Chapter 18 : Game night

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Everything was quiet and the Rivera's and the Madrigals were quietly talking and laughing when Camilo spoke up.

"Hey I was wondering maybe we could do a game night tonight but since the Rivera's are here we could do teams?" Camilo asked

"That sounds fun". Socorro smiled

"I'm in". Dolores called

"Me too". Abel shook his head

Miguel smiled and laughed he was in, Isabela too and soon Antonio as they all agreed.

"Okay What's first?" Isabela Continued

" How About chess?" Mirabel suggests

"That's sounds fun". Dolores started

"Who's first?" Dolores asked

"Me". Camilo answers

"And I'll go against you ". Rosa laughed

"Granted it should be easy ". Rosa added

"Ooh she got you". Abel laughed

"You're On ". Camilo shook her hand

They then set up the chess board and then sat opposite each other and Rosa took her first move moving her pawn to her spot, Camilo soon followed as the rest watched with interest, then she moved her pawn diagonally He soon followed moving his horse. Then in three moves she won it didn't take long long for her to pout.

"How did you do that!?" Camilo asked

"Practice and strategy also we have two chess players in our family so that kind of helps". She smirked

"That makes it 2 points for Rivera". Abel high fives Rosa

"While Camilo pouts how about cards next?" Dolores mentioned

"That works we propose Abel to play for us". Manny and Benny answer

"Okay, I guess I am up". Dolores started

Again they sat on opposite sides of the table ready to play.

Meanwhile Imelda was talking to Alma and Julieta  and Héctor was talking to Bruno when they heard a noise.

"What's that?" Elena asked

Victoria and Elena as well as Imelda  and Héctor and the rest of the adults went to check what was going on. They then noticed the kids playing games for a bit of competition and fun, they were all very clearly interested at what was going on.

"Ha I win sorry maybe next time Abel". Dolores started

"Good game didn't know you were that good". Abel laughed

"Practice is all". Dolores smiled

"4 to 2". Isabela announces

"What are you Chicos up to". Héctor laughed

"Oh we thought  it would be fun to have a game night it's fun ". Manny smiled

"I see". Héctor laughed

"Who's winning?" Bruno asked

"The Madrigals we decided to go family head to head". Miguel smiled

"Ahh sounds fun". Felix laughs

"It is". Benny exclaimed

"This last round will determine it all unless it's a tie then we go for a tie breaker." Mirabel explains

"Oh I'd like to see this". Imelda smirked

"Same here". Pedro added

"Okay what's the last round?" Luisa asked

"Oh I got it hacky sack and I think Mirabel should go". Antonio suggests

"Ooh nice Mirabel is ferocious when it comes to hacky sack". Isabela called

"And who will go against her?" Abel asked

"I'll go". Miguel stepped forward

Isabela and Dolores were shook and surprised who knew they would go against each other as was the rest of the family.

"Okay". Camilo replies

"This is gonna be interesting ". Oscar started

"You can say That again ". Felipe finished

The two lined up and got the balls ready to toss, Mirabel shook her head and Miguel had a look of determination.

"Ready go". Isabela called

So the two started and the balls were being tossed up on their knees, the house erupted with cheers of encouragement as they continued tossing  Miguel was breaking a sweat.

"Ready to quit Rivera ". Mirabel replies

"Not even close Madrigal ". Miguel smiled

"You sure". She said as she tossed the ball on her foot

He nodded fiercely determined to win.

This went on for a good hour and a half when Miguel dropped the Mirabel rolls her eyes and shook his hand and then kissed his cheek.

"That was fun you sure don't give up". Mirabel replies

"No that's not In My vocabulary ". Miguel smiled

"Well the scores are in". Rosa laughed

"48 and 50". She answers

"That makes the Rivera's for the win". Isabela announces

All of them clapped proud of them and how much fun it was to do.

"Well That was fun ". Socorro smiled

"It sure was maybe we could do again sometime ". Isabela laughed

" that would be fun maybe we could get the adults to join in". Dolores started

"Ooh that would be fun". Coco smiled

Yes everything was right  and sometimes  all that Is needed is some games.

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