We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducción la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Break 3 : tricks you play
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece
Chapter 44: haunting revenge
Chapter 45 : Run for your loved one
Chapter 46: finally at peace

Chapter 40 : getting in

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By Lalya12367

The next scene shows a big white mansion with guests and celebrities coming In from everywhere just to be at this party with a big orange carpet and trams leading up to the top level, Meanwhile a  security guard was by the rope with a guest list letting guests in to the party by checking their names; he was just finish calling out one couple and let them in.

Bodyguard: "Have a good time".

Woman: " Oh How exciting".

Bodyguard: "Next".

Just then El santo stepped with a woman on his arm and the bodyguard freaked out at the sight of him.

Bodyguard : "El santo I'm a big fan mind if I –"

He nodded and  the bodyguard took of his head as he handed it to El santo and took the  photo with the woman included as they plaster big smiles on their faces.

Bodyguard: " Gracias Señor". He opened the enterence

"Wow he must be a superfan if El santo's willing  to take a picture with him". Isabela smiled

"Si he's pretty lucky". Miguel replied

Bodyguard: "Next".

Up stepped Miguel with a innocent smile as the guard closed the entrance as he looked skeptically while Miguel smiled.

Bodyguard: "Invatation".

Miguel: "It's okay I'm Ernesto's great- great grandson".

He pulled the same pose that Ernesto did in one of his albums and the guard pulled a face like he was pretty sure he was lying.

Mirabel snickers and Abel joins in and soon both families burst into laughter at the stunt he pulled.

"Okay, Okay laugh it up". Miguel sighed even though he had to admit that he found it pretty funny himself.

"Really Primo How did you think that was gonna get you in?" Abel asked laughing

"Okay I admit I wasn't thinking ". Miguel admits

"You weren't at all  Mijo". Julio said

"Nice try though hermano". Dolores chuckled

The next second he knew he had been thrown out gituar and all and Miguel sighed now What was he meant to do?

He looked across and saw the musicians he was on competition with earlier  they were talking and laughing and  then he had an idea he had a look of determination on his face.

"Oh no I know that look what are you planning?"  Rosa asked

"You'll See". Miguel winked

"Whatever it is it'd better be good". Manny winced

"I highly doubt that Mijo ". Berto joined

"Would you all just trust me on this?" Miguel asked

They shook their heads.

"No". His family answers

"Oh come on". Miguel sighed

"Mijo we know this isn't gonna work". Enrique said

He turned  to  the Madrigal's and they shook their heads.

Mirabel smiles and put a hand on his arm.

"Just watch, I'm sure it won't be that bad". Mirabel smiles

"Thank you, someone gets it". Miguel replied

"Okay if you're sure". Franco added

Miguel then approached the musicians while they were talking and excused himself.

Miguel: " Disculpe señoras y señores ". He excused himself

Man: "Hey Guys, it's poco loco".

Woman : "You were on fire tonight ". She bent down

Miguel: "You too hey musician to musician I need a favor ". He asked

"This was what you were talking about?" Héctor coaxed

"Sought of Papá Héctor just watch". Miguel replies

The competition winners were up next as they showed their invitation to the bodyguard as They stepped up showing there best smiles and the guard smiled back.

Bodyguard: " The competition winners congratulations chicos". He let them in

The group then entered the tram and turned the instruments away so he couldn't see them as they walked into the tram and then the door closed.

When they were halfway up to the tower Miguel was struggling to breathe in the tuba and a muffled 'help me'.

The man then blew him out of the tuba and he smiled

Miguel : " Thanks Guys ". He waved

"That's a pretty good plan". Rosa said

"Si very smart since you actually thought through this time". Carmen sighed

"See you can trust me". Miguel smiled

"Still I want to know how you fit in that tuba". Enrique coaxed

"They shoved me me in there". Miguel answers

"I figured that much". Imelda smirked

The group was talking and laughing with Miguel  when they finally made it to the tower they looked and Miguel and the group were shocked when they stopped.

When the door finally opened Miguel let out a gasp as he looked around and it was very busy packed with skeletons.

