstick marks on Lincoln's neck. She then look at Mrs. Mayberry's lipstick and notices it has the same shade just like on Lincoln's neck. Millie then concluded the situation before she let out a sly smile on her face.

Millie: *sarcastic tone* I see... Business, huh? More like personal if you ask me.

Every demon except Lincoln and Mrs. Mayberry confused by Millie's word. Lincoln let out a cough before continue with his business persona not noticing the blushing on his cheek but one demon notices and it's none other than Loona herself.

Loona: What did she meant by that and why is Lincoln blushing about?

Lincoln: Anyway... she will not pay for our service since I'm the one who will cover for it.

Blitzo: *slam the door* Did I hear free services? Who the fuck said that?

Lincoln: I said and I quote "I will cover for it" which means I will pay for her services.

Blitzo: Our policy said we never pay for our client's services.

Lincoln: *raise eyebrow* Do you really want to play by the rules with me, Blitzo? You do realizes the one who handle financial in this place are both me and Moxxie which means I can easily bankrupt this company and you can't do anything about it.

Blitzo: *gulp* Well...

Lincoln: *ignore Blitzo* Anyway... like I said before, pack up your things and ready to hunt. *pull out a file* Moxxie, this is our target. Do not mess this up and stay safe up there.

Moxxie: You got it.

Lincoln: *look at Mrs. Mayberry* Do you have a place to live at?

Mayberry: I don't. I hope I can grab a cab and search an empty room in this place.

Lincoln: *smile* Wonderful. I have the perfect place for you. *pull out pamphlet from his suit's pocket* I recommend you this place. This place is perfect for someone like you. You can trust me.

Mayberry: *take the pamphlet and read it* The Happy Hotel?

We finally reach the first episode of the Helluva Boss. Unlike my first account, I wanted to keep a short story and easy for the readers to enjoy but after a few years, I thought that this story is too short and readers would be bored by it so I decides to add a few original chapters of mine while keep mainting the episode chapter. Like I said in the previous chapter, Lincoln will meet a certain Morningstar but his time for the meeting shall come for sure. That's all from me. Stay tuned for more! This is Ant1z0Ne. Peace out.

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