Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions

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The next scene shows Héctor disguised as Frida khalo stepping forward with Ernesto thinking it was Frida.

Ernesto : " Oh Frida, I thought you couldn't make it". He pointed out

Héctor just rolled his eyes and walks straight towards the two while ripping the costume off bit by bit until finally it's off completely.

Héctor: "You said you take back my photo, you promised Miguel!!"

"Lo siento Papá Héctor ". He apologises

"Estas bien". Héctor calmed

"It's not, I broke a promise when I should have kept it". Miguel said

"Sweetheart you're forgetting you already did". Layla reminded him

"That's not the point the point is if I had Just gotten home earlier, maybe none of this would have ever happened ". Miguel replied

Héctor looked sad and went over to Miguel.

"Mijo if you didn't disobey me I would've never found out how I truly died, I thank You for that". Héctor reassures

"And You did keep your promise and that's all that I could ever ask for". He added

Miguel then hugged Héctor and he smiled.

"Aww see not all bad things come when you just give them a chance". Casita smiled

"Si, although you might want to sit down because what's happening next is going to break you again it'll get rough". Layla sighed

They sat back down and smiled

"Someone might need to hold Imelda ". Layla added

"Porque?" Imelda asked

"Because you won't like where this is headed trust me". Layla replied

Héctor kept a steady hand on her just in case and the movie played again waiting for the worst to happen.

Ernesto looked very concerned and kept Miguel near him as Héctor came closer.

Ernesto: "You uh know this man".

Miguel: " I-I- I just met him tonight ". He stammered

Then Ernesto had squinted his eyes to have a look at the man it was his best friend noting he was now a skeleton.

Ernesto: "Héctor?"

Héctor looks desperately at Miguel holding his photo up begging him.

Héctor: "Please Miguel put my photo up". He begged

Ernesto then took the photo from Héctor 's hands ad looked between him and the photo.

Ernesto : "My friend you're being forgotten ".

Héctor: "And Who's fault is that, those were my songs you took my songs that made you famous!!" He points angered at Ernesto and then to the screen that shows one of his movies.

Héctor : " if I'm being forgotten it's because you never told anybody that I wrote them".

"WHAT!!" The Madrigals screamed

"I knew it ". Coco gritted her teeth

Héctor, Imelda , Elena, Victoria, Julio , Oscar and Felipe all turned there heads in shock at what Coco had just said.

We are all in this together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora