Chapter 29 : A sole begining

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The movie opens with a lady Walking by her ofrenda and lighting up a candle as she was doing so the smoke traveled up to beautiful piece of Papiel picado with the name 'Coco' etched in the design .

"So is it about me?" Mamá Coco asked

"Sought of My love just keep watching". Layla replied

Miguel: " Sometimes I think I am cursed because of something that happened before I was even born".

"Ay No". Miguel sighed as he sunk into his seat

"Great start". Rosa laughed

Miguel : "See a long time ago there was this family, The Papá he was a musician and he and his family would sing and dance and count their blessings ".

The papiel picado showed a beautiful family etched in the deigns and then it transferred into them dancing and singing with the man twirling his daughter around as she danced.

Héctor breathed as he recalled the memories of his family and the time he spent with them and counted them as his blessings, Imelda had her head on his shoulder as they watched so happy to relive the memories and Coco had a hand on her Papá's arm.

"Those are beautiful ". Isabela called

"Si, they are traditional over in Mexico they are papiel picado they're made around this time of year we make the decorations by hand and then hang them up as way of telling our story to people ". Elena exclaimed

"Wow that's Amazing we should try that sometime ". Camilo says

"If you want a good teacher try Carmen she's been making them for years". Franco praised

"Oh stop". Carmen blushed embarrassed

"Did you make these by hand Mija?" Héctor asked

"Si". She nodded

"They are beautiful Mija". Imelda says

" I am glad you like them". Carmen smiled

Then the papiel picado flapped in the wind as it showed Imelda reaching for her husband and him walking straight passed her almost as if she were invisible and straight through the crowd to touch there hands.

Miguel : " But He also had a dream to play for the world".

"You know I never wanted to leave, I just I thought if I did I would give you Coco what you needed and what you deserved". Héctor whispered

"Ay Héctor don't you see Mi Amor all we needed was you all that mattered to us was that you were here with us". Imelda sadly smiled

"And I am sorry I didn't find out the truth or at least heard you out what kind of wife am I?" She questioned

"One who is very brave and looks out for her family and protects them just so they don't have go through the same pain she went through ". Héctor reassures

"Not to mention Ernesto was the one who persuaded you after saying no several times". Rosa looked angrily at the man

"Si that too Mija ". Héctor nodded

Miguel : "And one day he left with his guitar and never returned ".

"You tried Papà that's all we ask". Coco continued

"Ay Mija you know I love you ". Héctor whispered

"I know". She smiled

The papiel picado with sky turned dark as it showed The man walking out his daughter reaching a hand out for him to stop as he continued walking away, Imelda watching behind her daughter as he left; She slowly shut the door as she sighed sadness in her eyes.

We are all in this together Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