Chapter 25 : A lovely night

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"Where are you taking me?" Mirabel asked

"You'll find out". Miguel smiled

Miguel led her to the roof he holding her hand all the way so she wouldn't fall she laughed at his antics and the games he played, But this wasn't a game this was serious and Mirabel understood that this was precious to him that she could except because she loved him.

He led her to the old shoemaker sign and lifted to reveal a secret attic behind the wall, He let Mirabel go first as he gently smiled and let go of her hand.

"Ladies first ". Miguel said

"Gracias Señor". Mirabel replies

She went through and found the most beautiful sight it looked like an altar or an ' Ofrenda'  as Miguel called it and it had every single photo of his family  and some friends of his.

"Watch your step here don't wanting you tripping ". Miguel chuckled

"I am not a China doll Miguel ". She huffed

"Okay Mi Amor just checking making sure". Miguel raised his hands

"I appreciate it". She smiled

She looked around in wonder and amazement at the sight and he loved her smile as she looked around. It was filled with orange flowers surrounding the photos  and burnt candle wax probably from being lit up previously.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Miguel smiled

"It's beautiful ". Mirabel sighed

He nodded for her to sit and then handed  her a photo when she looked at it is was her Abuela Daphne and Her Abuelo Pablo, for a second she wondered how he got his hands on it. It was a photo of their wedding day with her Abuela smiling the biggest smile and her Abuelo with his head on her shoulder.

"Where did you get this?" She asked

"Your sisters they showed me the box and I thought it might be a nice surprise to put them on the ofrenda since you were so close to them". He exclaimed

She gasped as she looked between the photo and the photos already up there, She felt like crying it had been a while since she had seen them. They were the only ones apart from some members of her family that cared for her no matter if she got a gift or not.  They loved her like their own and treated her with kindness and respect granted she was their granddaughter but still. Every time she went over to see them she would be smoothed in kisses and hugs; when they passed it felt like there was a hole in her heart like it would never be fixed again and she would never be okay again, and then Tio Bruno came back and she knew things were changing for the better slowly but surely.

Miguel could see how much she was holding in her tears and went to hug her never letting go unless she wanted him to.

"Lo siento Mi vida". Miguel apologises

"What for?" She cried

"For this I just thought you might need it". Miguel shook his head

"Are you kidding this is the best gift anyone's ever given me". Mirabel replies

Mirabel gently put down the photo and went to hug him  he embraced the hug  and seeing him do something as sweet and as meaningful as  this shows how much he loves her.

"I wanted to be sure ". Miguel smiled

"Of what?" Mirabel coaxed

"That they have a spot on the ofrenda They are Family now and family is remembered no matter what and you are my love and my family so I thought it only right ". Miguel replied

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