Chapter 40 : getting in

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The next scene shows a big white mansion with guests and celebrities coming In from everywhere just to be at this party with a big orange carpet and trams leading up to the top level, Meanwhile a  security guard was by the rope with a guest list letting guests in to the party by checking their names; he was just finish calling out one couple and let them in.

Bodyguard: "Have a good time".

Woman: " Oh How exciting".

Bodyguard: "Next".

Just then El santo stepped with a woman on his arm and the bodyguard freaked out at the sight of him.

Bodyguard : "El santo I'm a big fan mind if I –"

He nodded and  the bodyguard took of his head as he handed it to El santo and took the  photo with the woman included as they plaster big smiles on their faces.

Bodyguard: " Gracias Señor". He opened the enterence

"Wow he must be a superfan if El santo's willing  to take a picture with him". Isabela smiled

"Si he's pretty lucky". Miguel replied

Bodyguard: "Next".

Up stepped Miguel with a innocent smile as the guard closed the entrance as he looked skeptically while Miguel smiled.

Bodyguard: "Invatation".

Miguel: "It's okay I'm Ernesto's great- great grandson".

He pulled the same pose that Ernesto did in one of his albums and the guard pulled a face like he was pretty sure he was lying.

Mirabel snickers and Abel joins in and soon both families burst into laughter at the stunt he pulled.

"Okay, Okay laugh it up". Miguel sighed even though he had to admit that he found it pretty funny himself.

"Really Primo How did you think that was gonna get you in?" Abel asked laughing

"Okay I admit I wasn't thinking ". Miguel admits

"You weren't at all  Mijo". Julio said

"Nice try though hermano". Dolores chuckled

The next second he knew he had been thrown out gituar and all and Miguel sighed now What was he meant to do?

He looked across and saw the musicians he was on competition with earlier  they were talking and laughing and  then he had an idea he had a look of determination on his face.

"Oh no I know that look what are you planning?"  Rosa asked

"You'll See". Miguel winked

"Whatever it is it'd better be good". Manny winced

"I highly doubt that Mijo ". Berto joined

"Would you all just trust me on this?" Miguel asked

They shook their heads.

"No". His family answers

"Oh come on". Miguel sighed

"Mijo we know this isn't gonna work". Enrique said

He turned  to  the Madrigal's and they shook their heads.

Mirabel smiles and put a hand on his arm.

"Just watch, I'm sure it won't be that bad". Mirabel smiles

We are all in this together Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant