Chapter 11: Cut the roses

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The next scene shows Mirabel knocking on her sister's door.

Mirabel: " Isa Hey I know we've had our issues... But I am ready to be a better sister ... To you so we should just hug it out Huh let's just hug it out".

Isabela: " Hug it out Luisa can't lift an empanada Mariano's looks like a smashed papaya, have you lost your mind!!" She smashed a flower on her vine

"Already not going well". Oscar whispered

"Hold on it gets worse". Mirabel replies

Mirabel: "Isa I feel like your upset and you know what cures being upset a warm embrace".

Isabela : "Get out!"

Isabela then grew a flower over her sister's moth to shut her up as well as vines to keep her out.

"Lo siento Mira I shouldn't have done that". Isabela apologises

"It's Alright you were angry I get it". Mirabel replies

"That's no excuse to let it out on you". She retorted

Isabela: " Everything was perfect , Abuela was happy the family was happy you want to be a better sister apologise for ruining my life ".

"Isabela Maria Madrigal you don't say that ever that is not Okay ". Julieta yelled

"Si, You know better than to treat you sister Like that". Augustin starts

"Si papá  I know ". Isabela looked ashamed

"Lo siento Mucho Mira". She said

"Estas bien Isa". She smiled

Mirabel plastered a fake smile on her face but deep down it hurt.

Miguel went over to Mirabel and saw that she was holding back tears. He took her hand gently and took her to the back of the theatre .

Everyone saw this and looked saw this and they all looked sad and broken hearted.

Miguel pulled her in for a gentle hug and just sat in silence with her head resting on his chest.

Mirabel felt safe in his arms as she silently cried. Once the crying was settled he took off her glasses wiped her tears just as Isabela came and hugged her tightly and prepped her face with kisses and she laughed.

"Feeling better?" Isabela asked

"Si very much". Mirabel smiled

"None of that stuff is true okay and I am so sorry I hurt you ". Isabela sulked

"Estas bien Isa te quireo". Mirabel replies as she hugs her sister back

The tree of them went back to their seats as Isabela smiled at her sister.

"Muchas Gracias Miguel I needed that". She gently kissed his cheek

"Anytime ". Miguel smiled

Isabela: "Go On apologise ".

Mirabel: " I ... am ... sorry".

"How hard was that to say?" Abel asked

"Harder than you think ". Mirabel answers

"I bet". Rosa added

Isabela smirked as she watched her sister force an apology.

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