Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart

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The next scene shows some leather being unpacked from the truck ,then it being switched to Dante laying down and then with his ears being switched on at the slight noise of gituar tuning and so with that he went up knocking over a pile of bricks and landed on a flat wooden board.  He shook his body to get rid of any dirt his tongue still hanging out; And then heading for the old shoemakers sign as he lifted his head, Miguel was  strumming when he heard the sign open up and so he quickly hid his gituar realising That it was Dante he let out a sigh of relief.

Miguel: "Oh it's you Dante, come on get in here boy hurry up ".

So with that Dante clumsily tumbled in and met Miguel  and looked down to see what he was working on.

Miguel: "Your gonna get me in trouble boy someone could hear me".

Miguel grabbed a wrench and started tuning the guitar by hand He then grabbed a marker and drew two eyes on The headstock of his homemade version of De la Cruz(s) gituar.

"Chamaco you made that!?" Héctor was shook

"Si do you like it". He asked

"Like it I love it looks exactly like mine". Héctor smiled

"Primo you made that by hand?" Abel asked

"Si why so surprised ". Miguel replied

" I just –" He stopped

"I take back everything I said". Rosa said

"Mijo where did you get the materials?" Coco asked

"I found them in the recycling since we don't use them I thought I could make do with what I have". Miguel smiled

Imelda smiled and chuckled.

"What?" Miguel coaxed

"You may not be a shoemaker Mijo but you sure know how to think like one". Imelda smirked

"I guess that's true". He smiled

"Just one question Mijo?" Enrique asked

"Si". He answers

"How long did it take you to build ?" Enrique asked

"Over a year". He smiled

His family was shook that he managed to build that by hand in over a year Héctor 's eyes had popped out of his head (literally) and Imelda smiled Enrique chuckled proud of his son , Luisa sighed and coco smiled.

Miguel: "I wish someone to hear me other then you".

Dante licked his face in excitement and happiness and Miguel playfully shoved him off, he then strums his gituar in tune proudly he smiles.

Miguel: "Perfecto".

Héctor smiles and Imelda chuckled and smiles at her grandson, Enrique and Luisa looking proud that Miguel had done something for himself and Socorro hugging her brother and Miguel chuckled and smiles down at her.

Dante then wanted to come join in to so he laid his head on Miguel 's  lap and Miguel pat the dog and smiled.

The next scene shows Miguel pulling back a curtain to reveal a shine made just for Ernesto full of candles, figurines, albums and posters.

Miguel then crawled over to some candles and lit up some since they had gone out,  He then put the candle down and looked up at the album on the top shelf to see Ernesto holding his gituar with a smug smile on his face Miguel copied the exact pose and smile with his own gituar.

We are all in this together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora