Chapter 13 : The deadly past

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The next scene shows Alma looking at the river with sadness in her eyes.

Abuela Alma : "This river is where we given our Miracle ".

Mirabel: "Where Abuelo Pedro-"

Alma continued looking at the River as she spoke.

Abuela Alma : "I thought we would have a different life... I thought I would be a different woman".

As she told the story a Flashback starts showing the past showing a young Alma walking up to a lady and she hands a candle then Alma looks for a place to see properly; Just then she turns her head and sees a young man about her age as a butterfly flies past him she waves shyly and he waves back Alma almost falling off the pole so she grips tighter as Pedro chuckled and she smiled.

Background (singing):

"Dos oruguitas enamoradas Pasan sus noches y madrugadas

Llenas de hambre Siguen andando

y navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando

Navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando".

  "Dos oruguitas paran el viento

Mientras se abrazan con sentimiento

Siguen creciendo, no saben cuándo

Buscar algún rincón

El tiempo sigue cambiando Inseparables son El tiempo sigue cambiando

Inseparables son El tiempo sigue cambiando".

"You look so happy Abuela". Isabela said

"I'll say That again She is smitten ". Oscar laughs

Victoria smacks his arm to shut up.

Alma and Pedro just blushed as they held hands watching the past unfold.

Mirabel smiled as she watched this with Miguel holding her hand and she rested her head as she cuddles into him Miguel smiles as he wishes the moment could last forever. Imelda layed her head on Héctor's shoulder and smiled.

Bruno, Pepa and Julieta snuggles close to their parents as they watch and Augustin and Felix by their sides so happy for them. As for the rest Dolores, Camilo and Antonio were on the edge of the seats along with some of the Rivera's smiling as they watched.

Soon the Flashback switched to Pedro and Alma eating and talking by a fountain; Alma gesturing with her hands a story she told Pedro and he laughs.

" What did you tell Papá?" Pepa asked

"It been so long I think I forgot ". Alma smiles

"I think it was something about flying or jumping?" Alma was unsure

"Papá do you remember?" Julieta asked

"Nope I've gone blank Mija". He answers

"Well whatever it was it sounded like fun". Camilo replies

"That it was Mijo ". Pedro smiles

"Your Abuela is Always coming with some crazy stories ". He adds

Alma shakes her head and laughs as she smacked her husband's arm playfully.

The Flashback then switched  to them getting Married and kissing at the end of the ceremony.

We are all in this together Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora