Chapter 10: A new perspective

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Abuela Alma: " You should have told me the second you saw that vision".

Augustin : " I was thinking of my daughter ".

Abuela Alma : "Pepa you have a cloud ".

Pepa: "I'm trying ".


Pepa: "Your lucky it's not a hurricane "

"Gracias Papá ". Mirabel thanked

"You don't need to thank me Mija it was long overdue ". Augustin starts

Julieta: "Mamá you have always been too hard on Mirabel ".

Abuela Alma : "Look around we must protect our family our Encanto ".

"I  am sorry señora your granddaughter is missing and all you care about is your home!?" Rosa yelled

Alma shrunk in her seat.

"Really Mamá ". Bruno shook his head

"I agree with Tio Bruno I should have said something ". Isabela said

"Guys I am ok I wasn't in any danger ". Mirabel interrupts

"Still Mira She should have thought about it " Socorro pouted

"For the last time I am fine". She reassured

Abuela Alma: " We cannot loose our home".

Just then a townsperson entered looking very anxious.

Townsperson: "Señora perdon people are becoming anxious of the magic they want to see you ".

"Really her granddaughter is missing I think the magic should be prioritised later". Abel shouted

"I agree". Rosa nodded

"I am so sorry Mija I should have thought about it". Alma apologises

"You don't need to apologise you had to deal with a lot". Mirabel replies

"That is no excuse ". Alma starts

Abuela Alma : " Mirabel was in that vision for a reason find her".

Meanwhile Mirabel and Bruno were setting up for the vision in Antonio 's room.

Mirabel: "You might want to hurry".

Bruno : "You can't hurry the future ". He stated whilst pouring sand to start the vision

As he poured the sand he nervously laughed as a capybara sat unamused.

"He looks so unbothered ". Coco chuckled

"Si that's Chipsi for you Señora he is just stubborn ". Antonio smiled

Bruno: "But if I see something that you don't like your going to be all : Bruno makes bad things happen, oh he is creepy and his vision killed my goldfish".

"Tio don't be like that it's not good thinking ". Luisa scolds lightly

"Si I agree Amigo that's not healthy to think like that". Héctor agreed

"I know another habit I need to break I am just so used to it". Bruno continues

"Well lucky we are here to help you break it". Layla said

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