Man : "Enjoy the party little Musico ". He called

Miguel: "Gracias". He replied back as he ran off up the stairs

Miguel ran up the stairs to the courtyard and noticed there were a  lot of performers food, alerbrijes  and skeletons.

As he looked around he saw a porcupine  looking alerbrije serving appetisers  and some skeletons reaching for the food, he then turned to the performer showing a bunch of skeletons his tricks as he breathed Fire which then turned into butterflies leaving the audience applauding him and shocked.

Héctor scoffs at the fact his songs were used like this.

"Really?" He coaxed

Ernesto only smiled and shrugged.

"Don't worry Mi vida, there always yours he doesn't know the true meaning behind the songs". Imelda reassures

"You're right Mi Amor". Héctor smiled

One of the women pointed out in the crowd toward Ernesto as he was talking to someone and she got really excited.

Miguel travels up the stairs and  hears the conversation and turns to where the woman is pointing and Miguel 's eyes widen.

Woman : "Look it's Ernesto ".

Miguel: " De la Cruz ".

Miguel then tried to make his way through the crowd to catch up to Ernesto as he pushed and politely asked the talking skeletons to move without being rude, As he pushed through he tried calling his name but it wasn't working as he couldn't hear over all the noise.

Miguel: " Señor De La Cruz, Señor-"

He tried jumping but that didn't work ethier.

Miguel: " Pardon me Excuse me, coming through ".

When he finally made his way through the crowd he was amazed as the place being packed with people and music as guests and celebrities were talking; there were movies being played on big screens; Even some divers were jumping into a big gituar shaped pool.

One of the movies was being played on the big screen with Ernesto riding a horse.

Ernesto (Movie): "We're almost there Dante".

"Unbelievable you named your alerbrije after the horse". Rosa faceplamed herself

"Hey to be fair it was a good name". Miguel replies

"Still Primo don't you think that's going a bit overboard ". Manny said

"Maybe But I still like the name and it's too late to change it now". Miguel replied

Dante barked in agreement.

"Ay dios Mio". Luisa sighed

Just then Miguel turned his head to see Ernesto and tried to run straight towards him but  still through the crowd was unsuccessful and so he tried to jump but nothing worked he sighed in annoyance.

"How are you going to get to him now hermano?" Socorro asked

"You'll see". He winked

"I don't know what your planning but something tells me it's not gonna be good". Enrique replied

"We agree". The rest said

"Though if it's anything like Mira then it's probably gonna be something crazy". Camilo winced

"You've got that right Cami". Dolores finished

"Oh come on". Miguel sighed

Miguel then  looked behind him to notice a movie playing and it was the same he had watched back in the land of the living.

Ernesto (Movie): " You must have faith sister".

Nun ( Movie): " Oh but padre he will never listen".

Ernesto ( Movie): "He will listen to music ".

Just then Miguel had a determined look on his face already having formulated a plan in his head.

"Oh no you've got that look, I hate that look". Rosa braced herself

"Me too". Manny said

"Me three". Benny joined

Miguel rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You could kill with that look just like Mira does all the time". Isabela sighed

"And it's deadly ". Luisa joins

"Thanks for the support girls". Mirabel replies sarcastically

Miguel chuckled and kissed Mirabel's cheek lightly.

Then without a second thought he had managed to climb on to the Pilar  and reach the top once he did he stabilised himself as he stood on it and swung the guitar around to his front determined to get everyone's attention.


"Maybe a little". He shrugged

"You do realise How high that is right?" Socorro winced

"Yes, But had to get think of some way to get his attention ". Miguel replies

"Maybe come with a plan that's less deadly ". Julio suggests

"Well you try and think of another way around the situation ". Miguel smiled

"He is just as crazy as you are". Camilo sighed as he looked at Mirabel

"Oh really You think?" Antonio piped

"Guys I'm fine, I'm alive I'm okay". Miguel reminded them

"Well then stop giving us a heart attack ". Elena sighed as she hugged Miguel

Coco winked at her grandson and smiled.

Miguel chuckled and smiled back.

Miguel then let out the biggest grito he had ever done as it echoed through the room and the whole rom went silent as they saw the boy, Even the DJ had turned down the music so they could hear better; Now that Miguel had gotten there attention he started to sing.

Miguel ( Singing ):

"Senoras y señores

buenas tardes buenas noches

buenas tardes buenas noches

Señoritas y señores ".

He then slowly began to hop of the Pilar and walk towards Ernesto as the crowd of skeletons moved out the way, still amazed by talent and stage presence.

The families watched with pride as  he sung to get to Ernesto, Isabela smiled and chuckled along with Dolores and Héctor and Imelda smiled.

"He is so your grandson". Imelda whispered

"No doubt about it Mi Amor ". Héctor replied chuckling

Meanwhile Miguel was shrinking in his seat embarrassed of himself as he watched, Mirabel couldn't help but hum the song along with Socorro.

Miguel singing (Continued):

" To be here with you tonight brings joy

Qué alegría, for this music is my language in the world is Mi famila".

He started to sing in time with Ernesto on the movie screen as he walked further and further towards Ernesto so excited to finally meet him and get his blessing to go back home, Meanwhile Ernesto was talking to some skeletons most likely celebrities when he turned to see that the boy was coming near him and he smiled.

  Miguel ( singing):

"For this music my language and the world es mi famila".

Movie Ernesto & Miguel (singing):

"For this music my language and the world es mi famila

"For this music my language and the world es mi famila".

Miguel was then too busy singing to notice that he was on the edge of the pool and was about to fall in.

Miguel (singing ):

""For this music my language and the world es mi famila-"

He then fell straight into the pool gituar and all as he screamed, Ernesto ran to help the boy to keep from him downing passing his hat to the man next to him as he dove in the water; As skeletons gasped as Ernesto unhooked the gituar off his back and swan him up to the surface without realising his makeup and face paint had already rubbed off.

"That's one way to get his attention ". Abel said

"I have a question ". Mirabel asked

"Actually two". She added

"Go for Mi Angel". Layla replied

"Why didn't one of the skeletons pull him in the right direction and around the pool, they could've got the drinks out of the way and decided to help him I know I would've ". Mirabel smiled

"Huh I don't know maybe they were still reeling in shock". Casita answers

"That doesn't excuse them for not being kind  and courteous some people are just so rude". Mirabel huffed

"I agree Prima". Manny joined

"Me too Mija ". Elena Agreed

"Also why does the pool have to be in the middle of the walkway at least I don't know  have a gate put near it so that people don't accidentally fall in; whoever designed this mansion The way they did this was terrible". She added as she pointed to the paused screen

"He could have drowned". She finished

"Several valid points Mija ". Héctor smiled

"Si I agree ". Coco and Rosita join in

"Your right there Mariposa ". Bruno finished

Miguel smiled and chuckled at his novia and her points.

"Ay Mi Amor ". Miguel sighed

"Don't sigh I was very concerned you could have drowned". Mirabel replies

"And I love you for it". Miguel smiled

She nuzzled further into his shoulder as Miguel held her tightly.

"I don't  know What I do if I'd lost you". Mirabel whispered

Miguel's heart melted at what she said and he smiled as he held her close.

"I promise I'm not leaving ". Miguel sighed

She smiled up at him and cuddled Socorro even joined in the cuddles.

When he was lifted to the surface he ended up coughing out water as his face paint had rubbed off, Ernesto looked at him with concern as he checked up on him.

Ernesto: "Are you Alright Nino?"

When Miguel looked up His face paint had streaked down his face as Ernesto and others gasped at the sight of a living boy.

Ernesto: "It's you are that boy the one who came from the land of the living ". He pointed

Miguel: "You know about me?"

Ernesto : " You are all anyone has been talking about, why have you come here?"

Miguel: " I – I'm Miguel your great- great grandson ".

Ernesto: "I have a great- great grandson?"

Héctor tried to bite his tongue at what was just said and tried not to scream out loud,Imelda could see the pain on his face as he watched she sighed and held his hand feeling the pain.

