Chapter 32: Family over fun

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The next scene shows Miguel shoving the gituar back in the Mariachi's hands before scrambling for his things.

Elena walking up to Miguel and the Mariachi anger in her walk and fury and fire in her eyes.

Miguel : "Abuelita."

Abuelita Elena: "What are you doing here?"

"Oh no". Miguel winced

"It's happening Sonbrino". Oscar started

"And it's not going to pretty ". Felipe finished

"You think?" Miguel shook his head

"Ay Mija ". Coco sighed

"What I had to do it and I am not gonna apologise for it". Elena replied

"Hermana you could have found an easier way not to scare Miguel half to death no pun intended ". Victoria answers

"Si I guess your right". Elena sighed

"You know she is right." Franco said

"Thank you at least someone agrees". Victoria nodded

"But-" she stopped

"No buts hermana you're not Mamá Imelda ". Victoria stated firmly

"To be fair Sonbrina no one is". Oscar replied

"That's only one Mamá Imelda and we her all to well". Felipe finished

"Si and we are happy so very happy". Rosita smiled

"Mija you already do an amazing job as it is but don't you think scaring Miguel is gonna help". Héctor starts

"I guess not". Elena replied

"We are family and family is always proud and Mija you don't have be me you are already amazing as it is". Imelda smiled

"Gracias". Elena thanked

"Besides I wouldn't be strong if it weren't for you or Mamá Imelda so thank you Abuelita ". Miguel smiled

"Ay Gracias Mijo I know you forgive me but I know I was in the wrong and I am sorry Lo siento Mucho". Elena looked sad

Miguel hugged his Abuelita and she peppered his face with kisses.

Elena then hit the poor mariachi with her chancla his wide brim hat covering his head for defence as he looked scared.

Abuelita Elena: "You leave my grandson alone".

Mariachi: " Dona please I was just getting a shine".

Abuelita Elena: " I know you're tricks Mariachi what did he say to you?"

Elena then threatened with her chancla as she spoke.

Miguel: "He was just showing me his gituar ".

Berto, Rosa and Elena gasped as it was a shame to show music in the family and the poor man didn't know.

Berto: "Shame On you".

Abuelita Elena: " my grandson who as a angelito cielito he wants no part in your music Mariachi you keep a way from him".

The poor Mariachi fell back of his chair and scrambled to his feet as Elena looked at him threatened and angry.

We are all in this together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora