We are all in this together

By Lalya12367

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What happens when you put two damage families together a family therapy session come along with Miguel and Mi... More

Chapter 1 : Where are we
Chapter 2 : Abre los ojos y introducción la familia Madrigal
Chapter 3 : The trobuled ceremony
Chapter 4 : Shes waiting on her miracle
Chapter 5 : Secrets spilled and pressure cracks
Chapter 6 : Your future awaits
Chapter 7 : The Misunderstood man
Break 1 : Time will tell.
Chapter 8 : The jinxed dinner
Chapter 9 : Our fate
Chapter 10: A new perspective
Chapter 11: Cut the roses
Chapter 12 : Revealing the truth
Break 2 : Scars heal all wounds
Chapter 13 : The deadly past
Chapter 14 : A new future
Chapter 15: Start Anew
chapter 16: Loved ones
chapter 17: Family dinner
Chapter 18 : Game night
Chapter 19 : A lovers tango
Chapter 20 : stunning surprises
Chapter 21 : Cooking classes
Chapter 22: The changing tree
Chapter 23: Swimming
Chapter 24: Party time
Chapter 25 : A lovely night
Chapter 26: The last day
Chapter 27: New adventures
Chapter 29 : A sole begining
Chapter 30: What we have
Chapter 31: Old admiration
Chapter 32: Family over fun
Chapter 33 : The melody of a heart
Chapter 34: Family arguments
Chapter 35 : Cursed
Chapter 36 : My way or no way
Chapter 37 : on the run
Chapter 38: Sad souls
Chapter 39 : Save your life
Chapter 40 : getting in
Chapter 41 : like a trophy
Chapter 42 : murdering suspicions
Break 4 : Dance of pain
Chapter 43 : The missing piece

Break 3 : tricks you play

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By Lalya12367

"Well I think it's time for  another break what do you think?" Layla asked

"It would be much appreciated, I think we all need it". Elena thanked

"No problem, I have some other things to go over so I trust you guys will be okay just like last time?" Layla checked

"Si". They nodded

"Good and before I forget". She clicked her fingers and Ernesto disappears along with the guard

"I figured you needed a break from him just as much as I do, goodness knows I can't stand him". Layla sighed

"Thank you Señorita ". Imelda smiled

"No problem, Please enjoy the break and if you need anything just call out okay?" Layla said

They all nodded.

Layla then disappeared to go and do her thing, well the rest were left to do whatever they want, As some went to go to the bathroom and others went to  grab food while  the rest just did their own things.

"It's gonna get worse from here". Miguel stated

"It can't be that bad Primo ". Abel replies

"It's as bad as you think". Miguel  replies

"You dramatise everything don't you". Rosa said

"Sometimes a little too much". Manny smiled

"I do not". He pouted

"You do, just like Camilo ". Isabela smiled

Mirabel chuckled and smiled at the statement her sister just made.

"Well..." she stopped

"Isa's not wrong". Mirabel laughed

Miguel looked shocked that his love would agree with that statement.

He then grabbed her in a tight bear hug and she gasped as he tried to pin her but Mirabel was quick and managed to find a  way out quite quickly as she slipped out from underneath him and held his arm behind his back.

"You can never win , no matter how hard you try my love". Mirabel smiled

Isabela smiled at the two having fun while also being a bit surprised that her sister can pin someone down that quick Dolores had the same look.

"Is anyone aware she can do this?" Camilo asked

"No she's quick ". Luisa exclaimed

"You think?" Antonio says

Imelda and the rest and were surprised by the sight that greeted them and Pepa chuckled.

"What is going on here?"Carmen asked

"Well Long story short Miguel was being a bit dramatic so Isabela made a statement and Mirabel agreed with it, then he tried to grab her in a bear hug and she pin him down as a way to test the strength and let's just say Mira won that  one easily and now this is where we gotten to". Benny explains

"I see". Héctor smiled and laughs

Mirabel then got up and smiled and Miguel was left shook and he gasped.

"Didn't know you were that strong Mira". Miguel says through his shock

"Reflexes Mi Musico ". She smiled

"I'll say that again ". Bruno added

"When did you learn how to do that?" Félix asked

"I taught myself self defence". She answers

"Okay that's it, I'm now officially never gonna mess with you again ". Camilo said

"Really?" Mirabel joked

"Si, never ever gonna doubt you again ". Camilo answers

Mirabel smiled and hugged her primo and laughed.

"I don't bite unless I have to Cami". Mirabel replies

"You think?" Héctor nodded

Miguel smiled and Mirabel laughed at the comment and walked away to get the paint for the calavera   face painting .

"Next time you do that Mi amor give me warning ". Miguel asked

Mirabel laughed and nodded .

Isabela stopped when she saw Camilo spying on them and decided to get him away from them.

"What are you doing?" Isabela asked

"What does it look like, I'm making sure he knows even though I may have agreed I am still watching to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Camilo whispered

"Will you stop she's just fine, I mean look she's happy". Dolores dragged him away

"What you can never be too careful ". Camilo smiled

"You idiot ". Dolores started

"Rude". Camilo stuck his tongue out

When the two came back with the paint they were laughing and smiling.

"See?" Luisa gestured to the two

"Okay, okay I see your point ". Camilo pouted

"You ready?" Miguel asked grandfather

"Born ready Mijo ". Héctor smiled

He then sat Socorro down as he started to paint her face as she sat still. Imelda watched with happiness recalling some old memories of him doing it with his daughter and she loved it, Coco smiled as she watched.

"I think Miguelito did the right thing". Coco sighed

"That he did Mija, he's just as cheeky as you". Imelda smiled

"That's true". She smiled

Meanwhile Mirabel was helping Manny and Benny with theirs since she was just finishing up and her whole family watched in awe and amazement.

Manny smiled as Mirabel was finishing up and Mirabel returned the smile, meanwhile Héctor had just finished up with Socorro and she smiled.

"There Mija dead as a doorknob". He handed the mirror to her

She looked in the mirror and smiled.

"I love it me encanta. " Socorro thanked

"I'm glad". He smiled

Socorro smiled and went to show her parents and they smiled at the beautiful artwork that she had, Manny and Benny got theirs finished and smiled at each other and then went to show the rest.

"Wow Mija not bad".  Héctor winked

"Thank you". She replied

Isabela and Dolores looked shocked at Mirabel's work and gasped.

"You did that!?" Luisa gasped

Mirabel nodded and smiled although she was a little hurt that her family didn't  pay enough attention in the past but she shook the thoughts out of her head.

Isabela looked at her very worried and sighed.

"Estas bien Mira?" Isabela asked

"Si". She smiled

Manny then came up and smiled as he looked up at Mirabel.

"Gracias Mira". He thanked

Mirabel smiled and chuckled lightly at the little thanks.

"No problem love". Mirabel replies

"Why don't you do your face?" Benny asked

"Oh I don't know I haven't done it in a long time". Mirabel shrugged

"Please, there's no harm in it". Socorro begged

"Coco honey what have we said about pushing?" Luisa scolded lightly

No it's okay I suppose there's no harm in it". Mirabel sighed

Socorro let out a sigh of victory and sat down next to Mirabel as she watched followed by Manny and Benny as they watched excitedly.

Isabela chuckled at how the kids gravitated towards her and how interested they were if only she had paid more attention.

Imelda watched with smiles at her proud to be called granddaughter as she sighed at how happy the kids were.

"I'd say she already is a fine Rivera ". Coco joined

"That she is Mija". Imelda sighed

"I mean how can she be any harm one Miracle can't compare to her". Julio Agreed

"Si, To think our Miguel has found the woman of his dreams". Héctor added

Si, Besides if all goes well she might one day be official ". Oscar called

"She is already a Rivera not by blood but by love and I have a feeling she will do great things something her own family fails to see". Imelda smirked

"Melda!!" Felípe called

"What it's true". Imelda replies

Meanwhile Dolores had heard what was said and was a little bit sad at what the Riveras were saying but knew they were right.

"We just have to make it up to her and we have". She muttered

"But not enough ". Abel joined

Dolores turned and jumped at his voice as her head shook out of her thought.

"What?" Dolores coaxed

"Not enough... Mira is deprived of love and affection all just because she doesn't have a gift and one Miracle and making up for everything in the years doesn't just erase the pain especially after 10 years think about it ". Abel finished

"Sometimes you fail to see the beauty that's right in front of you ". Abel added

Abel then walked away and Dolores stood in thought.

Meanwhile Miguel had just come back from getting his face painted, when he saw his sister and primos watching as Mirabel painted her face she was almost done when she was about to put the mirror down.

"You look great hermano ". Socorro called

"Gracias, What are you up to?" Miguel asked curious

"Watching Mira paint her face she's almost done". She replied

"I see". Miguel chuckled

"I don't know about this ". She called

"It can't be that bad". Rosa said

"It's not that, I am just nervous ". Mirabel replies from behind the Mirror

Mirabel then took off her glasses and put them in her bag, Both families were very curious to see what she was doing.

"Mira?" Camilo asked

"You need to see". He added

"I know that I am not that blind unlike some people". Mirabel spat back

Bruno, Antonio and Miguel tried to laugh at the comment but couldn't help but stifle some smiles.

She then put down the mirror and smiled both families were shocked  at the fact she looked beautiful and she had no glasses on and had replace them with  her contacts to see better.

"What do you think?" Mirabel smiled

All had their mouths wide open but smiles were present as she chuckled nervously.

"Mija... where did  you". Pedro starts

Isabela and Luisa looked like they dropped dead as they gasped at the site that was before them, as did Julieta and Pepa.

"What?" Mirabel coaxed

"Your glasses". Rosa answers

"Oh, I'm wearing my contacts I  wear them when I don't feel like wearing my glasses". Mirabel explains

"That explains it". Coco smiled

"Mija are you sure your okay?" Victoria asked

She nodded and smiled.

She turned to look at Miguel who was now as red as a tomato as he blushed so hard he couldn't even think straight.

"When did you get contacts?" Augustin asked

" Abuelo Took me to get me tested  and I got some when I was around six I'm allowed to wear them I'm not blind as a bat". Mirabel smiled

As Mirabel walked away and smiled as she got up and packed the paint and brushes away she smiled and chuckled a bit at her family's reactions.

Imelda hugged her side and smiled.

"You really know how to leave them speechless ". Imelda smirked

"That's my job there's a lot of things they don't know and a lot of things they don't want to know". Mirabel replies

"That's what they get for ignoring you for so many years ". Rosita joined

" Maybe I still haven't forgiven them yet fully". Mirabel winked

"I'd say so". Abel smiled

Miguel had then come back with the rest of the washed brushes and put them away, Mirabel smiled and chuckled at the dried paint on his hands.

"Well you look like you had fun". Mirabel chuckled

"That I did". He smiled

Miguel looked her in the eyes and smiled.

"What?" Mirabel coaxed

"I guess I was right". Miguel smiled

"About what?" She asked

"That even without the glasses you still have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in my life". Miguel compliments

"Señor flattery is getting you nowhere you know that". She smiled

" It's not flattery if it's the honest truth which it is." Miguel sated

Mirabel blushed and smiled and he smiled back the dimple of his  face clearly showing as he leaned  in and kissed her cheek.

"Ah, Ah, Ah not so fast". She sighed and tapped his nose

"Wash your hands first and then we will see about a dance, Also if I am not correct you promised your sister the song you wrote when you were three". Mirabel laughed

"Si ". Socorro smiled

"I did didn't I?" He smiled

He sighed and nodded.

Miguel sighed as he washed his hands and put the paint away and dried the brushes.

"She's got a hold on you hasn't she Primo". Abel smirked

"You have no idea". Miguel breathed

After Miguel  had finished washing his hands and putting paint and brushes away he smiled sat down and grabbed his gituar and sighed.

"Please sing it you promised ". Socorro asked

"That I did". Miguel smiles

Socorro sat on Mirabel's lap and she smiled as Coco chuckled lightly and couldn't wait for him to play, Miguel then turned the gituar and smiled as Manny and Benny  were very curious.

He then started to sing:

"Sunrise deeper than the ocean skyline

I chase my dreams wherever they may be

Listen by the songbird, he sings a song

Full of dream and melody

Sunrises over the mountains

Through their strength they show me".

"Love, loss, pain and sorrow

Deeper then The embers of a flame glowing bright

Orange seeps through the sunrise, what a lovely day it's been

Now leave me to rest as I sleep on these dreams

Knowing the sunrise and I may meet again ".

When he finished the song both families sat as they gasped and some smiled.

"You wrote that when you were three!?" Rosa screamed

Miguel nodded and smiles

"Just as beautiful as I remember Mijo". Coco sighed

"Gracias". He thanked

"You are so my grandson ". Héctor smiled

"And I take it proudly thank you very much". Miguel stated

Imelda hugged him tightly as she smiled and Luisa smiled at her son doing what he loves.

Mirabel chuckled and smiled at the sight .

Dolores came up from behind and hugged her cousin Mirabel was surprised but didn't say anything, soon then followed Antonio, Isabela, Luisa, Juileta, Pepa, Abuelo, Abuela.

"What has gotten into everyone?" She chuckled

"Nothing we just love you so much". Isabela cried

Mirabel smiled and laughed at her family.

"I love you too so much ". Mirabel replies

Abel winked at Dolores and she smiled as he gave her a thumbs up. Pedro then grabbed his granddaughter and brought her into a hug and she gladly took it.

Miguel smiled and Bruno joined and hugged his side.

"You were right Sometimes we take her too much for granted thanks for seeing when we didn't Mijo". Bruno smiled

"She's been lost for way too long". Miguel replied

"That she has, and I'm  proud to call you Mijo you make  her love show more than we ever did... than I ever did". Bruno exclaimed

"That's not true you raised her to be strong and confident I just was there to help, and if you seen her when she's angry oh boy". Miguel winced but smiled

"That's true and thank you Mijo for taking great care of her". Bruno smiled

"That woman deserves all the love she can get". Miguel replies

Bruno chuckled and smiled.

" Now if you'll excuse me I promised your niece one last dance if you don't mind". Miguel smiled

"Not at all Mijo". Bruno replies

Miguel smiled as he walked away still very happy at the fact that Bruno just called him Mijo, Meanwhile Bruno was feeling the same so glad that Miguel was the right man for His Mariposa.

Isabela and Mirabel were talking with Rosa when Miguel came and joined them.

"Excuse me do you mind if I steal my love for a minute?" Miguel asked

"No not at all Hermano". Isabela smiled

Mirabel smiled and sighed.

He gently grabbed her hands and she smiled as he tucked a curl behind her ear he swayed with her in silence as she rested her head on his shoulder closing her eyes as she sighed.

Miguel then sung some words that she wasn't expecting him to sing and whisper.

'Besame , besame mucho

Como si fuera esta noche la última vez

Bésame bésame mucho

Si tengo miedo a perderte perderte después".

Mirabel looked up at him surprised that he even knew the song and knowing it was one of her favourites.

"What are you doing?" She chuckled

"Dancing with you". Miguel smiled

"No not that the song". She asked

"Oh?" Miguel looked at her

"It's one of my favourite songs how did you know?" Mirabel laughed

"Just took a guess". Miguel sighed

"Ay dios Mio Miguel ". She smirked

"You know I am the luckiest man right now". Miguel added

"Oh how so?" She coaxed

"Because I'm with you". Miguel smiled

"Oh please I'm sure you said that to other girls before me". Mirabel blushed

" No I haven't I've not  courted anyone else you're my first and only ". Miguel smiled

" You're not serious". Mirabel smiled

"Si I am ". Miguel  nodded

Mirabel was shook and surprised.

"Have you seen you?" She stopped

Miguel burst out laughing, smiling at how ridiculous his love sounded.

"Yes". He chuckled

"You haven't courted any other girls". Mirabel gasped

He nodded.

Now it was his turn to ask her.

"Have you courted any other boys before?" He asked

"No boys didn't even look at me". Mirabel replies

Now it was Miguel's turn to be shook.

"You're serious!?" Miguel gasped

Mirabel nodded.

"Have you seen yourself?" Miguel gasped

Mirabel then burst out laughing and Miguel smiled and soon followed.

"I guess that just makes me very lucky to be in love with you Mira ". Miguel replies

Mirabel blushed she was very happy to be in love with him.

" I love you too so very much". Mirabel kissed him and he blushed

When they finished dancing they sat down and held hands smiling even though they were exhausted from the dancing the smiles didn't erase from their faces.

Mirabel nuzzles with her head on his shoulder and Miguel loves when she did that it was a way of showing her love for him and he took in every bit of it.

Just then Señorita Layla smiled as she entered the room.

"I hope you guys had fun on the break and enjoyed it ". Layla said

"We did very much". Pepa replies

"Good I see some calavera going on you must have had fun with that especially you Mira". Layla pointed out

"Si, I may have got a little carried away". Mirabel replies

"That's okay I'm just glad you had fun Angel ". Layla sighed

"Anyway are we ready to start again?" She added

"Si". They all nodded

"Great, let me just..." she snapped her fingers and Ernesto and a guard

"Like before if you need it the quiet room is to your left okay?" She smiled

They all nodded.

Great, enjoy ". Layla replied

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