Miguel sighed and went over to Héctor and hugged him tight.

"You know I'm very lucky to have you, I wish I could take back what I said". Miguel whispered

Héctor smiled gently and hugged him back just as tight.

"Estas bien Mijo, I'm lucky to have you as well Mi Chamaco ". Héctor got a little tearful

Imelda  and Coco smiled and  sighed as they joined in the hug.

Miguel: "I need  your blessing so I can go back home and be a musician just like you, the rest of our family they wouldn't listen, But I hoped you would ".

Ernesto: "My boy with a talent like yours how could I not listen".

Miguel then got up and ran to hug Ernesto with open arms and he hugged him back and then hoisted him on his shoulders.

He then announced to the party of skeletons that he has a great-great grandson .

Ernesto : "I have a great great grandson !" He proclaims

The audience then cheers loudly at the two clapping meanwhile Miguel was hugging Ernesto's head as he patted his leg in appreciation.

Miguel rolled his eyes at his on screen self and tsked he then looked directly at Héctor and smiled in apology he smiled back.

"Can I?" Miguel asked

"Of course love, Go for it". Layla said

He then turns to Ernesto and he just smirked as Ernesto was afraid of what Miguel was gonna do to him, He was no longer a little boy but a young man.

Miguel smiled took off his boot and smacked him hard and had a few words to say.

"That's for murdering Papá Héctor ".  Miguel declared

He did one last blow to his head and smiled

"That's for trying to hurt me and take place in my family ". Miguel shouted

Ernesto nodded absolutely terrified at what just happened as Miguel puts his boot back on.

"If you ever come near my family again I swear you are gonna be in much more pain then you are now". Miguel gritted his teeth

He walked back to his seat most of the family terrified of what just happened they had never seen Miguel get so angry, Imelda was the most shook along with Héctor as they didn't know he was capable of such a thing .

"What?" He coaxed

"H-H-How did you learn to-" Héctor stopped

"You forget I'm still a shoemaker and when someone threatens my family I get mad". Miguel chuckled

Imelda smirked and laughed as she went up and hugged him.

"I'm so proud ". Imelda whispered

"Who do you think taught me?" Miguel asked

Coco winked at him and smiled.

"Nice aim Mijo ". Coco said

"I'll say I haven't seen you get that mad in a very long time". Rosa replies

"I'm kind of terrified now". Camilo winced

"Ha, Ha very funny Camilo ". Miguel chuckled

"Didn't know you had such a powerful right hook". Dolores squeaked

Miguel chuckled lightly as he went back to his seat.

Mirabel had her mouth open wide when he came back and he smirked dimple showing and all.

"Estas bien Mi Amor?" He asked

"I-I-I didn't ... I mean I haven't seen you get this mad before". Mirabel stammered

"Well if someone hurts my family they are in big trouble". Miguel replied

Mirabel wouldn't admit it but she kind of liked it when he became protective with the family and with her, To be honest she found it quite attractive even though she would never admit it out loud.

Miguel smiled at her as she blushed and he now had little Socorro on lap.

Ernesto: " I have a great- great grandson !"

The audience cheered even louder happy for the two, Meanwhile Héctor was on his way to get Miguel back and he was dressed up as Frida khalo to get in and when the bodyguard saw 'her' he freaked out; As were the pepole taking pictures as 'she' was let in.

Woman: "Look it's Frida!!"

Bodyguard: "It is an honour Señora ".

Imelda smirked and laughed while facepalming at the sight.

"Wow that really  worked". Victoria said

"I can't believe you Papá ". Coco snickers

"What I had to get in somehow". Héctor replies

"I still can't believe that they didn't notice it was you". Miguel smiled

"What can I say Mijo, I make pretty good distraction if I do say so myself." Héctor nodded

"Ayyy dios Mio ". Carmen finished

Héctor (Frida): "Gracias".

So Héctor dressed up as Frida made it into the tram as he breathed a sigh of relief and sighed so much so that part of the fake unibrow came off so he quickly fixed it before anyone else had seen he tram took of to the top floor.

Now all he had to do was find Miguel that was the plan...

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